I have *good* news for my more reproductionist readers.

The ones with republican banners held high.

The ones most driven _insane_ with Ebonics <g>.

The ones most advantaged by the -- ‘old college try’. . .


Your youth _is_ conservative – make long stories short. . .

They don’t accept a challenge to their faith.

They ignore the protestations of their professors;

They will _break_ if they bend, they’re so straight!


"Don’t clutter up my issue," they angrily respond.

"If we were REALLY in some trouble they would TELL US"!

"I’ve got to _finish_ this college – make money, consume!"

"Other’s starving is _not_ my problem, _YOU_ be serious."


I don’t bug them, or berate. I’m not a bully!

And I don’t want them scared, or angry that I’m pissed!

But they’re learning nothing in this hallowed college,

When offended, they try to censor, "Schindler’s List."


Or ask them if aware that there’s a comet --

From an astronomic *only* point of view!

Forget any question on erstwhile companions

They get vacant stares, and ask you, "where’s the brew"?


They laugh at Navy missiles downing aircraft.

They sneer regarding sick bees.

They think that they can live without frogs, or bogs;

They think they can live without trees!


And who’s in the know to drive them to, and to fro.

Well, they listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh.

That debater from hell, rots their minds, and they smell. . .

Like good soldiers they ‘rush’ to the Right – Bah!


I’m an Ed major, and there are many more women,

And I think that there’s a point they’ve really missed.

In a roomful of young women, I am married – un-distracted



Where is their rage when they take second billing?

Where is their fury at reception of scorn?

Where is their anger at crass disrespect?

Are they wishing for his diamond; waiting for his horn?


I should be counseling restraint at my age!

"Whoa"! . . .should be my advice to our young!

But I find that these children have eclipsed even my parents!

They’re bereft of all *wonder*, and they pray with their guns.




They’re homophobic, and mysogenistic,

They’re sociopathic, anti-Semitic, and sub-realistic!

They’re racist in spirit, in their church you can hear it,

And a contrary view is their reason to fear it.




So how about these kid’s today, eh? Life in the bible belt. . .and somehow, IMHO, _not_ part of God’s plan.


Consider this – the fundamentalist Christian is legend at an *unerring ability* to sniff out Satan, wherever he pops up for utility. Satan is found by them (FC’s) as they play records backwards, as they picket abortion clinics, and as they revile Howard Stern. The FC sees Satan on the internet, or in a public school, but she can’t (or won’t) find him where his _emblem_ is worn as a badge of respected, accepted, and treasured pride! And that spot is on the left breast, OVER THE HEART, of every educated physician that has ever sworn the Hippocratic oath, and wears the Caduceus of the Medical profession.


<Gasp … swoon – outrage!>


Yes, Mr. And Mrs. Christian America, your *friendly* doctor is an agent of Satan, wears his badge, and sings his professional song. The key words for your own research on this *outrageous* statement are "Enki" (ancient medical god), "Prince of the Earth", "Caduceus" (medical), Serpent (biblical), Satan (evolution of, historical roots), "Nefilim," "Hermes", Thoth (son of Enki, and "magic." The thread is there.


This Alien View can be a wild ride – hang on!