It's been requested
by a reader, or two,
to provide some idea for their own Alien
View.... (ok... Prosery is over... momentarily!)
...I humbly submit the
proceeding as a suggested beginning bibliography for an exploration of that mind
I seriously doubt if
many of us come by the Alien View intuitively (perhaps Theodore Sturgeon...),
so it helps to examine the obscure, inconvenient, and suspiciously
maligned — then, individually, decide what rings true. This is the essence
of a not so illusive and very achievable Alien View.
I'm quick to underline that this
conjectured alien view should have no potentiality as a cult or mass movement
because it begins and ends with individual. Cults and mass movements are
all too human, you see, and a human approach —having tried and failed—is what
this alien view is trying to avoid.
Simply, the Alien View suggests
that one take time to calmly and unemotionally examine every situation as a reasonable,
well intentioned, and informed ET might ~ sans preconceived human or personal
You cannot, then,
by definition,
have an axe to grind!
Get perspective; insist on some distance! One's first impulse must be
to put oneself in the "other persons shoes," precluding a desire to commit intellectual
suicide for a flag or religion ~ be truthful though it hurts or offends
personal or convenient values, and let real chips fall where they may...
Here's a disclosing
and anecdotal example (from Alan Dawson Graham), of the AlienView in action...
One day in the mid 1980's,
at the height of the societal drubbing the *traitor* Jane Fonda was enduring,
it occurred to Alan (in new light of his discovery and recognition that
the Viet Nam war was an... illegal, immoral, and unethical endeavor perpetrated
for what could not be WRONGER reasons), ... that his hatred of
Jane Fonda was unjustified, specious, and without foundation.
She was in fact more a hero, astonishingly, he came
to see ... He was able, finally, to see her heroic validity un-obscured
and appreciate her inarguable courage.
The United States is not above the lamp of criticism.
Alan had an
axe to grind. He was a *hero* of that conflict she opposed—decorated by a Distinguished
Cross and a Purple Heart! Additionally, he was making a very good
living turning other young men into self-described "steely-eyed flying
raptors" who would subsequently
fly in future (unending) wars... wars fought for the same ubiquitous and persistently wrong
reasons, I'm betting... consider present day.
What was it, though, that would feed
Alan's hatred for her after
he discovered... she was right? His irrational hatred was an uninformed
knee jerk reaction that served selfish ends, he reasoned. His "Alien View" saw those ends for
what they are — arbitrary, abusive, unjust. . . and arduously deconstructive!
Please understand,
being honest enough to cop to the truth regarding Viet Nam (only ONE of
the heresies this writer [and combat vet] personally embraces) in no way diminishes the pride
felt on a personal level for volunteering when ones country called,
nor should it detract from the ultimate sacrifice made by those 50,000
who names are scratched in stone on one of Washington's, decidedly, sub-surface
memorial wall. We were young and
apparently unlike Jane Fonda. Our
cognitive dissonance
would not let us believe that
our parents, teachers, and leaders would ever lie to us —
lead us down a prim rose path. This is what the
Alien View sees — even well intentioned prevarication, the allowance of
that prevarication, and then the "reaping what is sown." We
won't make bread from that. The Alien View makes the
admission that the 50,000 died... yes... ...needlessly ~ MacNamara all but admitted it; all
that remains is to
We don't cop... THAT causes the problem! Further, balance what those
50,000 men and women mean to us against the 25,000 to 30,000 children who starve to death
on this planet every day of our lives... they're worth an adherence to dodgy
scriptures as misinterpreted as they are cherry picked.
The following
bibliography went a long way to developing ~my~ alien view — which brings
up a problem we may have, you and I!
If you are obstinate that (blind)
nationalism and (hate mongering) religious fundamentalism are not tearing
this world apart, then go back to sleep. If you are similarly obstinate
in a belief that your government agencies or your captains of industry are concerned
with your general welfare ... no problem, little buckeroo ... I'll get you up in time for
some more "Reality Television."
A great book to read
is "The 12th Planet", by Zecharia Sitchin. This is a true lance for the boil
of your ignorance. It satisfies the most important step in problem solving
by beginning at the beginning. The Sumerian pictograph and cuneiform illuminated
by Sitchin contains reference for all the religions of our present time!
Also contained in these antique Chaldean expressions are references to
science, mathematics, and astronomy referenced from an age prior to even
the Sumerians... many thousands of years, years not admitted by the contrived
mainstream! Our civilization did not achieve confirmations of some of
this knowledge until LAST CENTURY. Bet you missed that in your white-bread college!
I did.
Some readers miss
the point that this book only regards the potential for "Ancient Astronauts."
But what the book is really about is how and where our Judeo-Christian
religious traditions originated, and why the Gods, Yahweh, (and Satan) are not
what (or even who) you think they are! Mr. Sitchin is one of only 200-odd people
in the world that can competently read the substance of these texts, and is highly
regarded by his fellows (even as these fellows fretfully dismiss his conclusions).
Many more books await the reader after the startling revelations
of "The 12th Planet."
Another book to read is
"Lies My Teacher Told Me", by James W. Loewen. This book is a painful
because it is the perfect illustration that "nothing is the way you think
it is" (another precept of the Alien View).
Cognitive dissonance is explored
as a reason for allowing horrific educational, societal, and cultural behaviors
that persist to this day. Moreover, our "docile employee producing" educational
system is pointed up as the cause of our continued folly and consequent misery.
Immanuel Velikovski .
. . yeah, I hear some of your internal dialogue, you're wrong -- shut up! I have testimony of four Ph.D. college professors (hard sciences -- astronomy,
chemistry, physics) on what they thought of I.V..
Two of the professors
said he was "a great thinker ahead of his time", and the other two said
he was "crazy". When questioned further, which two, do you suppose, had
never read his books? Guess wrong, bunky, and it's almost time for "American
...By the way, here are the two main
I.V. detractors:
1. Those who have never read, but repeat some
tired old taken-out-of-context -- strange sounding -- nearly
impossible to prove or disprove
item that *someone else* told them about… or …
2. The worst type, the CSICOP
clan sociopaths that have a big axe to grind for maintaining their status quo in a
bid to stay in a sunny spot at the funding trough
. Their reaction to his book is the most
repugnant because they know better. When the Catholics persecuted Galileo
at least they rationalized God as the excuse. All the CSIcop boys have is a lack
of desire to rethink their own work and a manufactured, petulant,
and unreasonable embarrassment at being caught wrong.
The books to read are
"Worlds in Collision," and " Earth in Upheaval, " These are worth reading
if for no other reason than that they are the subject of such hateful derision
and vituperation by the establishment! The Alien View says "read
specifically what you are told not to read."
The stronger the
warning to avoid, the more your investigation should be drawn. Velikovsky,
by the way, seems better referenced than his detractors, which are all
proclamation and limited imagination, and who all campaigned heroically
to keep his work from ever seeing the light of DAY!
"Dark Matter, Missing Planets, and New Comets: Paradoxes Resolved, Origins
Illuminated." by Tom Van Flandren. This book is not so important just
because it
challenges the conventional paradigm of the universe. This book is important
because it exposes the shortcomings of our current inductive system of model
building and just how far some of these modelers will go to keep YOU worshiping
at their particular alter of science!
"Gods of Eden." By William Bramberg. I say again, this is not about UFO's, as
much as this is about why we have had, and who profits from Western
Civilization's long legacy of bloody conflict.
"Democracy for the Few."
by Michael Parenti. Do you really think anyone above you really cares?
Guess again -- if it is advantages or profitable for you to die -- then
you die. I hear more internal dialogue? Best scratch the scales
from your eyes, and do a little growing up. His other well cited books preface, truly, an
ethical reawakening.
"Fingerprints of the Gods,"
by Graham Hancock is not another pyramid book. No, this is more about man's
inhumanity to man, and that skinny bird dog peeing on your leg — you know
the one I mean, the one that wont hunt! Read about grand misrepresentations
of Western Civilization arrogant to the extreme. Read how our history just
does not add up.
Read all the works by
Theodore Sturgeon, particularly "Godbody" which can only be found in used
bookstores or other "hard to find" book outlets. Mr. Sturgeon is what
being *gestalt* is all about. Prepare to laugh and weep.
Rent a video documentary
called "Cover-up: Behind the Iran Contra Affair," made by Barbara Trent.
I don't like to think about the implications of this film — it is that
disturbing. Sometimes the Alien View is other than pleasant. . .but things
are not as they seem, and we have never been in Kansas, Auntie M! So
says the Alien View. Conspiracy
is alive!
"The Rise and Decline
of Western Liberalism," by Anthony Arblaster provides a through history
of liberalism and conservatism as sociopolitical movements... paying particular
attention to who was standing on who's neck at the start, and the inevitable
consequences of same.
Read my "AVG
series for countless representations of the Alien View. . . goes without
saying <g>!
That's all for now,
besides, any book, weighed and sifted? It is your path towards an alien view. Keep looking
up, out,
or in, but most assuredly... where they tell ya'
not to look!
As For all the rest (?) -- Resume regularly scheduled reality programming...
...I add in the summer of 2005...
Given our insentient slide to full-blown fascism in the US of late (There was
no need to make the very chilling "Patriot ACT" permanent,
reader, it is just the kind of ACT that must be reviewed and reauthorized
periodically... LIBERTY RESTRICTION MUST have an
expiration date!!!).
...the cultivation of an individual "AlienView" could not
be more important... and more dangerous than at this time. The only
justice a person ever really sees is that which he demands around himself.
The individual is key...
Read on.