Words paint shapes...
Words keep time...
Words can make you change your mind... 


Search this site for a word, any word with weight and measure; read the sentence or stanza where that word appears, and see if that word doesn't speak directly to you... paint a new picture in YOUR brain, or even change it a little (or a lot) if that's what you want... It's your call.  Every word is a drop of paint. Sentences are brushstrokes, paragraphs are portraits, and pages are the considered landscapes of our psychological sea, land, and sky...

Words to use?  "Love", "hate"... or anything in between.  Use the first word that pops into your mind to have  other  words pop into your mind... Nouns and verbs, adjectives and adverbs... they're all squeezed out on an electric palette and then painted at the speed of light.  I'm betting you'll have a new thought.  Try it and see... but try not to read too much in one location... You can of course.  But this is a different activity.  Wade the prose and poetry like a tide pool, pick up a random image or thought like a different seashell and then drop it into the sea of your mind... the thoughts are strung together like new pearls in your brain for a creation you've made... try it.


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