...Healthfulness at hand and in reach...Presently...
by Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
Alan D. Graham Phone (334) 774-0395 E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
...updated September 23, 2004 | |||||
...new content November 23, 2010 | |||||
Everything you need to know about one of the most insidious perpetrations of dangerous fraud on human beings imaginable! ~~~~~~ click... OTHER PAPERS of INTEREST: |
...a true story!
...the 20th Century disease!
...is preventable!
...insulin makes you fat!
Dr. K. McCully
LivingTreeRoot #001 UpDated April 10, 2007 By Alan Graham - alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg - www.alienview.net
Discerning reader; This is the "Cholesterol Myth."
Once upon a time in the late 60's Dr. K. McCully, a brilliant Harvard scientist, did extensive research regarding the effects of folic acid, B-6, B-12 & Betaine (TMG) on homocysteine levels. He showed conclusively reader that these simple inexpensive B vitamins, plus the methyl-donor Tri-methyl-glycine (TMG), dramatically facilitated the breakdown of this corrosive amino acid.
Homocysteine, you see, has a toxic effect on artery cells, resulting in inflammation & deformation of the arterial walls. This causes a "rough spot" that oxidized lipids, and an unfairly maligned cholesterol, stick to. Cholesterol sort of acts like putty… "sealing the cracks" so to speak.
This "sticking to the rough spot" is not the fault of the cholesterol and can happen to a thin vegetarian with a "normal" total cholesterol. Especially if they are not a well educated Vegetarian but are actually a "Carbotarian" who consumes large amounts of sugar, fructose, refined grains, partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (pHVO) & polyunsat. food oils. This lethal combo of refined carbs & poly food oils provides the inflammation (refined carbs) & the material to build-up (poly oils like soy, canola). Consider the following :
a)... 80% of the cholesterol your body manufactures comes from carbs, not eggs and fat!
b)... The prestigious medical journal Lancet, in 1994 published a study showing that 75% of the stuff sticking to your arteries was the very substance that I have been warning people about for years...Oxidized Polyunsat. Vegetable Oils like Corn, Soy, Safflower, Sunflower, CANOLA, Cottonseed, Grapeseed, etc. This oxidation problem does not apply to Monounsat Oils like Olive & Macadamia Nut.
See? High cholesterol is not the disease! High cholesterol can be the response to the disease OR it can be a very normal condition... there are many Inuit (Eskimos) walking around with Cholesterol totals between 250 & 300 that will NEVER have a heart attack.
Of course, these Inuit will simultaneously likely have an HDL (good Cholesterol) of 80 or 85 instead of a sickly 30 like many Polyunsaturated oil "Over-dosed" Americans. These bizarre, yet very healthful, cholesterol numbers are because of the EPA & DHA, Omega 3 from fish oil plus avoiding the aforementioned oxidized Poly Vegetable oils... like Corn, Soy, Sunflower, etc.
Well, for us non-Eskimos, the B Vitamin reducing Homocysteine discovery, being so easy & cheap, naturally prompted his fellow doctors and the AMA to praised him as a hero -- right? Wrong.
Unfortunately, about that time, the large drug companies were eagerly anticipating the introduction of their very expensive and very dangerous cholesterol lowering Statin drugs like Lipitor! Consequently, Dr. McCully, predictably, had to be squashed like a bug…
He was fired from his prestigious Harvard job, ridiculed in the press and medical journals, and wound up doing medical grunt work (autopsies) in a seedy VA hospital. No good deed goes unpunished, eh?
Well... thirty years and millions of Lipitor prescriptions later, in 1998, Dr. McCully was vindicated by receiving the Functional Medicine Linus Pauling Award , his book "The Homocysteine Revolution," was published, and all the medical journals grudgingly admitted he was right all along. Of course Merck Pharmaceuticals, et al. are doing all they can to discredit McCully's findings.
So everything has changed for the better -- right? Sorry… wrong again.
It's business as usual -- doctors and HMOs have just covered their collective ears and continue to march in scurrilous lock-step. If you don't believe me, go see 100 MDs and tell them artherosclerosis runs in your family and that your cholesterol is a little high. I bet all 100 MDs will put you on Lipitor in a New York minute, and never, and I mean NEVER, mention folic acid, B-6, B-12 or TMG.
You know I'm right, because we are constantly bombarded by Mandy Patinkin (who played a Doctor on TV) telling us we might need Crestor to lower our Cholesterol even lower than the already artificially, corporately driven, low number of 200...low, to sell more Lipitor. Anyway, while Mandy, et al. says "when diet & exercise aren't enough..." you'll never hear him say "when diet, exercise ...& folic acid... aren't enough..." - no, of course not.
Let's connect the dots.
Doctors are quick to point out that 50% to 60% of the people who have heart attacks have high cholesterol and the cause is eating high cholesterol foods like saturated fat and eggs. But wait a minute, doesn't that mean that 40% to 50% did NOT have high cholesterol yet died of the same disease -- arteriolosclerosis!
This could only mean there must be some underlying reason that causes the plaque build-up and that high cholesterol just means that it might (but equally, might not) accumulate a little faster, so you die a little sooner. You will still die even if you are a slim vegetarian runner who consumes virtually no sat fat or cholesterol. This is because the underlying reasons have almost nothing to do with dietary sat fat or dietary cholesterol, yet has everything to do with the other foods consumed and the supplements which are not consumed.
See the underlying reason is that your body is trying to protect itself through inflammation of the arterial wall. This is caused by one or more corrosive agents (like the aforementioned glucose/insulin, an acidic body pH, oxidized polyunsat. food oils, carbon monoxide from smoking and excessive consumption of protein without adequate B-6, B-12, TMG & folic acid) raising your homocysteine level.
Unfortunately many of the same dietary mistakes causing the aforementioned inflammation also cause an increase in platelet stickiness, further exacerbating the problem. Unfortunately, most folks don't realize these dietary mistakes are mostly about sugar, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (pHVO), poly unsaturated food oil and too much highly oxidized, very acidic, processed protein like pepperoni, powdered eggs, powdered milk! The undamaged dietary sat fat and non-oxidized cholesterol we consume is, in no way, the problem!
Isn't it obvious that taking a harmful Statin drug like Lipitor to lower cholesterol is a silly approach. Statin drugs are dangerous poisons that cause liver damage, peripheral neuropathy, muscle degeneration, and everybody's favorite... erectile dysfunction! This is particularly disconcerting when you consider these statins are completely unnecessary. Wouldn't it make more sense to alleviate the two components that cause the build-up in the first place? Inflammation and platelet stickiness!
Statins can cause heart attacks :
Statins, like virtually all pharmaceuticals, do not enhance bodily systems, they block systems & pathways... they are not Probiotic (For Life), they are Antibiotic (Against Life). Statins are particularly evil in this regard. To reduce cholesterol, they block the Ubiquinone System, but unfortunately, that system also produces the critical Heart nutrient, Co-Q10, which is also blocked.
The heart muscle and our cell's membranes for nerve and muscle integrity require a constant, high level of Co-Q10! But as we get older we produce less, contributing to a weak heart with age..
Co-Q10 is also vital to the production of elastin and collagen... the basis for the structure of skin, muscle and tendons. This is likely the reason that one of the most serious effects of statin use is back and muscle pain, weakness, inflammation... and last but not least... heart failure.
All along, the evil drug companies could have done a little something to help by quietly putting about 100mg of Co-Q10 right in their Lipitor but that would be tantamount to admitting a problem.
To that end, here is what you should do to be able to show a dramatic improvement in your lipid profile -- without talking pharmaceutical poisons!
Closing... Have you ever wondered why on virtually all TV adds for Statins there is a disclaimer which says "...Has not been shown to reduce Heart Attack or Stroke..."
...OK, I give up... why should you take a statin drug, again?
Until next time, then, Well be. |
UpDated April 10, 2007 Discerning reader;
This is the "Antacid Myth"...
It is a cold hard fact that the older we get the ~less~ stomach acid (HCL with pepsin) we produce. We know mother nature not only works this way concerning gastric acid and digestive enzymes, but, so too, with pretty much ~all~ biologically necessary substances. For example, older people produce less glucosomine and SAMe, so arthritis develops. Additionally, advanced in years, people produce less COQ-10, so heart problems become an avoidable result.
Conversely, if we could know the accurate percentage of people with ~real~ hyperacidity, or too MUCH acid, I suspect that that number would be surprisingly low, not high. It remains, ironically, that popular culture, and virtually all of mainstream medicine, talks exclusively about too ~much~ acid -- NEVER too little. This strangely facilitates, then, the manufacture of expensive substances to suit this peculiar misinformation. What is going on? How can this be so?
When the LES stays open when it shouldn't, stomach acids can splash-up (reflux) and burn the esophagus. Pretty much the only answer that doctors seem to have (short of surgery?) is various forms of antacid, smarmily sold by a smiling washed up quarterback who never warns you of the potential for a future misery... ...that is very, very real!
2. Doctors were surprised to discover that neither high nor low stomach acid determines whether or not one got heartburn. Shouldn't heartburn be pretty much associated with HIGH acid? I mean, after all, don't doctors prescribe antacids as a matter of course if you complain of heartburn (...and they rarely check acid levels).
3. In 1967, Lastaste and Conthier made the following observation concerning acid secretion and inhibiting reflux. "If acid/pepsin is required to activate the receptor, it would be expected that removal of the acid secreting portion of the stomach would cause a failure of sphincter inhibition and consequently reflux. This complication has been described. Again, if there is a loss of gastric acid production from atrophic gastritis, there is increased reflux." In this condition the pH may be greater than 5 instead of the normal less than 3 (Lastaste and Conthier, 1967).
4. When burping babies, mothers put the baby in a position so air pushes against the receptive area, not gastric fluid on the posterior wall of the fundus ~ so gastric fluid won't activate the inhibitory reflex. In other words the LES will close because of acid thus prohibiting the burp.
5. As early as the previous turn of the century W. B. Cannon did extensive research in animals that showed that changing from an alkaline to an acidic stomach caused the cardiac sphincter (same as LES) to rapidly slam closed ~ thus PROVING the acid~closure connection ( yeah -- I know... it's animals, but so what!) (Cannon, WB 1908).
6. In 1953 see what T. Collis had to say about HCL and the receptor that closes the sphincter. "To be sure, this important reflex is not the only one affecting the sphincter.
For example, it has been shown that acid stimulation of the esophageal mucosa causes increased basal production of HCl in the stomach. This seemingly paradoxical vicious circle may actually serve the organism by feeding back a signal that will stimulate the CD receptor and thus close the sphincter. ."
Think for a second, reader, with regard to the preceding citation. Mother Nature... or God, if you'd rather, designed a system ensuring that when acid hits the mucosal cells of the esophagus, it doesn't do what one might logically assume, that is to say, stimulate a reduction of acid...NO, Mother Nature makes even more acid, knowing that is the healthy and intelligent way to get the LES to close, thus avoiding heartburn while maintaining a healthful acidic stomach... so why would a doctor do the exact opposite of God by prescribing antacids"?
Why, indeed?
Another situation: After quitting antacids and building up to two or three HCL caps per meal your digestion improves dramatically... but you still get some occasional heartburn. This indicates that even at the proper high acid level, your LES is still sluggish and not closing properly. This could be, as I believe, because you've been operating in an alkaline condition for so long and have taken so many TUMS that your LES has *forgotten* how to properly close.
f. MSM ~ A
natural form of sulfur that aids digestion, joint pain and too many other
things to mention (by the way, you are not allergic to "sulfur," only
"sulfa" it is impossible to be allergic to sulfur. Be not fooled).
2. Exercise.
3. Lose 10 pounds.
4. Avoid high fat meals ~ fat stays in your stomach the longest.
5. Eat four to
six small meals a day. Whey Protein Isolate
6. Make last
meal of the day very small and at least three hours
7. Chew food extra well -- this is where digestion begins.
8. Avoid sugar and refined flour.
9. Avoid Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil / Trans Fat (margarine, etc).
10. Avoid poly-unsat
food oils to include Canola (only use olive or macadamia nut oil
11. Avoid tap water & bottled water - use a top grade carbon filter or reverse osmosis (RO) & store water in glass, not plastic. The chlorine in tap water attacks the good "Bugs" in your gut and the Fluoride/Aluminum contributes to Thyroid disease, Heart disease, MS, et al. RO water removes 95% of the 70 to 80 trace minerals...so water should be re-mineralized with liquid trace mineral drops.
Worst situation: If you have a Hiatal Hernia ( Stomach lining is keeping the LES from closing ) try to do all of the previously suggested things... ...being particularly careful with the HCL/pepsin until you determine if it will make the burning worse. In rare situations, the hiatal hernia can correct itself, if you lose some weight and exercise moderately. But realistically, in order to have any real hope of these suggestions correcting the problem you probably need to start with the stomach lining not protruding up into the esophagus. The way to accomplish this is to have a chiropractor trained to perform the Hiatal Hernia(HH) Procedure where the Doctor pulls the stomach lining down out of the esophagus. This is generally a temporary fix that might only stay fixed for a month, a week, or only a few days... but if you are very aggressive with all of the previous suggestions you might get things under control without too many returns to the chiropractor to have the procedure repeated.
It's cheap - most chiropractors here in LA (Lower Alabama) charge $25.00 (which includes the whole spinal adjustment, not just the HH prcedure). If you've had a bad HH for a long time, your first HH manipulation will provide you with a serious, profound, and instantaneous relief ...trust me, you'll think you've seen God when he pops that lining down out of the esophagus!
You can try a variation of this HH procedure on your own (please start with a small distance above the ground)...with an empty stomach, drink about 1/2 quart or so of water...stand on something from about 6 inches up to a couple of feet (your age, weight, etc. will dictate how high) then jump off and land on your heels with your legs locked so gravity & inertia will sharply tug the lining down & hopefully out of the LES allowing it to close. This may or may not work, but it virtually always works when the doc does it by hand.
LivingTree Root #003 UpDated April 10, 2007 Discerning reader;
This is how *they* demonize the low-carb lifestyle.
The most powerful corporations and institutions in the world are strongly aligned against the low-carb (Atkins' Diet) movement. *They* will stop at nothing, in fact, to keep you well confused and so innocently consuming their ubiquitous poisons... poisons such as sugar, Poly-unsat. Food Oil (like Soy, Corn, etc.), partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (pHVO), bread, cereal, processed snack foods, and pharmaceutical drugs.
Look at just a few of the key players who have an axe to grind: the "Cancer Industrial Complex," the heart disease foundation, the diabetes industry, and the newly emerging, multifaceted, "pharmaceuticals for troubled children" market -- just to name a few. And we can't leave out the HMOs, insurance companies, the FDA, the AMA... bloated bureaucracies like Medicare and Medicaid, and probably, most significant, are the lobbyists for these organizations who give us the best government regulations that money can buy...
And, if that wasn't bad enough? The untimely and accidental death of the low-carb *guru* Dr. Atkins has emboldened the forces of evil, as is evidenced since his death, regarding the "knuckling under" of Atkins Corp... to the AMA/FDA. That knuckling under concerns the unnecessary lowering of the guidelines for the percentage of total dietary fat...aah, can you say Heart-Healthy, Blubber-Eating, Eskimoes?
The first and most important step to effectively demonize Atkins is to find an attractive, "extra-white," poster child who lost weight on Atkins' diet yet had an adverse lipid profile response and developed some kind of heart disease. Next, have the poster child sue Atkins and ensure it makes the national news.
It is rare that a low-carb regimen will result in an adverse cholesterol response, but it can happen if you do most or all of the following eight things... the wrong way:
1. If you eat only meat, cheese, and eggs... but never consume green leafy veggies, you could have a problem especially if you don't take supplementary Omega 3. Veggies are not only needed for the small quantities of Omega 3, but also for the fiber, antioxidants, and digestive enzymes. Eskimos can get by without veggies, because 2 of the fats that are high in their diet are EPA & DHA Omega-3 from cold-water sea animals/fish.
2. As previously mentioned, Omega 3 from both plant (flax seed, veggies) and animal (Fish oil, eggs) is vital for good health on a high fat, low-carb diet. Omega 3 is why the Inuit can eat, exclusively, fat and protein (no veggies) without developing heart disease.
3. Avoid pHVO (Did I have to say this?) -- Trans fat is Zero Carbs, so it does not inhibit weight loss; however, it can be a MAJOR contributor to heart disease. I have to lay this one at Dr. Atkins' feet -- in subsequent publications he emphasizes the dangers of trans-fat (HVO), but in his initial book he does not, and in fact recommends commercially processed fried pork rinds (avoid those fried in pHVO) as a zero carb snack. See #6 ref. vicious free radicals in pork rinds. If you want something fried, you have to do it at home with olive/macadamia/coconut oils, or real butter. Remember, virtually all processed or fast foods (that contain fat) use pHVO. For example "Hardees" uses pHVO in its new low-carb breakfast bowl!
4. Avoid poly-unsaturated food oil (soy, corn, safflower, cottonseed, grapeseed, peanut, and yes... EVEN canola at 38% poly!) Always use mono-unsat oils like olive or macadamia nut oil. Poly-unsat oils are Zero carbs so they also do not inhibit weight loss; however, they too are a major contributor to heart disease (see FAT FACTS). If you ask a Subway employee what kind of oils they use on their salads, 99% of the time they will say olive oil. If you, then, have them read the container label they will see that it ~is~ 10% olive oil... but then 90% *evil* Canola oil. We are inundated with too much Omega-6 poly-unsat food oils. For example, commercial meat is grain fed making it high in poly Omega-6, as opposed to grass fed (free range) meat -- high in poly Omega-3. Also, the cheapest grocery store eggs are high in Omega-6 as a result of being corn fed. The slightly more expensive cage free or free range eggs are high in Omega-3.
5. Try to limit processed or cured meats like bacon, sausage, pepperoni, salami... etc. Use as much fresh meat as possible. Overuse of processed meats can contribute to heart disease and cancer for numerous reasons to include the following: a. They create and contain free radicals. b. They contain unhealthful additives. c. The protein is highly denatured and the cholesterol is damaged. Processed protein foods like powdered eggs/milk in particular have very damaged cholesterol.
6. Avoid burnt or well done meat or eggs. Burnt animal fat has Zero carbs... but creates a particularly DANGEROUS free radical called heterocyclic amines (HCA). Fried pork rinds probably have the highest amount of HCA of any food. The most healthful way to cook meat is "liquid cooking" -- stews, soups, and pot roasts. Also, that 20 year old wedding present that you never use... the lowly crock-pot, is a great way to cook with moisture, thus avoiding free radicals that attack your heart and every cell in your body.
7. Avoid carbonated drinks, antacids, and calcium carbonate -- they destroy valuable stomach acid needed for the proper digestion of fats and proteins (undigested protein in particular can adversely effect your heart, immune system, and general health). See LivingTree Root #002 at www.alienview.net/livingtree.html... "The Antacid Myth."
8. Avoid distilled and tap water -- always use reverse osmosis or highly-filtered water. Tap water is toxic (this should be old news, so I won't explain why it's toxic). Distilled water has two major problems -- firstly, distilled water has no trace minerals so it will leach minerals right out of your bones and tissue. This is why a long distance runner who sweats out lots of minerals, then drinks distilled water (thinking it's more healthful), and doesn't take a trace mineral supplement... drops dead from heart failure at 55 or 60...., secondly, distilled water in plastic bottles from the grocery store usually has a pH of about 5 (too acidic!). This also causes your body to leach minerals from your bones to correct the acidic/alkaline imbalance condition.
I would bet money that the guy suing Atkins did most or all of these things wrong -- so don't you make the same mistakes. And yes -- if you do most of these things correctly most of the time, you can eat a half pound of bacon with eggs, every Sunday morning, and feel good about it!
Next time we will discuss why grocery store vitamins/minerals are not only a waste of money... they could actually be harmful.
Well be. |
LivingTree Root #004
Discerning reader; This is what's wrong with "Centrum..." (UpDated 12 Apr 2007)
The Ballad of Cheap Vitamins and Motor Oil
Every time I ask someone if they eat a healthy diet and take a good multivitamin/mineral, they invariably say, "yes." They go on to explain how they first follow the new food pyramid (consuming lots of bread, pasta, cereal, fruit juice & milk)... ...and then they tell me they take a "Centrum" multi to, you know, insure they are covered from "A" to "Zinc." They smile benignly at the witticism...
I'll cut right to the chase. The preceding is a recipe for rampant unhealthful disaster.
Why? Because the "food pyramid," is a corporate-driven lie (read LTR# 12, 13 & 15 at http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html ). It is an egregious lie benefiting the few at the cruel expense of the many! Sincerely, all multi-vit/min (like "Theragram", "One-a-Day", and even "Flintstone") from grocery stores and the like are, pretty much, an unhealthful waste of money for the following two reasons:
FIRST - these very cheaply manufactured tablets often pass through the system without even being completely dissolved! This is because these pills are semi-indigestible little pebbles hard pressed at high temperature and pressure. They are shellacked pellets with a pharmaceutical glaze coating and they are armored and bound with synthetic chemicals like dicalcium phosphate and magnesium sterate.
SECOND - virtually every ingredient is the absolute cheapest and LEAST ABSORBABLE synthetic form of the many vitamin forms available! In most cases, this not only makes them more difficult to assimilate, but can have adverse reactions like diarrhea... as opposed to the non-adverse effects of organically chelated minerals and "food based" Vitamins & binders. This is the tip of the iceberg hazarding you and those you love, reader! The stuff gleefully sold to you to enhance your health can actually degrade it and make you ill!
Part of the reason for using these synthetic binders and inferior forms of minerals that are inorganic salts (as opposed to superior organic chelated minerals?), other than being cheap (...forgetting that's the main reason...), is to be able to get all that "crap" into one convenient pill that's not too big. Synthetic binders and inorganic salts take up less space, you see, so all the hi-speed and low drag movers & shakers can conveniently pop one small tablet... and the per unit costs are reduced so a greater corporate profit is realized. It's too bad that it degrades the product to the point of possible health hazardousness and uselessness.
That is unfortunate, indeed.
In contrast -- some of the better, more expensive supplements, using food based binders and organic chelated minerals, usually have to use a bigger tablet or capsule... or separate the daily dose into 2, 3 or 4 tablets (or capsules). One of my favorite Multis, in fact, recommends 6 capsules daily! Of course it has about anything you could ever want with regard to health enhancement, from Digestive Enzymes to Myco-Defense Mushrooms and more. "Fine wine" compared with "pond water," reader. I don't remotely overstate this!
Also, the better tablets or caplets are pressed under, more expensive, 'cooler' temperatures. This is forgetting, of course, that the chemical form of the vitamins or minerals incorporated are likely the best and most ABSORBABLE non-synthetic forms available! See the difference reader?
Here's yet another applicable Dr. Zorba Pasture anecdote...:
"Tom", Dr. Pasture's radio side-kick, read an email to Zorba on his NPR radio show regarding a person who was taking a fairly expensive Multivitamin/Mineral requiring the consumption of 3 tablets daily...
Incomprehensibly ignorant once again in his animated, bemused, and incredulous radio-voice, Zorby loudly exclaimed "THAT'S TOO MANY"!
You could tell by his reaction that he thought the writer was taking 3 times a "normal" dose. So "Side-Kick-Tom" (whom I suspect has about 10 I.Q. points on Dr. Z ) said "Zorba, I think that means the SINGLE daily dose is divided into 3 pills." to which Zorba said "Ohh ?... Well it's still too many - you only need one Vitamin pill daily."
He moved on. I was just incredulous! What a Bone-headed thing for an alleged medical expert to say, eh reader? Absolutely! An expression of pompous ignorance at best! At worst?
OK...Why would a brilliant doctor with a world wide listening audience think it so strange & unnecessary to divide a dose of something into 3 smaller doses throughout the day...Gee, don't they do that with pharmaceuticals all the freaking time? Yes!
I suspect that other persons who know NOTHING about nutritional supplementation could easily visualize how dividing nutrients into 3 separate doses would be a good thing... and best practice... thereby having a relatively constant "Trickle-charge" of supplements throughout the day! After all, don't we all try to eat three meals a day for that very reason? AND...because most supplements work in synergy with food, doesn't it make sense to take these supplements 3 times daily with meals... ...Am I missing something?
Additionally, it is a well established fact in the holistic health community that one can only absorb about 500mg of Calcium at any one time! So if you take a 1000mg to1500mg dose of Cal. all at once (like Dr. Z recommends)... aren't you wasting a bunch of it! Yes!
Folks, Dr. Pasture does not have the training to understand & appreciate just how complicated it can be to fully utilize any mineral, especially Calcium, and just how many Vitamins, Minerals & co-factors have to fall in place, domino-like, to accomplish this. It can be a difficult, slow, and inefficient process that handles only "so much" at a time.
This is because Minerals, themselves, are INORGANIC so Mother Nature must use a couple of time-consuming tricks to get them into a configuration that can then be incorporated into "The Bio-System". Me? I feel I understand this science. I take 500mg of Elemental, Amino Acid Chelated Calcium, 2 times daily.
Back to Dr. Z who has the temerity to ignorantly mock those people who "foolishly" buy expensive Multi Vit/Min. He says that folks should buy the cheapest, discount store, generic, giant-size bottle for about $12.00 a YEAR ... as long as it has the USP (United States Pharmacopeia) Seal ... This is a 'seal' essentially meaning that the product contains what's on the label & that it meets the MINIMUM standards to call itself a multi-vitamin. The reader might remember the character of corporate lap-dogs presently setting those standards. The USP is supposedly "non-governmental" but their test criteria is recognized by the Government as the official source.
Here's what the CSPI has to say:
"Center for Science in the Public Interest" -- For Immediate Release: October 4, 2002; New Supplement Certification Program May Mislead Consumers :USP Mark Does Not Mean Ingredient Is Safe Or Effective."
Yes folks, it's true! Virtually ALL supplemental *watch-dog* organizations like the USP only verify "Potency & Purity" ...and may check to see if it meets the standards for dissolving (those standards are pretty low)... BUT! They don't care or comment about the efficacy of a particular ingredient.
For example, one Multi may have Magnesium Oxide (which is Crap, reader!) while another uses Magnesium Citrate ( which is a superior form)... but both will get the same passing grade as long as they meet "Potency & Purity"! So, if you have a Multi Vit/Min where EVERY ingredient is the cheapest, least absorbable form, what you have is a "Crapola-Multi" with a USP Seal...in other words, you have Centrum, Theragram, One a Day, Flintstones, etc, etc...
"Flintstones", reader! Flintstones?!? Is nothing sacred?
It is difficult to imagine a Multi that is inferior to the already inferior multi's like Centrum, etc... but if you CAN find a really, really cheap, discount, generic multi with 365 hard pressed tablets for $11.99 at Sam's Club or whatever, with a USP seal, then that's the one you want... ...according to the good doctor "Z."
So, Let me get this straight... Zorba wants you to put "Stuff" in your body that barely meets the minimum standards to call itself a Multi, OKed by the Government. Hummm... But how does he feel about his car?
WELL...a couple of the government's "non-governmental" agencies put their seal on very cheap motor oil that meets the minimum standards to call itself Motor Oil ... here's what http://www.metrokc.gov/procure/green/oil.htm has to say:
"Several oil companies now market products that have been certified by the American Petroleum Institute (API). API Certification is the basis for warranty requirements of motor vehicle manufacturers and thus is used in specifications of motor oil buyers. Other technologies, such as simple filtration, have also been used to recycle used motor oil. These technologies are often sufficient to make used oil useful as a substitute for virgin oil in fuel applications."
The SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) stamp of approval is on even very cheap "No-name" motor oils that meet the requirements for military vehicles...
...So, here's my question to Zorba -- does he put that cheap, "cleaned-up" used motor oil or cheap "No-name" new oil in his new "BMW"? Seeing as how it meets the minimum standards, set by the Government to call itself motor oil... he should, considering his faith in government "Seals" ...but somehow I doubt it... Zorba would have more respect for his "Beamer"...just not much respect for your body & human physiology.
This is pure speculation because I have no idea what kind of car he has, but if he has a nice new one, I bet he doesn't put cheap generic oil in it. In fact, ask 1000 MDs who own new 700 Series Mercedes if they use "cleaned & filtered" used motor oil, considering virtually all car manufactories say that it meets their warranty requirements! I bet 99.9% will say "HECK NO ! I use 100% Virgin, High Grade, High Detergent, Multi Viscosity oil that comes from a single individual batch of Pure, Pennsylvania crude drawn from the veins of Amish school girls"!
OK, I see...Well, Doctor... what kind of Vitamins do you take and recommend? "Oh, it doesn't matter much... use any brand with the USP Seal"?
So...putting a cheap, harsh, inferior, synthetic, poorly absorbed (and in my opinion, unhealthful), possibly toxic supplement in your body is OK because of some Mickey Mouse "Seal" that doesn't really tell you what you need to know and misleads you on the rest... ...but cheap motor oil with an official seal is not OK... does the reader see the errant dichotomy or smell the inconsistency...?
These self-same MDs would be the first to tell you the human body is a high performance biological machine, reader... you want to run rapidly "gunkable", bargain basement *oil* in the only bio-machine you will ever have? I suspect not, on reflection.
And this is the real kicker of irony! That cheaper, recycled motor oil will do a MUCH more efficacious job in your car than those "Crap" Vitamins will ever do in your body!
By the way...don't tell "Dr. 700 Series", but MERCEDES has been putting RECYCLED OIL in THEIR NEW CARS for YEARS !!!
Wait a minute Mr. Graham! Do YOU use that cheap recycled oil in your car? ...Huh, Who Me? ...No freaking Way!
Just kidding Folks...that was the old Al,...because I'm a "Green" sort of guy, I am going to start using recycled oil - not because of some government-blessed organization's "Seal" but because a bunch of Teutonic Engineers at Mercedes-Benz are probably on to something. (...und you vill like it !!)
You see...now all you have to do is get Dr. Mercola www.mercola.com & the Leaf lady www.leaflady.org to start taking grocery store vitamins and explain how they are superior ...then I will start taking Centrum...just like the recycled oil. OK, take a deep breath and hold it...
The following describes three key things to look for when determining the efficacy of your multivitamin:
Vitamin "E" -- the most obvious indicator of an inferior multivit... is the use of the petrochemical synthetic form of Vitamin "E" -- "DL" alpha tocopherol (the "d" and "l" should actually be lower case... I cap them for ease of reading), as opposed to the natural forms "D" alpha (no "L") and/or, even better, Natural Mixed tocopherol ...( This superior Mixed form has beta, gamma, and delta along with the alpha). In the synthetic "DL" form, (the synthetic is always a double molecule) the "L" molecule is a mirror image of the usable "D" molecule, making the "L" unusable by humans. Unfortunately the "L" still fits nicely into the Vitamin "E" receptor site, much like many keys will fit in a certain style of key-hole but only one key will turn the lock. Consequently the "L" molecule is "plugging the keyhole", so to speak, and not allowing the usable "D" in to turn same! Think chewing gum in the keyhole.
This means that out of the 400 IU of "DL" Vit. "E" that you paid for, only about 150 IU, or less, are actually being used by you. It gets worse.
According to the Canadian Government (you could perhaps argue the red-herring that Canada has an axe to grind because they grow lots of soy beans for natural Vit. "E" but don't even bother): Even though the usable synthetic "D" molecule and the natural "D" molecule, in theory - on paper, are identical... ...Canadian science claims that the human body still tells the difference... and whereas synthetic "D" is used but one time, the natural "D" is used over and over again... ...several times! Magic!
This inexplicable recycling of one "D" molecule, but not the other, results in two to three times the vitamin "E" found in most tissue (...biopsy of the brain revealing the highest!). Hmmm... Mother Nature on the job, I'm betting!
Mineral Forms -- The other sure sign of product inferiority is the form of minerals used. These are the cheap inorganic salts like carbonate, oxide, and phosphate. These inorganic mineral forms are difficult to absorb and they are much more likely to cause problems -- a good example of this is magnesium oxide causing diarrhea.
The inorganic calcium form Carbonate, found in Centrum (et sig al) is very difficult to absorb because the carbonate (...also in Tums, btw!) neutralizes the very stomach acid that is required for good absorption.
So when a doctor tells you Tums is a "good source of calcium", they're either lying or they are a bonehead (like Zorba, who says it all the time). Always look for organic chelation, in the preferred form "Amino Acid Chelation" (like the Albion Process), or "citrate" ( especially for calcium ) or malate, lactate, etc. Also, "Krebs Cycle Chelation" is very, very good.
Vitamin "D" -- If the Vit. D is D-2, it's no good - this is the cheap crap found in milk. Always make sure it is the more active form D-3 found in Cod Liver Oil, Eggs, made by the Sun & the better supplements. The one exception is there are Vegetarian Multi's that use the D-2 (because it comes from plants) that are very good quality...I wish more Vegetarians would see their way clear to use D-3 instead of D-2.
The preceding three examples should be sufficient indicators as to the quality of a multivitamin: SO...
If the label says "DL" alpha tocopherol, calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide & Vit. D-2 ... put it back! Quick and dirty!
But, if it says "D" alpha, or Mixed tocopherol, calcium citrate (etc), magnesium amino acid chelation (etc) & Vit. D-3 -- BUY IT... ...because this means the rest of the ingredients are almost sure to be OK. You don't have to peruse the whole tedious laundry list...but if you're like me, you will do so anyway. Label reading should be a required course in high school.
In descending order: I prefer supplements that are liquid, scoop-able powder, capsules, and then food based tablets or caplets. A caplet is just a tablet shaped like a capsule...a stupid, confusing term when Supp. Ads abbreviate caplet with "cap" and you think the "cap" means "capsule" not caplet. Caplets should be called "Long-Tabs".
Sublingual (under the tongue) tablets or sprays are actually the best absorbed ( by going directly into the bloodstream ) and in some cases necessary, if easily destroyed by stomach acid... like SOD & Glutathion or like B12, which needs an "Intrinsic Factor" in the gut to be absorbed (often missing); however, some supplements don't work very well this sublingual way.
Fortunately, Methylcobalamin "B-12" and B-12 Complexes with folic acid & B-6 do work well sublingually.
Also, don't automatically poo-poo tablets in favor of capsules -- some things have to be in a specially coated tablet to make it through the stomach acid in order to open in the gut...SAMe & SOD are examples. There is a capsule that is designed to make it through the stomach acid and open in the gut...and example is New Life Colostrum has a special "Lipid-Capsule" that does this.
*Medical doctors* like Zorba don't really understand nutrition & supplements... ...and they don't want to understand because it is in their financial interest to play dumb... thus surreptitiously perpetuating the same old tired lies. Such is their cognitive dissonance.
Here are just a few of those lies:
a)...Synthetic Vitamins are just as good as natural Vitamins. No! No way...the most cursory research will show this is just not true. However, doctors want people to get used to the idea that "Synthetic is good" (or even better) so they can push Synthetic alternatives to natural forms... Synthroid (synthetic thyroid hormone) is a good example. Do you want to know the big reason they give for why synthetic drugs are *better*? It is because they can get the dosage very precise as opposed to natural forms sometimes have slight variations...
OK...so freaking what! I would rather take something that works & works naturally, even if the dosages have a little greater margin of error, instead of a harsh, toxic, or inefficient form that does not work or might have harmful side effects. A good example is natural Armour Desiccated Thyroid Hormones as opposed to the synthetic Synthroid mentioned above.
b)...You can get all the necessary nutrients in a balanced diet... No! Please! What a festering crock, reader...
Most people are EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) deficient -- even the sheeple who follow the New Food Pyramid (NFP) are Omega 3 deficient! This is because we consume WAY too much Omega 6 food oils like corn, soy, canola, sunflower, etc. (all recommended by the NEW Food Pyramid, remember). These Omega 6 oils overpower & shut down the Omega 3 Pathway.
We further block EFA's by consuming lots of NFP encouraged bread, cereal, pasta, juices & "Cheezy Poofs" These inhibit the production of the D6D Enzyme needed for conversion of the simple Omega 3 (ALA), to the more complex "work-horse" Omega 3's: EPA & DHA!
Also, many of the 70 plus trace minerals have been leached from our soil as a result of uninformed farming... artificial fertilizers only replace 3 of the elements! Anytime different groups are given trace minerals, in particular really powerful, critical ones like Selenium -- heart disease & cancer decrease! In fact the preceding was done with a whole country... New Zealand. The selenium depleted soil was causing several diseases, like cancer! It was corrected by importing selenium rich meat from Australia.
c)... You can meet your Calcium requirements with 4 servings of dairy. No! How do these people use a mirror at all! Christ retches!
OK, lets say you need 1200mg of Cal. and 4 dairy servings has 1200mg of Cal. - So there you have it, you've met the goal...not so fast, my Friend!
Do you really think you are utilizing ALL 1200mg of that Calcium? No way, boys and girls!
The Calcium/Magnesium ratio needs to be at least a "2 to 1", and "1 to 1" would be even better... so Milk, at a "10 to 1" ratio, has a real problem. Also, Vitamin D-3 is needed to absorb Cal. but dairy uses Vit. D-2... ...which is not very effective for good absorption.
Additionally, the doctors & the dairy people never mention that many other minerals, etc. are required to utilize Calcium, things like potassium, silicon & sodium ...also TRACE minerals like boron, zinc & copper along with 2 or 3 dozen other trace elements as co-factors. Remember the dominos I alluded to before!
So, when the women of the WHI study were given a garbage calcium supp. (Cal. Carbonate, Zorba's favorite form!) and the inferior form of Vitamin D ( D-2 ), the Doctors & Dairy Industry were able to shout it from the roof-tops that Calcium supps don't work! Outrageous duplicity, reader! They KNOW the difference! What else can you call that... ...but evil!
Something else they were reluctant to discuss with the consumer? They didn't mention that many of those women consumed dairy every day... and were still developing Osteoporosis! ...Got milk?
Please show this paper to your Family Doctor or Dietician -- then after they "spit & sputter" or otherwise hack up an institutional hair-ball and tell you I'm wrong? Write down their reasons as to why, will you? E-mail those reasons to me. I will promptly e-reply as to where and how they are lying to you... ...this time, too! Sincerely, I will debate these scurrilous persons any time... any where!
Remember, as you compare our conflicting positions; however, who has the biggest pecuniary dog in the hunt, reader! Then watch as my dog handily shreds their dog and shows their dog for what it really is: A conflicted shill for sociopathic corporate interests greedily and gleefully campaigning to make us stupid. To make us sick... Why? So they can sell us their 21st Century snake oil.
Until next time, reader? Well Be. |
UpDated April 10,
The LTR #005 will still cover "Minerals & Mislabeling." This letter #004.5 is to point out 3 recent developments that demonstrate the intuitiveness of retired helicopter pilots as opposed to practicing medical doctors.
First: 'Vioxx' was pulled from the shelves because it can cause death by heart failure. This revelation was on all the news outlets for weeks. For those of you at the presentation I gave in the first week of September to an enthusiastic crowd of Living Tree patrons, et al, I emphasized the danger of taking Cox 2 inhibitors like Vioxx and Celebrex . This was not just because they exacerbated joint pain in the long run (while only treating the symptom of pain in the short run), but , because of their indiscriminate interference with the delicate balance within the prostaglandin 2 pathway. These drugs consequently block the good with the alleged "bad," resulting in a number of possible negative responses like oh, ...I don't know -- HEART FAILURE!
I used the analogy that blocking the Cox 2 was like cutting off a persons head to cure their dandruff. It seems I'm not that far off the mark.
Second: Omega 3, found in cold water fish and fish oil, can prevent Alzheimer's. This 1 Sep, 04 MSNBC piece is indicative of articles on all the news outlets...
~~Why Fish Seems To Prevent Alzheimer's Damage~~ Study Shows DHA in Omega-3 Fatty Acid Lowers Alzheimer's Disease Risk
By Sid
Reviewed By Brunilda
Nazario, MD
Sept. 1, 2004 -- New evidence may further explain why people who regularly eat heart-healthy fish seem to have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
A new study indicates that high amounts of one of the omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, mackerel, and herring -- docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA -- may protect against the memory loss caused by Alzheimer's, even when there are already brain lesions indicating advanced disease. The study also indicates that DHA may protect against brain cell damage, similar to that seen in Alzheimer's.
This discovery comes after a team of American and French researchers infused mice with a human Alzheimer's-causing gene so they would develop brain lesions like that seen in advanced Alzheimer's. The point was to monitor the rodents' disease progression and better determine how various environmental factors might influence Alzheimer's progression.
What they found was that even though the mice developed brain lesions like that found in advanced Alzheimer's, they still showed little evidence of memory loss or other disease symptoms.
Secret in Mouse Chow ... and Fish
"We looked and looked at what could be providing this protection against the cognitive deficits we usually see in Alzheimer's patients with these brain lesions," says researcher Greg Cole, PhD, professor of neurology at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. "And when we looked at their diet, we were surprised to learn why."
Their commercial feed was abundant in these omega-3 fatty acids, and specifically DHA. "It was so rich in DHA that it closely resembled the Japanese diet," he tells WebMD.
That fish- and seaweed-rich diet, already known to be heart-healthy, has long been suspected of playing some role in the prevention of Alzheimer's. Several studies in recent years show that people who regularly eat diets high in DHA have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
While the abundance of healthy polyunsaturated fats like DHA in certain fish has been considered a protection against Alzheimer's, one popular theory is that these heart-healthy fish might improve impeded blood flow to the brain. Other research shows that cholesterol-lowering statins and "blood-thinning" aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) pain relievers may also lower risk of Alzheimer's by reducing inflammation or increasing blood flow. __________________________________________________________________
Two years ago on a Web radio show (and about a thousand times since then) I predicted that I would never develop Alzheimer's, not just because of my total nutritional and supplemental regimen, but because of one thing in particular -- I take Omega 3, EPA & DHA.
Third: Nexium (Prevacid, Prilosec, etc, will soon follow) users are twice as likely to get pneumonia because the stomach is supposed to be very acidic to kill microbes and facilitate proper digestion. Nexium reverses this necessary acidity! A Oct. 04 MSNBC article is indicative of same:
~~Heartburn Drugs May Increase Pneumonia Risk~~
Study finds medications reduce germ-killing stomach acid The Associated Press Updated: 5:29 p.m. ET Oct. 26, 2004
Widely used heartburn and ulcer drugs such as Nexium, Pepcid and Prilosec can make people more susceptible to pneumonia, probably because they reduce germ-killing stomach acid, Dutch researchers found in a study of more than 300,000 patients.
The highest risks occurred with more powerful acid-fighting drugs called proton pump inhibitors, which are sold in the United States under such brand names as Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec. Over nearly three years, users of these drugs faced almost double the risk of developing pneumonia compared with former users.
Users of another class of acid-fighting drugs that includes cimetidine and famotidine — sold in the United States as Tagamet and Pepcid — also faced an elevated risk.
The study was led by researcher Robert J.F. Laheij at University Medical Center St. Radboud in Nijmegen, Netherlands, and appears in Wednesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association.
Less germ-killing stomach acid
Users of another class of acid-fighting drugs that includes cimetidine and famotidine — sold in the United States as Tagamet and Pepcid — also faced an elevated risk.
The study was led by researcher Robert J.F. Laheij at University Medical Center St. Radboud in Nijmegen, Netherlands, and appears in Wednesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association.
These heavily promoted medicines are among the most widely prescribed drugs worldwide, with almost $13 billion in sales in 1998 alone, according to a JAMA editorial. Millions of Americans take these drugs, which are heavily advertised in “ask your doctor about ...” TV commercials.
Older patients or those with asthma and other chronic lung ailments are especially vulnerable to pneumonia. In light of the latest findings? The researchers said such patients should use these medicines “only when necessary and with the lowest possible dose." _________________________________________________________________________
The following is an excerpt from my Aug. 04, LTR #002 "The Antacid Myth"...
...A nearly perpetual alkaline condition, due to LOW stomach acidity, is VERY unhealthy ~ not just because it adversely effects digestion, but because a very acidic (pH less than 3) stomach is needed to kill harmful bacteria and other parasites. See? It's easy to see how indiscriminate antacid abuse provides a continuous flow of revenues for Doctors and Drug Companies, not only because the antacids are a big seller, but by adversely effecting digestion they make people sick in the future from undigested protein and harmful critters. Protein that has not been properly 'softened up' by hydrochloric acid (HCL) with pepsin ( protein digestive enzyme ) can cause allergic reactions, arthritis/joint pain, and auto-immune wackiness. MORE pharms facilitating a bogus prescription, not in the patient's best interest.
This is such a perfect scam. Not just because low acid and high acid both have the same symptoms, but because antacids actually appear to work by reducing heartburn, though... at what cost!?! The hapless victim never makes the connection between the antacids of the past and the disease of the present. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Was I able to intuit these 3 things (and many others I might add) before the medical geniuses because I'm so freaking brilliant?
No -- any holistic web site could have told you the same things! The problem is that many of you would not believe (or even consider) them or me. Friends, this is "connect the dots" 101 -- simple stuff... Why does it take 8 years of college and the top one percent of the country's IQ to continually get it wrong!
This is especially egregious considering there are credible voices (I'm not necessarily referring to myself ) all around them shouting the truth. Simple -- Vioxx and Nexium are multi-billion (with a "B") dollar sellers. And, the newly emerging Alzheimer's drugs also promise to be a lucrative market! Isn't it unseemly and immoral when you consider Doctors get kickbacks on all of these top sellers -- "But wait, Al, I asked my Doctor if he got kickbacks, and he said no."
...OK -- next time ask him if he is some sort of "Associate", "Field Rep", or "Research Analyst" (or some other equally meaningless title designed to obfuscate) ...for the drug company... and if he prescribes their pharmaceutical, collects the results of patient response to their drug (which is then passed along to the Drug company) for money.
What this actually means is that all the Doctor really has to do is prescribe the drug, and the drug company sends him money. So, let's see... how is that any different than kickbacks... it's not. It's just a way to confuse congressional oversight, and to continue to screw you, reader!
'Till next time -- question everything... to include me! Well be. |
LivingTree Root #005
LivingTree Root #006 |
This is HOW TO PREVENT VIRTUALLY EVERY DISEASE, (or... MS, Dr. Swank & the "Helicopter Pilot's Diet")... *** Don't be thrown off by the initial discussion that seems to be centered around Dr. Swank's MS diet. Swank is just a prelude to the "Helicopter Pilot's Diet" towards the end of this piece. It remains, though, that Dr. Swank's brave tendency towards dietetic sanity is excellent support for it... ...forgetting for a moment that Dr. Swank doesn't go far enough in a prosecution of proper nutrition, appears to not understand the science of a proper diet, and does not credit the vitamin and mineral supplementation necessary to facilitate same.
Under Swank's "Rules For Oils" he says something
very illogical. "Always refrigerate oil after opening to avoid
rancidity (except olive oil)." Excessive red meat can cause an increase in
homocysteine, which if elevated can cause arterial inflammation.
However, if you stay away from sugar/refined flour, HVO, poly food oils,
and you take Omega 3, folic acid, B6 & B12, then moderate lean red meat
consumption is OK...especially if in the "disease prevention mode".
The Helicopter Pilot's Diet:
( I'm a retired Army helicopter pilot - so I had to call it
something... ) If you eat them raw whites -- go to www.mercola.com and read safety protocols for raw eggs whites. The really cheapest grocery store eggs, remember, are high in Omega 6 - the more expensive free range/cage free or Organic eggs are higher in Omega 3 and much less likely to cause problems if the yolks are consumed raw. However don't buy those eggs that claim to have hugh amounts (like maybe 300mg) of Omega-3. This might normally sound great except virtually all those High-Omega eggs were fed rancid Omega-3. 2. Food oils: Stay away from all poly unsat
food oil to include canola oil. Use Hexan-free, Coconut oil (all you
want!) and mono oils like Olive/Macadamia-nut oil (in moderation).
Poly-unsat medicinal oils like Hemp & Flax can be used as food oils
but only cold--avoid heat & long exposure to the air.
6. Absolutely nothing with transfat. Almost all baked goods to
include most bread have HVO. Also the only safe peanut butter is the
kind where the oil floats to the top in storage, and must be
refrigerated (Bugs eat it! You can too!). I like to pour off the oil
and add coconut oil. The peanut oil is not real evil, considering it
is 45% Mono oil, which is good, but it is 38% Poly oil which is bad!
So C.C nut oil turns peanut butter into a real health food. If you can
afford it, organic is safest... peanuts, like cotton (for cottonseed
oil) require very large applications of poisons while grown but are
not subject to the same purity restrictions as regular food oils.
Isn't that strange?
9. Supplements (as a minimum):
Dear Discerning Reader; This is how to turn your peanut butter into a super health food...
Peanut butter is a reasonablely healthful food, considering it has some good fats, is high in protein and the latest research shows peanuts have about the same antioxidant strength as blackberries or strawberries. This is because of a polyphenol called P-coumaric acid -- and roasting the P-nut actually increases the anti-oxidant content by 22 percent. There is; however, one big caveat. Only use the natural, non hydrogenated P-nut butter (PB) where the oil floats to the top during storage. The unnatural hydrogenated PB turns the oil into a toxic saturated fat that is solid, so it won't leak out and float to the top.
This partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil, found in most grocery store brands is more consumer friendly (no stirring). Unfortunately it is loaded with trans-fat that will cause or exacerbate virtually every chronic disease. So -- always check the ingredients for partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, and be leery of transfat claims. For example, the latest 'trick' can be found on a "Jiff" label. It proclaims "Zero transfat" yet in the ingredients it lists hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO), indicating harmful transfat. The trick (regulation) is that if there is less than 1/2 gram of transfat per serving, they can call it "Zero transfat." Consequently, if they make the serving real small they are able to sneak in enough HVO to insure the oil stays solid and does not float to the top.
Also, and this is a key point, the natural PB would normally be refrigerated after opening because the unstable poly oil in peanut oil goes rancid quickly, unlike the HVO in most unnatural PB, which has a long shelf life at room temperature... another feature consumers like. But, if you're like me and want to avoid all trans fat, and you don't mind stirring once and refrigerating your PB, then ALWAYS look for the oil on top.
The other minor negative is the oil floating on the top of natural PB is too high in Omega 6 poly unsat oil at 32%. This is the unhealthful oil that we want to avoid. Even though 48% of peanut oil is the health promoting mono unsat Omega 9 ( like in olive oil) the negative effects of Omega 6 trump the positive effects of Omega 9 (see Fat Facts).
Don't despair -- here's how to easily correct the negatives and create a "super-food":
1. Coconut Oil -- before stirring, pour off the floating P-nut oil, and replace it with melted, extra virgin, unrefined Coconut Oil or a combination of coconut oil and olive oil. The olive oil is to keep it semi-soft after refrigeration. Coconut oil alone will make it a little too solid when cooled -- it still tastes great , but you can't spread it. The beauty of eliminating most of the unstable poly oil, and stirring in the ~very~ stable coconut oil means that you don't have to refrigerate the PB. The powerful, health promoting antioxidants in the coconut oil will actually protect the small amount of remaining poly oil from oxidation (rancidity). This also means you probably won't need to use any, or very little, olive oil to keep it soft.
For those of you who have not been to the LivingTree Website and read our letter to Dr. Gott, the syndicated medical advisor in the Dothan Eagle, concerning coconut oil, I'm inserting it here. If you have read it skip down to item 2.
2. Flax seed -- coarsely grind flax seed and add it to the PB. Because of the instability (turns rancid easily) of the Omega 3 in flax seed, you will need to refrigerate it and keep the lid on tight as much as possible. For those of you who have not read our paper "Why Grind Flax Seed," here it is... or skip to item 3.
3. Whey protein -- if you throw in some sugar/soy free whey powder, you can increase the protein content of the PB. If you use the most expensive form, WPI (Whey Protein Isolate) with cross flow filtration, it is more digestible than a raw egg -- the gold standard for protein digestibility. 4. Ground Cinnamon -- this is the new hot item in health food circles, and is very synergistic with PB. The organic Cinnamon found in health food stores is not that much more expensive than the nonorganic grocery store kind. 5. Black Cherry / Cranberry / Pomegranate concentrate -- Jelly is very synergistic with PB (like we had to tell you that), unfortunately, all jelly has too much sugar. In health food stores you can get these juices in a highly concentrated form with only the amount of sugar (or fructose) naturally found in the fruit. This means they are very sour (especially the Cranberry) so you will need to add some Stevia to sweeten it. With every additional previously mentioned PB additive, it will require additional olive oil to keep the PB soft and moist. You would assume that adding a liquid juice concentrate will make it thinner and more watery -- not always so. For some bizarre reason, the liquid cranberry juice actually makes the PB thicker and appear dryer, the black cherry not so much. I've never actually tried the pomegranate because it naturally has almost 3 times as much sugar as the cranberries -- but did you know that pomegranate has, just about, the highest antioxidant content of any fruit! 6. Brewers Yeast -- I've never tried this, but one of my personal heroes, Dr. Mercola at mercola.com, swears by it. Brewers yeast also increases the protein content, not to mention the other nutritionally dense properties of the yeast. Dr. Mercola also points out that P-nuts are much more heavily drenched in poisons than other food crops, so he recommends organic PB. He also recommends Arrowhead Mills because its Valencia P-nut is grown in a dryer environment (New Mexico), thus avoiding the carcinogenic mold, Aflatoxin, associated with P-nuts from wetter areas.. Please try a few of these "additives" -- not only will it turn PB into a super heath food, but I think the coconut oil and flax seed, in particular, make it taste better. Until next time... Well BE!
Alan D. Graham
800 Robin Parker Rd.
Ozark AL 36360
Phone (334) 774-0395 E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net |
LivingTree Root #00 9Updated August 8, 2008 I'm Worried About Don Imus
Our modern unhealthful diet, which causes this critical
EFA deficiency, could very likely be the nexus for our growing
propensity for drugs and alcohol. Don Imus readily admits he was
self-medicated in this fashion. I really hate to point fingers after the
fact, but this is where Wyatt could have been effected. DHA is what I
call the "brain food for babies." Unfortunately the final conversion
step for ALA becoming DHA is the slowest and most inefficient step in
the process. It is my opinion, then, that a baby with a vegan mother
(especially if Mom is D6D deficient) runs the risk of being a few IQ
points lower than a baby whose mother consumed 2 to 4 grams of Krill oil
daily throughout pregnancy and breast feeding. I say this with all
respect to mother and child, sincerely.
FYI : I use to recommend Cod Liver oil for Mother's &
children because of the higher DHA, but like many holistic types, I now
recommend Krill Oil over both Cod Liver & Fish Oil primarily because of
the increased likelihood of oxidation in fish oil & even a higher
precentage of oxidation in Cod liver oil...this as opposed to Krill oil
with virtually no oxidation due to a powerful anti-oxidant not found in
fish/cod. Also the EPA & DHA in Krill is absorbed through phospholipids
in the gut much more efficiently than the fish oil method.
LivingTree Root #010 (updated October 4, 2008)
Politics, Kick-Backs, and Harmful Pharms! (...or Mo' Money... Mo' Money!)
We live in dangerous and accelerating
times, reader. But because of an expanding internet let too soon out of
invention's box (in the view of some), our out-of-control access to
unfiltered information can make us abundantly aware of that
accelerating danger... perhaps even provide a buffer against it... a
preparation for it.
Seriously, stop and think for a second... isn't the cost of the R&D already figured in to their bottom line year after year? Yes? And aren't they still #1 in an orgy of profit taking... year after egregious year? Yes! They really treat us like we're stupid, don't they? Yes...
Still... we do line up
in grateful queues for their lucrative but dangerous abuse...
Yes. It just may be we are pretty stupid...
This is a glaring conflict of interest in direct opposition to the solemn oaths they swear, wouldn't you say? The reader may remember the oaths referred to. These are of course the oaths sworn to do no harm... that is then clearly, and even gleefully, done, regardless! Consider the disturbing implications, reader, when the medical advisor on NPR, Dr. Zorba Paster (...an evil little troll!), let slip that he did... "research"... for the pharmaceutical industry!
Not that this verbal slip mattered
much. I was probably one of only a handful listening who understood that
"research" is just another one of those slimily misdirecting euphemisms...
or code... for the following:
...After a woman dies as a result of
taking a particularly dangerous drug, "Carter"
confronts the dead patient's regular *doctor* as to why he did not use a
better and safer drug that was readily available. The *doctor* (an old
acquaintance who had once worked at "County") admitted that by
prescribing that drug he received a "small stipend"... (...you know...
Money?) as a pharmaceutical company associate, researcher,
field-rep, or some other meaningless title that is just a euphemism for
"Ho"... (...prostitute for the un-hip?). ...And calling his kick-back
a "small stipend" only makes it sound a tiny bit less sleazy.
Only a tiny bit. ...Just enough when it's your mother dead on a
slab, good reader?
I'm not a doctor, but even I know that every gram of Cod liver oil has about 220 to 240 mg of Omega 3... which is significant! The other sources with more Omega 3 are regular potency Fish Oil, at about 300 mg... or Hi-potency Fish Oil at 500 mg. So... Cod liver oil is not only a good source of natural vitamin A & D3 but is also rich in Omega 3.
Sorry, Zorbie! You're only competent
enough to attract "Mo' Money"; real medicine seems plainly beyond you...
I know this pops your circuit-breaker,
reader, but see this as their mechanism for provisioning another sales
opportunity! They do! Yes, not only will a "less than best
practice" approach insure a life-long customer, but one that will need to
buy ever stronger (more expensive?) drugs as the condition worsens... Mo'
Money... Mo' Money! Christ retches.
I think this is where I am supposed to
ask, "Have they no shame"?
Ummmm... oh boy... lots of refined sugar (maple syrup, sweet rolls), refined flour (pancakes, bread, cereal), trans fat (margarine, vegetable shortening), lots of starchy crap like biscuits & gravy, noodles & gravy, potatoes & gravy, gravy & gravy... I truly believe the Dietitian in our little local hospital must be 'Larry the Cable Guy'..."Put some Gravy on that SOB -- Git r' done."
Someone should do a "Super-Size Me" style movie on hospital food and see how long it takes to put a healthy person in that self-same hospital! Moreover, consider the fast-food franchises installed in some hospitals!
5. The pills are FREE! Remind (applicable) patients that they don't have to pay for these obscenely expensive tests and drugs because they're covered by insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. The reality is; however, we all pay because it's the taxpayer who foots the bill!
Unfortunately, it's much more
insidious than even that... Do you remember in the 1950s when "free medical"
was just a throw away 'perk' to rank and file employees? Now; however, as
medical costs go through the roof, more corporations are moving
overseas... conveniently, where there is either no
medical coverage or inadequate state funded
coverage. Consequently, the pharmaceutical industry, with the help of
Wal-mart, is slowly turning the US into a third world-style economy
-- where we grow, extract, drill, cut-down, or dig-up the raw materials...
which are then sent to China, et al, to be turned into value-added
products... then sold back to us. This is a recipe for
economic and ecological disaster at worst; at best it makes the rich richer,
shrinks the middle class, while geometrically increasing the expanding poor.
Man-made "Cox 2 inhibitors" block chemistries they shouldn't and cause convoluted, arcane, and imbalanced conditions...that resulted in 28,000 deaths due to stroke and heart failure! And Ironically, the reason most people take Vioxx, etc. is for joint pain -- but again, one of the systems inhibited is your body's ability to help repair the damaged cartilage causing the pain in the first place! Again, true to form, you only feel better while the drug makes you sicker.
After a while? Your body can't cash the biochemical check the designer drug is writing and you ...Oops, oh well. Next victim! *Doctor* needs a new pair of shoes!
I could go on for hours -- with virtually every chronic disease pharmaceutical you run the risk of dying to treat a symptom! There is a better way!
MEDELLIN...and the winner is?
How many times has the cocaine world,
for instance, touched your life...probably never. I've known a couple of
people who used cocaine... but I wouldn't answer the door if they ever
knocked. Granted, you might inadvertently get caught up in
some act of violence related to the (phony?) drug war...but even that
is pretty rare in most of the country... I know, if you live in Compton...
all bets are off. But in the round? For most of the country?
Now, in contrast, how many people do
you know taking one or more of the aforementioned harmful Pharms? It's bad
enough they can cause death and erectile dysfunction (that other "death") in
the middle aged... but now the FDA wants to recommend Lipitor, etc. for
grade school kids! Additionally, how many old people do you know
who are circling death's drain while taking 15 or 20 powerful (and probably
unnecessary!) pharmaceuticals -- many of which have nothing to do with the
initial illness...but are taken to treat one or more mere symptoms caused
by the other pharmaceuticals that they are invariably taking? Mo'
Heart Doctors say high cholesterol causes heart disease... when it's actually arterial inflammation that causes high cholesterol, so it's the inflammation that is the disease, folks, not the cholesterol. See LTR #001 at http://tinyurl.com/4qgfdf
Gastroenterologists say "Too Much stomach acid causes heartburn and reflux..." when, actually, both are generally caused by Too Little stomach acid....when you have a very acidic stomach, reader, you are more likely to NOT have heartburn because the acid makes the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) want to slam shut on the pain causing acid. 75% of people over 50 have too little stomach acid, NOT too much, see LTR #002 http://tinyurl.com/4qgfdf
Dermatologists say the sun causes skin cancer... when it's actually caused by a lack of Omega 3, antioxidants, and vitamin D3, which is made by the sun you are trying to avoid! Astonishingly, its the sun-SCREEN (Zink Oxide sun-block is OK) that may have the potential to cause the cancer you are trying to stay away from. How's that for a little irony?
Immunologists say that autoimmune diseases (like the Crohn's I contracted 13 years ago) should be treated by suppressing the immune system with something on the order of Prednisone... This, and other steroid or steroid-like pharmaceuticals, are some of the most evil substances known to man because they leave you vulnerable to any microbe or infection that comes down the pike... ...when actually, the thing that works best is pumping up the whole immune system with a broad spectrum of antioxidants, immune enhancing supplements and a fine-tuned digestive system. (My Crohn's has been virtually nonexistent for 6 years). Read "How I Beat Crohn's Disease" at http://tinyurl.com/7zc7c .
Child Psychologists say that grade school children need Paxil & Zoloft to relieve depression... OK Folks! Cut... Cut... Cut! Paxil and Zoloft to kids?!? Are even children to be used as pharmaceutical cash cows?
This is really so simple, I'm forced to digress... I offer the very nearly foolproof "Helicopter Pilot's Anti-depression Regimen for Children." Try it ~before~ you cripple your kids with unneeded and depression provoking mood enhancers...
The aforementioned diet also works for ADHD, Aggressive Behavior, and it might even give the dim-witted, socially repressed child a little pep & personality! It will also prevent or stop Alzheimer dead in its tracks... In descending order of importance:
(a). Essential Fatty Acids (EFA): 2 to 8 grams of NKO Krill Oil or 2 to 8 grams of Hi-potency Fish Oil-- 2 to 4 grams of Black Currant Oil-- 2 tbl of freshly ground Flax Seed (grind in coffee-grinder) Read "Why Grind Flax Seed?" at http://tinyurl.com/blaht
(b). NO Sugar (Use Stevia as a sweetener): So that also means NO refined flour, fruit juice, carbonated drinks (not even the sugar free), bread, cereal, pasta. And NO Soy unless it's fermented, like miso.
(c). Vitamin B12: Use the most active form, Methylcobalamin, in a sublingual tablet. You can't take too much so take from 1000mcg to 5000mcg daily.
(d). NO Poly food oils (only use Olive Oil or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil). The medicinal oils, Hemp & Flax, can also be used as a food oil, but only cold.
(e). NO Trans Fat from Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO)- so use the peanut butter where the oil floats to the top and for God's sake, use Butter, NEVER margarine.
(f). Take a health food store quality Natural, Food-based Multivitamin/mineral with a liquid trace mineral complex. Take an additional Amino Acid Chelated Cal/mag supplement--most multimineral complexes don't have the required 800mg to 1000mg of calcium & Magnesium. Make sure the total Vitamin D3 in the MultiVitamin & the Cal/Mag supplement does not go over about 1000mg unless you test for vitamin D. Avoid the potentially toxic Vit. D2 found in milk.
(g). NO dairy except cheese & Kefir & organic plain Yogurt (with at least 5 live cultures): As a milk substitute-mix Kefir & ice water with stevia to sweeten and vanilla extract, etc. to flavor.Your children will love it much BETTER than bland old milk- make sure they get at least 1 cup of kefir a day to maintain healthy gut flora & fauna.
(h) As a minimum- eat 3 poached or soft scrambled eggs daily.
Why wouldn't you try this? It's only
food and critically necessary Vitamins & Minerals! But, if you would rather
give your EFA deficient child Paxil, Sugar and Twinkies, make sure they have
a Matrix trench coat and a key to the gun cabinet, sincerely.
Conversely, most people who take prescribed pharmaceuticals don't have a freaking clue that many of the latter are even more dangerous! Not that ounce for ounce they are necessarily more harmful, but they are more dangerous because prescribed pharmaceuticals only seem benign when administered by a smiling, trusted doctor imposing strict orders that you will have to take them for the rest of your life... so you do.
On the other hand, virtually every person who has ever snorted coke has promised themselves, many times, that one day soon they would quit -- then when they get sick enough, they do or they die... But this is an informed decision! Doctors misinform. They don't talk about the bad stuff associated with their drugs, so it's easy to blindly follow their orders. And then, when the pharmaceuticals accelerate you to the grave, everyone thinks the heroic "Doctors" did all they could... not knowing you would have likely lived longer had they or you, done NOTHING.
Additionally, they demonize or ridicule any kind of nutritional or supplemental approach... even when the clear evidence to the contrary is overwhelming -- like a demonized folic acid to relieve homocysteine arterial inflammation, for instance. Instead of dirt-cheap folic acid, you get expensive Lipitor to lower your Cholesterol... when that is not even the problem! High cholesterol is the symptom not T.H.E. disease, not the cause, remember!
Even pharmaceutical giant Merch
(Network News, first week of May, 2005) sent out a memo to train
their people how to deflect questions by doctors about the
apparent negative side effects caused by Vioxx! So, you see, the
pharmaceutical company teaches your Doctor how to lie to you.
A pusher by any other name would smell as sweet, reader.
But NO! They choose to dispense unnecessary poisons to babies, moms and grandmothers while cloaked in an aura of goodness and virtue. A true wolf in sheep's clothing, wearing the mantle of institutional respectability...when unfortunately the institution is corrupt to its rotten core.
...Their perfectly tanned, square jawed countenance seems to radiate a halo-like glow... oh let's see -- like when Dr. (Senator) Bill Frist saved the life of a fellow Senator on the floor of the Senate... oh yeah... ask Bill how he made his millions, and why his family's HMO business got caught cheating the taxpayers, yet was able to be wrist-slapped out of it! It's good to be King... or Senate Majority Leader...
How does that "wrist-slap" work?
Simple! The Frist family HMO business, HCA, is the largest for-profit
hospital chain in the country, with 179 hospitals...WOW, folks, that's
MO' Money... on steroids!
If you show no improvement and are not
able to start dramatically weaning yourself off your quality of life
destroying pharmaceuticals? Please call or write to cuss me for wasting
your time. Additionally, feel free and entitled in returning to your life
of Twinkies, white-bread, margarine, and those "miracle" pharmaceuticals.
Until next time... Well BE! |
LivingTree Root #011 (Updated 4 October 2008)
Low Thyroid -- Another "Corporate Greed" Disease
Another egregious medical irony imposes itself. Hypothryroidism was discovered in the 1800's and was generally a result of iodine deficiency. Now; however, even with our better understanding of the causes of low thyroid and even with the advent of iodized salt... the irony exists that iodine deficiency is once again on the rise and that low thyroid is worse than ever!
The causes for this deficiency are reported as unclear; however... many people ...are... following their Doctor's "orders" and avoiding iodized salt. This could be a contributing cause. Additionally, much of the time, research shows, we don't make use of the iodine that we do consume! Moreover, sometimes the hormones that are manufactured don't get utilized, and in far too many cases, too much supplemental iodine in the form of iodized salt can not only cause hyperthyroidism (high thyroid) it can have a reverse effect and actually cause hypothyroidism (low thyroid)... much like an iodine deficiency.
This is bad news, especially for women, when you consider 90% of low thyroid is in females and that it is estimated that fully 1/3 of women over 55 have low thyroid! These are astonishing numbers!
Unfortunately, many of these persons go undiagnosed! I can't prove it ...but it sure looks like it is done on purpose... Why?
Why... to generate greater revenues in the form of the future treating of subsequent diseases... caused by low thyroid...? I know this sounds crazily conspiratorial, reader, but nothing else seems to fit... Seriously, the only other excuse would be gross incompetence or out of control malfeasance!
Before we discuss the key players (and their particular transgressions?), here are some preliminary data: The thyroid produces ubiquitous and powerful hormones... T-4, T-3 (indirectly), and to a much lesser degree, T-1 and T-2. Life style impacts hugely on the production and utilization of these substances.
The T-4 and T-3 hormones regulate
body temperature and metabolic rate (biochemical reactivity) of
every cell in your body! Thyroid hormones are made from the amino acid
tyrosine and 3 or 4 iodine atoms, depending on whether it is T-3 or T-4,
respectively. If these aforementioned hormone levels are low or they are
not being utilized for one reason or another (...and there are many
reasons...) this causes you to feel cold, irritable and fatigued
because less energy is being produced to provide for warmth and vitality...
then you get fat, depressed, muscle weakness, painful joints, goiters,
brittle hair and nails, loss of sex drive, high cholesterol /
triglycerides, foggy brain, and the list goes on... providing for, the
reader may notice, an open ended cornucopia of pharmaceutical sales
opportunities regarding third party diseases facilitated by
low thyroid.
The problem? AlFx is a TSH mimic that takes the job away from the TSH & "Yells" at the thyroid 24 hours a day to make more T-4, instead of only telling the thyroid to make T-4 12 hours on & 12 hours off... you are in big trouble. If you are tired all the time but can't sleep (the AlFx won't let you "power-down" for 12 hours so you can sleep) then please read LTR # 011 http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#Lowthyroid to understand AlFx poisoning.
OK, what if it shows normal, you very likely still have hypothyroid... if you have the symptoms for hypothyroid! Second, the test "safe" range is .5 to 5.5, so over 5.5 is low thyroid. Contrarily, many people only feel good at 1 to 2...(!) and start feeling bad at 4 to 5, still, supposedly well within the safe range! To digress... because of this, the upper limit for the TSH test will very likely be lowered very soon to about 3.3...
The other 2 tests making up the AMA's recommended Thyroid Panel (Total T-4 & T-3 Uptake) don't tell you very much, really -- you can easily have low thyroid and pass these tests! That's why low thyroid symptoms along with the Basal Temperature Test (BTT) is reason enough to be proactive by taking the other tests and so giving a more complete picture... and/or (a key point!), finding a Doctor who will try some natural therapy even if you pass all the "mainstream" tests, just mentioned.
A test may be taken at home to find out if the thyroid is low: The Basal Temperature. Test (BTT)!
For four days keep a thermometer by your bedside. As soon as you wake up in the morning put the thermometer in your armpit for ten minutes. You must do this before you get up. If you get up first you will not get an accurate reading. If your temperature runs below 97.8 then you most likely have low thyroid. It is important to shake the thermometer after each use.
Focusing on women for a moment, if
going through menopause, the BTT may read normal even if you
have low thyroid... because temps run a little high and
fluctuate with regard to women so effected. Also many low thyroid &
menopausal symptoms are the same! Consequently, one might try treating the
menopause first with natural progesterone or a combo
progesterone/estrogen ...if after a while you still have the symptoms, most
likely you do have low thyroid, which you can then
have a Doctor treat. If you then get your thyroid hormones in balance it
will give you the *zip* you need to breeze through the menopause...one
effects and/or exacerbates the other.
Isn't it ironic that if
low thyroid causes you to get heart disease (HD) or MS... the drugs that you
are then prescribed to treat those diseases (cholesterol drugs
& Interferon) make your low thyroid, still, worse? Then you need even
more expensive drugs to treat the HD & MS. This is a vicious
circle of egregious and seemingly apparent design... in my opinion.
1). Doctors -- MD's don't get rich
treating low thyroid successfully, but the kick-backs from
treating the lifelong chronic diseases caused by LT, brings in the big
money... (See LTR #10...)
For example: an Essential Fatty Acid (EFA)
Omega 3 or mineral/trace mineral deficiency (when you consider
that the baby leeches these things from the mother's body)... Frankly
reader, any doctor who says these deficiencies cannot cause debilitating
depression is a liar or an idiot! Back to low thyroid -- much like
menopause, pregnancy requires additional thyroid
hormones. So, if a woman is cooking along in that gray area where
she has a slightly low thyroid, then she enters menopause or gets
pregnant... ...she's likely to crash down into full-blown hypothyroidism...
You know the rest... The low thyroid induced depression results in these
murdered babies we hear about... not to put too fine a point on it.
Had the *doctor* conducted a Free T-3
test, it would have shown that the T-4 hormone is not converting
successfully to the active (usable) form T-3 hormone. Then the Doctor
could prescribe Armour Desiccated Thyroid Hormone, containing natural T-4 &
T-3... or even a synthetic T-3, forgetting for a moment that the
natural seems to work better (probably because of the synergistic effect of
small amounts of naturally occurring T-1 & T-2 contained within). ...AND,
heaven forbid, the Doctor could try to determine the nutritional deficiency
and/or the toxic environmental culprits that are driving down her thyroid in
the first place... ...things like, oh... ...margarine, tap
water, poly food oil, swallowing fluoride toothpaste... and 40 or 50 more
things -- some of which we are discussing here, could
be the aforementioned culprits.
B. Chemical
industry -- There are dozens of home, farm, and industrial chemicals that
cause or exacerbate low thyroid. Examples are PCBs, DDT, Herbicides,
Insecticides, Fungicides, Lubricants, adhesives, and this list, also,
continues on and on and on...
Here are the tests you need for a more complete diagnosis:
1). TSH -- can isolate if LT is because of a thyroid problem or a pituitary malfunction. If even slightly high but still in limits, you very likely have border line low thyroid if you have other symptoms.
2). Free T-4 -- the Free hormone levels (Free T-4 & Free T-3) are the only accurate measure of active thyroid hormones. The Total T-4 test doesn't really tell you what you need. A low Free T-4 score probably means low thyroid.
3). Free T-3 -- Low FT-3 probably means LT.
4). Reverse T-3 -- If RT-3 is high, and the person is not fasting, then they are under extreme stress and probably do have low thyroid.
5). Antibodies Test -- If all above
are normal then an Antibodies Test high score will indicate autoimmune LT,
like Hashimoto's Disease
Some iodine rich foods are: 1). Eggs - cheap eggs are higher in omega 6 (anti-thyroid), cage-free eggs are higher in omega 3 (pro-thyroid). 2). Sea veggies - seaweed & kelp (powdered kelp can be used as a salt substitute). 3). Cranberry - only use health food store quality, 'no sugar added', highly concentrated juice and sweeten with Stevia.
B. EFA's -- 1). NKO Krill Oil or Hi-Potency Fish Oil -- to get the more complex Omega 3's (EPA & DHA) take a fairly LG divided dose...2 to 9 grams daily. 2). Flax Seed (ground) -- to get the less complex Omega 3 (ALA) take 1 to 3 Tbls ground fresh in a coffee-grinder. 3). Black Currant Oil -- to get the more complex Omega 6 (GLA) take as directed on label. Avoid the less complex Omega 6 (LA) in soy, corn oils, etc. I personally don't care for Primrose Oil as a source of GLA because BC-Oil has twice the GLA (17% compared to only 9% in PR-Oil).
If you only take the Krill/ Fish Oil or only take the Krill/Fish & Flaxseed combo...either will probably do the job... BUT, my favorite EFA Combo is Krill Oil & Black Currant seed Oil.
C. Selenium -- the Super Star of antioxidants and necessary for production of T-4 & T-4 to T-3 conversion. Mercury blocks selenium... so NO fish! Get Amino-Acid Chelated (Albion Process) Selenium or Selenomethionine.
D. Zinc -- also needed for T-4 production & conversion. Necessary to stimulate the pituitary which signals the thyroid to make more thyroid hormones. Always take at a 10 or 15 to 1 ratio with Copper. If you take 30mg Zinc- take 1 or 2mg Copper.
E. Vitamin D3 -- necessary for thyroid production. Take 800 to 1200iu of D3 only - avoid the potentially toxic D2 found in milk. You can get D3 from exposure to the sun which is BY FAR the best way...if your shadow is shorter than your height then the sun can make D-3. The great probiotic dairy product Kefir also uses D3. Never take Vit. D without Calcium/Magnesium
F. Vitamin E -- take 400 to 800iu of Natural Mixed Tocopherol. The 400iu dose is more than adequate...I would only take 800iu if I had heart disease, blood clots, MS, etc.
G. L-Tyrosine -- the Amino Acid that is the precursor to T-4 and the wonderful Co Q-10 (the #1 heart muscle supp.) It is best if you take the whole spectrum of Amino Acids ...again it's that synergistic thing. A good way to do that is consume WPI (Whey Protein Isolate) every day. Don't take Tyrosine with MAO inhibitors - it could cause high BP.
H. Antioxidants -- along with the already mentioned Selenium... take the two heavy-weights of antioxidants, R-Fraction Alpha Lipoic Acid & Grape Seed Extract.
I. Progesterone -- if menopausal, progesterone can help the thyroid where as estrogen is anti-thyroid. You may need an estrogen / progesterone combo (natural, if possible) because menopausal hormones being in balance is the best way to insure your thyroid hormones are in balance.
Most holistic practitioners, to include a growing number of MDs, recommend NEVER destroying part of your thyroid with radioactive iodine or a poison like methimazone or surgically removing part of the thyroid to slow down hormone production in the event you have hyperthyroidism. Invariablely this will drive you into low thyroid from which you may never recover.
What to do initially... and forever:
One major consideration that medical doctors almost never mention concerning the prevention or the treatment of a disease, and that is a fine-tuned gut. This is my initial approach to virtually every ailment because it can ONLY help... it can't hurt.
Almost every disease either comes through the gut, or is a result of a sick, inefficient gut. A healthy digestive system not only means maximum absorption of nutrients to fight or prevent disease, but it is your first line of defense against poisons, toxins, and the ever present candida yeast, which causes diseases like... low thyroid.
Here's what to do specifically:
1. Follow the "Helicopter Pilot's Diet" found in LivingTree Root #007 found at: http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html
2. Try Betaine HCL with Pepsin -- if your stomach doesn't get warm and if you don't have an ulcer, then continue with this "stomach acid in a capsule."
3. Take a broad spectrum of digestive enzymes.
4. Take a broad spectrum of probiotics like acidophilus, etc, or even better and cheaper, drink a cup or 2 of Kefir every day.
5. Stay away from sugar / refined carbos, HVO, poly food oil, tap water, burnt fat or carbos, antacids, carbonated drinks, inorganic salts like calcium carbonate or magnesium oxide .
This is all I have this iteration, folks... but remember: If you use a "mainstream" medical doctor be prepared to have them advise you that the BTT doesn't work and that synthetic hormones are superior to natural hormones. This is far from accurate. Be ready to argue your case.
I reiterate, you will have to find a holistic Doctor or a sympathetic MD to advise you about these matters. It would not be appropriate for you to seek specific advice from me, as I am not a doctor . My function here is to arm you with appropriate information, only, so you can make an informed decision (give informed consent) or have ready ammunition against a close-minded medico. Additionally, I function in a manner to make it easier for your Doctor to actually follow his Hippocratic oath to... "do no harm."
Until next time, then... Well BE!
LivingTree Root #012 (Updated 5 October 2008)
New Food Pyramid: The Big "FAT"Lie! by Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
The "New Food Pyramid" (NFP) is a corporate driven lie that is not about keeping you, remotely healthy, reader... It couldn't be!
On the contrary! The objective, as these corporate interests would have it, is for us to continue following the same stupid dietary rules that got us in this mess endured in the first place. Misleadingly, they prosecute their objective with cleverly worded half truths, gross obfuscations, lies of omission, and sweeping generalizations.
Clearly, the major corporations selling a plethora of unhealthful products want to keep you, the individual, sufficiently confused... ...so maybe you will consume even more grains, milk, and margarine... ...thoroughly convinced you're doing the right thing. You're not. You just haplessly live their aggregate lie.
Additionally, and explicably reader, the persons vested in the "sickness business" (MDs, HMOs, and Drug Companies) get richer and richer... ...as our society gets sicker and sicker...
In this iteration? I'm only going to discuss the lies associated with FATS & OILS ... if I included the other five NFP categories involved, this paper could turn into a small book... so we'll cover those in subsequent iterations. There are many astonishing surprises there too.
To start:
1. The NFP recommends, tragically... ...Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) in food oils like Soy, Corn, Canola, Sunflower -- etc. Naturally, it starts right out "Muddying the Water"... by lumping healthful and complex PUFAs (like Omega 6, GLA, and Omega 3 ALA ... found in seeds, nuts, and legumes) in with the unhealthful and LESS complex PUFA (Omega 6, LA) like the food oils mentioned above.
In supplemental form? These complex PUFAs are called 'Medicinal Oils' (Black Currant seed, Borage, Hemp, Flax Seed, Krill, fish Oil, etc.) and must be "Cold Pressed" Under Refrigeration. PUFAs that are 'Food Oils'... are "Cold Pressed" WITHOUT Refrigeration... therein lies the problem. Heat! Heat & Air "kills" the oil ... makes it toxic. "Cold pressed" only means no heat was added... ...but it still gets hot due to pressure. More on that in a moment...
Also, with regard to these oils, it is officially claimed that PUFA vegetable food oils have beneficial Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), Vitamin E, plus... they do not raise LDL (bad cholesterol). These are the claims. Well... the preceding is almost true... that is to say ...the preceding is not a complete lie... The truth of the matter is this:
Poly Unsat food oils will do those positive things... ...but ONLY if they are the very special kind carefully processed under the much more stringent conditions required to avoid oxidation and rancidity... ...A kind you will NEVER find in the typical grocery store.
These "less processed" oils are much more expensive and require refrigeration after opening. The cheaper poly oils ( pressed without refrigeration) you buy at the grocery store have already turned rancid and toxic (lipid peroxide) at its initial processing... consequently, it must be Refined, Bleached & Deodorized (RBDed) to hide the rancid smell. This is what you drive away from your Neighborhood Grocery Store with, reader -- believe it or not.
This is also why these oils don't need to be refrigerated after opening... ...because RBDed poly food oil is so "dead" and stripped of any beneficial nutrition, that it will stay "fresh" for a very long time, even at room temperature. Even bugs won't eat it... ...which should be a clue to the reader...?
So, with regard to the NFPs supposed beneficial EFAs? They have not only been destroyed... they have been converted to the toxin, lipid peroxide! ...Less than wholesome, folks, to understate.
This means (...contrary to NFPs Claims...) RBDed oils DO increase LDL (bad cholesterol) ...but probably of greater significance is oxidized poly oil is one of the major artery clogging substances known to science... ...yet all you ever hear MDs complain about is cholesterol... ...when in fact obligatory cholesterol is an innocent "victim" that gets unjustly blamed for its roll in blocked arteries...
...It's oxidized poly oil, Trans Fat from partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (pHVO) and refined carbohydrates are the real culprits. A 1994 study appearing in the Lancet showed that almost three quarters of the fat in artery clogs is unsaturated. The "artery clogging" fats are not animal fats but vegetable oils. Know a tree by its fruit reader!
2. Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) like Olive and Macadamia nut oils are heart healthful. Mono oils are non-reactive (unlike highly reactive poly oils) so they don't go rancid during pressing, consequently, they do not require being RBDed. These oils are ALIVE in comparison! AND...they don't need refrigeration after opening !
Unfortunately the NFP does subtle little things to steer you away from healthful mono oils. For instance, when listing "healthful" oils, they ALWAYS list poly oils first, when in reality they should not be lumping mono and poly together to begin with... it makes it seem that the two are of equal healthfulness. They are most certainly not equal...
Reader! Is death equal to life?
Consider. In the NFP "7 day meal planner", not once do they recommend olive oil... every example for vinegar & oil dressing or for frying... ...they recommend sunflower oil! What?
Remember... mono is stable and poly is reactive (turns rancid easily) -- so of all the examples of PUFAs they could have used, Sunflower is almost the worst at 70% RBDed poly!
The worst? That would be Safflower oil at 80% poly. The more poly? The more toxic, reader.
...And Pleeease... don't put Canola oil in the same class with a "true mono" oil like OLIVE OIL just because it's 54% mono... Canola is also 37% poly that has been RBDed, which trumps any beneficial effects of the 54% mono!
In healthy contrast? Olive oil is 76% mono, and has an insignificant amount of poly at only 8%. Macadamia nut is even better at 80% mono.
3. The NFP demonizes, by association, saturated fat (SatFat) by always listing SatFat and TransFat together in their warnings... ...like they were remotely the same thing! This is WRONG! They are not the same thing! Their very dodgy and suspicious reasoning is that both fats are solid at room temperature... pause to gag!
Folks! Being a solid at room temperature does not make a fat "BAD"... any more than being a liquid at room temperature makes an oil "GOOD"!
...As evidence, TransFat from pHVO is an *evil*, toxic, man-made, solid *fat* (...toxic sludge actually!) which has been irrefutably linked to virtually every chronic disease... especially heart disease! On the other hand, unburnt / unprocessed / undamaged SatFat is good for you! Look at the extremely high SatFat (blubber), grain-free traditional diet of the Inuit ( Eskimos )! With the help of Omega 3 thrown in, they have about the lowest incidence of heart disease and MS on the planet! The children eat raw SatFat as if it were "Cheezy Poofs".
SatFat is only heart unhealthy when it is burnt or processed- burning creates a dangerous free radical (HCA), or if damaged through arduous processing causes oxidation. Folks, even the cholesterol associated with undamaged SatFat is good for you! It only becomes the enemy when damaged through processing! The most extreme examples of this are powdered milk and powdered eggs.
In contrast, undamaged cholesterol in raw or lightly poached eggs is good for you. The NFP, ridiculously, allows only one hard cooked egg per week! I'm astonished that the Egg Industry is remotely sitting still for this slight. If I were the Egg-man I'd be standing on somebody's Desk! Goo goo g'joob... ( ...You remember the Beatles?)
Here's another subtle little trick at the NFP website. They never mention TransFat and partially Hydrogenated Veg. Oil (pHVO) in the same breath! This is despite the pHVO molecule and the TransFat molecule being the SAME THING !!... Why?
...So they can slip pHVO into products without you realizing it. Here's how:
They tell you to avoid TransFat by looking for products, like margarine, and Peanut Butter, with "ZERO TransFat" ( this might be prominently displayed on the front label ), and zero transfat is listed under the "fat content" on the back... This is WITHOUT telling you to avoid pHVO, which you might then find listed under "ingredients." If one of the ingredients is pHVO -- how can it contain "ZERO" TransFat? Well -- that's the trick! If a serving has less than 1/2 gram of TransFat, they can then advertise it as "ZERO" TransFat! Outrage! The substance is still in the FOOD, reader.
So, with certain products like margarine and Peanut butter where they can make serving sizes very small (like one or two tbsp) then they put in 0.49 grams of pHVO per serving... which is just enough solid *fat* to keep the margarine from turning completely liquid and enough so the oil in Peanut butter won't separate and float to the top... like in natural peanut butter. See Peanut Butter Paper.. http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#Renutbutter
BUT!... If you know pHVO and TransFat are the same thing and you see pHVO in the ingredients? Then you know it has TransFat, even if the label SCREAMS "Zero TransFat." The bastards!
The only place I saw pHVO even mentioned? It was linked with Oil as things to avoid in breads and cereals... ...I guess, because it is called partially Hyd."VEGETABLE Oil" they can try to pass it off as oil... ...when it's actually a solid, man-made toxic, *fat*, and not a real food at all!
When I was young & dumb I use to think pHVO was good for you because it was...well... uh... "vegetable oil". ...And isn't a vegetable a good thing?
Now get this! The NFP advises the individual to avoid pHVO in bread because it would add extra calories, but NOT because it is the dangerous TransFat molecule causing or exacerbating virtually every chronic disease! Noooo!...The only bad thing that they could come up with, is that it adds a few extra calories...Un-freaking believable!
4. Coconut oil -- Maybe the most blatantly egregious "FAT" lie is lumping CCNut oil in with "damaged" SatFat and toxic TransFat... They are from different universes nutritionally!
Again...lumped together just because they are all solid at room temperature! This is just another "muddy the water" half-truth. Disabuse yourself of this ludicrous notion, reader!
Yes! CCNut oil is a saturated fat... but it is a MAGICAL SatFat... unlike Long-Chain Fatty Acids (LCFAs) such as animal SatFat and Food Oils, which have 18 carbon atoms in the chain... CCNut oil's Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) or Medium Chain Fatty Acid (MCFA) is only 12 carbon atoms long. This makes these MCTs very digestible, which is why they are in Breast milk and the reason every baby formula on the shelf contains CCNut oil. Folks! Demonized CCNut Oil is good enough for babies?!?
YES...Babies have inefficient desaturaese enzyme systems, initially, making it difficult to break down LCFAs -- but MCTs are easily broken down with saliva and stomach acid (don't require enzymes), thus providing instant energy and heat for babies to grow and thrive. All of these shorter chain FAs, like Coconut Oil and a couple of the chains that are around 6 atoms long, found in real butter, have truly unique and powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties!
Well, about now you should be asking - if Coconut oil is so great, especially for babies... why do medical doctors and non-holistic dieticians say it is heart unhealthful??
Here's the shameful truth...
4 or 5 decades ago the "Evilly powerful pHVO industry" took wonderful unrefined CCNut oil and turned it TOXIC by "hydrogenating" it... then conducted tests with this ringer-oil showing an increase in bad cholesterol and heart disease! Folks! They cooked their own books! Why would they do something SO disgustingly dishonest? You already know the answer...Money !!
They were afraid of the tenuous, yet growing, toehold that CCNut oil had in this country (in the 50s and 60s many theatre chains used healthful, solid CCNut oil to make popcorn). Now days they ALL use the toxic pHVO. This unjust demonizing was easily accomplished because 90% of the CCNut oil comes from the Philippine Islands, which is a poor country that multi-national corporatists could easily "SLAP" around.
This is no secret. Every naturopathic doctor and holistic practitioner in the "World" knows about this dirty trick... ...and knows, too, that "non-hydrogenated" Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is magical stuff. Yet MDs and Dieticians still quote that BOGUS data from 50 years ago as justification to demonize all tropical oils... ...while THEY recommend "margarines" with its toxic complement of hydrogenated TransFat molecules. This is truly sinful behavior on the part of our institutional leadership!
5. OK... The last big "FAT" lie:
The required (4 to 1) EFA ratio (that's 4 Omega-6 to 1 Omega-3) is dangerously ignored ... The NFP website claims that poly unsat food oils contain EFAs that activate beneficial prostaglandins.... Wow! This is not even a HALF truth...it's more like a QUARTER truth. The following is the 'down and dirty' version. For a complete explanation to include illustrations of both EFA Prostaglandin Pathways (PWs) see "Fat Facts" paper.
To refresh your memory, PUFAs like corn oil (LA) cascade down the Omega-6 Prostaglandin Pathway (PW) ultimately activating the PG-1 (Series One Prostaglandin) that reduces inflammation, platelet stickiness, blood pressure and allergic reactions...
Yes -- it is true that the less complex Omega-6 (LA), like Sunflower oil, etc. CAN (but probably won't ) cascade down the Omega 6 PW increasing in complexity before taking the fork in that Pathway that activates the beneficial PG-1. But, if you closely adhere to the NFP, "7 day meal planner" and consume only poly Omega-6 oils and margarine (which is also poly Omega-6 oil that's been solidified, you know...pHVO ) then the LA will cascade down the PW and take the "wrong" fork in the road activating the undesirable PG-2, which increases inflammation, platelet stickiness, blood pressure and allergic reactions... leading to heart disease, MS and a host of other problems?
This is because for optimum good health you need a balanced and efficient Omega-6 & Omega-3 Prostaglandin system where your EFA ratio is (4 to 1) or less. With every increase above (4 to 1)... the DEATH rate increases.
Unfortunately, most Americans are at an "out of whack", heart stopping, (20 or 30 to 1 ) ratio. This is a result of consuming TOO MUCH Omega-6 (LA) and TOO LITTLE Omega-3 (ALA) from flax seed &/or Omega-3 (EPA / DHA) from krill oil, fish oil and eggs.
Yes, Omega-6 (LA) is an "Essential" FA, (Essential means- you must have it, but you can't make it); however, it is everywhere, in every form of food to include fruit! We need to make a conscious effort to get Omega-6 out of our life! ...Not look for ways to include it back in!
The obvious and easiest way is to avoid "POLY" unsat food oils. This is also the healthiest way because, unlike the Omega-6 (LA) in food oils, most of the LA found naturally in foods like seeds, nuts, fruits & veggies has not been damaged...So, if every time the NFP, "7 day planner" calls for Omega-6 sunflower oil... ...you should substitute with "MONO" Omega-9 Olive Oil ... and everyplace it calls for margarine? Switch out with real butter... then your EFA ratio will be much closer to a healthful (4 to 1) or less.
You can really nail down this ratio if you also add 2 or 3 tbsp of ground flax seed, 2 or 3 grams of Krill/ fish oil and avoid ALL forms of Sugar. If you THEN avoid all processed foods, I predict you'll get down pretty close to a 1 to 1 ratio...you know, like the Eskimos.
Next time we will discuss how the NFP "spits" in Mother Nature's face by encouraging things we did not evolve to consume -- like bread, cereal, pasta, milk, and fruit Juice. The preceding, you will find... ...are not the wholesome foodstuffs you are encouraged to trust... not by a long shot.
Until next time, then... Well BE!
Alan D. Graham Phone (334) 774-0395 (NEW!) E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net |
LivingTree Root #013 (Updated 6 Oct 2008)
The "New Food Pyramid" Part Deux... or Eric Cartman's "Breakfast of Champions"...
I think we showed last time ...(www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#Fatlie or www.rense.com/general68/fatlie.htm)... that the numerous lies concerning fats and oils prove beyond doubt that the New Food Pyramid (NFP) is "in the tank" for several powerful organizations. The NFP stands already exposed...
Not surprisingly, these insults to the foundation of individual health are continued with regard to the remaining "Pyramid" categories.
Because the NFP relies heavily on grains and dairy but impacts on children so profoundly (in more than a few ways), let us begin with a discussion on the destructive "one - two" punch that starts virtually every child's day ... Cereal & Milk.
This ubiquitous meal is not the "Breakfast of Champions," as it would be touted by a conflicted eight-year-old like the "I'm-not-fat-I'm-big-boned" -- Eric Cartman of South Park. No. Ironically? It is more likely practiced in this country like a "breakfast of the diseased dim-bulbed..."
Grain? The "Staff of Life"?
Our reliance on processed and refined carbohydrates in the multitude of cereals, breads, baked-goods, and pasta products is probably the number one health hazard facing this country. Moreover, this "Carbo-Mind Set" is completely corporate driven, forgetting we have to make it so easy for them... ...willingly going for the *Fluffy-Sweet Goodness* of a Twinkie, say... even when we know it's crap... This is despite the reason for the alarming increase in obesity, diabetes and heart disease!
Still, we "Carbo-load" Forgetting for a moment carbohydrate's role in expanding the disease lexicon... the so called "Adult Onset Diabetes" has to be called "type II" diabetes, lately... because NOW even children are effected! Furthermore, an accelerating trend occurs as there are many inflammatory diseases revealing themselves... ...unheard of even a few decades ago.
Examples include Fibromyalgia, Syndrome "X" (essentially Heart Disease caused by Diabetes), and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)... all of which can be caused or exacerbated by over consumption of processed and refined carbohydrates. Add to the list my favorite new ailment: the "Double D" disease (...that's where you are born with type I diabetes, then, while still a child... you develop type II diabetes). ...A list, not iterated here, continues, reader!
Concerning carbohydrates in general? Here's an interesting fact.
It is possible to have a deficiency in protein, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals (all 70+), and Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)... but there is no such thing as a carbohydrate deficiency! Consider that...
Carbohydrates are not essential to build tissue, enhance the immune system, or protect the nerves! They will provide ready energy... sure ...but any not immediately used will rapidly turn to body fat.
Two of the most heart healthy, diabetic free groups on this planet rarely, if ever, consume carbs of ANY kind, especially grains. Discussed last time, the Eskimos consume meat protein, saturated fat, and EFAs. Introduced now are the Massi warriors / herdsman in Kenya. They eat meat protein, cow's blood, and raw milk (not the pasteurized / homogenized crap we drink).
Carbohydrates are not necessary! Like the Eskimos, et al. I wish I could say "make meat your major source of protein..." ...but with all the hormones, antibiotics, and general disrespect implied and extant in non-organic meat? I think you should try to get most, if not all, of your protein from the two most digestible sources remaining: 1) Whey protein isolate. 2) Cage-free Eggs, raw yolks with soft scrambled whites or lightly poached.
Don't get me wrong! Complex Carbs can be a very good thing if you get the majority of them from raw, mostly above ground, veggies...cruciferous & green leafy ones in particular. Moreover, even unhealthful Carbs like soy and grains can become very healthful foods by soaking, sprouting, or made Hi-Probiotic by fermenting... Of course, the NFP never mentions "fermenting, soaking, or sprouting...".
No, true to form, the NFP has you consuming twice as many servings of grains as compared to the other categories. This is particularly troubling because, according to the NFP, half of the *total* can be refined Carbs ... like white flour. That's insane, reader! As most people are confused by *official* claims concerning which grain products are less processed, thus more healthful... ...they wind up consuming, unhealthily, mostly refined Carbs, instead of unrefined or even half refined Carbs which are more healthful!
Here are just a few of the things wrong with grain Carbs and cereal in particular:
1) Gluten -- this is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley which is particularly difficult to digest, to start! Now, exacerbate the situation by destroying valuable stomach acid with carbonated drinks and antacids ( MD's pass out antacids like candy ).
Folks, copious amounts of stomach acid are required to properly "soften-up" protein. With a stomach acid deficit? The undigested protein finds itself too far down the intestinal tract for its unsatisfactory degree of digestion! This can cause an autoimmune response because the undigested protein is seen as a foreign invader, tragically, so your own immune system attacks... you!
This condition can result in undiagnosed and mysterious symptoms of joint pain, poor digestion, etc. with many persons. With others? Well, these develop debilitating and life threatening autoimmune diseases!
Unfortunately then, most *distracted* MDs giddily treat the symptoms of these provoked diseases the individual winds up with, but never address the underlying initial cause! What was the underlying initial cause? You needed to take supplemental stomach acid ( Betaine HCL with Pepsin ) NOT antacids... to improve your digestion... and stop betraying it!
Oh Yeah! You might want to also avoid gluten. If you have Celiac Disease, you have to avoid gluten, altogether. FYI: Hi-gluten rice contains no gluten. FYI-2: The pH of your stomach should be less than 3 to protect you from parasites, microbes, et al. and to rapidly start breaking down protein. A stomach pH of 1 is better than 2 for this purpose...battery acid is also a pH of 1. Doctors indiscriminately passing out Antacids to people that already have an alkaline stomach is a crime against Humanity.
2) Refined Carbs cause pancreatic insulin freak-out which contributes to obesity and inflammatory diseases... ...like heart disease and MS. Our society, gorging itself on cereals and Hi-carb snack foods is also the cause of the dramatic increase in Type II diabetes. Smoke that.
3) Grains are high in several anti-nutrients like phytates and oxalates which bind to minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron... ...and probably most importantly? Zinc.
Phytates can be avoided if grains are soaked, sprouted, or sour-leavened. Phytates and oxalates found in veggies are probably not a problem for non-vegetarians, especially if they supplement and avoid most grains.
It is most likely a waste of time to try to maintain a low-oxalate diet like some recommend. For one thing? There are many very healthful high oxalate foods like spinach, blueberries, green peppers, green beans, etc.
Also, Popeye was a little off concerning spinach... that's because even though it is high in calcium it is very high in oxalates which means only about 5% of the calcium is usable due to oxalate binding. This is no problem if you supplement with a good absorbable Calcium / Magnesium Complex ( milk is not the answer ). Minerals ( like Cal/Mag/Zinc ) which are bound to Inorganic Salts like carbonate & oxide are the least absorbable - always use some form of Organic Chelation like my favorite, Amino Acid Chelation, or others like Kreb Cycle, Calcium Citrate, et al. This supplementing will also help you avoid calcium oxalate crystals turning to kidney stones.
There is one food; however, that is so high in oxalates that it binds all its own calcium, then goes looking for more... that is unfermented Soy. Unfermented Soy is a whole other paper.
4) Cereals -- As far as carbohydrates causing an increase in insulin secretion is concerned... most cereals are the worst. The absolute worst...
Even if you start with some grain that might be considered reasonably healthful, like whole wheat, etc... ...by the time it's converted to flakes or cute little shapes, it's almost as destructive as table sugar! The various grains are ground and mixed in a slurry (a thick liquid) that is then forced (pooped!), under heat and pressure, through an extruder... ...to pop out magically delicious *charms* and *stars*...
The resulting grain *product* doesn't look or act anything like the grain product Jesus passed out with the fishes, reader...
...Now, "supercharge" the product with copious amounts of refined sugar... and you have a bowl of insulin producing garbage turning your children into troubled and aggressive little sociopaths *needing* drugs like Ritalin... When you add cow's milk to the mix? Well, then you have the necessary ingredients for your children repeatedly having ear infections, respiratory infections and allergic reactions...
Commercially processed cow's milk, by its self, can cause these reactions, however, you "fan the flames" when you suppress the child's immune system with sugar, cereal & fruit juices. Heavy sigh... reader!
And let's be honest as to why parents love cereal. It's not because 'way down deep' they are certain the stuff is a healthful food ...no. It's because they are too lazy or feel they are too busy to make their kids a big plate of eggs, soft scrambled with cheese & veggies. Or maybe a smoothie of Whey Protein Isolate, Kefir, ground flax seed, blueberries, or banana and then sweetened with Stevia... raw egg yolks are also great in smoothies as long as you go to www.mercola.com and read raw egg safety protocols.
Alternating these two breakfast meals can turn your hyper or listless child into a "Wunderkinder", and (with a gram or two of krill or fish oil?) maybe even snap them out of the ADHD hell they're forced to endure. Both hyper activity & listlessness are very likely a manifestation of the same problem... too much Sugar, Cereal, Fruit juice, Toast & Jelly, Pancakes & Syrup, Doughnuts, Sweet Rolls, Muffins, Pop Tarts, Granola bars...
But hey! Lucky Charms and Twinkies are so convenient for a "busy" mom, like Mrs. Cartman... besides Eric pouts, dangerously, when he doesn't get his "Cheezy Poofs & Snacky Cakes." What's a doting mom and crack-smoking trollop to do?
FYI: When you super heat carbohydrate foods and turn the surface toasty brown ( bread crust, french fries, etc.) you create 'Acrylamides,' a paticularly nasty Free Radical. Guess which food has the most toasted surface area per cup... that's right - flake cereals, like Corn Flakes & Wheaties, "The Breakfast of Chump-ions".
Oh Boy... exercise! Everyone's favorite! But seriously...
As mentioned, most people (even vegetarians) don't have to worry about oxalates if they supplement properly. Phytates, on the other hand, could be a concern for vegetarians, maybe even if they do supplement! Keeping soy and grains to a minimum is probably the answer to this conundrum. There is one situation; however, where oxalates and phytates can be deadly serious.
Visualize this scenario. You have a 50 year old vegetarian and marathon runner who is jogging through his neighborhood and otherwise being as devout a disciple of the famous marathoner Jim Fixx as he can. Like Fixx, this middle-aged obsessive of our conjecture, thinks supplementation is a foolish waste of money. In his uninformed mind, longevity is all about physical fitness and caloric intake.
Well, like Jim Fixx at 52, he has a heart attack and drops dead in his trendy cul-de-sac... drops dead while his overweight, 65 year old neighbor, lounging on his porch smoking cigarettes and chain-pounding DingDongs, remarks to his wife... "See, honey, I told you that running crap could kill you..."
Ironically, in this situation the surviving neighbor is right. Here's how.
Just like Jim Fixx... ...who set the stage by not supplementing with the Essential Big Minerals or the 70 or so, equally critical, trace minerals... ...who ate a high oxalate and phytate diet binding critical minerals and trace minerals... ...who drank distilled or reverse osmosis (RO) water, leaching out even more minerals and trace minerals... ...who consumed lots of unfermented soy leaching out even more essential minerals...
Then, to top it all off? For years, his long distance running sweated out a "soup" of un-replaced electrolytes and essential minerals -- in particular, potassium (one of the most critical heart nutrients extant!) is readily excreted when he copiously perspired ... a decrease of potassium (Hypokalemia) can profoundly affect the nervous system and increases the chance of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), which, when extreme, can be fatal.
...Folks! After a few years of chronic mineral deficiency blithely provoked in just this manner? It's easy to drop dead from a heart attack!
True to form, after Jim Fixx died, his number one disciple Brian Maxwell only increased his effort through physical fitness without supplemental minerals... and he fell dead in his early 50's also! Many other high-toned athletes have dropped dead mysteriously in a similar fashion! But Gee...lets go find an innocent and beneficial herb, like Ephedra, to blame. Ephedra killed a few hundred people that abused it - Vioxx killed at least 28,000 when taken as directed.
FYI: Aerobic cardiovascular training is great... ...if you replace the lost minerals forfeited with the exercise! Also, more and more fitness folks feel that moderate weight training might be as importance as aerobic. Also, I use RO water... ...but I always re-mineralize it with liquid Trace Mineral drops.
Got milk?
I suspect that Pasteurizing & Homogenizing milk turns a fairly decent food (remember the Massi thriving on raw milk) into an unhealthful, completely unnecessary food source. There are certainly better ways to get the vitamins & protein that the Milk Advocates are always alluding to. So, if you want to use a little cheese or some fermented dairy products... do it because you really like it ... not so much because of the vitamins & protein and certainly not because you think it's a good source of calcium.
The New Food Pyramid's reliance on milk as a source of calcium is bogus to the extreme! Here's why.
Several major minerals need to be close to the correct ratio in order for the body to properly use calcium. One in particular is magnesium. This should be, at a minimum, a 2 to 1 ratio (2 Cal to 1 Mag). Many of the top holistic practitioners (like mercola.com, The Leaf Lady, et al.) feel it should be even higher, at a one to one ratio, or even higher than that. So you can see that cow's milk at a 10 to 1 Cal/Mag ratio has a real problem. Do the math.
Also, the vitamin D3 that mother nature supplies from the sun, eggs and fish liver oils is critical for Cal/Mag absorption. Unfortunately, most fortified milk uses the plant-derived vitamin D2! It is not very effective for this purpose. Additionally, D2 is much more likely to cause a problem with vitamin D toxicity.
For a great tasting milk substitute (that children love better than milk) I recommend the following Kefir concoction: Kefir (plain, no added sugar) thin with ice water, leave plain or flavor it with whatever's handy (vanilla, chocolate or Kahlua if you're an adult) then sweeten with Stevia.
For those not familiar with Kefir? Kefir is a fermented product sort of like a "Super" yogurt, except it is higher in protein and Probiotics (good bacteria) yet lower in natural sugar. Fermentation makes the lactose digestible for lactose intolerant folks. Also, the Kefir I've seen in health food stores uses vitamin D3, not the inferior (and possibly dangerous) D2. It also comes in Organic form to avoid any residual hormones or antibiotics.
Technically, I still have Crohn's Disease, but I no longer suffer from it like I did for many years when under the care of a team of MDs. They almost had me poisoned to death with toxic pharmaceuticals when I discovered supplementation & proper nutrition! For the whole story read "How I Beat Crohn's Disease" http://www.alienview.net/crohns.html ...
The Point is? Because of the Crohn's, I'm very sensitive to what works well & not so well for the gut... ...Folks, Kefir is the superior form of Live Cultured, Probiotics (good Gut Flora & Fauna) in my opinion, and I've tried most of them.
To sum up, a person does not have to scratch the surface very deep to see that the NFP is a dangerous joke. Unfortunately the only ones laughing are the people in the "Sickness" business (like MD's & Drug companies) and the food industries that profit from the NFP's "official" prevarication (like the Cereal makers & the Poly Food Oil industry).
In closing, had you ever been warmed by the odd closing comment in probably every cereal commercial ever made that the cereal concerned was only PART of a good breakfast?
They know, reader. They know "Trix" isn't for Rabbits or Kids... Trix is for unhealthily maintained and cognitively compromised idiots and nascent dim-bulbs!
That's enough... ...If ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Company) doesn't have me "Whacked" for my transgressions... ? ...I should do one more iteration on the NFP, soon, concerning Fruit/Fruit Juices & Meat -- more scurvy lies there, too.
Well be! |
LivingTree Root #014
Not Current and Deleted |
LivingTree Root #015
"New Food Pyramid" Part Three... or "Abuse, Manipulation, and Juice"! by Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
It's like a health mantra: "DRINK JUICE & EAT LOTS of FRUITS & VEGGIES"...right? Well, not so fast little Buddy. This ubiquitous motherly advise, when said correctly, no longer rolls off the tongue so easily ...Moms (who usually know what they're taking about?) should, instead, say something a little more in-depth, like: "If you don't have Diabetes, eating a little bit of small, dark fruit, with a large 'Skin to Pulp' ratio, is OK... but never... never ever... drink sweet fruit juices... not even the so-called naturally sweet kind... and eat lots of raw, mostly above ground, veggies (except corn)." In defense of my new & improved, necessarily convoluted, "buzz-phrase" I will explain how the NFP (New Food Pyramid), the ADA (Amer. Diabetes Assoc.) and the AHA (Amer.Heart Assoc.) have dropped the ball... again... but first some pertinent info... Refined Sugar is BAD in every way! Discovered today it would probably be identified as a hazardous food substance like MSG. It does not do one positive thing... well, except make things sweet. Now days, that single "sweet" reason won't fly because we have the amazing, healthful, and completely natural sweetener from the South American Rain Forest, "Stevia". The sugar industry is in a veritable panic trying to figure out how to stop the "Stevia Invasion". Because all of the above Associations are "in the tank" for the Sugar, Juice, Grain & Pharmaceutical industries, it is not remotely surprising that when you go to their websites and put "Stevia" in their search engine... Why... they've never even heard of it? Liars! Did you know the FDA is actively trying to keep you from learning or even hearing about Stevia? Wouldn't you think that the ADA (the Diabetes one), in particular, would be all over something as "Heaven Sent" as Stevia -- no calories, no blood-sugar rise, and it's an all natural food with NO side effects. Even the other ADA (Dental) should love it because it will not cause tooth decay... Oh, wait ! ...I forgot! The only reason the Diabetes ADA exists is because you get sick with diabetes & the Dental ADA makes big money on tooth decay ...but I digress. To understand the lies & misdirection concerning sugar and fruit juice you need to know a little about carbohydrates. The ADA would have you believe all carbs are the same to include table sugar. This is SO wrong. Here is an ADA quote : ..."Research has shown that sugar has the same effect on blood glucose levels as other carbohydrates"...also they say... "To include sweets in your meal, you can cut back on the other carb foods at the same meal." Great idea !! substitute Real Food with Anti-food... By telling a "half truth" they can get away with this LIE...Yes, it is true that all digestible carbs eventually turn into the "cell food", Glucose, but what happens on the way to becoming Glucose (also called Dextrose) makes all the difference in the world. This is primarily centered around how much insulin is secreted to keep your blood sugar down where it should be. If you are slim, exercise just a little, and you have very sensitive, thus efficient insulin... with a stable, normal blood sugar... ...the glucose that insulin takes into the cell will be used as energy or temporarily stored as Glycogen for quick energy BUT ... not stored as fat. Carbohydrates : there are 2, 3, 4 or even more different kinds of carbs depending on how you break them down... (1).. Simple Carbs - One of the 2 major classifications (the other is Complex) only have one or two sugar molecules. The Monosaccarides (means *one sugar*) of interest are Glucose & Fructose. These two go together to form Sucrose (table sugar). Table sugar is called a Disaccarides, which means *two sugars* - at least one of the sugars has to be Glucose. The other Disaccarides are Lactose (milk sugar) which is made of the two Mono's, Glucose & Galactose... ...and Maltose, made of Glucose & Glucose. Simple carbs taste sweet and are considered "empty calories" - in fact they rob the body of enzymes & acids as they are processed. Simple carbs (except fructose) can cause a too rapid rise in blood sugar, requiring an insulin secretion to lower it. The insulin turns this excess sugar into fat. Fructose (fruit & corn sugar) does not cause a rise in blood sugar like Sucrose (table sugar) so manufactures went crazy and started putting Hi-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) in everything...with the blessing of the medical community. But here's the Coup d' Gras! HFCS is usually a mixture of 50% Corn Fructose & 50% Glucose ...Gee, that looks an awful lot like the Disaccaride Table Sugar mentioned above... Fructose + Glucose = Sucrose. Granted, fructose alone does not cause the same rise in blood sugar, but it is still a simple sugar, which means it is an empty calorie with no vitamins, minerals or enzymes! But because of the low blood sugar rise, the "Fructose Crowd" tries to pass off a fructose carb as comparable to a complex veggie carb... ...they are, decidedly, not the same just because fructose acts sort of like a complex carb! In fact, Fructose... even though it does not cause a large increase in blood sugar, still manages to reduce the affinity of insulin for its receptor, so if you are "genetically predisposed" then a little later down the road you will start getting an increase in insulin anyway, because the body has to secrete more to do the same job as before -- this is "Fructose-induced Insulin Resistance." Because it is possible for a fat person to eat lots of fructose & sucrose without becoming Insulin Resistant, I will very reluctantly concede that a person might have to be genetically predisposed to develop Type II Diabetes... but if that's true, then there is a very large percentage of the population that is susceptible because "Adult On-set Diabetes" is increasing exponentially... Oh [...Snap...] wait a minute! That's right! It has to be called Type II Diabetes because NOW even children develop it... "Maaa..." Eric Cartman whines, "...more Snacky Cakes"!! There is growing evidence that "Fructose-induced Insulin Resistance" is also associated with stimulated Liver VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) secretion. Models show that the induction of VLDL causes a subsequent increase in plasma triglycerides... ...this can eventually contribute to Heart Disease, Folks ! (2).. Complex Carbs - As the name implies, these carbs are more complex because they contain many thousands of sugar molecules strung together. Don't; however, make the mistake in thinking any & all complex carbs are healthful and that they are all "slow burning" thus avoiding a rise in blood-sugar & insulin. In fact, some very starchy complex veggies, like mashed-potatoes (w/o the skin), can cause a much greater insulin release than sucrose (table sugar). This is because Complex carbs come in two forms - Low & High Fiber... a).. Low fiber - which are starches (potatoes/rice), or veggies & fruits that are low fiber (tomatoes/grapes). b).. High fiber or non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) - Like Cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectins, gums & mucilages, (all carbohydrates) and lignins, the only non-carbohydrate component of dietary fiber. Lignins, which gives wood the ability to grow tall, are the precursor to the powerful cancer fighter, Lignans (with an a) found in all plants... but VERY high in Flaxseed. Another way to classify fiber is by how it dissolves in water or Water Solubility... (Viscosity is the newer, more applicable term for Solubility...) a).. Insoluble - Cellulose & some Hemicellulose, (Ligins, non-carb)...this is the good stuff slowing the absorption of other sugars... ...thus avoiding the rapid sugar rise & the need for more insulin. If at all possible, a substantial portion of your "Carb containing foods" should be high cellulose veggies like raw broccoli, dark green leafy lettuce (Romaine...not iceburg), greens (mustard/turnip), etc... b).. Soluble - ( Viscose Fiber) - Pectins (apples & carrots ), gums ( Oats & legumes ), mucilages (Seed protection, like in Flaxseed ), Hemicelluloses-- (Grains) some are soluble, others are insoluble. Soluble fiber will partially dissolve and form a gel that is good for lowering cholesterol, blood Glucose, and ultimately, Insulin. The more viscose or greater Viscosity of this gel the slower your blood glucose fluctuates, which in the long run, actually strengthens the sensitivity of your insulin because it's not over-used & abused continuously by the ingestion of Fruit Loops & Cheezy Poofs. Cartman is called "Fat Ass" for a reason, folks. High fiber foods (both Viscose & Insoluble) can slow digestion of other carbs, like sugar & starch, reducing insulin need... but not always. For example, too much sugar can still cause an insulin increase with the ingestion of a high fiber food. Take Prunes... They have about 3 times the fiber of other F&V but they also have lots of sugar with 30% of its weight consisting of glucose, 15% fructose, and 2% sucrose...that's 47% sugar. Of course, with that much fiber, prunes turn out to only cause a moderate rise in Glucose. The poor Baked Potato doesn't fair as well -- with the skin it is pretty high in Insoluble fiber but the high starch makes it considerably worse than Sucose (table sugar) for a rise in glucose and the panicky insulin reaction to follow. Does all this mean that a person should consider eating Sucrose rather than a baked potato or they should never eat prunes or potatos? NO & NO... MMMMMmmmm no... A potato is real food with many healthful nutrients -- Sucrose is an anti-nutrient. Homo Erectus ate roots & tubers but he never saw Table Sugar. Homo Erectus ate foods the equivalent of prunes & potatos...and so can you, if you are like homo Erectus in that you are slim, exercise daily, and don't have Diabetes or any other chronic inflammatory ailment like Heart Disease... We are homo Erectus, remember, with a keyboard, HDTV, and, thank your God of choice, an internet. ...Or, you wouldn't hear me pontificate, reader. (3).. Refined Carbs (...Cue the funeral dirge!)- Bread, Cereal, Pasta & the aforementioned Cheezy Poofs... This is the Manmade stuff that is killing us insidiously. Refined carbs are very much like Simple Carbs in that they are anti-nutrients and cause a rapid rise in glucose & insulin. However, most are complex carbs that have been stripped of the fiber & nutrients that make them "real food". For example, if you strip the whole wheat of its bran & germ - you wind up with the endosperm - the plants store of starch...this becomes "White Bread," or put in "Anything Brown" and call it "Wheat Bread" or throw in some visible chunks of rye or whatever & some caramel coloring and call it "Multi-Grain" bread or cereal. Death by "The Staff of Life." That's irony. And did you know ?? They now have "100% Whole Wheat..." ...that's WHITE !! Here, let me hold your hair back while you vomit. What about Juice vs. Fruit ?? Several times a day Mom uses her Juicer to make some homemade, healthful "Vegetable Juice" - she tells her friends that juicing veggies is such a wonderful thing to do for your family...Well, the only problem is she makes it the way she saw it on TV - so her "veggie juice" is actually about 50% apples, 40% carrots (people love to use carrots for juicing because they are very high in...you guessed it - SUGAR) and 10% broccoli & spinach. So, her "Healthful Veggie Drink" actually contributes to Fructose-induced Insulin Resistance because of too much SUGAR with virtually NO fiber! You can cut the irony with a plastic knife. Healthful in this case is decidedly unhealthy. I don’t care HOW bushy your white eyebrows are or how many trucks you can pull with your nipples! Instead, try juicing broccoli, spinach, celery, cabbage, beets, onions, etc...most adults (and EVERY kid) will go "Yuck ! it needs apples & carrots." Then sweeten with the aforementioned stevia! Come on Uncle Al!! I can hear the internal dialogue... Homo Erectus must have eaten apples and carrots ...so what's the diff? The diff is that we did not evolve juicing fruit. When you eat the whole fruit, digestion of the sugar is slowed because of the fiber... ...which means you don't get a big "sugar blast" all at once! Plus, part of the sugar is carried away with the fiber. Also, have you ever noticed that it takes a lot of fruit to make a fairly small amount of juice -- so when you drink a big glass of juice it's like consuming the amount of sugar in more whole fruit than one would ever eat at once! Consider that a moment. Fruit should be kept to a minimum (NO fruit if you're diabetic) and you should use only those very dark, black, blue, purple, or red fruits, with a large "Skin to Pulp" ratio. The skin is where most of the magical stuff (antioxidants, etc.) is located, so you want "little dark guys" like blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc. The one exception to the "small-dark rule" is one banana a day... ...if you don't have Diabetes and are not overweight. Here are just a few of the reasons why Fructose is nothing like complex veggie carbs and why too much fructose is likely worse than too much Sucrose : (1).. OK, we've already mentioned the "Fructose-induced Insulin Resistance" problem. (2).. ... hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia and high blood pressure can be induced in fructose-fed rats! We’re not rats? Correct. They're mammals... ...that's enough. (3).. Fructose raises both LDL & VLDL but does not raise HDL. All 3 do the wrong thing biochemically on fructose. The rise in the Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) is particularly significant compared to other carbs. (4).. Rats fed a fructose-enriched diet had a 72% higher homocysteine levels after 5 weeks - This is consistent with the increased TG (Triglycerides), VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) secretion, and atherosclerosis associated with chronic fructose feeding. (5).. Excess fructose can accelerate mineral loss. In particular Copper...this can be a very serious problem for people that don't supplement with Zinc & Copper yet consume in excess of 20% of their calories from fructose. (6).. Fructose is metabolized in the liver and is converted to fat more readily than other sugars. (7).. Feeding rats fructose created a 56% increase in TG secretion rate, and an 86% increase in plasma TG. Feeding glucose, however, did not have this effect on TG production, This is likely because glucose stimulates both TG production, and TG removal, maintaining homeostasis. Fructose stimulates TG production, but impairs removal. The human liver possesses a large capacity to metabolize fructose to fat. Who's Looking Out for You ??...well, lets just see... 1) Amer. Diabetes Assoc. -- The ADA would tell you pretty much everything I've said reference "Fructose / Sucrose / Refined Carb Induced Insulin Resistance" is because I'm a "Subversive" out to destroy America. In fact the ADA would have you believe that it's not empty carbs that cause Insulin Resistance (IR)...the empty carbs cause you to get fat and being fat causes IR. OK...then, why is it that many traditional Eskimos (eating only Fat & protein) don't mind putting on some extra Fat to stay warm while "rubbing noses" on those long Arctic nights? Lets see...if they had a smiling, sociopathic Medical Doctor telling them to "...reduce Saturated Fat (Blubber) in their diet & lose weight to avoid Heart Disease" - the overweight Inuit would laugh, thinking this must be a joke, because the Inuit have the lowest incidence of Coronary Disease on the planet... Oh yeah, if you can find one case of Type II diabetes among all the fat Eskimos that eat only Fat & Protein...I will shut-up & put my head in a micro-wave for two minutes on high. Of course, if you ask the ADA why more & more NON-traditional Eskimos who now consume the White Man's poison (sugar) are starting to develop the White Man's disease, Type II Diabetes...they will say "How 'bout those Yankee's?" or, "Why do you hate America, Mr. Graham...?” 2).. The Amer. Heart Assoc. -- Recently there was an "earth shattering" story that just barely made it to "mainstream news" and within a couple of days was lining bird cages everywhere. The insane & unexpected results of a large study proved what I (And many other holistic types) have been saying for years -- that undamaged Saturated Fat (SatFat), like real butter, was not the enemy and that this whole "Low Fat" craze, not only didn't help but appeared to hurt. Also if you go to http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#CholesterolMyth and read my paper "The Cholesterol Myth", I think it will convince you that High Cholesterol is not the disease... high cholesterol can be the response to the disease. The Disease is Arterial Inflammation that is caused by smoking, SUGAR / Refined Carbs, Trans Fat in pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) & oxidized Omega 6, PolyUnsat. food Oils like Corn & Soy...but it is not CAUSED by high cholesterol! Someone should point out to the AHA that there are many Eskimos walking around with total cholesterol in excess of 250 that will never have a heart attack. YET...if you go to the AHA website, everywhere you turn, it's warning you about SatFat & Cholesterol, but you have to search to find any ref. to Sugar or the poly food oil, except to say use "sugar in moderation" and it evilly portrays Poly Food Oil as healthful. Cue your outrage, reader. These are institutional tramps and thieves who lie to you, cheat you, and steal from you, forgetting they are trying to kill you in a managed way so the most amount of profit can be derived from the commission of that, astonishing, mass murder...was that too harsh? Sorry. If you go to the recipes & nutrition section, it gives you instructions to avoid SatFat (use Poly Oil), avoid Cholesterol (use Margarine), avoid Sodium (who cares), avoid Calories (avoid Fat) & how to add Fiber (eat brown cereal & bread) - but no where does it show low sugar / low refined carb recipes. It also warns you about Trans Fat but does not emphasize that the Trans Fat Molecule & the pHVO molecule are the same thing. Read LTR 12 to understand why that's important - http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#Fatlie 3).. The New Food Pyramid (NFP) -- If you haven't read the first two installments Ref. the New Pyramid please do - the first NFP paper will explain how the recommended Poly Food Oil mentioned above is, not so slowly, killing us. -- LTR# 12 - http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#Fatlie and LTR# 13 - http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#champ Fruit - the recommended 2 to 4 cups of fruit daily would be fine except : (a). You can substitute juice for the whole fruit...which is exactly what many will do all the time instead of only sometimes. (b). Also, Mom gives little Janey a Big glass of grape juice - the NFP says 1/2 cup but Regis Philbin says you should drink a big glass because Welch's Grape juice is indorsed by the American Heart Assoc....so more must be better... Regis wouldn't lie? Maybe not... ...but he could be ignorant as the dickens! See? Actually, grape juice is one of the worst juices because it is naturally very sweet. Yes, the stuff that makes grapes a purple/red color, is the stuff that is rich in powerful antioxidants. But that free radical protection, with its long-term positive effects, does not justify the long & short term damage caused by sugar-insulin... especially when you can get the same antioxidants without the sugar! So, drink dry, dark red wine (for b'fast you might want the Alcohol-Free wine) or take Grape Seed extract capsules (they are very cheap). (c). Canned fruit is always acceptable? It shouldn't be... Canning destroys 2 of the really good things about fruit - digestive enzymes & many Vitamins. Other Carbs - the official "Pyramid" recommends twice as many servings of grains (bread, cereal, pasta) as veggies. I think this is just wrong - especially when you consider that half can be refined carbs which will surely increase & desensitize your insulin. Well Folks, this concludes the final installment on "The New Food Pyramid." Or... ...exactly how you are being manipulated to indorse and practice the dodgiest system of human nutrition conceived... ...as you allow yourself to be manipulated by sociopaths only interested in maintaining the status quo regarding how far they can get their hand in your pocket... ...while they further rob you of your quality of life. The hyperbole meter bumps zero, reader. Until next time -- Well be!
LivingTree Root #016
20/20 Bowel Disease! ...Or, how Crohn's can improve your eyesight! By Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg) Corrected 12 June, 2007
At about the age of 40 I had to get my first pair of bifocals, even if only the tiny bottom piece provided a minimally required correction. This was an unsettling development after having better than 20/20 vision (actually better than 20/15) most of my 22 years as a prototypical, if self-styled, "Steely-eyed," Night-Vision enhanced, Combat-tested Army Helicopter Pilot... well...
...A couple of years later I had to get a little stronger correction in the bottom -- plus a slight correction in the top.
Also, interestingly, about that time, I came down with an especially virulent case of Crohn's disease and willingly... thankfully... gratefully... ironically ...turned myself over to the medical community, as we know it, for their conflicted dispensation. I was lucky to survive them...
See, this was but the start of my plummet on an express elevator to hell on unwell Earth... friends and neighbors. I embarked on an 8 year slide into abject and increasing misery. Sincerely, reader, I have a keen understanding why most Crohn's & Colitis sufferers are on antidepressants... ...and why many of these "check out of the net" after a time... a military parlance for suicide...
Indeed... the concept flitters unsettlingly at the peripheries of solutions which could justifiably jump into ones head ... even though I never really considered it, myself. Still, I certainly understood the sentiment. Major gut-removal surgery was suggested next in their medical back-stepping bag of cash-cow squeezing tricks for this cash-cow!
Conversely, to have even thought of self-euthanization and provoked by the burgeoning potentiality of same? I *stooped*, even as a hard-eyed rationalist and nascent scientist, to consider the *woo-woo* of the *New-Age* supplementation and *health-food* crowd... You see, one day I walked into a health food store. The rest, as they say, is history.
...And reader, I'd ironically stumbled into where the science actually was! A real world where things are Pro-active, not re-active ...like with Pharmz... a reality where things are Pro-biotic (for-life), not Anti-biotic (against-life...) ...like with Pharmz... where bodily systems are enhanced and realized, not degraded and inhibited ...like with Pharmz. See, Pharmz block (beta-blockers), suppress (immunosuppressants), inhibit (Cox-2 inhibitors), interfere (interferon) and just about every other damn thing that is Anti-this & Anti-that... where "cause" is not addressed, just symptoms treated, at best (like with the aforementioned Pharmaceuticals...).
Just the other day, in conversation with my best friend & former student, Alfred Lehmberg, I had to remark that my gut works better, now, than it ever did in the 20 years before I came down with the "incurable" disease called Crohn's. How is this possible?
My unabashed report to you, Sir and Madam, is that I self-corrected this "Auto-immune" Disease by doing the exact opposite of what the *conventional* medical doctrine pompously indicates as best practice! That's right! Very nearly the polar opposite!
"Doctors" use scarily dangerous and crossed-purpose pharmaceuticals suppressing an immune system to momentarily relieve, at best, only the symptoms of disease for the short term. What does this errant practice do but leave you wide open for any killer microbe happening by! Plus, suppressing the immune system wreaks inordinate havoc with the immune system...it doesn't just gently "slow it down"...no, it harshly "beats it up" - so recovery can be slow and in some cases almost non-existent.
I refrained from these pharmaceuticals, eventually; but only after 8 years of increasingly stronger and more toxic Drugs, where only my decline was steady!
Additionally, these "Doctors" *warn* the sufferer that antioxidants & immune enhancing supplements will likely cause an immune system flare-up... "After all, Mr. Graham," the medicos ponderously intone, "...this IS an Auto-immune Disease...(...'you unwashed dummy' is unspoken but implied!)... So pumping-up your immune system with nutritional supplements can make the disease worse in the short run & the long run...," these finish their lugubrious chant.
They also, in "lock-step" & with a straight-face, told me that diet has nothing to do with bowel disease and that there was no need to avoid any particular foods...
My God!
That goes beyond incompetent, frankly, pretty much right over into criminal behavior! I DARE the sociopaths over at the FDA to see how many children will develop bowel disease after being raised without ever consuming the "Breakfast of Chumpions"...Milk (all dairy is a killer), Refined Flour (most crap called Cereal) & Sugar (cereal-crap again)...I bet not only bowel disease would virtually disappear but so would all those children allergies, ear-infections, perpetual sniffles & colds, etc, etc.
I took a broad spectrum of antioxidants & immune enhancing supplements, myself, regardless, in logical retreat from an operation, mechanism, or system treating my continuing disease as their economic opportunity... which would be fine if they might cure you, but you're advised that you are very profitably (for them) incurable!
All the preceding said: the way to ameliorate just about ANY bowel disease, for the vast, VAST majority of sufferers I discovered... is to do the following:
(a) Load up on a broad spectrum of antioxidants (to counter Free-radicals & their damage), Grapeseed Extract & Alpha Lipoic Acid are cheap & work particularly well for "gut-maintenance" (b) Take immune enhancing foods & supps. ( this will fight the disease, not exacerbate it) like Probiotic, Astragalus, Medicinal Mushrooms and my favorite, L-Glutamine, a cheap, intestinal-villi "friendly" amino-acid. (c) Take a quality form of Multi (the difference is as sunlight unto moonlight, so avoid Centrum) with all of the Vitamins/Minerals & Trace Minerals (to provide the repair material) and the EFA's (essential fatty acids) from Black Currant Oil & Krill / Fish Oil (...to relieve Inflammation & so MUCH more, like decreasing Blood -Pressure & Platelet-Stickiness!). (d) Take digestive enzymes before each meal & probiotics ( good gut bacteria like Acidolphilous) every AM on empty stomach. (e) Avoid carbonated drinks & Tums...or anything that destroys valuable stomach acid. (f) Avoid Sugar & refined flour. (g) Avoid All Dairy (milk in particular) - I have written volumes concerning the evils of Milk & Dairy so here is even more scary stuff...all dairy (and much of the disrespected meat in this country) has the potential to pass along a particularly destructive microbe called Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. There is pretty clear evidence that Johnnes Disease (in animals) caused by Mycobacterium paratuberculosis is in fact Crohn's Disease in humans. Standard pasteurization will not kill the microbe, as evidenced by random testing of milk in Cal., et al...found all had Mycobacterium, in "low" amounts...so babies, children, old people (or anyone with an even slightly compromised immune system) can wind up with bowel disease as a result of one glass of milk.
My Crohn's hit 6 months after having my spleen removed... I've had people contact me from all over the world who have developed life threatening bowel disease after a "simple" round of antibiotics or steroids... consider that about 2 out of 10 people have some sort of bowel disease... much of it induced by "doctors" (toxic Pharmz) & caring mainstream Dieticians (toxic foods like Milk, Poly-food Oil, Margarine, Sugar...jeez, I could go on here for several pages)...
This is science, remember! I'll debate anyone in that regard! To wit: Unlike toxic pharmaceuticals which have horrible side-effects... the "side-effects" of the preceding 7 items can protect you from virtually EVERY disease... not just bowel disease!
Oh yeah... and stay away from almost every food these good doctors recommend vis a vis their new *improved* official food pyramid ... like margarine, poly food oils (corn, soy, etc.) and grains ( except soaked or sprouted ), ...while actually consuming those things *doctors* tell you to avoid -- coconut oil & eggs!
Item! Here's a Quick Crohn's Tip (any bowel disease) from my Buddy, the Leaf Lady -- Eat Okra for its mucus calming benefits. Eat sticky stuff to relieve sticky stuff...Yes, the sticky okra causes the protein digestive enzyme, pepsin, to stick to the gut wall and digest the mucus. I cannot confirm or refute this claim because when I look at boiled Okra I have the same reaction as Prymaat Conehead when she encounters a big purple "Eggplant" in the produce isle... Aeaeaeaeaeae !!!
OK... Back to deteriorating eyesight!
...Every 12 to 18 months after coming down with Crohn's I would need a little stronger correction in my glasses prescription. My vision, apparently, was disintegrating along with the rest of my physicality...
Don't get me wrong, my eye doctor said this was a normal rate of degeneration even for someone without Crohn's. So, in the next 8 or 10 years I had 5 or 6 prescription upgrades.
Snap back to present times...
I was listening to our local talk radio where one day a week a local Eye Doctor answers calls & explains eye problems. On this particular day he went from the front of the eye to the rear of same, explaining how UV light can cause or exacerbate virtually every eye disease... ...due to free-radical damage and the associated inflammation.
Whoa, fellow warriors ... combating inflammation & free-radical damage is what I'm all about, my raison d'être... a result of my long battle with Crohn's... ...and that's when it dawned on me!
I had been wearing the same glasses prescription since starting all those "useless" supplements, about 10 years ago now! Ding!
Not only were the antioxidants helping me hold on to what I had, but they were actually improving my eye sight... while protecting me from things like cataracts - all my family members for at least 2 generations have had cataracts. The reader discovers on a review of the body of work I've produced over the years that here was still more confirmation for the assertions I had been making! The reader may see now the weird relationship between Crohn's disease and improving eyesight!
The Radio eye *doctor*? Well, his answer for EVERYTHING (...and thanks for being so bleeding helpful *Doc*...) was:
1). Surgery... 2). Toxic Pharmaceuticals... 3). Stay out of the sun & wear sunglasses...
...That was predictable. Eh?
...So, just like virtually every other branch of medicine, it seems, at the core of their corporately hijacked *discipline* is a big fat LIE... propping up everything else! If you'll see my paper "Mo' Money" at http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#Momoney ... I explode several of these core myths & medical lies.
Yes, reader! Lies! Screw any time wasting metaphors or polite euphemisms! Given the word suicide had been thrust, unwanted, into my head? My gloves are decidedly off!
One of the "disciplines" I mention in "Mo' Money" is virtually identical to the EYE-antioxidant-Uv light-"Connection" ...and that, folks, is the garden-variety Dermatologist's bogus mantra concerning the sun as a "cause" for skin cancer! Let's go there a minute!
Even an arguably smart & informed guy like Bill O'Reilly fell for the ponderously fallacial argument that if 'A' is followed by 'B'... ...then 'A' must be the "cause" of 'B'... O'Reilly does such when he assumes that his fair complexioned Irish relatives, the ones most often out in the sun... ...subsequently got skin cancer... so this is his "empirical" data to show the sun "CAUSED" the skin cancer. Get it? But consider... he gets it very wrong, authoritatively, in front of millions of people, putting himself and those many listeners at risk. Let's look at the more likely reality.
Firstly, I'm at risk of sounding a little like Bill Clinton when he dithered over the definition of the word "is." See? it depends on your definition of the word "causes"... follow? I prefer the more accurate word "Triggers"... Sun "triggers the cancer, perhaps... ...but it does not CAUSE the cancer.
"TRIGGERS," ... "CAUSES"!?! "So What"? "...C'mon Uncle Al, you're pole vaulting over tic-spoor! It's the same thing, ain't it, 'Supplement Boy' "?
Well actually...no, it's not the same... not remotely the same. Here's my logic for why the sun does not *cause* skin cancer... actually, and it's pretty ironic given it's YOU causing the skin cancer, yourself, reader! Analogy?
If an innocent person, driving fairly slow, runs head-on into a car that pulled right in front of her and she subsequently dies (in what should have been a survivable crash) as a result of her head going through the windshield... ? ...was the crash, the cause of her death? NO...the crash only triggered her death. The CAUSE of her death was not wearing her seat belt...because the girl sitting next to her with her belt on? She didn't get a scratch!
So, with this in mind, let's visualize 3 genetically identical triplet brothers. To make the proceeding argument work... the only leap of faith that is required is the belief that antioxidants can destroy dangerous free-radicals. This shouldn't be too difficult, considering it's pretty much simple, even "pure vanilla" Science. That is to say, no leap at all.
Brother #1 - never gets in the sun, does not supplement, eats free-radical causing foods (recommended by New Official Food Pyramid) like poly-food oil & margarine... Brother #1 DOES NOT get skin cancer (just for sake of this argument we are saying he does NOT get cancer; however, in reality? This unfortunate slob will actually have an increased risk of skin-cancer due to [cue startled music!] ...a Vit.D-3 deficiency BECAUSE he gets NO SUN...irony !) But anyway... no cancer for Bro One, for now anyway.
Brother #2 - on the other hand is out in the sun many hours a day (but never burns), does not supplement, and, like Bro.#1, eats free-radical causing foods like Cheezy Poofs and Snacky Cakes... Brother #2 DOES get skin cancer.
SO...the answer is obvious? The sun CAUSED the cancer, right? If the only difference between two identical brothers is that the one out in the sun got the skin cancer.
NOT SO FAST, Boobala !
See, Brother #3 (Remember him?) - works side by side in the sun with brother #2 ... but Brother #3 takes numerous antioxidants & Krill / Fish Oil, eats a high antioxidant / low free-radical diet alluded to earlier... [cue startled music again!]... and he DOES NOT get skin cancer!
OK... SO, now the answer IS obvious. The sun TRIGGERED the cancer in Brother#2... ...but it did not "cause" the cancer because it could not trigger the cancer in Brother #3! See how that works?
#3's nutrient supplement precluded the trigger! Just like the car crash did not kill the unharmed passenger, because she "supplemented" with a seat belt, #3's "seat belt" was the supplements he was taking. Follow?
...No, Folks... the sun was the "trigger"! The "cause" was an Omega-3/Antioxidant/Vit.D-3/Mineral dietary deficiency! So, the skin cancer is your fault... NOT the sun's fault ... just like the girl dying in the crash was her fault... not the guy that pulled in front of her (even though he was a Satan-worshipping, Meth-head). If you put on your seatbelt & take your antioxidants...you are being "pro-active" not "re-active"... and maybe not dead. Oh yeah...ask your "doctor" why there is as much skin cancer in overcast New England as there is in the sunny south.
Now let me raise the hair on the back of your neck a little... Why does the top one percent of IQs & the highest paid people on the planet CONTINUALLY (and unflinchingly!) get this "eye-disease-cancer-causing-sun-thing" so horribly wrong, again and again?
Of course, you already know the answer... right?
...Could it be that it is in their financial interest to continue to get it arguably wrong? I fear we can only answer in the affirmative. Nothing else makes sense.
These people are not stupid... they know! Even if they push it away from themselves with cognitive dissonances, rationalizations, or a bad (that is to say conveniently self-serving) application of science. They know!
Of course they do! Great suffering Zot and little sputniks, reader! If you and I know, they know!
Visualize the following "Crazy-World":
...What if EYE "doctors" told people: Stop wearing sunglasses (...except in extreme conditions, skiing in the Alps or in a protracted and painful glare, say...) & toxic sunscreen lotions ... also get at least 15 minutes of sun daily around high noon on your face & arms (but never burn). Additionally, every morning, while the early sun is low on the horizon, spend some time getting the sun-light in your eyes (every 7 AM while "hunting" for horn-worms on my tomato plants, I occasionally glance into the rising sun for just a second). This will stimulate a Serotonin-induced "perk me up" so I'm ready to out-smart stealthy horn-worms... or saber-tooth tigers if I'm Cro-Magnon Man! Then this "Fantasy-Doctor" would tell you to take a broad spectrum of antioxidants, Fish-Oil, Vitamins & minerals & stay away from processed foods, dairy & Sugar... Why, within a year or two we could solve the big controversy surrounding the illegal Mexican workers... ...we'd let all the *out of work* "pill-pushers" pick the lettuce and strawberries!
How did we evolve ?
Homo Erectus did not wear sunglasses, use toxic sunscreens, and did not suffer from seasonal depression (actually, there are no seasons at the Equator where he spent the first million years or so), ... he felt energetic & lighthearted I'm betting (considering the dangers & uncertainties of the Serengeti). His situational thinking & reaction time were likely more finely tuned than our finest homo Sapien Sapien athlete of today.
What key factor caused these incongruities in homo Erectus? The answer? Humankind's skin & eyes, over a period of a million years, were bathed in bright equatorial sunlight all day long.
The preceding does many good things: The sunlight is converted to large amounts of Vitamin D-3 which helps protect the skin & eyes. The Vitamin D-3 stimulates the production of natural "feel-good" drugs, serotonin & dopamine... ...and the light entering the eyes has even a more immediate effect on mood ... you feel good, you're alert, you're not as hungry & you grave carbohydrates less.
As early humans moved further North & could no longer count on the sun to make the Vitamin D & elevate their mood...God or Mother Nature very fortuitously increases the Vit. A & D, plus the powerful EFAs, Omega 3s in the cold-water fish & animals, taking up the required dietary slack!
Of course, the obvious problem is that now these self-same fair-skinned *Scandinavians* have moved back South to live here in sunny LA (Lower Alabama)... Boy...those trouble-making Scandinavians, eh?
This is what I think they (you) should do in my humble opinion (this applies to everyone: but especially "really extra-white folks" like Bill O'Reilly):
1)..Get several short sun exposures during the day but NEVER burn. 2)..Cover yourself to avoid burning, but don't avoid the sun. 3)..Use one of several less-toxic "Sun-Blocks" on problem areas like your nose...these contain Titanium Dioxide & PABA esters. Make sure any of these "safe" sun-blocks do not contain fluoride. NEVER EVER use Octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC), which is present in 90 percent of sunscreen brands... ...a vetted Norwegian study found that it would kill mouse cells even at low doses!!! There's your Cancer Precursor, I suspect! 4).. Here's another Leaf Lady Tip : Use a spray of Vit. B-1 & Vit. C as a non-toxic sunscreen. 5)..Take a quality Multi Vitamin/Mineral. to include all 70 plus Trace Minerals. Real (as opposed to 'pure white', processed) Sun-dried Sea Salt is a good source of all 72 trace minerals...it must be pink, grey or off-white - NEVER pure white (means NO trace minerals). 6)..Take EFA Omega 3s & 6, in Flax, Hemp, Black Currant & Fish/Krill Oils. 7).. Take as many of the following antioxidants as you can afford: (the first 5 below are already in your MultiVit/Min, but you really need more than is found in the average Multi - but if you can't afford the extra, then at least go with the amount found in the Multi)
In a good Multi :
(a) -- Vit. A , take a total of about 20,000iu daily - ONLY 5000iu can be "real" Vit.A (palmitate) while the other 15000 should be beta-carotene. (your Multi will have part or all of the 20 thou.). The 15000 Beta-carotene (B-C) can be less (like maybe 5000iu) or much more...you can't OD on B-C, but you can on palmitate. (b) -- Vit. D-3 , take a total of about 1000iu to 1200iu (never exceed 2000iu) - if you get lots of sun from 10 to 2 several days a week in the the summer, then you could get by with the 400iu that comes in all Multi's, but in the winter or if you're too far north OR if you're black, then take the 1000iu D-3 supplementally. Always take with Calcium...taking Lg.doses of Vit.D, without taking calcium, will leach calcium right out of your bones. Avoid Vit.D-2, the crap found in milk. (c) -- Vit. E , take 400iu of "Mixed" Tocopherol or a second choice of "d Alpha Tocopherol". Some Multi's will have the whole 400iu ...but not many. (d) -- Zinc & copper, (ALWAYS take at about a 10to1 ratio but don't exceed about 4mg of copper - also NEVER take over 100mg Zinc daily), including your Multi, take about 30 to 60mg Zinc & 2 to 4mg Copper. "WARNING" zinc/copper MUST BE taken togeather. Taking a little extra Zinc (like a Zinc Lozenge if you have a cold) without the additional Copper is probably not a real big deal but taking extra Copper without Zinc...can be a big deal - if you have copper water pipes, get tested for copper before taking a copper supp. (e) -- Selenium , (the King of mineral antioxidants), including your Multi, take about 400mcg daily. This is also likely the most powerful Cancer fighter there is. Selenium runs through earth like veins of Gold in a mine...so there are whole countries (New Zealand) with selenium depleted soil where cancer & heart disease were out of control until the government started importing selenium rich food from Australia.
Not normally in a Multi :
(f) -- NAC , (precursor to the more expensive, Glutathione, which is the True King of antioxidants, but not well absorbed through supplements) take 500 mg of NAC with 1000mg Vit. C. (the Vit. C is important) (g) -- Lutein & Bilberry , (they very often come together) take about twice as much as directed on label. This might be the most potent "one, two" punch "in the eye"...especially considering it's cheap! A food very high in lutein and zeaxanthin, (another powerful antioxidant, also in Krill Oil) is egg yolk. More doctors everyday are having to admit that macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness in the elderly) is because they have avoided eggs & "bought-into" the whole "No-Fat...Low-Fat" corporate LIE. (h) -- Grapeseed Extract , take as directed. For just a little more money you can get the other latest "hot-item", Resveratrol - another powerful anti-oxidant from grapes. Grapeseed extract & Dry Dark Red Wine are very cool but Grape-Juice is decidedly NOT...the very high "sugary-fructose" in Grape-juice causes insulin secretion & Fructose Induced Insulin Resistance - both lead to inflammation that completely "Undoes" the wonderful, but futile, effort of the Anti-oxidants in the really sweet, grape juice (so Regis lies, too & my buddy O'Reilly also has a big glass of skin-cancer "friendly" Welch's Grape Juice every day). (i) -- Alpha Lipoic Acid, take as directed. ALA is unique in that it is BOTH fat & water soluble...so destroys Free-radicals on two "fronts".
Last, but certainly not least, stay away from free-radical causing crap like: Poly-food oil (corn, soy, canola, etc.), only use Olive Oil & Coconut Oil ... pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) like margarine, use real (organic) butter instead ... HCA free-radicals (FRs) from burnt animal fat ... Acrylamide (FRs) from super-heated carbs, like French Fries & Wheaties ... ALL deep-fried fast food ... Any highly processed meats ... Tap water ... and about a million other toxins in your environment, etc, etc... many avoidable using good sense.
Well that's about it...except for this solemn warning -- I know this is "wrong", but if I see you slathering toxic OMC sunscreen on your defenseless little baby, I WILL say something to you ... Just ask anyone who knows me.
See, I'm of a mind that you are prosecuting a subtle kind of child abuse...I know it's unwitting, of course,...but now that you know...STOP IT!
Oh yeah... have a nice day... and well BE.
Alan D. Graham Phone (334) 774-0395(NEW!) E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net |
LivingTree Root #017
Osteoporosis or, "Sally Field! ...Say It Ain't So!" By Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
Osteoporosis is a disease of bone disintegration occurring when the components for bone maintenance don't occur in the diet or are not used by the body. It's what happened to grandma, that pathetic old woman bent over double in a wheelchair with the Quasimodoian hump in her ruined back. It is what Sally Field, new front-woman for Boniva, is trying to avoid, herself, presumably...
Why do so many older persons, especially women like my own mother, wind-up with Osteoporosis (OP)? Is it avoidable? How avoidable is it?
Do they "catch" it ... is it genetic ... Is it a Fosamax or Boniva deficiency somehow (Nature retches, reader...)... or maybe it's just bad luck like getting hit by lightening. Well, good news folks! It's likely none of those things. Of course, here's the worrisome bad news, just to get it out of the way up front:
OP is generally the result of doing, pretty much, what *darling doctors* & *dutiful dieticians* prescribe you to do... in other words, most OP is the result of a LIFE-LONG nutritional deficiency caused & perpetuated by the very nutritional "experts" providing conflicted advise. This nutritional deficiency OP is called Type II or Age-related OP because... well... everyone will eventually develop it in varying degrees, if they live long enough...
Dying at 100; however, with a little normal "wear & tear" Osteoporosis is a huge difference from being bent over double at age 60 the way my mother was. You think?
OK, I hear the internal dialog, you're wrong -- let's move on...
You're thinking, "My doctor explained half a dozen genetic markers influencing bone density AND, Mr. Wise-guy, web-loon... ...both my mother & grandmother had OP and like me, consumed dairy every day...SO THERE! It has to be genetic"!
This is bad thinking based on bogus information and is a tacit result of corporate pecuniary irresponsibility... forgetting that the preceding illustration is largely a fantasy example... Seriously, it is the *ODD* MD who is going to sit around explaining genetic markers to a patient. So, let's do the "odd thing" ourselves...
...Let's talk a little about GENETICS:
Because there are dozens of inherited genetic characteristics effecting & affecting bone density? Yes, some folks will be more genetically pre-disposed to develop OP than others... but that certainly doesn't mean it is a forgone conclusion that you will develop the "crippling" variety of OP... or that you need one of these evil 'Phosphonates' like Boniva or Fosamax.
Ms. Field! I weep!
Below are some of the pit-falls involved with labeling everything Medical Doctors can't explain or fix, as a "likely *Genetic* problem."
Take heart! Because I'm also confident that regardless (with some rare exceptions) of how the genetic deck "might" be stacked against you? If you do a few "simple" things, Osteoporosis can very likely be avoided, altogether!
I don't want to make light of people's addictions... because I'm sure some would think giving up sugar & refined carbs, is not "simple". But Folks! It's STILL something you should do anyway even if there were no such thing as Osteoporosis, because "Anti-nutrients" like sugar, "Cheezy Poofs & "Snacky Cakes" can cause or exacerbate virtually every disease regardless. Anyway, moving on...
1)... For maximum Pharmaceutical sales Doctors want to be able TO BLAME the disease on you... OR... be able TO NOT BLAME the disease on you. Huh? What? They want to do BOTH?
Sure, as long as NONE of the blame can be directed where it belongs... with the Doctors & Dieticians. Here's how Genetics is a useful tool in the "deflect the blame" game:
(a)...If you are a little over weight or have other problems that might possible be nutritionally related...like marginal Lipid Profile Numbers? Doctors will tell you OP is your fault because you don't eat "right" or exercise enough! Consequently, you NEED Fosamax or Boniva (...Sally, please!) to compensate for your lack of will power.
You are easily convinced of this because you've never liked to exercise, anyway, and even though you try to follow the New Food Pyramid (NFP), you just can't seem to lose weight, improve your Lipid Profile or stop your bone loss... ...so you accept the blame & take the Fosamax...and the Lipitor. Of course, what you don't know is that the deck is stacked against you by the very Food Pyramid you feel guilty about not following more closely! This is "The Law of the Perversity of Nature" because had she followed it more closely she might be WORSE off. That's right!
Believing the Old & New FP's recommendations on milk & dairy as the primary source of Calcium & Vitamin D is the reason my mother... just like my grandmother... is/was bent over double with OP after a concerted lifetime effort to consume dairy every day.
However, with my great-grandmother and further back, they rarely encountered OP, because they did things completely different, nutritionally, back then. Ironically, being POOR, helped...this is because if you were a "dirt" poor, Georgia, "subsistence farmer" you ate a much more healthful, mineral/nutrient-packed diet than your rich Wall Street stock broker of today. Out of necessity, they grew their own Organic plants & Grass-fed, Free-range animals, long before all us old "tree-huggers", glommed onto those terms. Sorry, I digress.
See, it's a lie that milk is a good source of Calcium because of the skewed Calcium/Magnesium Ratio of 10 to 1! Magnesium should be at a 1 to 1 ratio (or greater) with calcium, or a minimum of a 2 to 1 ratio. Also, the absolutely critical Vit. D, in milk is the inferior, much less active form of calcium, D-2. The superior Vit. D-3 form, in Cod Liver Oil, quality supplements & made by the Sun... is relatively non-toxic (unlike D-2) & efficiently helps with absorption of calcium (unlike D-2). Milk, decidedly, does NOT do a body good! A "milk mustache" is a cutesy badge of ignorance, reader!
Moreover, the NFP's corporate driven reliance on Grains is also troubling (though Soaked or Sprouted grains are great the NFP never mentions "Soaked or Sprouted"). The NFP recommends twice as many servings of grains as any other category... half of which can be refined! This is a major health hazard, reader, and a recipe for health disaster resulting in a "moderate" sugar consumption, coupled with a "moderate" refined carb consumption ... leading to a "Not-so Moderate" rise... ...in glucose. ...In insulin secretion. ...In FAT storage. ...In increased joint & arterial inflammation. ...In weaker, more brittle bones. ...In Depression... ...the list goes on & on...
See? No matter how hard the lady that's "a little overweight" tries, she can't seem to lose that 20 pounds that she's gained since menopause. Consequently, she feels terrible and provoked to thinking, "I better do as the doctor says and take my Boniva...because I'm a weak, bad person." Oh, Sally! We're blaming the victim and the victim blames herself!
(b)...But what if you can't blame the victim! What if the victim is a slim marathon runner who follows the food pyramid, never-ever touches junk food, and believes (the abject lie!) that you can get all the nutrients required in a balanced NFP diet without supplementation! Then, because you're doing everything "right", the doctors can't possibly blame you, so this means, you NEED Boniva because your OP must obviously be genetic.
You're also easily convinced of this insanity, because that way... there's NO guilt! ...And because your OP is *genetic*, there's really nothing you can do about it, so you shift the blame & you take the Boniva.
Of course, what you don't know is your OP was actually triggered & exacerbated, ironically, by being a marathon runner and following the food pyramid! ...WHAT THE...?? ALAN, STOP !! ... You're Making My Hair Hurt!
OK...it's pretty simple: Because of the NFP's corporate driven philosophy that Supplementation is not necessary ... coupled with their corporate driven reliance on "Mineral Leaching", high Phytate & Oxalate foods like Grains & Soy... the result is that many Folks are Mineral & Trace Mineral deficient, even if they follow "The Rules" as outlined by the conflicted and uncaring medical *corpocracy*.
See, Mother-Nature demands that your blood pH stay within a very narrow range...so, if necessary, she will sacrifice the strength of your bones by leaching out the necessary Alkaline Minerals required to keep your blood pH from becoming too acidic and instantly killing you.
...Then the conjectured Marathoner further exacerbates the Mineral Deficiency because her long-distance running sweats out Potassium & a "soup" of electrolytes & Trace Minerals she, very poorly advised, does not replace. And just like NPR's Dr. Zorba Pasture, she believes all you have to do to replace Trace Minerals is eat a piece of lettuce. Lord, that Zorbie is some piece of work.
I feel this is just wrong -- Soulless Corporate farming only replaces a handful (sometimes just 3, N-P-K) of the 70 plus Minerals & Trace Minerals the body requires. With just some cursory research you will see that the United States leads the world in being able to most efficiently suck critical Minerals & Trace Minerals right out of the soil... and then, very suspiciously, reader, NOT replace them.
2)...It's easy to float the "genetic theory" because I hear many women say, "My mother & several other family females have OP..." Well, what if it is because all of you eat the same things & poison yourselves the same way?
I mentioned last time how the whole country of New Zealand had a high heart disease & cancer rate because of selenium depleted soil that was corrected by importing selenium-rich wheat from Australia. Remember?
Well, because MD's don't think & are not taught regarding a trace element deficiency --WHAT IF, some handsome, Greying-at-the-temples, silver-tongued "Head of New Zealand Medicine" said the high rate of heart disease was because of a genetic problem inherent to people of an island nation... and that everyone should take Lipitor & Beta Blockers...
Would they buy it ?? You bet your "Kiwi" Shoe Polish they would!
Getting Hit By Lightening OP:
I guess there is one situation that might fall loosely under bad luck...that is doctor induced Osteoporosis, or Type III, due to long term use of immune suppressing drugs like prednisone. They don't tell you about that, do they!
Virtually every medical discipline's reliance on steroids is tantamount to playing Medical Russian Roulette, due to the myriad of possible unintended consequences of steroid use... and don't be fooled by the NEW "Steroid-like", "Steroid-lite" immune suppressing drugs that are "safe" to take continuously.
I am living proof that there is a natural and nutritional approach to dramatically improve Auto-immune Diseases. I almost died — actually the Bastards almost killed me not to put too fine a point on it! I had the "incurable" bowel disease, Crohn's. After 7 years of increasing misery their next step was "Let's cut-out most of your gut, Mr. Graham". So in desperation I went looking for another way.
Well Folks, I walked into a health-food store and in pretty short order I had my Crohn's beat-back 75% ... now 11 years later, I have no symptoms. This took educating myself, some 'trial & error' and sacrificing things that I don't miss AT ALL today...things like refined carbohydrates. You know them as "Snacky Cakes & Cheezy Poofs", and how good can they be if a fat psychopath like Eric Cartman is raking them in by the bagful...
Consider now, is Osteoporosis a Fosamax or Boniva deficiency?
Is it, Sally?
No...quite the opposite, actually. This class of poisons, called Bisphosphonates, are an abomination... just ask the women suing Merck because of "Phossy-jaw" or Jawbone Necrosis -- the rotting away of the jaw bone. WOW, that doesn't sound Good! Sally eventually sacrifices her sweet smile?
Mother-Nature (or your God of choice) developed a wonderful DUAL system, reader. As your OsteoBlasts build new bone, your OsteoClasts remove the old weak bone. Phosphonates are a metabolic POISON that actually kills the osteoClasts so the old bone is not removed...this provides more bone, but it is weak brittle bone leading only to an increase in hip fractures 5 or 6 years down the road. Also, a reason that bisphosphonates may sometimes do the opposite of their intended effect is that osteoclasts prompt osteoblasts to form.
If you want more straight info on OP &
bisphosphonates go to one of my favorite Holistic Practitioners, "The Leaf
Lady" at
http://naturalhealthnews.blogspot.com and sign-up for her
News-Letter. Here's her comment: "While Fosamax is a fluoride based
drug I advise against... on the basis that is makes bones hard and
brittle, not strong and flexible, while suppressing your thyroid. It just
so happens that drugs like Actonel - from Proctor & Gamble
pharmaceuticals- are made from by-products of TIDE, otherwise known as
I have a little problem with "Type I", Menopause (lack of Estrogen) induced OP for the following reason: It is compartmentalized into this separate area by calling it Type I OP, making it sound like something completely different from Type II (nutritional) ... so *obviously*, it can't be helped by nutrition... which leaves BONIVA as the only apparent recourse. Ms. Field... the devil has you by the coat-tails!
The flaw, as I see it, is that doctors will admit most of the OP in these women started many years before menopause and that the loss of estrogen did pretty much the same thing as a nutritional problem, which is cause a mineral loss, only accelerated ... ...so menopause didn't actually cause the OP, it just exacerbated it. BUT it remains still: even if it did cause it, that doesn't mean that it can't be helped dramatically with nutrition & life-style changes.
Dr. Mercola www.mercola.com , et sig al, feels that taking natural Progesterone will do a positive thing, which is promote the growth of OsteoBlasts (which build bone) as opposed to Boniva's negative approach, which is to KILL the innocent, hard-working "little" OsteoClasts which remove old, brittle bone. Actually, the osteoclast is a giant multinucleated cell - not that you care. You might benefit from a little natural "phyto-estrogen" but because we live in an Estrogen-rich environment, it is very likely you need Progesterone... but with minimal or no "Estrogen". However, get checked for progesterone.
Here are some things to do in descending order of importance...this may seem like a long list of things to give up - but once you do, you will feel so much better that it will seem like a miniscule sacrifice...well, everything except coffee, which to my mind... is anything but, miniscule. Heavy sigh!
1)... NO Sugar, Refined Carbs, "Snacky Cakes" or "Cheezy Poofs"! Doing this one thing can certainly ameliorate Osteoporosis and almost every chronic disease...especially Arthritis, MS, Bowel & Heart Disease, among others. Sugar causes a glucose rise... which causes a secretion of insulin... which causes you to dump more Calcium in your urine. It's the SUGAR, Sally!
Another Dr. Zorba Pasture anecdote (...his insentient aural antics give my life "Worth & Meaning") -- A caller to his NPR radio show said that every time he ate sugar it caused joint pain. Of course, Dr. Z , in his slightly condescending manner, replied that it was a fluke, and there was NO scientific reason why that should happen...
Folks, there is not just ONE good reason for why that should happen... there are a HALF DOZEN good reasons why that should happen!
Let me just give you one (it's a long one): Sugar inhibits the production of the D6D Enzyme necessary for the first step in the Omega 3 Cascading Pathway (PW) which converts Simple Omega 3 (ALA) to the "work-horse", Complex Omega 3 (EPA) which activates the Prostaglandin III... ...which is your body's most powerful inflammation fighter. I'm not making this stuff up reader!
By shutting down the Omega 3 PW, the Omega 6 PW will likely NOT activate the desirable Prostaglandin I, but instead will activate the prostaglandin II causing an increase in INFLAMMATION, Platlet Stickiness, Blood Pressure & Allergic Reactions. Read my paper "Fat Facts" at www.alien.net/zfat.html Become an expert!
2)... NO Caffeine -- If God would give me special dispensation so I could drink just one large pot of Mexican Coffee daily, without it leaching minerals from my bones...I would praise Her name. Hmmm...so praise doesn't work, eh?
3)... NO Carbonated drinks, Tums or any other forms of Calcium Carbonate like Caltrate, Oscal & all forms of Coral Calcium (which is Calcium Carbonate from the sea instead of dug out of the ground) -- These things destroy valuable stomach acid which causes poor digestion AND impaired mineral/trace mineral absorption.
Don't confuse a healthful acidic stomach pH with an unhealthful acidic blood and/or body pH! If you don't remember anything else I tell you, please remember this... ...the only way to have a healthful alkaline Body pH, which will then help maintain your slightly alkaline Blood pH of 7.4, without leaching alkaline minerals from your bones - is to start with a very acidic stomach pH (less than pH 3)! If you have a more alkaline stomach pH (4 or greater) due to Tums, sodas & old age, you will have an unhealthy Acidic body pH. All, and I mean ALL MD's lie about reflux, heartburn & the "usefulness" of Antacids. Read "The Antacid Myth" at www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#AntacidMyth
Most people over 50 need to take "Stomach Acid-in-a-Capsule"...Betaine HCL w. Pepsin and NOT antacids. Have that instead of your Boniva Pill, Sally!
4)... Fine-tune your digestion -- TRY HCL w. Pepsin...TAKE a broad-spectrum of Digestive Enzymes & a broad-spectrum of Probiotics like L. Acidophilus. If you are young and have plenty of stomach acid or if you have Gastritis or a Peptic Ulcer... then you want to avoid HCL w. Pepsin until you get it fixed. Your MD giving you antacids for Ulcers, does NOTHING to fix the problem and exacerbates same!
If you don't have a Gall Bladder... take an Enzyme Formula with Ox-bile or take a separate Bile Salts Formula. If you are over 50 and still have your Gall Bladder, take 1000mg of Taurine daily on an empty stomach. This cheap, Multi-purposeful Amino Acid is great for your heart & brain but also helps the flow of bile if you develop a "sluggish" Gall Bladder with age. Ask your MD about a "Sluggish" Gall Bladder and he will ask what hallucinogens you've ingested. Which really means, he doesn't have an expensive, toxic pharmaceutical for this purpose, so it's better to imply you're "trippin", reader!
5)... Sodium Fluoride (SF) -- Please do not get talked into taking SF for your OP...the peripheral, unintended consequences of taking a poison like SF are many & profound. If you are a parent who continues to let your child swallow Sodium Fluoride tooth-paste, after you've been warned... ...I suspect there's a special place in "Hell" just for YOU.
6)... Consume mass quantities of green leafy veggies (the dark kind - NEVER Iceberg lettuce), sea veggies (like Iodine-rich Kelp) and Sulfur-containing foods like garlic, onions, leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage & asparagus
7)... NO Tap Water -- Buy a Reverse Osmosis (RO) Filter for about $120. Re-mineralize RO water with liquid Trace Mineral drops (RO removes 95% of the Trace Mins.). Store in glass mason jars...never plastic. The chlorine in tap water kills the good bacteria in your gut leading to poor absorption of Minerals & Trace Minerals.
8)... Supplements in descending order of importance:
Hummm...why isn't Calcium listed first? Calcium won't do you any good unless all these other players are in place. Your bones actually contain more Protein than Calcium! Protein provides the matrix for the calcium to build upon!
In fact, if you were to magically or accidentally get EVERY vitamin, mineral, trace mineral, EFA (Essential Fatty Acid), non-denatured protein, non-oxidized fat & whole-food carbs in EXACTLY the right amounts... while getting lots of exercise in a Toxic-Free environment? You would only need a portion of the recommended daily Calcium dose!
(a) -- Vitamin K - is necessary for synthesis of bone protein & bone repair. Many Multi-Vitamins don't even contain Vit. K and you may not get much in your diet if you don't eat many green leafy vegetables. Some of the full spectrum Vit. K complexes that contain K1, and the 2 forms of the superior K2, with maybe some co-factors thrown in, are the best... but can get a little pricey.
If you want something cheap, but effective, Concentrated Alfalfa juice in powder / capsule form only has the less active K1 but you get a lot for your buck - plus Concentrated Alfalfa has EVERY mineral needed for joint maintenance, in a readily digestible form!
(b) -- Vitamin D-3 - The best D-3 comes from the sun (please try to get as much sun as possible w/o burning)... ...but if that is not an option then get 800iu to 1000iu of D-3 from supplementation. Do not exceed 2000iu daily unless you get tested for Vit. D. Avoid the inferior, less active form, Vit. D-2, like the kind found in milk.
(c) -- Multi-Vitamin/Mineral - Please get a Multi that is 1 or 2 notches above Centrum (bleh!) ...if you think you'll just go ahead and take Centrum or Theragram anyway...please stop reading right now and just forget everything you've read so far & have a happy life. Read "The Ballad of Cheap Vitamins and Motor Oil" at www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#badVit to understand my disgust with "stuff" like Centrum & Flintstones.
(d) -- Trace Minerals - for those of you still here...use liquid Trace Mineral Drops in your filtered water and consume Unrefined, Sun-dried Sea Salt with all 70 plus Elements. The salt Must be pink, grey or off-white...never pure white (indicates NO trace mins).
(e) -- Magnesium - Use Amino Acid Chelated, Kreb's Cycle or Citrate forms...never use the inferior Oxide form (like in Centrum). Take from 800mg to 1000mg at a 1to1 ratio with Calcium - if it gives you diarrhea (the Citrate more-so than the Amino Acid form) then reduce the magnesium and later try to slowly build back up or stay at the lower dose. Always take Calcium & Mag. in small divided doses. In an effort to prevent OP...those MDs who load you up with Milk & Caltrate Calcium, without ever mentioning Magnesium...should be put in jail ! Most people need MORE MAGNESIUM in their lives.
(f) -- Calcium - Use Amino Acid Chelated, Kreb's Cycle or Citrate forms...never use Carbonate (like in Centrum), Coral Calcium, oyster shell or dolomite. Take 800 to 1000mg in divided doses. Taking in small, divided doses is Extremely Important...If you take 1000mg Calcium all at once, as the intrepid Dr. Zorba recommends? You are wasting a lion's share of it.
(g) -- Boron - Take 3mg total...check your Multi so you don't exceed the about 4 or 5mg. Many Multi's don't contain Boron, which I don't understand, because it is critical for Calcium absorption.
(h) -- Zinc & Copper - If you have one of the rare conditions where you retain Copper... hopefully you already know about it. Anyway...If you consume lots of high Phytate refined grains and you do not supplement with Zinc & Copper (they should be together at about a 10 or 15 to 1 ratio) -- AND if you have brittle greying hair, brittle cracked nails & dry "old people" parchment skin... then it is likely that you have either Hypo (low) Thyroid or you have a Zinc and/or Copper deficiency, in either case, you can reasonably expect to develop one or more of the following : Ostoporosis, a negative Lipid Profile, Diabetes, respiratory problems, Anemia, Heart Disease...Oh gee, it might be easier to list the nasty things to which it DOESN'T contribute...
WARNING : do not take excessive Copper (over about 4 mg daily) & do not take Copper w/o the correct compliment of Zinc.
Copper & Zinc must go together but they are constantly at odds...if you take too much Zinc it will inhibit the Copper or too much Copper will inhibit Zinc. Most Multi's usually have 15mg Zinc & 1 or 2mg Copper. I recommend you take from 30mg to 50mg of extra Zinc (for a total of about 45mg to 65mg) thus requiring an additional 2mg or 3mg of Copper. ALSO never take over 100mg Zinc daily. Make sure you add the Zinc & Copper in your multi, into the total.
Myself & the other old geezer that writes with me, Alfred Lehmberg, are actually getting color back in our hair...it's magic, Folks !
If you have copper plumping & use copper cookware...do not take supplemental copper until you get tested for copper. I would not drink water coming from copper pipes.
(i) -- Glucosamine & MSM - A Very powerful "one - two" punch for bones & joints... and your heart... well, actually every place you have muscle & connective tissue...which is virtually EVERYWHERE!
(j) -- Chromium Amino Acid Chelated or Polinicotinate - Increases Insulin sensitivity which increases bone strength. Your Multi will have from 100 to 200mcg but you should take extra - for a total of 500 to 600mcg, including what's in the Multi. This will also dramatically help with Diabetes & weight control.
(k) -- Silica - Critical for Calcium absorption & bone strength. The herb Horsetail is a good source.
(l) -- Take a long walk everyday between 10am & 2pm to kill two birds with one stone ...Weight-bearing exercise & Vitamin D-3 from the sun. Of course the sun's Vit. D production will probably only work in the summer unless you live in southern Florida. In winter and/or living up north, the sun is likely at too low an angle to activate the Vit. D process in your skin. If you're black...please don't rely on the sun for your Vit. D. Actually, most people should not rely on the sun for Vit. D.
OK...that's all for now. There are actually MANY more things one can do, but I'm sure most of you are thinking "Does he really believe I'm going to do all that? Shoot... taking a Boniva pill once a month is so much easier." That's true...it's hard to do the right thing...until you do it for a while...then you realize that doing the right thing is ALWAYS easier in the long run.
Sally... Sally... Sally... I've loved you since I was a young man (we're the same age). Boy, did you look good in that stupid Burt Reynolds movie with the car chase. I cannot bear the thought of losing your sweet smile to bone rot. Please put the Boniva Devil behind you, ...AND refrain from fronting that insanity before it's too late...
The Boniva people? "They don't like you... ...they really don't like you." Sorry Sally, I couldn't resist. |
LivingTree Root #018
Arthritis, Misery, and the "Dog-Test" By Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
Many ill-informed MDs, much like NPR's Dr. Zorba Pasture for instance, claim that glucosamine (for Arthritis) has not been proven to work in the first place and that the success stories are largely anecdotal, in the second; successful resolutions of arthritic health issues due to the use of glucosamine are only the result of the "Placebo Effect." You know, like a headache going away as a result of a sugar pill. The rest of the Zorba tale in a moment.
Contrary to Dr. Zorbie and the evil Vioxx, Celebrex, Bear Aspirin cabal -- glucosamine has had over 300 studies and 20+ clinical trials! All of these trials report that glucosamine works great for most folks... works marginally well for a few, and doesn't seem to work at all, for a very small percentage.
I suspect those not experiencing any relief just didn't stick with it long enough, thus falling victim to the one characteristic that makes people impatiently abandon glucosamine for aspirin or something more dangerous. It's that damnable lack of immediate gratification.
Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS), like aspirin, work almost immediately (complementing our "immediate gratification society," remember) but they do NOTHING to actually fix the problem and in fact block that "Cox 2 Pathway" helping to repair the cartilage deformation causing the pain... that's why they call aspirin a 'Cox 2 Inhibitor'... folks!
So, to recap, aspirin relieves the pain, marginally, now... ...but while facilitating worse pain, later on, in the long run. Fact! On the other hand, glucosamine, usually takes at least 2 weeks to relieve the pain... and with some folks as long as a month! Dust now or diamonds later, folks?
You see, glucosamine is not an anti-inflammatory or a pain reliever, it is the raw material (...made less with age!) to REPAIR the damage... ...so in 2 or 3 weeks the pain goes away like *magic*, but without the toxic pain relievers.
Of course, due to that bothersome principle of relativity, 2 weeks is a long time with your joints in a carpenter's vise. But, come on... honored reader... ...wouldn't you rather... repair the damage! Then, painlessly and inexpensively, continue the joint maintenance with the same stuff that Mother-Nature uses? The preceding is of course preferable compared to just temporarily masking the pain now... for greater illness later... requiring more expensive pain relievers and drugs? Reader, it's in your hands.
The 100% accurate "Dog-Test":
OK, forget about the 300 studies & 20 trials alluded to earlier... the "Dog Test" is fool-proof.
Several years ago I started back lifting weights after a long lay-off due to an injury. That's when I realized that my occasional, if burgeoning elbow twinge was arthritis. My joints became very swollen & inflamed every time I tried to work out. I took Aspirin for a while, but being a Holistic kind of guy, I started taking 1500mg of Glucosamine Sulfate (GS). Sure enough, within 2 weeks the pain just faded away... Hello!
This worked so well, as advertised, that I started giving 1000mg of GS daily to my 16 year old dog, so arthritic that it would take her about 90 seconds just to stand up & take her first step. Well you guessed it... in about 2 weeks she was able to get right up and take-off at a pretty good clip, for an old gal. She seemed grateful, too...
Well, being a self-styled scientist of some conscience, I felt I was obligated to conduct an experiment to insure it was the GS and not some sort of doggie remission. After a couple of months, with very little apparent stiffness, I quit giving her the GS. Sure enough, within 10 days she started showing the first signs of slowing down and was right back to her old "Stove-up" self in 3 weeks.
Yes, I started giving her the GS again, and just like before, she sprang back in about 2 weeks...and for the next 3 years, until she "laid down" for the last time, she could get up & down with youthful ease. Cut. Print! That's a wrap.
Your Doctor should be treating you as well, reader, as I treat my dog. You think?
Consider, because of the way we have "screwed around" with Mother-Nature by creating all of these drastically different doggie body-shapes, joint problems are more common in dogs than in humans... so it's easy to find an old arthritic dog if you want to do the "Dog-Test" yourself. If you adopted an elderly arthritic dog from the pound, say, before being euthanized, and then relieved her joint pain...I'm sure she would really appreciate it, love you until the end of her days, and protect you with her life.
Here is the 'coup de grace' to the Zorba anecdote alluded to earlier:
Dr. Z's radio show is live and because he has to respond to questions from callers, it is unrehearsed. Well, after he made the bogus "placebo" comment to a caller's query reference GS alluded earlier, Zorba's "side-kick", Tom, reported that he took GS for his arthritis and that it worked great!
Zorba then pontificated it was likely that "placebo effect" we've talked about...Then, out of the blue, Tom (inadvertently I'm sure), cut Zorba's legs right out from under him! Tom reported that his old dog could no longer climb the stairs and that after taking Glucosamine... the dog could run up the stairs!
I'm sure I don't have to point out the obvious... but, I will. Dogs really don't appreciate the subtleties of the "Placebo Effect," reader. With dogs it's "pure vanilla"... they are, what they are. They don't do psychosomatic, eh?
Good Vet - Bad Vet...on second thought, they're probably all bad. (I'm talking mainstream Veterinarian medicine, not Holistic Vets). Sorry in advance to all the Vet lovers, folks, I'm just judging a tree by its fruit.
Did you know that in Mainstream (Non-holistic) Veterinary Medicine there are two completely opposing philosophical views toward animal care? Both approaches are designed for maximum profit (sound familiar?) ...pretty much at the exclusion of everything else.
Vets who look after large commercial livestock will use nutrition & supplements to prevent disease because that's how the industry makes the most money, by having big, healthy livestock complete with all the nutritional building blocks. As a result, many diseases in farm animals are prevented, out of hand, by taking vitamins, minerals, trace minerals & EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids). Those very same diseases in humans, unfortunately are "managed" by toxic pharmaceuticals treating symptoms only, and doing nothing to fix or prevent the disease...
WHY? You already know the answer. That is where the most money can be made.
Now to the other philosophy. In contrast, Vets who look after your pets... have a different attitude... the same attitude, not so astonishingly, as MD's who look after humans, actually! Maximum profit drives that train remember. Mainstream medicine makes us sick ... keeps us sick ... while giving only the appearance that something positive is being done! Treating symptoms, merely, yet preventing or curing NOTHING.
Unlike big farm animals that have to be sold for profit... if you & *Fluffy* get sick and waste away, who cares? In fact, the soullessly psychopathic multinationals are counting on it. Humans & pets don't generate revenue if you prevent their disease, reader... can you see? They generate revenue by being sick & staying sick, while the medical community manages their disease.
Don't misunderstand me. Large animal Vets will not hesitate to feed animals unhealthful stuff as long as it makes them fatter for increased profit... for example, cattle feed high in meat protein (cows don't eat meat!) or polyunsat vegetable oils (all that Corn, in "Corn-Fed" Beef) suppressing the thyroid, causing weight gain... just like in humans! It sickens me, and should you... ...and in fact, DOES!
Ironically, the use of Poly-food oil in both livestock & humans, to gain weight, is the desired effect in both cases -- FAT livestock generate more profit when sold for meat and FAT humans generate more profit when kept sick & on expensive, toxic drugs for the rest of their increasingly miserable lives...
The following conversation with my dog's Vet illustrates how "Pet Vets" & Human MDs operate the same way.
Me -- "What is the first thing you recommend for arthritis, Doc"? Vet -- "That would be our Doggie Aspirin, Mr. Graham." Me -- "What's the second thing you recommend"? Vet -- "Our finest Doggie Celebrex , Sir!" Me -- "What's next?" Vet -- " Well, Mr. Graham, that usually does the trick." Me -- "Doc, instead of just masking the pain, why don't you try to repair the damage with Glucosamine?" Vet -- "...Ah, well Mr.Graham, as it happens, we actually have Doggie glucosamine available." Me -- "Oh really? Well Doc, why didn't you recommend Glucosamine... FIRST?" Vet -- " ...Ah, well...hum-muna, hum-muna... Ah, yeah, I guess from now on I could do that... and will that be cash or charge"? ...Of course I was giving him the old "Maybe I'll twist your nose off your sweating face" glare!
So there you have it folks...it's all about profit and has virtually nothing to do with prevention & cure...well, unless you're an expensive commercial milk-cow...then you will be covetously fed every nutrient, vitamin, mineral, trace mineral & EFA for optimum health & disease prevention, as is profitably available. See how that works?
Lastly, there are numerous supplements helping to alleviate joint pain, but in deference to the late "Great" James Coburn, (he was the tall, quiet knife-thrower in "The Magnificent Seven"), I would like to recommend a natural form of Sulfur...
MSM ( Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane ). You may be allergic to Sulfa - but it is impossible to be allergic to Sulfur.
Mr. Coburn had arthritis in his fingers so cripplingly bad that his ruined hands had that terrible "bird-claw" look to them. Because MSM actually relieved his terrific pain, he gave permission to use his likeness & testimony for promotion of MSM... ...even after his death! I'd say that's a solid for MSM, eh?
Here is an excerpt from his CNN Obit -- "...He told The Associated Press in a 1999 interview he "healed himself" of the arthritis with pills having a sulfur base. His knuckles remained gnarled, but he said that the pain was gone." There it is. Be smarter than your doctor. Be treated as well as a cow.
And thank you, Mr. Coburn... until next time, Sir, and I see you on the other side...
...Those of us still this side? Well be!
Alan D. Graham 800 Robin Parker Rd. Ozark, AL 36360
Phone (334) 774-0395
E-mail --
alan068@centurytel.net |
LivingTree Root #019
"Centrum Follies" presents... "Cheap Vitamin Crap-tastics" By Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
I've written extensively explaining how Centrum, Theragram, et al, are nearly worthless, so the latest Centrum TV commercials belching forth from the tube I find particularly insulting. Insulting, and, in my opinion, dangerous to the vitamin consumer if it entices them to purchase this junk instead of something that might actually work.
...Just to refresh your memory? Virtually all grocery-store Multi-Vitamins like Centrum (by way of ready example), are, absolutely, the cheapest, the least absorbable, and the most non-absorbable. They are artificial, chock full of chemical binders & fillers, and are harmful (as I see it), hard-pressed "Nuggets of Crap"!
...Gee, I hope that wasn't too harsh.
Read my paper "The Ballad of Cheap Vitamins and Motor Oil" at http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#badVit ...for a complete scientific explanation of the lies & obfuscation associated with Centrum, Flintstones, etc.
Anyway, reader, if you watch TV at all, I'm sure you've seen the new Centrum commercial. The word "inundated" comes to mind.
Lets take a closer look at their "dazzling Scientific sounding Crap" ...that is a hypocritical, insulting JOKE... oh yeah, and by the way... ...I'm not laughing.
Scene Opens -- Hundreds of different brands of Vitamin bottles come spilling out of this giant, clear-plastic, silo-looking thing and go rolling across the floor. The narrator steps forward and says something to the effect "There are lots of Multi-Vitamins out there... that are only about the NUMBER OF INGREDIENTS..."
Wait a minute there, "Devil Spawn"! Hasn't that been the "Advertising Theme" of Centrum propounded and patronized for decades... "Complete From A to Zinc", thus emphasizing the number of ingredients?
Wow, and speaking of "number of Ingredients" - look at the panoply of chemical crap in Centrum Silver currently:
The preceding four iterated are the really "bad" ones, but believe me, I could write a small book explaining how most of the remaining items above, are unnecessary, unhealthful & are the cheapest, most inferior form, when there's more than one form available...
C'mon kiddies... finish up your "Snackie Cakes" or "Cheezy Poofs" so you can have your "Flintstones Vitamin"...and Kids, don't worry about that Red 40 Lake, Yellow 6 Lake & Blue 2 Lake -- All banned in Norway.
Also, while on the subject of kid's vitamins... ...why in the Hell would they need to put TOXIC TransFat from Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) in Flintstones? This one simple act confirms that Flintstone's Executives will "bend-over" for Satan...I digress.
Continuing on :
"...LIKE 'C' RECHARGING 'E'..."?
This is the provenance of the Crap-tastics alluded to in the title, reader.
The aforementioned narrator tells us how Centrum has 8 *combinations* of ingredients "...like 'C' recharging 'E'..."
Uh, OK... ...this sounds great that Centrum's Vitamin 'C' recharges their Vit. 'E' ...so I guess that means that Centrum is "special" and that most other multi's don't do that neat 'C' recharging 'E' thing... Well, No!
Actually Folks, in EVERY Multi-Vitamin in the whole Freaking World, the 'C' recharges the 'E'! As long as the Multi has C & E, this recharging will happen. Moreover, I've never seen a Multi that didn't have C & E , have you?
Truth in advertising is lost under a cowl of Centrum doing nothing special at all to fraudulently indicate that they do! All "C's" recharge the "E's"! That's what 'C's do to 'E's without regard to brand name, trademark, or quality! See?
They LIE! Surprised?
Reader, in all those higher quality Multi's much superior to Centrum (like virtually EVERY brand you would find in a health food store), the 'C' will even do a BETTER job of recharging the 'E' because the artificial "DL" form of Vit.E in Centrum is only about 60% usable (unlike the natural "D" form of Vit.E that is 100% usable). This is because the "L" portion of the "DL" is a "backwards molecule" that is unusable to humans.
Moreover, that 60% is further eroded because, even though it's unusable to us, the "L" molecule fits nicely, still, into the Vit.E receptor site, blocking it so the usable "D" can't get in to turn the chemical key! This means you are likely using much less than 50% of the "DL" Vit. E listed on the label.
See how that works? Centrum is bubble gum in the coin slot of your body chemistry at many of these aforementioned receptor sites!
Consider: These soulless corporatists spend millions of dollars to make a commercial fraudulently implying that their brand of Vitamin is singular with regard to something that ALL Multi-Vitamins do automatically anyway... obscuring the fact that other brands actually perform this function better than they do! That's not only deceptive, it's a mis-utilization of Mother-Nature's limited resources... resources like your TIME and your quality of life.
Why don't they spend their money to tell you truthfully about something that makes their product superior to the others? Well...they would, you see... ...if they could... ...but they (um... ah...) CAN'T!
They can't because, as I've said, "Centrum and cheap grocery store vitamins like them are inferior, duplicitous, and mendacious CRAP." Be not fooled.
Well be!
Alan D. Graham 800 Robin Parker Rd. Ozark, AL 36360
Phone (334) 774-0395 E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
LivingTree Root #020
One-a-Day Prostate Care or "My Woody's Outside, Covered With Snow..." by Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
After showing the inferiority of Centrum Multi-Vitamins the last time, I felt I could stay away from the subject of cheaply produced "Grocery-store" vitamins for a while... but no. Duplicitously insane TV & radio adds keep assaulting (insulting?) me with their disingenuousness, their lies & their obfuscation. I'm provoked, reader, compelled to vent!
This time it's "One-a-Day Men's with Lycopene & *Specially-formulated* Selenium for prostate health," dragged up for righteous assessment. We'll forget for a moment that it is the aggregate diet itself aggravating the persecuted prostate; the fact you'd be further sold an inferior product to address same is outrage on top of insult and injury.
Just like the "Centrum" described previously, all the other ingredients in "One-a-Day" are the cheapest and most artificial crap available...a few examples to remind you:
(a). The Vitamin E is the synthetic "Double-molecule" (dl-alpha) which is very poorly absorbed...as opposed to the natural "Single-molecule" (d-alpha) which is very well absorbed.
(b). The Minerals are all harsh Inorganic Salts like Carbonate & Oxide! These are poorly absorbed when they are absorbed at all. They are in abject opposition to the far superior Organic Chelated Minerals... like Krebs Cycle, Amino Acid (Albion process), Citrate & others -- just to remind.
(c). The Vitamin D is the inferior form D-2, found in milk... unlike the superior form D-3 found in Cod-Liver Oil, Quality supplements & that which is made by the Sun. One of the more important Vit. D jobs is to facilitate the absorption of Calcium; however, D-2 is poorly suited for this task (Got Milk?)... D-3, on the other hand, works great!
That's just review. Here's the problem with their Lycopene & Selenium specifically:
1... Lycopene - A Powerful antioxidant found it tomatoes that's good for your heart & prostate...
(a). FORM - One-a-Day (OaD) uses an artificial form made from petroleum! Natural lycopene, under a patented process called "Lyco-Mato" is the kind used in most of the superior brands. It's not expensive.
(b). DOSAGE - If you get a separate Lycopene supplement (not in a Multi) it will generally be a 10mg (10,000mcg) dose. If you get a quality Multi with Lycopene (not a grocery-store brand) it will usually have from 2mg (2,000mcg) to about 5mg (5,000mcg) of Lyco-Mato. I would consider 2000mcg of Lycopene just about the minimum therapeutic dose.
I'm sure the reader will be something less than surprised to discover that OaD only has 600mcg of artificial Lycopene... reminiscent of "This food is terrible...Yeah, and there's not much of it"!
Seriously, this is only having enough in it so they can say it's in there, reader! It's not DOING much, if anything. There's not enough in the first place and it's the inferior form to begin with, in the second.
I did find one Multi-Vitamin, prostate formula that was even lower than One-a Day, at only 300mcg of Lycopene...go ahead and guess the brand...Very Good, you're right... Centrum... Prostate Formula. They exceed the low standard they set for themselves.
In fact, I went back to the OaD web-site and chuckled when I noticed that they were bragging about having twice as much Lycopene as Centrum... yeah, but if you take a teeny-tiny tic-dropping and multiply it by 2...you have 2 teeny-tiny tic-droppings. Twice almost nothing, is still almost nothing. Corporate America spits in your face, reader!
2... Selenium - VERY powerful antioxidant & essential trace mineral... good for your heart, prostate & protects you from cancer. I consider Selenium one of the top 3 antioxidants found in nature.
(a). FORM - The OaD ads claim their Men's Multi uses a "Specially-formulated" Selenium for your prostate. This is fatuous Crapola, Folks.
There is nothing special about putting selenium in a Multi, they all have it... and there is certainly nothing special about the form in OaD. In fact, OaD uses Sodium Selenate, which is not normally present in foods, as opposed to the Amino Acid Chelated form, Selenomethionine -- which is! How special is that? Moreover, a study at Iowa State University found that selenate was less effective than selenomethionine to correct a deficiency.
As I wrote, Selenomethionine is the principal form of selenium found in foods. Selenomethionine is virtually 100% absorbed and is well retained as compared to the inferior inorganic selenium form, which, like any other garbage, is rapidly excreted.
(b). DOSAGE - Maybe the "Special-formulation" was the amount of selenium... considering OaD uses 105mcg, which is 35mcg more than the minimun recommended dose of 70mcg! The only problem with that, is there are many Multi's that have 150mcg up to about 300mcg and they are just "regular" Multi's ...not "Special" Prostate formulas! This is not truth in advertising! This is meaningless bupkis of same.
Most Holistic Practitioners realize that a good therapeutic dose of Selenium should be a minimum of 200mcg & that 400mcg is even better...so OaD's, at 105mcg of inferior Selenium, is singularly UN-impressive. Decidedly non-special!
CAUTION : I wouldn't take over 400mcg of Selenium because just 3 or 4 hundred more can have some fairly negative effects if this extra high dose is taken for a while. On the other hand, if I had cancer, I wouldn't hesitate to take about 600mcg daily, at 200mcg x 3...
As far as "prostate" formulas go? One-a-Day Men's, with its 105mcg of Selenate & 600mcg of Lycopene... does not even rise to the level of Mediocre, much less being considered "Special".
I'm sure there are those who think this is not such a big deal... but imagine the following scenario:
What if you take One-a-Day Men's for 25 years thinking that you are protected from any untoward Prostate difficulties. At 50 you marry your obligatory second (or 3rd) wife who is only 29 and still very much a "Hottie".
Surprise! Six months in you have to have prostate surgery... leaving you something less than heroic "Woody-wise" and requiring that you to "chain-pound" Viagra as if they were Tic-Tac's just to get the old woody into the freaking garage! Well, shortly after you go blind abusing the little blue helpers? You have a massive stroke mid-coitus.
That little episode leaves you a drooling mass suitable only to being pushed around in a wheelchair by your, soon-to-be-ex, wife...
I suspect inadequate and inferior Lycopene & Selenium become a very big deal at that point, eh? For want of a nail the shoe was lost? Exactly. Use a quality nail now, reader, or wind up with bare feet out in the snow... with your derelict woody.
Well be.
LivingTree Root #021
Avoiding Infanticide or Eating Your Way To A Healthy Baby by Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
To insure MDs & Pharmaceutical executives have a steady source of income to cover the boat payment & the trophy-wife... these high or low voltage sociopaths make us sick and keep us sick so they can "Manage" our diseases like cash cows for the whole of our miserable lives... thus extracting maximum revenue. This, when the ailments alluded to could likely be easily prevented with a few lousy dollars worth of Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Minerals & EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids), Probiotics, and Digestive Enzymes. Oh Yeah, and while avoiding just about everything our "doctors" recommend. Spots in hell are warmed for such.
The aforementioned medicos start making us sick, in a hundred different ways, even before we are conceived, reader... and then through every stage of development after conception. They do this through shilling lap-dog organizations like the FDA and the best government regulations money can buy!
I'm going to hit just a few of the most significant lies perpetuated by the very people who are supposed to be looking out for us; however, believe me, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to "dragging-down" mother & child for the purpose of the crassest of profits.
What immediately follows are only some of these abominations to which I allude:
1... Omega 6 PolyUnsat. Food Oils, like Corn & Soy, causing... (a). Toxic Oil consumption. (b). Omega 3 EFA deficiency. (c). Omega 6 to Omega 3 EFA Ratio (4 to1 is good, 1to1 is best) is an out of whack "Death-Ratio" (maybe as high as 50 to 1).
2... Mineral & Trace Mineral deficiencies.
3... Inferior Pre-natal / Children Vitamins & Baby Formulas.
4... Overuse of Soy, refined Grains & Sugar.
5... All of the above leading to PPD (postpartum depression) & fat, listless, and Diabetic children and adults.
If you read my paper -- New Food Pyramid: The Big "FAT"Lie! (http://tinyurl.com/yke4n2), it shows how the "New & Improved Food Pyramid" is absolutely in the tank for several big "Bidnesses" (sic) in order for them to more easily profit at the expense of a degraded general health. In the 'Big "FAT" Lie!' find several examples of this kind of evil duplicity... but let me just briefly remind you of the real "Biggie" - the one that probably causes more Cancer, Bowel Disease, MS, Low Thyroid, Heart Disease, etc, etc, than any other single thing we ingest ...oh yea, it makes for sick, weak, and tortured babies too.
I'm referring to "REFINED, Omega 6, Polyunsaturated Food Oils," reader, like Corn, Soy, Cottonseed, Grapeseed, Safflower, Sunflower, Peanut, etc... and yes, Virginia, even the so-called "Mono-unsat" Canola Oil... all of which are encouraged by Doctors, Dieticians & the New Food Pyramid.
Don't confuse these evil, highly-reactive poly-unsat oils (even Canola at 38% Poly) with healthful, non-reactive Omega 9, Mono-unsat Oils like Olive Oil, or the marvelously magical MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride), Coconut Oil. The New Food Pyramid (NFP) tells you these Om.6, Poly-unsat Oils are heart healthy because, being a liquid at room temp, they lower "bad" Cholesterol... and they have the *research data* to prove this.
Unfortunately, what they don't tell you is that the oils used to compile their bogus data were expensive and UNREFINED Oils the reader will never use. Special oils! "Ringer" oils. Cherry picking oils!
This particular kind of oil they've used has NOT turned rancid & toxic because it is an oil pressed under refrigerated and so more expensive conditions. If you ever found this kind of oil in a typical grocery store (and of course you never will!) it would cost 4 or 5 times as much as the RE-fined crap you use now... plus it would have to be refrigerated after opening. When have you ever brought home a bottle of Corn or Canola food oil that required refrigeration? I'll tell you when... NEVER !!
The cheaper 'Refined', Omega 6, Poly-unsat. Oil that you bring home from "WallyWorld" has already oxidized during processing and turned toxic & rancid... believe it or not! So, to hide the rancid smell they RBD the oil (Refine, Bleach & Deodorize)! These processes strip away any nutritional value and leave the oil "Dead"... and teaming with Lipid Peroxide toxins! This is the "Oil" you bring home (RE-fined) from the store... ...but that is NOT the oil used for conducting their entirely duplicitous published research data and bogus audit trail!
No reader, this is the Refined CRAP alluded to having the most potential to cause any disease... and in fact, in 1994, the prestigious Medical Journal, Lancet, published clear data showing that 75% of the stuff clogging your arteries was Oxidized Poly-unsat Vegetable Oil... not the absolutely essential, healthfully multi-purposeful and unjustly maligned Cholesterol.
Moreover, don't be fooled by the misleading term "Cold-Pressed" on the Poly Food Oil label! This just means no heat was added in manufacture but it gets very hot due to pressure, turning the Poly portion of the oil rancid & toxic. On the other hand, if it's Cold-Pressed Mono oil, like Olive Oil, the Mono won't turn rancid... just the Poly portion.
That is why every time a Dietician tells you that Canola is a heart healthful Mono-unsat oil, just like Olive Oil, they are lying. They are NOT healthfully analogous! Canola is 54% Mono... BUT it is also 38% poly which will turn rancid & toxic, requiring 100% of the oil be RBDed... which destroys anything of value in the oil.
To prove the whole of the Medical Community is purposely making you sick, I could, but I don't really need to, compile a book of the thousands of lies they tell... (...bet me I can't!)... because when you boil *actuality* right down? Dieticians, doctors, the FDA, and the "New" Food Pyramid... all of these philosophical edifices knowingly perpetuate this one tremendous LIE (crime actually) regarding oil. The aforementioned edifices obfuscate the vector actually making us sick... ... Sincerely, the preceding, alone, is more than adequate confirmation of my worried contention!
You see folks, now that we've demonstrated with this single example (of many such examples!)... that virtually every "Tentacle" of the medical industry conspires to make you (you, reader!) sick? Then the 4 major points to follow should be a lot more easily believable.
OK...Moving On.
1... Before Egg meets Sperm:
If a women is considering pregnancy, her MD would probably advise her to eat "right", eh? ..."Take a *Centrum* (tm) Multi," he might say... ...and if he's real conscientious he would tell her to take extra folic acid to rule out Spina Bifida. The preceding is not only woefully inadequate (except for the Folic Acid part), it is actually bad advice. It is bad advice for the following reasons:
(a). The most important stored Nutrients a women needs, anticipating pregnancy, are EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids), Omega 3's (ALA) from Flax & Hemp, and EPA & DHA from eggs & Fish Oil -- or even better, Cod Liver Oil with its higher DHA levels. DHA is the required "BRAIN-FOOD for Babies".
Unfortunately, if eating "right" means following the New Food Pyramid (NFP) then she's in trouble because she will most likely be EFA deficient. The NFP's overemphasis on Omega 6 poly-unsat food oils means the Omega 6's overpower the Omega 3's egregiously... so she has an unhealthy Om6 to Om3 Ratio of 20 or 30 to 1... instead of a healthful Ratio of 4 to 1, or less (1 to 1 is best!).
High content Poly-unsat Omega 6 food oils like Soy & Safflower not only drive up the extremely critical Om6 to Om3 EFA Ratio (a very Bad thing), you get a double-whammy because the *Refining* has created lipid peroxide, a corrosive Free-radical that attacks every system in your body to include your reproductive system... ...and the systems of your unborn baby!
A reminder, Folks! Don't confuse the Om6 to Om3 Ratio with the Om6 Toxicity...the negative increase in the EFA Ratio has nothing to do with it being the toxic REfined oil... see? Consequently, even the expensive non-toxic, UNrefined poly oil (used in the duplicitous *research* alluded to above) will drive up a healthful EFA Ratio (4 to 1or less remember) to an unhealthful (20 or 30 to 1) "DEATH" Ratio.
This is no hyperbole! For every numerical increase above 4 to 1 the death rate goes up. So you see... even if you did use the expensive, non-toxic, UNrefined Oil they used - it will still slowly kill you, because it is a ratio-busting Poly Om6... not just because it is toxic.
Also consider, Om 6 Oil is already found in every form of food to include fruit, so encouraging even more Om 6 consumption with Om 6 Food Oil (corn, soy, etc.) is a real crime against Humanity when you consider Om 9 Oils like Olive & Macadamia nut could be an easy substitution. Moreover, a high EFA Ratio (greater than 4 to 1) causes a dramatic increase in Inflammation, Blood Pressure,& Allergic Reactions... because too much Om 6 causes the Om 6 to convert to "Inflammation causing" PG-2 instead of taking the "other fork in the road" that would convert it to "Inflammation REDUCING" PG-1 & PG-3 (see the graphic at the bottom of http://www.alienview.net/zfat.html).
A simple way to lower your EFA ratio is to try to avoid Poly-Omega 6 oil as much as possible by using Mono-Omega 9 oils like Olive & Macadamia Nut Oils. Of course it would also help dramatically to consume more Omega 3... like Hemp & Flax (from Plants) or Krill, Cod-liver & Fish Oil (from Animals). I bet 95% of you have never even heard of this "EFA RATIO"...ask your MD about it and its relationship to the recommendation and over-use of Om 6 oils... then watch him do a great Ralph Kramden impersonation. "Hummana, hummana... my head hurts"!
(b). Trace Minerals: There are 70 or so Trace Minerals found in the Oceans & in the soil... that is until vast areas of land have been "Raped" through decades of farming... leaching these key minerals from the soil and then NOT replacing them...
And, if that wasn't bad enough, the artificial fertilizer and plethora of poison "...cides", (insecta, herba, and funga etc...) kill the helpful little soil microbes naturally there, thus inhibiting further nutrient utilization. Consequently, many of the more exotic if necessary Trace Minerals are just not found in our food. This is why supplementation is necessary... required, even.
Of course, "officious MD's" will only acknowledge that we need a handful (7) of big (>100mg daily dose) Macro minerals (like Calcium & Magnesium), and maybe 10 or 12 of the smaller (<100mg) Trace minerals (like Copper & Zinc) while they ignore, 40 or so, trace minerals most of us have never heard of! Tragically, many of these ephemeral minerals are used as necessary co-factors for the thousands of actions & reactions going on continuously in every cell of your body... ...required elements programming good health.
For example? Germanium carries oxygen to cells which helps fight viral invasions... Arsenic has been found to be essential for survivability of newborn babies and also neonatal growth ...Tin is a co-factor in enzymatic actions. However, the real problem is that medical science does know or understand the role of many of the more exotic trace elements... ...but chooses to ignore them. Ignore the science... ...Why?
Folks, think about this...we evolved over millions of years continually saturated with all those strange sounding elements... then found in everything we consumed. Mother-Nature or God is very adept at making use of everything appearing ubiquitous & permanent in the environment (that's why She uses the Sun to make Vit.D-3). Little did Mother-nature know that a million years later we would be leaching those things out of the earth on thousands of acres of corporate, artificially fertilized Mega-Farms to feed a population too large, finally, to be sustained by them!
...Mother-Nature must eventually get tired of homo Sapien Sapien "Bitch-Slapping" her around, eh? Additionally, are we so "wise" that we are even authorized to say it twice... Sapien Sapien... Wise Wise... ? I digress...
2... After you are Pregnant: Following your MD's advise is fraught with peril for both the mother & developing baby, if I may be so bold.
(a). Eating "right" by following the "New Food Pyramid" is a joke. Please read my Three Part series on the Food Pyramid in "LTR# 12, 13, & 15" at http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html to fully understand just how Bogus & Unhealthful the *Pyramid* truly is.
Find there a full explanation of some of the more harmful recommendations: like RE-fined Poly. Unsat. Food Oils, RE-fined Carbohydrates (Bread, Cereal, Pasta & Sugar), TransFat from partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (Margarine, Veg.Shortening, all Commercial baked products), Soy Isolate (Found in manufactured foods of every description), Sweet fruit juices, and Toxins of every description (Tap-water, cosmetics, food-additives, etc.)... Oh well, hopefully you begin to get the idea.
(b). EVERY (OK, almost every) Prenatal Multi-Vitamin/Mineral that is recommended by MD's is CRAP !! Please send me the list of ingredients or a link to a web-site that shows the ingredients of a "doctor" recommended "Pre" or "neonatal" Multi-Vitamin... that is not CRAP to prove me wrong... I'll send you a no-prize...
Let me warn you ahead of time ... don't send me a list of ingredients without including a list of the mineral or vitamin FORMS. For example, if it lists "Calcium" but doesn't list the form Carbonate, Citrate, etc. then it does me no good... ...and in fact means or gives clear indication that the product is Crap, reader... because the "Law of Perversity of Nature" dictates that if these corporate boys are proud of the form... then they list the form. If the form is Crap... they don't list the form!
Here are just a few of things wrong with MD recommended prenatal Vit/Min's as opposed to ND (Naturopathic) recommended Multi's:
(1)-- The vitamins will be made from petroleum... like the low absorption, artificial form of Vit. E (dl alpha tocopherol) as opposed to the made from soy beans, the highly absorbable and natural form of Vit. E (d alpha tocopherol).
(2)-- The minerals will be harsh, difficult to absorb, INorganic Salts like Carbonate & Oxide as opposed to Organic Chelated minerals like Albion Chelation (Amino Acid Chelated), Kreb's Cycle, Citrate, etc. These are much better absorbed and much easier on the gut... unlike the "Diarrhea-causing" Oxide.
(3)-- The CRITICAL Vit. D will be the ineffective form D-2, like that found in milk, as opposed to the highly effective form D-3 found in Eggs, Cod Liver Oil, made by the Sun & in quality Vitamins.
In all fairness I did find one Prenatal-Multi (PnM) advertised through a link off WebMD that looked pretty good...I just wonder how many MD's understand enough about the different Supplemental Forms to even recognize a quality Multi, like this one, when they see it! I know the following is purely anecdotal, but every PnM women tell me was recommended by their MD, it is always the inferior garbage I've described above.
Additionally, even though the Vitamin & Mineral Forms, in the Pn-Multi linked off WebMD, were all very good forms... it also had the same drawback as virtually every other Pre & Neo-Multi: it used DHA only (no EPA) and the DHA came from algae and not from Fish/Cod-liver/Krill Oils... thus the "DHA/EPA Controversy" briefly discussed below. Actually I found one, prescription-only, that had the superior DHA from fish but managed to extract it w/o including any EPA... I think this is wrong.
DHA (Omega 3 "Brain-Food for Babies") -- The following applies to BOTH Prenatal & Neonatal supplements & Baby Formulas:
The Omega 3 fatty acid DHA is, without a doubt, the MOST critical nutrient for Fetus & Baby brain & eye development. It is key!
In Mother's Milk the DHA is found with & works in synergy with the other powerful, animal-derived Om 3, EPA, at a ratio of about 4 to 1. The DHA to EPA ratio of Cod-Liver Oil is about 4 to 3. Every form of DHA consumed naturally by humans is always found along with EPA. Even the plant-derived "simple" Omega 3 (ALA) from Hemp & Flax which converts (only a very small percentage) to "complex" animal Om 3, after cascading down the PG Pathway of every cell in your body, will convert to both EPA & DHA... NEVER just DHA by itself. In fact, it will first convert the most to EPA and much less, very sluggishly, to DHA. You see, Mother-Nature or God never intended us to consume DHA w/o EPA....and, there-in lies the problem...an Essential Fatty Acid imbalance.
Virtually every Pre/Neo-natal & baby formula listed or linked to WebMD, et al. contains DHA from algae called Neuromins...but without any EPA. The Neuromins proponents believe that algae-derived DHA is superior because its DHA to EPA ratio at 4 to ZERO is closer to Mother's Milk ratio of 4 to 1- where as, Cod-Liver Oil's ratio of about 4 to 3, is not as close. Yes, this is true... but many others and myself feel that even if the EPA in Cod Oil is much higher than breast-milk, that's perfectly OK...but what is not OK... is having NO EPA at all - like in the Neuromins.
Believe me, Dear Reader, I have no dog in this hunt... in fact, I hope I'm wrong about Neuromins (w/o EPA) because it sounds like a good way to get DHA into babies without a lot of the inherent hassles associated with cold-water fish & their oils. For example, DHA is very sensitive to spoilage caused by heat & air. Supposedly, the Neuromin's have overcome earlier oxidation problems with a product that resists oxidation through the processing and utilization. I'll keep you informed...
3... The 3 Hidden Evils: The majority of the population has no idea how much Unfermented Soy, Refined Grains & Sugar are found in virtually every processed food on the market. These "Anti-nutrients" are hidden in Cereals, Baby Formula's, "Health-Foods", Protein powder Mixes (in fact, some so-called "Whey Protein" powders have a large percentage of Soy Isolate).
(a)... Soy, Unfermented... not to be confused with healthful Fermented Soy like Soy Sauce or Miso ... One could write a fairly long paper out-lining Soy's negative characteristics; however, I'm only going to mention two that are applicable to this whole reproduction process.
1) - Soy Phytates & Oxalates bind with critical minerals & trace minerals which can cause or exacerbate a mineral deficiency! This has the potential to cause or exacerbate virtually EVERY disease and/or birth defect.
2) - Soy Phytoestrogen - Modern humans have created a very Estrogen-rich environment where we are bombarded, from conception, by estrogenic compounds & estrogen-mimics which have the potential to feminize our population. I'm not female bashing... I'm talking about a nutritional approach which likely precludes female bashing.
(b)... Refined Grains --- THEY'RE EVERYWHERE...but the biggest offender is "Organic", "100% Whole-Grain" Cereals. By the time this "Stuff" has been "slurried, extruded under heat & pressure and processed" ...it is worse than eating Table-sugar.
(c)... Sugar --- IT'S EVERYWHERE...hi-fructose corn syurp, 100% Concentrated Grape Juice, Sucrose, Dextrose, Brown Rice Syrup, Crystalline fructose, etc., etc. There is no trick too dirty, reader, to hide sweeteners & other "Anti-Nutrients"
4... Lastly, Postpartum Depression: Let's, albeit very unscientifically, connect a few dots... using the "Rings-true Logically" approach. The reader can draw her own conclusion.
We pretty well know the following "facts":
1). Being EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) and/or Mineral/Trace Mineral deficient can cause dramatic changes in mood, cognition & ones ability to think clearly.
2). The brain is mostly fat...the most abundant brain-fat being the EFA Omega 3, DHA.
3). The developing fetus will leach EFA's (like DHA) & Minerals from the mother... even if it depletes her own life critical stores of EFA's & minerals. Mother-Nature doggedly insists the baby come first.
4). The incidence of PICA (eating clay, chalk, dirt, etc.) increases in pregnant women. Pica seems to increase with women lower on the socioeconomic scale indicating poorer nutrition (less minerals) equates to more Pica...
But what do we get from modern medicine? It's a "mental disorder" requiring expensive pharmaceuticals! When cows get Pica - are they crazy? Nutritional Science will admit that Pica in cows can usually be helped with Mineral/Trace Mineral Supplementation but there is not substantial research to show that to be true in humans... how Freaking convenient!
5). Pregnant women are always craving ice cream, pickles, and onion rings... or whatever... because the baby takes the needed nutrients... ...which leaves the mother craving... something? They don't know what they crave... but they crave something!
Conclusion: Doesn't this mean that "We Intuitively Know" (or at least highly suspect) that Postpartum Depression is caused by an EFA &/or Mineral deficiency? Yet every time a new mother kills her baby all the Freaking "Experts" stand around pontificating about mental illness & stress... yet fail to even consider a nutritional deficiency.
Why is that? Yeah, we already know the answer...
If we prevent disease & depression by taking a handful of Vitamins, Minerals & Cod Liver Oil softgells, how do we expect MD's to be able to up-grade to gold-plated bathroom fixtures for their summer homes?
The question is begged! Is your Doctor your friend? It does not appear so to me.
Until next time then... ...the tools are at hand! Well be!
LivingTree Root #022
Courting CODEX: "Whole-Food" Deceptions... By Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
Everywhere we turn these days we're threatened by the glittering teeth of sociopathic predators and smarmy confidence men. I'm sure it's no surprise to the reader that this mendacious practice extends to necessary consumables and required foodstuffs. These include the gleeful sale of that which is demonstrably bad for us on the one hand... and the fraud and misrepresentation employed in the sale of that which is supposed to be good, on the other.
I've written extensively and at some length regarding the former. This time we'll investigate the latter.
There is an evil little trick several so-called "Whole-Food Supplement" makers use to cheat people. This flavor of sociopathy puts the consumer at risk because they are betrayed into thinking they are covering all the nutritional bases - when in fact, they don't even come close.
It's fairly easy to spot these "crooks and charlatans" by an informed reading of the Ingredient Info or Supplemental Facts on the label of these products. On these "X" products the reader will see listed a long and "impressive" array of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids), Amino Acids, Digestive Enzymes, on & on... but there is a problem the practiced eye readily detects.
The informed reader of this label notices that there are NO MEASURED AMOUNTS listed... or maybe only a few (4 or 5) of the nutrients are listed at all. There is no way of knowing, then, if there are sufficient amounts of the essential Vitamins & Minerals to be therapeutic... or if they even come close to meeting minimum daily requirements... because Folks, they rarely, if ever, do!
The reason they so easily "pull this off" is because they have a perfectly reasonable sounding rationalization for not listing the amounts ... which is:
"...Because "Product X" is a "whole food," the amounts are always changing slightly... for example, you wouldn't expect grocery stores to list the amount of Vitamin C in every Orange - because they are all a little different."
This is "logical-sounding," yet it is specious *Crapola*, reader... There are many, many, credible Whole-Food Supplement Makers who manage to manipulate the different batches of "stuff" in their products... facilitating a list of minimum amount of each Vit./Min./etc. which can then be verified by product testing. We have the technology.
Moreover, these substandard "X" products also suggest that other (read: more credible) Supplement Makers "have" to use "artificial" ingredients to be able to add just the right amounts... to end up the same, correct gram, mg or mcg amount... every time. Even if & when this is true... it doesn't matter people! The addition of a natural, quality supplemental does not mean "artificial manipulation of a product," at all.
Example: what about the natural whole-food Fish Oil? The EFA, Omega 3's, EPA & DHA in fish oil are not "artificial" ingredients which they manufacture in a lab and then pour in until they reach 500mg of EPA/DHA per gram of Fish Oil. No! All fish have varying concentrations of EPA/DHA, yet they still manage to get 500mg in each gram (1000mg) of oil. This is a GOOD thing, folks, not the BAD thing implied!
Don't be mislead! The core nutritional theories behind many of these "X" products could have efficacy (because they are usually centered around some very healthful, multi-purposeful nutrients like Sea Algae, Sea Veggies, Marine Plankton, Sea Minerals & other whole-food, Fruits & Veggies...) IF they did one of two things :
1). IF they sold their *stuff* for about $10.00 as a "Green-Food, Sea-Veggie" Supplement one might take in addition to a "Real" Whole-Food Multi-Vit/Min... But NOT for FORTY DOLLARS while stealthily trying to pass this "crap" off as a "Complete" nutritional source making other supplementation unnecessary! This is an outrageous lie!
2). IF they were able to concentrate these different nutrients down to where they could actually get a therapeutic dose of all the necessary items into 2 or 3 capfuls of liquid! Or sell it, as is, but "dirt cheap"... telling people they should drink a pint or two daily instead of just one 1/2 ounce capful! That way the amounts of essential Vit's & Min's might make it up to a level to where it can legitimately call itself a "Complete Multi-Vit/Min", reader, without having to lie.
Listen to this recent sequence of events & you tell me if this product is bogus!
What follows is an email I received from the "good doctor" Ismail about the product he touts called "FrequenSea" ... I'm leaving in his email address in case anyone wants to try to get him to explain how such tiny amounts of nutrients can qualify as a "complete multi"...
...Complete is my word. The FrequenSea people are careful to avoid using words like "Complete Multi-Vit/Min" because that is a lie that can get them in trouble. However, it is not a lie if they say something like..."...has every nutrient humans need for good health" Do you see the little trick? Yes, it may have every needed nutrient, but it does not have them in large enough amounts to actually do any good. Does a drop of lemon juice in a gallon of water make lemon-aide? Maybe... real weak lemon-aide.
----- Original Message ----- From: "MS Ismail" <sismail@iinet.net.au> To: <alan068@centurytel.net> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:02 PM Subject: Saw your article on Rense
> Hi Alan
----------My Response:
If a lay person sent me this info to get my opinion I would tell them that there is a 90% chance that this product is a sham... reminiscent of the bogus product "Sea Silver".
Any product which fails to list the amounts of the different vitamin or mineral, etc. while using the bulls**t excuse that because every orange has different amounts of vitamin C & because their product is a "Whole-Food" you can't list the amounts.
When "SeaSilver" was tested
independently -- it turned out to be mostly grape juice with just enough of
every item listed so they couldn't be sued for lying... but many of the
items barely registered a trace amount. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OK... as one might have predicted, I never heard a peep back from the "good doctor." This certainly signals that the product is a sham to this writer! Consider, if it really was a legit product, wouldn't he have fired right back with a list of reasons why I was wrong? Of course he would... but he just crawled back under his rock.
Paying $40.00 for a couple of Bucks worth of minimally fortified juices is despicable, as it is, but the real tragedy is that the CODEX engulfing Europe presently is coming to America... and we'll have these "Spawns of Satan" to thank!
The CODEX alluded to is where you will have to get a freaking prescription from an MD to buy Vitamins, Minerals & other Supplements, reader! This is tantamount to needing a prescription for FOOD, folks! The demonstrably malevolent Pharmaceutical Industry will likely take over the manufacture of Supplements and yes, rest assured, the price will go way up and quality will likely go way down.
Health-Food stores & On-line Supplement Dealers, as we know them, will be a thing of the past and the excuse predatory politicians will use as justification to impose this tyranny? "Just look at all these *non-regulated* scam supplements cheating & hurting consumers," they'll whine and moan as they squawk their crocodile tears! These greedy sham companies like the aforementioned "FrequenSea" will be all the excuse big-brother government needs to take away our supplements... supplements keeping me alive. My outrage is off the scale!
Forget the irony that supplement-scams are just the excuse government will use to impose CODEX ... the actual reason is so the already rich Doctors & Drug Executives can get a little richer as they slowly poison you with dangerous pharmaceuticals that only treat symptoms and don't do one darn thing to fix or prevent disease... oh yeah, the politicians receive large contributions to their re-election campaigns by CODEX supporting psychopaths who certainly have an ax to grind... can you spell Merck?
Getting back to SeaSilver... I am so irritated that the only justification available for pulling the SeaSilver ads was that they made medical claims which couldn't be documented... Folks, I could care less about the disease curing claims made by SS, because, ironically, I firmly believe that if you took every item in SS (from a legitimate Whole-food source) at MUCH larger therapeutic doses, they would very likely ameliorate or prevent pretty much every disease as is indicated.
It remains! Even though the consumer doesn't come close to getting enough of each item in these bogus products, SS is still out there today being sold for big bucks! As far as I can tell, here's all they did differently to be able to resume cheating people... they don't make claims of curing specific diseases! Now, they might just make general and generic statements like "Obtain good health naturally" or from FrequenSea - "Marine Phytoplankton is an ideal food for mankind"...
Folks, I also think Marine Phytoplankton is an ideal food! But ideal only if you get a bigger amount than is in one or two capfuls of this "stuff" - especially when you consider the very long list of other herbs, fruits, etc. that are also supposed to additionally be in that small capful.
Here's a SeaSilver anecdote: many years ago I had just received my first order of SS, to try it out, when I happen to see a 30 minute TV infomercial for SS being narrated by its founder, some genius, nutritional "scientist." He was telling the SS story when he made this bothersome statement ... "I got the idea for SeaSilver while looking out the window of an airliner at thirty thousand SQUARE feet..."
Oh my! The "low RPM Warning Audio" started going off in my head... Golly, how smart or innovative could any "Scientist" be that would use a measurement for AREA (square feet) in the place of a measurement for linear distance (feet)... the next thing that popped into my head was that this guy is an idiot... so it stands to reason, his product might be something less than Stellar.
His error was not just a slip of the tongue, reader, like in an interview where the mistake can't be corrected...no, this was a slickly produced infomercial with a small enthusiastic (PAID) audience, that ran day & night for months.
Instead of making an effort, or taking the few minutes, to edit the mistake (assuming someone knew it was a mistake) - I envision this disingenuous "genius" saying "don't bother to correct it because the people that are stupid enough to buy SeaSilver are too stupid to know the difference between "feet" & "Square Feet". Or maybe this "genius" actually thought he was at 30,000 "Square Feet" in which case wouldn't one of his staff, the high school dropout stage-hand, or anyone else standing around that successfully completed GRADE SCHOOL science... casually put him straight?
I quit taking SS based upon that "Square Foot" remark and later my suspicions were realized when independent testing exposed that many of the critical nutrients were in such small trace amounts that their therapeutic value would, most certainly, be negligible.
This may sound like "pole-vaulting over tic droppings"...BUT, don't you get tired of "The Man" peeing on your leg & telling you it's raining? Or, don't you get tired of the daily bombardment of half-truths, spin, semantics, obfuscation, rip-offs and just outright freaking LIES ? I know I do.
By the way, on 8 Nov. 06, I sent a courtesy copy of this paper to Dr. Ismail so he would have a second chance to defend this product... Hummm, should I try to hold my breath until he responds?
Seriously, before you commit to any expensive, long-term supplemental program, reader, make sure the product or brand is credible. Here are some proactive things you can do:
1).. www.consumerlabs.com - it may not tell you "products that failed" unless you join for $25.00 annually, but it will give a long list of brands passing Potency & Purity (P&P). Remember, P&P does not address the quality of the different Forms used, unless the Form itself is toxic, like the lead in calcium forms of 'dolomite' & 'clamshell'. For example - a Centrum Multi will pass Potency & Purity just like a more expensive, quality, Whole-Food Multi. but the Vit./Mineral Forms in Centrum are artificial garbage, whereas the Forms in the other will be highly digestible organic forms... but they both get the same "passing" grade.
2).. www.supplementwatch.com - will give lots of info for free but you get more if you join.
3).. Check the product web-site to see if they have passed credible independent Potency & Purity testing.
There is a link to show independent "test results" for SeaSilver... not for "Potency" but just to show which nutrients SS contains...it won't tell how much of each item, just that it has at least these items in "Trace" amounts - down to PPB (parts per Billion) - that's a tiny, tiny (negligible) amount. Here is the testing assessment off the SS web-site:
[[[ "The above elements and nutrients are present in whole food ingredients contained in Seasilver in trace amounts (parts per million or parts per billion). Testing was performed by an independent accredited laboratory using nationally approved testing methods. __________ end________________..." ]]]
Well Folks, all I can say is - "BIG FREAKING DEAL"! Of the 79 nutrients showing up in SS testing - only guaranteeing SeaSilver nutrients in trace amounts (parts per million or parts per billion) would be OK for some of the more obscure Trace Minerals they list, like Palladium or Tellurium; however, if all the listed Vitamins, including the Macro Minerals (macro means a dose greater than 100mg daily) & at least 10 of the Trace Minerals are only found in Parts Per Million? Then you are not even coming close to getting a usable, therapeutic amount!
It might be loosely analogous to a crook selling you "Tap-Water" by telling you, truthfully I might add, that tap water has all the minerals & trace elements in TRACE amounts - and telling you that this "Natural Mineral Tonic" has been "Tested" and contains EVERY Mineral & Trace Mineral needed by Humans, like Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium & many more.
This claim is actually true about "Tap-Water"... but Folks, do you think you could meet your Calcium requirement by drinking "Tap-Water" with its very, very small trace amount of Calcium?? Of course not! It remains, this is essentially what SS would expect you to believe with the test data they "offered."
4).. Check search engines to see if you can find any negative articles about the product or any other products by that brand. For example, I quit taking a digestive enzyme formula when the same brand name shipped spoiled cod-liver oil & got caught. I wasn't taking their Cod-oil but from then on I felt I couldn't trust any of their products. Sadly, you have to do your own homework in this society abusing us with the full protections of law and statute.
5).. Patents & Trade-Marks - If some items in the Multi are a well known patented process, this acts as a form of "checks & balances" since Sham products will almost never use these items because the maker of the Patented Process would not want its Name, Seal or Logo associated with a product that is even a little bit sleazy. And, as an example, the scientists at the very well known patented Mineral Chelation Process...Albion, could spot a sham company in a heart beat, where as the average citizen might never be able to tell.
SO! It's a good thing if you see: (a). The name "Albion" or the round Gold Seal for their "Amino Acid Chelated Minerals".-- (b). OptiZinc - a patented form of binding Zinc to Methionine. -- (c). d-Alpha Vit.E - look for "d-Alpha" surrounded by the green triangle seal. -- (d). ChromeMate - a patented form of Chromium Polynicotinate.-- (e). Ester-E or Ester-C - look for the tiny R surrounded by a circle (Registered patent), et al.
There are many other good examples, but be careful because some sham products will have some official looking (TM) or registered item that might fool you. The way to check it's validity is to froogle search the process name and if a bunch of different Supplement Makers use the process in question in their products then the process, hence the product is likely OK. For example, if you did a froogle search on *Albion Supplements* you would see the process is used in dozens of well-known brands... but none are in "Whole-Food" products not listing measured amounts. These are suspiciously excluded.
6).. Or, if all the preceding fails, as a last desperate attempt you could ask me my opinion... it's free and I have no ax to grind but for your interest, reader. I have absolutely no affiliation with any product or organization, not even The LivingTree Health Food Store (local only, no web-sales) - even though I write a NewsLetter under the LivingTree banner. Sincerely, if I ever heard the LivingTree owner tell a lie to sell a product (believe me, she couldn't), I would turn on her in a heartbeat and change the name of MY NewsLetter.
Remember Folks, because many of these companies are Multi Level Sales (MLS) companies, which means it will be your friends & family trying to sell you these products... many MLS companies have quality products, so, even though by their very nature, they are slightly more expensive... that doesn't mean they are all crooks - in fact I'm sure most are not. It's just the crooks, that are...uh...crooks!
Look, reader. Society as it stands now is a codification of how far outside the envelope of ethics and legality a minority of sociopaths can operate (...unmolested themselves!) as they prey on persons at all intelligence levels pursuant to their ill-gotten gains. The very few profiting illegally and unethically at the expense of the many.
This is an egregious situation remaining unimproved by any aisle of government (Oh yea, they will shove CODEX down our throat - which is like cutting off a guys head to cure Dandruff)... any aspect of business, department, or agency. The Church is silent or an ally of the corporatism responsible for this dire state of affairs. Every month I have so-called good Christians, while invoking God, they try to get me to indorse some bogus product (if not bogus, at least inferior). The aforementioned bastards wear crosses at least as well as the beatific.
The truth about all this, reader, if told by a sincere person to be understood, can be believed! You see? A trip down the nutritional path I describe is its own proof of concept and citation of SAME! You don't have to take my word for it. The evidence is under the rocks I kick over and that you learn to kick over yourself! You can become your own control. You can captain your own nutritional ship
I've written many papers now exploring the science, the mechanics, and the rationality of an American approach to health and nutrition only because that approach departs so much and so far from the real health and proper nutrition it suspiciously counterfeits. Ten years ago, I was a dead man walking. I was angry. I was corrosive and intimidating to dwindling friends and associates. I knew extreme depression and ABJECT misery at the hands of mainstream medicine... until I stumbled into a health-food store one day. The rest is efficacious history. (I beat back my own "incurable" disease, Crohn's, by about 98% - the "doctors" wanted to cut out my Guts)
Today I live and live well, reader. I propose that you can achieve these things as well. I submit that your health and vitality can be re-achieved, your quality of life improved in perceptible ways, and a measure of youthful aspect can be recaptured. You can do this yourself, dependant on no one BUT yourself.
That's a truth told to be understood... which can be believed.
Well be.
LivingTree Root #023
Does SatFat Cause Cancer? By Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
If you cruise the popular www.webmd.com, you will see that the "latest research" *confirms* a long-held (if erroneous) belief that Saturated Fat (solid at room temp) can dramatically increase your risk of having Breast Cancer... and all cancer for that matter.
Too reflexively, in-the-tank medicos blame the *obvious* villains like red meat, butter, tropical oils SatFat and to a lesser degree the small percentages of SatFat found in food oils.
The only problem? The data used to demonize the aforementioned SatFat is pretty much a "Big Fat Freaking LIE"! Saturated Fat and the much maligned Cholesterol, usually going hand & glove with that Saturated Fat, are in actuality two of the most healthful, multi-purposeful, and necessary substances one can consume... as long as they are not damaged by the oxidation caused by high heat & over-processing!
Besides, both SatFat & Cholesterol are also made in the human body, regardless! Moreover, both are critical to good health. Ten million plus years of evolution or intelligent design dictates a nutritional path predicated on SatFat & Cholesterol, friends and others... There's your science if you were looking for it. There's your reality.
In a moment I will show you just a few of the ways SatFat protects you. First, you're probably wondering how it is possible to have so much "data" from studies showing SatFat increases Cancer & Heart Disease while I can remain so contrary to same?
A FAIR question! After all, a *worshiped* medical community has so proclaimed and ordained it to be so! Who am I (with some small talent to do a research only) to stand in opposition to this alleged edifice of science? The short answer, reader, is that their science is suspect... ...and, I don't have their ax to grind.
Here are just of few of the ways these egregious "Weasels" can grind a self-serving ax to "muddy-the-water," folks, making SatFat, Meat & Eggs look bad, when they are anything but, bottom line... while cleverly hiding the true causes... even encouraging the uses of these Disease-Causing false "Foods," foods like: refined, Poly-Unsaturated, Omega 6, Food-Oil... read, Corn, Soy, Cottonseed, Safflower, Sunflower, Peanut & others to include the so-called "MonoUnsat" Crapola (Canola) Oil!
Caution! Don't confuse the previous toxic "stuff" with healthful "True MonoUnsat" Oil, like Extra-Virgin Olive Oil.
The following 7 items regard the betrayals of the aforementioned bogus Studies, and the first 6 start with, "Do not Distinguish Between..."
1) ...fresh meat as opposed to highly Oxidized processed meats. Why not do a study comparing the health of a person who daily eats a predetermined amount of SatFat... but ONLY "liquid-cooked" (low-temp), Soups & Stews, using only fresh meat... as opposed to a person who also eats the exact, same amount of SatFat, but only highly denatured, oxidized, processed meats like bologna, pepperoni, salami, etc.
These "man-manipulated Neo-Meats" are not only full of toxic chemicals, folks, they are so "Denatured" that they are "highly" non-digestible ! Of likely un-guessed significance is meat after processing! Not only is the SatFat damaged but the associated cholesterol is damaged also, making both a health hazard! This is unlike the beneficial effects of UNdamaged SatFat & Cholesterol found in real butter & raw (or very lightly cooked) Eggs.
2) ...between Organic meat as opposed to Commercial meat... which may or may not have hormones & antibiotics. WebMD admits that the aforementioned hormones, added to an already estrogen-rich environment is, very likely, a major player in developing Cancer... so they bone-headedly admonish people not to eat meat ...instead of telling people not to eat meat *with hormones*.
Organic, free-range meat, respectfully consumed in moderation, is NOT cancer-causing. Consider, we evolved for a couple of million years eating toxic-free, grass-fed meat & the associated undamaged SatFat & Cholesterol. This was an upgrade from carrion, reader... be not proud, just to remind you we all have reason for humility.
Moreover, some of you will hate me for this ... but Humans, Lambs & Tigers NEVER frolicked playfully together in sunlit fields of clover. This world has never seen a vegetarian "Big Cat"... only its tooth and claw. I digress.
3) ... between Grass-fed, free-range meat, high in the magical "Fat-Metabolizing" Fatty Acid, CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) & the equally magical, Omega 3 (ALA) - as compared to Corn or Grain-fed over-commercialized-and-disrespected meats with almost NO CLA & ALA - BUT it does have plenty of Cancer-causing, Thyroid-lowering, and Artery-clogging Omega 6 (LA)! Does the reader perceive a trend?
So again, the problem is not the meat or the SatFat, the problem is the crap intruded into the meat. For millions of years on the Serengeti, the grass-eating herds never encountered anything like the 2 most unhealthful veggies fostered on humankind by mendacious corporate sociopaths... imagined: Corn & Soy... Corn Oil or Corn-fed beef - it's all the same... BAD!
"Hey, Alan, I don't eat Corn & Soy"! ...Uh, yes you do ... IF you eat food processed by Man, you eat Corn, Soy &... Sugar.
4) ... between Raw or low-temp "liquid-cooked" meats (pot roast, stews, crock-pot, etc.) as opposed to unhealthful, Crisp-Fried or extra well-done, Char-broiled meat just teaming with cancer causing free-radicals like HCA (Hetero Cyclic Amines). HCAs attack every cell in your body, eventually causing disease & premature aging. Conversely, meat that is "liquid-cooked" never gets above100 degrees Celsius (Boiling-pt) so virtually no free-radicals form. Meat charred or browned from high heat is very carcinogenic.
Sorry to rain on the barbeque... but let's go for the parade, too: The same free-radical causing characteristic of charred-meat applies to carbohydrates (like bread) browned or toasted crisp due to high heat, except in this case the free-radical is called Acrylamids... faux-foods like french-fries, cereal, bread crust & Eric's "Cheezy-Poofs".
5) ... between healthful, undamaged SatFat like in Butter as opposed to the very dangerous, oxidized, and processed SatFat found in Powdered Eggs & Powdered Milk, a substance intruded ubiquitously into many processed foods...read a few labels, you'll be surprised and dismayed if you're not shocked and revolted.
...The "Creamy, Sweet, Fluffy, White Crap" inside many "snack-foods"...is pHVO TransFat whipped with sugar (...Man-made and "Plastic-like" Fat plus *Refined* Sugar) -- Hummm...the "Wholesome", Sweet-Fluffy-Goodness of Twinkie's.
My TV favorite is the heart-warming (Heart-Stopping, actually) bonding experience portrayed when a doting father teaches his 3 year old son how to eat a "Double-Stuff" Oreo cookie with its DOUBLE compliment of "Creamy-White-Toxic-Sugary-Make-believe FAT". You've all seen it Mmmm-mmm! ...Gotta love dim family values!
So, let me get this straight... a manmade, toxic, non-food, like TransFat (vegetable shortening), a substance shown by the FDA & every Medical Journal on the planet to cause or exacerbate virtually all major diseases... ...this garbage is counted, "gram for gram," exactly the same, reader... as pure, made by Mother-Nature, undamaged, raw Satfat from a big fat Walrus some Eskimo is efficaciously chewing on as you read these words! Folks, Wake up...The preceding are worlds apart!
If you tell an Inuit that he should stop eating saturated fat (blubber) because it causes heart disease, he would think you were dropped on your head as a child ... considering that all Inuit children grow up eating raw SatFat as a snack, as if it were "Cheezy-Poofs...," only good for you!
Oh yeah, traditional Eskimo's don't have Heart Disease, Cancer, MS, Diabetes, Joint Disease, on & on. Well, at least until they got "civilized" and start eating the "Forked-tongued White Devil's" processed poisons like Sugar, refined flour, Corn oil & "Cheezy-Poofs"! Then they contract virtually all the "White-Man's disease's" ... especially Type II Diabetes. The Sugar & TransFat might as well be "Pox-infected" blankets.
FYI: Did you know that after many thousands of years the traditional Eskimo has lost the ability to synthesize the D6D Desaturase Enzyme which is required for conversion of the "Simple" Fatty Acids, Om6 LA (corn oil) & Om3 ALA (flax oil) to the more "Complex" Om 6's & Omega 3's - like EPA/DHA found in Fish Oil... ...through lack of use!
So, if an Eskimo moves to the big city and stops eating Fish Oil Omega 3... he could daily eat mass quantities of Omega 3 from Plants like Flax, Hemp & green-veggies but he would still be Omega 3 DEFICIENT. This can lead to chronic depression & suicide... while some "doctor" admonishes us how "...Nanook just couldn't adjust to the big, mean, and impersonal city, so he killed himself." The rest of the story... eh?
Alan's Fat rule # 1 (to the respected chagrin of Vegetarians who don't believe this rule) --If you consume only the "Simple" Omega 3, EFA ("Essential" Fatty Acid) ALA, from Plants, you might easily be Omega 3, EFA Deficient...HOWEVER, if you consume the "Complex" Omega 3, FA's ( Fatty Acid's, but not Essential) EPA & DHA from Fish Oil & Eggs it is virtually impossible to be Omega 3, EFA Deficient!
So, much like the Inuit who becomes Om 3 deficient if only consuming Plant-derived Om 3...the Vegetarian (especially the "Carbo-tarians") can wind-up in the same boat because of the "Carbo-tarian's" high intake of refined Sugar, Flour & pHVO (bread, cereal, pasta, baked-goods) also inhibits the production of the D6D Enzyme.
Additionally, the "Grain-tarian" form of "Carbo-tarian", has a diet very high in Phytates & Oxalates binding with and so eliminating two crucial minerals critical to the production of D6D...Magnesium & Zinc. These Grain phytates & oxalates are particularly brutal on Zinc...a visual indication might be spotty, thin, peeling finger nails.
We've millions of years of experience, remember, using these required nutriments in the form of healthful animal fats and eggs. These are nutritional imperatives not too casually thrown off in a few thousand years of conflicted nutritional sensibilities, even respected ones.
The above, by the way, is in contrast to the "True" Vegetarian ...you know, the ones who eat ...ah, Vegetables. A "Fruit-tarian," by the way, is NOT a Vegetarian... in other words, a Vegetarian (in my opinion) should eat mostly Veggies with a SMALL amount of fruit.
7)...Corporate medicine does not track meat-eaters who develop cancer to see how many of them consumed mass-quantities of the 3 foods actually causing most of the cancer in the U.S. -- Sugar (refined carbs, flour) , Poly Unsat Food Oil (Corn, Soy, etc.) & pHVO (margarine, Veg. Shortening).
These immediately preceding 3 faux-food categories have something in common (other than Cancer): they are either recommended by the New Food Pyramid (like corn oil & margarine) or we are told they are "OK" in moderation (like sugar & refined flour). The Gov's Food Pyramid allows 50% of your carbs to be refined... which is just plain stupid where it is not criminal.
So, What or who causes cancer? Why of course, reader, the people who profit from your cancer ... doctors, drug companies, politicians, cancer-researchers, etc., etc... a harsh statement, yes, but consider this:
I think you know I'm right - The preceding is the only rational explanation describing how "medical-science" could possibly see the following 2 people the SAME WAY : #1.. the guy who eats a predetermined amount of SatFat ( includes TransFat) every night in the form of a Corn-fed (Hi-Omega 6), burnt on the outside Char-broiled steak (Hi-HCA), with lots of hormones (Cancer-causing) & antibiotics (Kills good gut flora) ... with a big fat pat of TransFat (Liver-Toxin, non-food) Margarine on top...
And guy #2.. the fellow who eats the exact, same amount of SatFat in the form of raw or dried meat & blubber from seals, fish & whales... and then thrives! Guy #2 could even tie one hand behind his back and consume TWICE as much SatFat as the #1 guy and the answer to the question below would still be the same.
Ok, so what's the question? Simply, why does #1 guy die of a coronary at 45 but the #2 guy never has a heart attack (or Cancer, MS, Arthritis, Diabetes, et al...) and is still rubbing noses at 75 with his frisky little Inuit women, while the #1 guy has only shown a dearth of substantive *wood* for the last 10 years of his miserable life because he was taking cholesterol lowering Lipitor & BP meds.
BUT! Not undamaged SatFat & fresh (grass-fed) Meat. These are required for good health...with one caveat - you could substitute the meat with Whey Protein Isolate and/or Raw or poached cage-free Eggs.
Folks! You are a being of Fat and cholesterol ... NO kidding! Every cell in your body has a Bi-layered wall of Fat surrounding it (two layers of fat molecules, tail to tail, called a Phospholipid Membrane) that is the most important part of the cell because even though fairly "simple" in design when compared to the many arcane, complex Organelles within the cell... this wall controls what goes in & out! So, if you have a "sick" cell-wall, the critical, complex little engines inside, follow suite and break-down...Cell-Death, by any name or a result of mechanism, is as sweet.
If you looked at the cell-wall of an Inuit who ate nothing but meat, undamaged SatFat & Omega 3 Fatty Acids, you would see these same Fats being incorporated into the cell-wall of every cell in his body. Consequently, his cells will be flexible (but they won't sag), are permeable, so things can easily go in (without the wrong things going in)... and allow for the efficient removal of waste. Simply, healthful components equal healthy cells equals aggregate health, life, and quality of same!
Conversely, if you consume TransFat, Poly-Food Oil & damaged SatFat, then these fats are used to the detriment of the cell-wall. The cell will sag & droop, thus not adequately holding fluid or electrolytes... detracting from its ability to communicate hormonally. The decrease in efficient Insulin-binding and a general lack of homeostasis at the cellular level, then, makes for a sick/mean/depressed & fat individual.
For the last 40 years virtually everything that we have been told by mainstream doctors & dieticians concerning "Fats & Oils" has been a lie. In fact, I can prove to you, right now, that the whole medical system conspired for decades to make you sick and keep you sick for profit by the "Captains of Industry" and their government "lackey"...the FDA.
Consider: The "Hidden Fat" Disgrace!
For years we were warned by the FDA of the "dangers of SatFat" with Guide-lines to limit SatFat. The amounts of the different "Fats" were listed on the "Labels." Sadly, what most of you probably never noticed was that when you added up the amounts of the different Fats (SatFat, PolyFat, MonoFat)... ...they almost never added up to the Total Fat listed at the top of the Supplement Facts!
Yeah... you might have a Total Fat of 10grams, but when you add up the other 3 fats, you only get 6grams...Huh ? It looks as if there are 4 "Hidden" grams of Fat in there, somewhere, that don't have a name? "Dark matter" fat...or "Invisible" fat?
Lets see...could it be - "TRANS-FAT" - or as we in the Holistic Community called it for years..."The Hidden Fat"?
This is because the FDA knew the crap was toxic but pretended it didn't exist and even conspired to keep that info from us through evil little tricks like the preceding! All of the industries who profit from you being made sick & kept sick by pHVO (TransFat) are more important than you, the individual... ...nothing else fits the facts, folks!
Most European countries Ban pHVO in food decades ago and amazingly even in those countries without the Ban...many of the industries voluntarily stopped or never started using pHVO because they heeded the warnings by their scientists. On the other hand, in this country, we let those big industries who love pHVO...(and they do love it... it's a money maker) dictate to politicians, who dictate to the FDA...and we get screwed.
I'm most assuredly NOT a Europaphile (sic), but about 3 decades ago when an international, independent group of scientists declared that man-made "TransFat" was a killer...the Europeans hired Scientists (to confirm & research the results)... Us? We hired lawyers (to hide the results).
No surprises here, eh? Be angry. Be very angry.
Well be.
#24 Rapacious Rapeseeds / Canola-Crapolas by Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
Please keep reading. This is not the usual (often deserved) slam at Canola... first, I'm assuming all the Rapeseed Oil below is LEAR, (Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed)... second, I could care less if Rapeseed Oil was or is used as an Industrial Lubricant! Every Fat known to Humanity has been used as a lubricant at one time or another.
No, I'm talking about VERY legitimate & logical sounding "Claims" I think are complete "Bat-squeeze"...coupled with the added irritation that everybody seems to "Love" Canola Oil. Some even get a little "misty" when describing its *Healthfulness*...
This ubiquitous, short-sighted, and completely inaccurate attitude is the result of a full court press campaign to provide a "Mono-unSat" alternative to the TRUE Mono-unSat Oil... 'Extra-Virgin Olive Oil'. This is so the revenue would stay in this Hemisphere, eh? ...Said hemisphere dominated by the US & our closest trading partner, Canada, instead of an Olive Oil coming from Italy, Spain, Israel, etc.
There are; however, Rapeseed Food-Oil Makers, or more commonly & less offensively known as Canola Oil, (Oil of Canada) making claims regarding both refined & unrefined, that Rapeseed Oil (RO) is superior to Olive Oil. Tilt! Tilt! Tilt!
This claim is singularly silly by itself, but some make the further outrageous (and dangerous!) claim that you can safely do Hi-heat Stir-Frying, the implication being that the heat sensitive Omega 6 & 3, which make-up about 30 to 35% of RO, somehow survives the ordeal... How can I say this delicately?
...NO Freaking Way, Pilgrim!
Very Brief Fat lesson -- In simple terms, fatty acids are chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms filling the available single bonds, creating a solid, "straight" Chain. A Double-Bond (DB) is where 2 Hydrogen atoms are missing in the long Fatty-Acid (FA) Chain causing said chain to bend slightly - resulting in a liquid Oil at room temp... also, you might say these DB's are where the sun's energy is stored.
The more Double-Bonds (DB's) these Fatty Acid chains have also means there are more locations available to be broken by heat, air & light... turning the healthful oil into rancid lipid-peroxide, faster.
Saturated Fat (SatFat) - has no missing Hydrogen atoms, thus no Double-Bonds, so it is very stable (resists rancidity) and is a solid at room temp because the chain is "straight" and tightly packs together easily, like "real" Butter & every FOOD-Oil in the world - Yes, the SatFat is in there, you can't see it, is all. This resistance to rancidity is only one of many reasons why SatFat is your body's "Fat of Choice" for many of its more important jobs...as long as it is undamaged SatFat... this is how we evolved.
Mono-unsaturated Oil - (Mono means 'One') So it has 'One' DB with 2 missing Hydrogen atoms... which is also very stable (does not need refining or refrigeration after opening) and is a liquid at room temp because the chain is slightly "bent," so it does not "pack together" easily... healthful oils like Olive & Macadamia Nut.
Poly-unsaturated Oil - (Poly means 'More than One') So it has 2 or more DB's that make it UN-stable, increasing its sensitivity to rancidity, so it must be refrigerated after being opened or (like MOST poly-oils) it must be refined, to be able to store it at room temp. Refined means the oil is RBDed (Refined, Bleached, Deodorized) using very High-Heat. In other words, the Oil is "Dead."
The delicate Double-Bonds are broken & even though it is now rancid... it smells "fresh" to you after Hi-Heat Deodorizing. This Toxic, RBDed Oil is the ONLY kind you get at the typical grocery... SO that bottle of beautiful, golden Mazolla Corn Oil you brought home from the store looking & smelling so fresh... is teeming with cell destroying Lipid-Peroxide molecules & has already turned rancid once. Mmmmm-mmm! ...oh yeah, and don't worry - it won't turn rancid again for a very, very long time, even after it's opened & stored at room temp... Why? ...Because it's more analogous to "Liquid-Plastic" than to "Food," friend.
"Poly-Oils" include Poly-Food Oils like Corn & Soy which can be RBDed or unrefined (both generally UN-healthful), BUT also includes Poly-Medicinal Oils, like Flax, Hemp, Black Currant, Fish, Krill, (all VERY healthful, but spoil very easily).
So please remember (when we discuss stir-frying & storing RO at room temp below) that light, heat & oxygen break the Double-Bonds (DB's) of these Poly-Omega 6 & 3 Fatty-Acids. The more DB's, the more sensitive the oil is to rancidity...
Additionally, when you go from a 2 DB, (Omega 6, Corn/Soy) to a 3 DB, (Omega 3, Flax/Hemp) you might think the reactive-ness will increase by a nice, arithmetic factor of 1 (you know, 2 up to 3, etc.) but no, the reactive-ness goes up exponentially, reader, making the Omega 3 with 3DB's, about 5 or 6 times more sensitive to turning toxic than the 2DB, Omega 6... which is still pretty sensitive in its own right. So, can you imagine the sensitivity of "SIX" Double-Bonds, (6DBs) in the Fish-Omega 3, called DHA? This is "Brain-Food for Babies" ...the most valuable and trickiest to acquire substance on the planet for Mother & Child... well, actually... EVERYONE!
Let's look at the Canola Oil hype in the article snippet above: (...and isn't it breath-taking how much obfuscation can be packed into 2 little sentences?)
1. "Olive & Rapeseed (canola) oils are better than Sunflower/Corn as they are very low in SatFat" - NO!
...Rapeseed oil (RO) IS very low in SatFat at 7%, but Olive oil has over twice as much at 16%! Actually, Olive Oil has more SatFat than corn (13%) or sunflower (12%) - so they start right out with incorrect info...
But wait Alan... you Dummy... doesn't your previous strange (albeit accurate) statement only strengthen the argument that Canola is better than Olive because it is so much lower in SatFat? Yeah, loaded with zero facts and trusting someone else's convenient conventional wisdom... you might logically think that... if your fear of the periphery means you super-glue "horse-blinders" to your face every morning so you can see only what's put right in front of your nose. Let me explain:
All oils HAVE to contain the 3 different kinds of FA's (Fatty-Acids). It's the law (of Nature)! SatFat (stable), MonoFat (stable, Omega 9), PolyFat (highly UN-stable, Omega 6 & 3). These FA's have wildly different ratios. For example Olive Oil is 76% Mono, (stable) - as opposed to Safflower Oil at only 13% Mono, (stable) but has a huge 78% Poly, (UNstable). See how that works? The Safflower Oil has to be killed or neutered or you couldn't even have it in the house...OK, just a little hyperbole.
Consider SatFat... In the case of RO vs. Olive... Undamaged SatFat in food oils which have NOT been RBDed (Refined, Bleached, Deodorized [bad as it sounds], using High-Heat) ...are, in fact, good for you! Look at how much undamaged blubber (SatFat) Eskimos eat - with the lowest Heart Disease on the planet!
Your body needs (undamaged) SatFat for dozens of different, critical purposes & manufactures some of it, on it's own, ... so the 16% SatFat (UNDAMAGED by RDBing) in Olive Oil is very likely 'a positive' or at worst... 'a neutral'.
"Yeah," you might wonder, "but then why is having LESS SatFat in Canola, Bad, if SatFat could be considered neutral"? Wouldn't having LESS of a "neutral" mean Nothing...you know, No harm - No Foul.....hummm, No, it means a lot in the case of some food oils.
Here's the reason why: The FATS in the sample have to total to 100%!
In some Food-Oils, like Canola, low SatFat is bad, you see, because a small percentage of SatFat (good or neutral) at 7% - coupled with a small percentage of Mono (good-stuff, but only 56%) - comes to a total of only about 63% - which means you have a lot of room left over that has to be filled with *Something* & the only *Something* that is left, is BAD, see? Unstable, highly reactive Poly UnSat Omega 6 (from 20% to 29%) & Omega 3 (about 8% or 9%) have to make up the fat difference! So you have a Whopping, Poly Total of 30 to 36%!
Compare the preceding to Olive Oil with its large percentage of non RDBed therefore undamaged Satfat (16% good or neutral) PLUS a large percentage of Mono (76% good)... ...this only leaves room for a very small, negligible percentage of the BAD Poly Unsat, at only 8%. See how THAT works?
So, think about it... would you really want to make Olive Oil MORE like Canola Oil by lowering the 16% (SatFat) of something that won't hurt you (but will likely help you)... while raising the 8% (PolyFat) of something that has the potential to kill you? Take a moment to think it over. But consider!
In 1994, the Lancet Medical Journal confirmed what I have been saying for years - that 75% of the "stuff" that sticks to your arteries is Oxidized Poly-UnSat Vegetable Oil... not the unjustly maligned Cholesterol. How come you don't hear that on the news!?
2. "...both RO & Olive are high in Mono-unsat which lowers..." - NO...
Olive Oil is high in Mono-unsat at 76% compared to Rapeseed Oil at 56%... even though 56% may seem like a pretty good percentage... it's not really, because again, it leaves too much room left over for powerfully BAD stuff - 30 to 35% Poly-unSat!
3. "...Mono oil which appears to lower LDL (bad) & raise HDL (good) cholesterol." - NO, not the way THEY mean it!
Mono-unsat Oil will do this IF it is UN-refined, like Olive Oil & "some" Canola Oil... but if it is refined and RBDed, like MOST Canola, then it will likely do the opposite with your LDL & HDL Lipid profile numbers. How's that for truth in advertising!
4. "Nutritionally, RO has the edge over Olive, as it has more Vit.E & Omega 3 & 6" -- This is just plain Stupid! Moreover, this is patent disrespect in the form of taking advantage of the reader's understandable ignorance of the issues regarding dietary fat... given of course the CRAVEN lies from officialdom inculcated from the duplicitous mainstream exampled in the "snippit" above.
Reader! You don't choose a Bad Oil over a Good Oil just because it has a little more Vitamin E! That's ludicrous! Moreover, if it is the refined, RBD'ed Oil... ...the volatile Vitamin E has already been destroyed, anyway! You are taken for a credulous fool!
...AND, because Omega 3 in RO is so highly reactive, it is the first thing to turn rancid & toxic due to heat & air! So, normally, when extracted from, lets say, Flax or Hemp it is done under expensive refrigeration (if the RO is just cold-pressed, remember, this only means no heat was added but it still gets hot due to pressure if not kept cold) - also, after extraction, these sensitive Omega 3 oils are either sealed in a soft-gel to keep them away from Air (oxidation) or they must be refrigerated after opening because any exposure to room-temp air will immediately start oxidation.
The Omega 3 from Rapeseed "might" survive the first extraction if done in the "old-method" of expeller-pressing in small batches that don't get real hot like "cold-pressing" in a Giant Press creating tremendous heat... but it remains that these UN-refined Oils must be refrigerated after opening...and, for sure , NO STIR-FRYING...
Olive Oil with almost NO poly oil is much safer for frying...but even it has limitations...a so-so Smoke-Pt. at about 320 F.
With regard to higher Omega 6 being, remotely, better? Crapola! Betraying, disrespecting, misinforming... crapola!
In the difficult attempt to get our Critical EFA Ratio (Omega 6 to Omega 3) down to below a healthful 4 to 1 (instead of the usual heart stopping 20 or 30 to 1), we need to cut Omega 6 out of our lives as much as possible... every form of food to include fruit has Omega 6, so the best way to get it out of our lives is to avoid ALL Hi-Poly Food Oils... only use Lo-Poly Oils like Olive (8% poly) or Macadamia Nut (3% poly).
This brings me to what I think is the biggest lie of all - many of these RO's (claiming to be UN-refined?) are supposed to be good for Stir-frying & they supposedly have a higher smoke point. But because RO has highly reactive Poly-Om.3 & 6, these oils will turn toxic with just a little heat, UNLESS PROCESSED or KILLED... in fact the Omega 3 will start turning rancid at room temp within hours, if not minutes, so how are you supposed to cook with it?!
Additionally, if these oils are UNREFINED, as they claim, the smoke point would be about 100 degrees lower (225 F) than UNREFINED Olive Oil (320 F) -- so how does it have a higher smoke point?
...AND why don't you have to refrigerate after opening as many claim... only ONE ANSWER works: These oils have likely been refined so it will reach the high temp of REfined canola oil, which is 400 degrees & if it is refined it doesn't have to be refrigerated because it is already "DEAD"!
By the way, alluded above, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil is much better for frying than Canola because the 76% Mono is much more stable than the Canola's 56%. (that's why Olive oil does not need refrigeration after opening) Plus Olive Oil does NOT have any Omega 3 & very little Omega 6 - both of which will turn toxic in seconds when you start to heat it for cooking, even if you don't get anywhere near the Smoke Point.
A better choice for frying is the other "True" Mono-unsat. Oil... Macadamia Nut Oil, at 80% Mono (even higher than Olive Oil's 76%, but more expensive) has an extraordinarily high smoke pt. at 398 F.
However, the safest oil to fry with is coconut oil because High SatFat, Tropical Oils are more stable & the very high concentration of antioxidants helps protect the coconut oil from oxidation as the temp goes up...just don't let it smoke. Some things don't work with coconut oil because of the slight coconut taste.
FYI: What caused Coconut Oil to be better for cooking than Olive Oil ?...and caused Olive Oil to be better for cooking than Rapeseed Oil ?... the answer : "The World Climate" for the last ump-teen million years...
VERY stable Coconut Oil from the Equatorial, tropical-band around the earth is solid in your A/C'ed, 75 degree house, so you call it "Saturated-Fat" as if it were a disgusting, dirty word... but turn the A/C up to just 78 F or move to the tropics, it flows nicely, and is protected against the high ambient temp with a massive array of arcane, magical Anti-oxidants! Consequently, it will stay fresh at room temp for 4 or 5 years. That's magic, folks. Tinkerbell flits around scattering her pixie dust!
Magical it may seem! The anti-oxidants are so powerful that for this 5 years the little (2%) Poly-Omega 6 in CCnut Oil is also protected...where normally UN-refined Poly-Food Oil would go rancid in days if exposed to the air & left sitting around at room temp. Just imagine what that anti-oxidant power-protection could do in your body. Delicate Poly Fatty-Acids need protection in your body after you swallow them, much the same way they do out-side your body.
NEXT: We go a little further north into the temperate band of Hawaii, Southern California & the Mediterranean (Italy, Spain) where we find (1 DB) Mono-unsat. Oils (Olive, Macadamia Nut) that are a little less stable than the Tropical Oils, but if Expeller-pressed, bottled in dark glass & protected from the air? These oils will last for months (maybe years) at the ambient temp of Italy... and they have some Vit.E and some anti-oxidant capability. Olive Oil is a liquid at room temp because the carbon chain has a "bend" - but 'One' DB will cause only a small bend so it will solidify if refrigerated...(an interesting key point).
NEXT: We move up into the colder band of Canada & Russia where we find the Poly-unsat. FOOD Oils, like Rapeseed Oil & Soybean Oil. These are moderately UN-stable because of the (2 DB) Poly, Om.6 and the even more UN-stable (3 DB) Poly, Om.3. These unstable poly-oil chains are even more bent so they will remain a flowing liquid in much colder climates & remain a liquid in the fridge. These cold-climate poly-oils pay a price to flow in cold Weather... they easily turn rancid when exposed to light, heat & air. These Oils will start oxidizing at room temp in weeks unless well protected from air and light & will turn toxic if heated for cooking.
LASTLY: We move up into the frigid Arctic Waters where we find Fatty, Cold-water Fish & Krill that have "VERY" Poly-unsat. Oil that is extremely reactive & twisted because of the 5 & 6 DBed Omega 3's ...these VERY, VERY sensitive Oils can keep flowing at very low temps but cannot withstand air & room temps AT ALL. You CAN NOT cook with Poly "Medicinal" Oils from (animal) Fish, Krill, Cod-liver...or from (plant) Flax & Hemp.
The other slightly less reactive Poly "Food" Oils like Canola, Soy & Peanut are used by many, many people to cook with...the only problem is that they will eventually kill you.
Consequently, I hope you can appreciate the advantage of cooking with a Warm-climate Oil as opposed to a Cold-climate oil... and how a Temperate-climate Oil like Olive Oil is rather the best of both worlds. This also demonstrates just how little we can screw with Mother-Nature's grand scheme...you know, like planting an Olive tree in Canada or a fair-skinned Norwegian living down here in Lower Alabama... for instance.
No... ... mere economic proclivities are not sufficient to make healthful a vascularly unhealthful substance like canola or rapeseed oil. There will be no silk purse made from this sow's ear.
In closing, please don't write and point out that I keep incorrectly calling the Mono-unsat. Canola, a Poly-unsat. Oil...Yes, it does have about twice as much Mono (56%) as Poly (30%) -- so go ahead and call it "Mono" if you want... BUT it's the 30% Poly that will Kill You ... so it's all "POLY" to ME!
Well be.
Alan Graham Phone (334) 774-0395 E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
LivingTree Root #0 25Et tu, Ms. Balch? by Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
That bottomless disappointment with my fellow humans seems never-ending... ...Still I love humanity... it's people I can't stand. Who's steamed me this time?
I expect virtually all "mainstream" Dieticians to perpetuate the "Half-Truth" (the sneakiest kind of Lie) that grocery-store, Poly-Unsat food oils, like Soy, Corn, etc., are heart healthy! Moreover, that the aforementioned oils contain all the wonderful Omega EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) presently all the rage...
...But I never expected it from a top-tiered "Holistic Nutritionalist" like Phyllis Balch, CNC! Who's she? She's wife & co-author of likely the biggest selling, authoritative, and complete "Bible" on Herbs, Supplementation & Alternative Medicine... James Balch, M.D.'s "Prescription for Nutritional Healing."
Their book is a nutritional info cache of magnificent proportion. I'm on my third ragged and dog-eared edition. It is THE definitive guide & most ubiquitous book of its type.
Yet... et tu, Ms. Balch?
I just finished reading "Prescription for Dietary Wellness," Phyllis Balch's new book about foods, the nutrients organic to them, and recipes, etc. I can honestly say, over-all, it is an excellent endeavor I recommend everyone read... Only... be aware that she did like most of the rest preceding her and left out key phrases regarding Soy Oil & other poly-unsat oils.
This is bad, reader, because it encourages the lay person to think that the gallon of cheap vegetable oil (Soy Oil), procured from the grocery, has all these healthful nutrients ascribed to the oil... nutrients like the Omega-3 EFAs preventing heart disease? Folks, nothing could be further from the truth.
...I have been warning people for years about how mainstream dieticians have been lying to or "half-truthing" us by touting the healthful benefits of Poly-unsat food oils like Soy...
Reader, the only way a Poly-unsat food oil can retain even a little bit of the healthful nutrition attributed is if it is UNrefined, simply (UNdamaged by heat or chemicals)! The refined Poly-unsat food oil, invariably found at the grocery store, conversely, is highly damaged!
You see, errant nutritional pundits describe the healthful Unrefined Oil while knowing you will only get the toxic refined oil... because that's the only kind available at the store! Indeed... the aforementioned pundits MUST know this!
Additionally, these same errant pundits would have you believe that a Fat "liquid at room temperature" indicates that the considered Fat is a "heart healthy fat..." ...which is completely ludicrous! This, while largely refraining from ever mentioning the single aspect actually determining the healthfulness of a liquid poly food oil, at all...
That thing? Simply, has the oil been "Refined," reader, turning it to a toxic non-food, or is it "UNrefined" which means it still has some food value. In a figurative sense: is the oil dead ...or alive?
Reader... you will never...and I mean NEVER, find >>UNrefined<< Poly food oil like Soy, Corn, Safflower, or Canola in any remotely typical grocery store... like Walmart or Winn Dixie! Never!
...One way to tell? Have you ever seen a bottle of Soy (almost always called "Vegetable Oil") from your store that said "refrigerate after opening" on the bottle?
NO! You never have and I suspect you never will! See, the store does not want to make the investment in a "living" Unrefined oil when the "dead" Refined oil is wrongly considered just as good... better, these reason ironically, because it doesn't require refrigeration! Insanity!
See? The kind you have to refrigerate is the only kind the informed person would ever want... the other is a toxic non-food (...this refrigeration business does not apply to Mono Oils, like Olive Oil, by the way). Misleadingly, dieticians inform that these oils not requiring refrigeration are healthful. Here's how that works.
The pundits wistfully lecture on behalf of unrefined oil which does have a measure of healthfulness remaining to it, but it is a refined Oil which folks are buying at the store! Is that sinking in?
People confuse this relatively healthful (...so spoils easily!) unrefined oil with the refined crap brought home from Walmart. This store-bought oil does NOT need refrigeration & will smell "fresh" for months because it has been RBDed (as bad as it sounds... refined, bleached, deodorized) which means the oil is "DEAD" with high amounts of cell destroying toxin lipid peroxide thrown in! So instead of helping your heart... it is just the stuff causing many, if not most, cases of arterial blockage! Why aren't you hearing any of this?
That's right - 75% of the stuff clogging arteries is Oxidized Poly-Unsat Vegetable Oil... (Lancet,1994)... NOT the unjustly maligned Cholesterol. You can really poke your doctor in the eye with that one.
This seemingly mendacious and inexcusable evil of extolling the virtues of relatively healthful UNrefined Poly Food-Oils... when only the toxic refined oil is available for purchase, is pervasive! It is pervasive, of course, given thousands of "shiny-faced", if badly informed, Dietician-College Grads released upon the world to tell info starved people that a poly-unsaturated food oil like Soy or Corn is heart healthful... because these are liquid at room temperature. More insanity!
These Grads are bound to believe this silliness when a world-renown Senior CNC like our Phyllis Balch describes "good fats" this way in her book on page 211:
"Polyunsaturated fats & monounsaturated fats are the "good fats". These fats are liquid and remain that way - ready for use at room or refrigerated temps. Both EFA's, Alpha Linolenic Acid and Linleic Acid are poly-unsaturates. [here are a few Poly-Unsat Oils she lists] - Cod liver oil & Flax seed oil ...Soy oil & Cottonseed oil."
Granted, in the subsequent paragraph she does say, "If poly-unsat oils are over-processed, many benefits are lost. For that reason, use only cold or expeller-pressed oils."
Now, here's why this is very confusing & misleading advise: She should not mix the 'pressing-process' for very sensitive 'Medicinal oils' like Cod liver oil with less sensitive 'Food oils' like Soy oil - telling you they should be "cold-pressed" ... which in either case, means nothing... because Cold-pressed only means no heat was added!
So, lets look at both "cold-pressing" possibilities, or the two procedures done entirely different ways for entirely different reasons! See, if you only "cold-press", the very-sensitive-to-oxidation Cod liver oil, it will turn rancid anyway because of the heat due to the pressure extracting it!
That's why these Poly 'Medicinal Oils' (like cod liver et al) need expensive refrigeration added to the pressing-procedure. Also, "cold-pressing" means next to nothing with regard to Poly 'Food Oils', like Soy, because most Soy oils cold/expeller-pressed are then refined & deodorized anyway... with very high heat...
Reader! This destroys the heat-sensitive Omega 3 that Balch & all the "Newbies" duplicitously crow about! See how that works?
The description below of soy oil is indicative of this kind of obfuscation :
"Nutritional Value of Soy oil" http://soyfoods.com/soyfoodsdescriptions/soyoil.html "Like all vegetable oils, soy oil is cholesterol-free. It is also low in saturated fat. Soy oil has a unique blend of two types of fatty acids called omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids in soy oil are similar to the type of fat found in fish oil, which has been shown to support better heart health. Soy oil is 100 percent fat. One teaspoon of soy oil contains about 5 grams of fat and 45 calories."
If you and 100 other Folks read the above description... how many of you would think you could motor on down to the Winn Dixie and pick up a jar of "heart-healthy" Soy Oil chocked with Omega-3 like the "Satan-Spawn" writing above is on about?
...All of you, of course, and why not? Nowhere does the web-site distinguish between refined oil & UNrefined oil. The differences in these two oils are... polar, reader!
Unfortunately, Phyllis Balch essentially does the same thing by having a 7 or 8 page section on soy... without once bothering to mention that the paragraph on soy oil is describing an unrefined oil never encountered at the store by the consumer... unless maybe if it's a health-food store... but even then you are not likely to find it. Why?
Here's why, Friend. Unrefined Soy oil is all but non-existent!
If you do a web search for "Cold/Expeller-Pressed Soy Oil" or "Unrefined Soy Oil" you will find thousands of hits signifying in the title blurb a hi-lighting of the words "Unrefined Soy Oil' or "Cold-pressed Soy Oil"...but when you look closely at the site?
It does not actually have UNrefined Soy Oil for sale...no! It is just doing like Balch and a hundred other "experts..." do, sadly. It is telling you all about how the great UNrefined soy oil is loaded with Omega-3 & heart-healthy nutrients... or, it is a site for Non-edible uses of UNrefined soy oil.
See? You won't find (it least not very easily) an actual Unrefined Soy food Oil for sale that is truly UNrefined ... "Unrefined" generally characterized as needing refrigeration after opening it!
I searched for 4 or 5 hours & here (below) is the typical "slight of hand" I would find:
"Product Description: DOES YOUR SALAD, COOKING AND BAKING OIL GIVE YOU 35% of your daily RDA of Natural Vitamin E? The richness of pure Omega 3 & 6 Essential Fatty Acids? With every tablespoon? No oil does, except this "liquid gold" DDC oil. Seeing is believing! Hard to find Natural Soy Oil is expelled without the use of solvents or other chemicals, unlike common supermarket refined oils. This natural "cold pressing" provides the maximum amounts of tocopherols (essential fatty acids) while maintaining high overall oil quality. Perfect for salad dressings, baking or cooking. 16 oz size requires no refrigeration, and has a three year shelf life."
...You see? It starts out "sounding" like Unrefined by saying it is naturally "Cold-pressed" & "extracted without solvents," & "not like common supermarket refined oils" -but then it "kills" the oil by saying - "16 oz size requires NO REFRIGERATION, and has a three year shelf life."
What? Folks, folks-folks! This is refined oil! If it were truly Unrefined? It would have to be refrigerated after it's opened!
Anyway, after the 5 hour search - I finally found one soy oil saying it required refrigeration after opening... Finally, I thought!
...Then I clicked to enlarge the picture of the bottle & to my surprise - right under the words "Soy Oil" in a small box? It said "Refined"!
...Now, I'm graciously assuming it is minimally refined, but how is a person supposed to figure it out with all the stuff these people (like Balch, et al) are NOT telling us?
"OK Uncle Al...," one might say, "You are probably a computer Bone-head without the requisite brain power to do a competent search...so when I rapidly find several unrefined soy oils - I should buy one ... right"?
No! Wrong, Mr. Snooky-nose!
Do not use Poly-unsat food oil even if you can find it "Unrefined" because we already have way too much poly-unsat food oil in our lives, comprised mostly of Omega-6. This cruel imbalance throws off the critical-for-health EFA Ratio of 4 to 1... that's "4" Omega-6 to "1" Omega-3. Most people are at a Heart-stopping "20" or "30" to 1 Ratio...way too much Omega-6, leading unerringly to early chronic disease.
The best way to lower your EFA ratio? Eat more Omega-3 (Krill & Fish Oil) & cut out Polyunsat food Oil (Omega-6) like Soy, Corn, Safflower, and Canola! By the way, I refuse to list RBDed Canola oil as a Mono-Unsat Oil as most "experts" do because Canola may be 54% "Mono"... but the toxic "Poly" is still too freaking high at 35% ...so it goes on my "poly-oil" list - regardless of what the *experts* say!
You see Folks...you get way more than enough Omega-6 in ALL the other foods like fruit (believe it or not), meat, veggie's, or seeds & nuts... without ever having to touch Poly-food Oil... and please don't confuse the issue, like Balch, et al, by lumping rancid, refined Poly-unsat FOOD oil in with healthful, highly-UNrefined, Poly-unsat MEDICINAL oil. These are apples and oranges, reader! Balch should really be ashamed.
Putting them in the same list just because they are both Poly-Oils is so *they* can refer to Poly-unsat Oil as "Good Oils" and be "half right"...Poly 'Food' oil (soy, corn, etc.) are NOT "GOOD Oils", comprised mostly of the undesirable Omega-6... toxic after being refined (RBDed) -- whereas Poly 'Medicinal' oils (krill, fish, hemp, etc.) are VERY "GOOD Oils", being high in the VERY desirable Omega-3's which are processed differently to remain as close to their natural, undamaged state as possible. Assuring this quality requires expensive procedures like molecular distillation, nitrogen-flushing & refrigerated-pressing to keep things cool.
So, the only "healthful" Poly-Oils are Poly MEDICINAL Oils. For your FOOD Oils forget Soy, et al... always use MONO-unsat Oils like Olive, Macadamia nut and Avocado (Unrefined). ...Or Unrefined Coconut Oil! Mono-unsat oils, which are Omega-9...don't effect the (Omega-6 to Omega-3) Ratio.
FYI, I purposely emphasized "Unrefined" after Avocado & not after the other 2 Mono-oils because they (Olive, Macadamia nut) will almost always be unrefined, but you often find Avocado Oil 'refined' because it then has a very high smoke point! After refinement it can reach temp's in excess of 500 F (the highest of any food oil!) before smoking. So if you want to use Avocado Oil make sure it clearly says UNrefined... though, it's expensive.
For frying & everything else (baking, smoothies, EFA Ratio, inflammation & joint pain, skin-therapy, weight-loss, etc.) I recommend the magical MCT (medium chain triglyceride), Hexan-Free Unrefined Coconut Oil. It does not have nearly as high a smoke point (about 350 F) as most refined oils & not even as high as UNrefined Macadamia nut oil (about 389 F, which is pretty good) but the advantage for frying is that because CCnut is a tropical oil Mother-Nature designed it with a powerful array of antioxidants which helps protect it in the heat of the tropics AND as the temperature goes up with cooking.
These same antioxidants protect you & the sensitive EFA's inside you. This also means Coconut Oil does NOT need refrigeration & will protect itself for 5 years at room temp.
Oh yeah ! Phyllis also bad-mouths Coconut Oil because it is mostly saturated fat... of course one must consider that every freaking baby-formula on the freaking shelf has Coconut Oil in it... giving all indications that saturated fat of the right type is even necessary, eh reader? You bet!
I suspect every year Ms. Balch gets a Christmas card from ADM, (They want Soy hidden in everything processed & used by Man, so from 'zygote to death' you are flooded with phyto-estrogens, phytates & oxalates from Soy... as if we weren't in an estrogen-mimic rich environment already...). Look at this portion of Balch's Soy Oil paragraph & then tell me ADM doesn't love her: __________________________________
"Milling the soybean into meal for animal food produces soy oil, an important but little known ingredient in our diet. Most likely when a product label says "vegetable oil", it really contains soy oil. Most commercially sold baked, fried, froze, canned, imitation dairy, and processed meat foods contain soy oil. Free of cholesterol & saturated fat, soy oil is a good source of healthful omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to help prevent heart disease. Use soy oil in recipes as a substitute for other types of oil." __________________________________
It's one thing to try to trick people regarding bottled Soy FOOD Oil as containing undamaged Omega-3, but to strongly imply (above) that heart-healthy Omega-3 can be found in all those highly-processed, commercially sold food stuffs to which she refers... well, it is nothing short of an abomination in the opinion of this writer...
Reader! Do you really think that jar of non-dairy Creamer has any viable Omega-3 left in it, after it is processed "to death" ? Also, does she really want us to use toxic refined soy oil as a substitute for healthful unrefined Olive Oil? It would seem so, eh?
Closing, in my opinion the two most significant (most misunderstood) nutritional health hazards in ascending order are: 1. The overuse of processed Carbohydrates...even many of the ones that "look" healthful like "Whole-Grain" flaked, highly processed cereal. 2. The overuse of Poly-unsat Food Oils... which is a triple-whammy because if it's refined it clogs your arteries & increases inflammation (at least 3 different ways) & even if it is unrefined it increases your EFA Ratio... which in a very convoluted way will block the production of DHA in pregnant women (all humans actually)...DHA being the Omega-3 most important for your babies brain development.
Ms. Balch does pretty good with the first... but with a less than honest assessment of Soy Bean Oil she has gone over to the dark side...or maybe? She never left.
That's enough. Well be. |
LivingTree Root #026
"Have a Heart... No Thanks" by Alan Graham (with Alfred Lehmberg)
Have you seen the television drama "Heartland"? It's the latest example of the Goebbel-esque medical propaganda always festooning primetime. It features the eminently respectable, heroic, and square-jawed Doctor (Treat Williams) dedicating his stalwart life to saving humanity... one heart transplant at a time.
What a crock!
...No, when it is considered the doctors & dieticians themselves likely cause the vast majority of the Heart Disease in this country... with dodgy medical ethics, bogus food pyramids, and dangerous *pharmz*, it's further realized that it is the FDA, the AMA, & the Government, surprisingly, who must bear the responsibility for same. How does this work you ask?
Well, far be it from me to whisper "conspiracy" but let's connect a few dots and see how "doctors and dieticians" have sanctioned this ... ...slaughter? Yes, it can hardly be called anything else.
Here are just a few of the Medically sanctioned key players which are killing YOU !
1)... Omega-6, Poly-food Oil (Corn, Soy, Safflower, Cotton-seed, Canola, etc.) - Virtually EVERY mainstream doctor & dietician in the country is part of this lie!
Reader, as we have already pointed out, >>>ALL<<< grocery-store Poly food oil that does NOT require refrigeration after the bottle is opened... ...is Rancid & Toxic when brought home from the store! This requires that it be RBDed (Refined, Bleached, Deodorized) to cover the rancid smell & make it look like "Liquid Gold"!
In reality this damaging adipose swill is teeming with lipid peroxides responsible for a full scale attack on every cell in your body, especially your heart & your brain! Consider, reader, it's the prestigious medical journal 'Lancet' in 1994 reporting that 75% of the substance clogging your arteries is oxidized Poly-Unsat Vegetable Oil (PUVO)... not the suspiciously maligned Undamaged Cholesterol. Astoundingly, if it wasn't for the aforementioned cholesterol? You'd be dead already!
Conversely, these medico-sociopaths have the perfect "out" if ever actually confronted about their insane policy: "All Poly-Unsat food oils liquid at room temp are heart healthy,"...In actuality Folks, this is the worst kind of Lie, which is... A Half-Truth...
You see, Half (or less!) ...because these poly oils "could" have a tiny bit of "heart-healthiness," but only if the oil is the much more expensive "UNrefined" Oil (that has NOT been RBDed). Still, the ONLY oil you will EVER find at the grocery store is the artery-clogging, heart-stopping, quality of life destroying "REfined" Oil that HAS been RBDed. Clear?
This "Liquid-Plastic" does not require refrigeration after opening because it has been converted through high-heat, essentially, into a "Non-Food". I have never seen UNrefined Poly food oil in a typical grocery store... in fact you might not even find it in a health food store!
Yes Folks, that beautiful, *fresh smelling* bottle of Vegetable Oil at the SAVE-U or just about everybody's favorite seed-oil from Canada, "Canola, eh..." ...all poly-food oils are rancid & toxic before the bottle is even opened! You can't tell because the high heat of Deodorizing destroys not only the bad smell, but, also, anything of nutritional value! Thus rendering the oil "Dead," essentially!
Solution? Always use "Mono"-Unsat Oils like Olive or Macadamia Nut, which do NOT require RBDing or refrigeration. If for some unexplained (OK, I gotta say it... Silly...) reason you would want to follow the "New Food Pyramid" and use a Poly-unsat food oil like the Sunflower oil they recommend... it must say on the bottle "Unrefined" & requires refrigeration after opening ... or you are getting a toxic RBDed Oil, always!
See, if consuming supermarket oil , you are not consuming the UNrefined oil upon which the bogus commentary is based! Is that clear?
...And please don't write to tell me that Canola is a "Mono"unsat oil just because it is 54% Mono...
It has 36% Poly-Oil requiring it be RBDed, eh? So, in my mind, the 54% Mono-Oil portion is not the significant feature, consequently, "Rapeseed Oil of Canada" should not be allowed to call itself "Mono" ... you see, it is the 36% Poly portion that is the dominate feature because it is the part slowly killing you! So, common sense demands we call it POLY, damn it!
It is misleading to do otherwise...yet continuously you hear "Media-Docs" like NPR's, Dr. Zorba say "Canola is a Mono-Oil, just like Olive Oil"...NO ! It is almost nothing like Olive Oil.
Let me reiterate to you reader. Forget about easily locating a quasi-healthful UNrefined, Poly-Unsat Oil requiring refrigeration after opening... you won't find it unless you go to extraordinary measures. BUT, you will certainly not find it in a Winn Dixie!
This is exactly what all the deceived or badly advised people think they can do when they hear EVERY (mainstream) Dietician in the country say "...Poly Unsat Oils which are liquid at room temp, like Corn & Soy, are heart-healthy..." Sincerely, hearing a doctor or dietician proclaim the preceding, wouldn't you think you could run down to the local Piggly-Wiggly and get some of that-there heart-healthy Corn Oil? Sure you would! ...But it's not going to happen, reader!
2)... Trans-Fat from pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) - for decades the FDA lied to us about Toxic Man-made TransFat such as that found in margarine, vegetable shortening & virtually every processed food containing Fat. In order to "feed the Masses" the lies were particularly blatant for the 3 or 4 peak growth-decades for "Oleo-Margarine" & Crisco Vegetable Shortening right after WW-2. They would tell people the Crap was actually good for their heart because it was from "Vegetables".
Know this! The "Trans-molecule" (essentially Twisted) is a Poly-oil molecule which has been made solid (and toxic!) by the unctuous process of "Hydrogenation" (forcing hydrogen where it doesn't need to go) to make a lard-like, solid "Designer SatFat" having a long shelf life. Why? It keeps the product on the shelf until the product is sold. Fluffy, plastic-like, Imitation SatFat will last a very long time. It's why Cartman's Snacky-Cakes and Cheezy-Poofs never die, reader!
When I was a young boy my very Christian Grandmother used to tell me how Oleo-margarine was "a true blessing from God" because it was so cheap & so much healthier than butter! Why, she could finally quit the labor intensive chore of Churning her own butter. Folks, Butter is Real Food... margarine is an abomination & it is only blessed by "god-like" sociopaths we call MD's...for example, when Dr. Zorba was asked by Tom, his radio side-kick, if a listener could substitute butter for margarine in a recipe - Dr. Z actually yelled "NOooo!" The revulsion and disgust dripped from his voice.
Their bogus rational for why margarine is better than butter is such a vapid, stupid, and childish lie, that I'm not gonna waste time digressing to explain it. But, if you think I can't ... you're welcome to try me.
Back to TransFat, in the 80's & 90's these propagandist had to start backing off their assertion that pHVO was actually good for you because there were increasing cries of "Foul" from more enlightened dietary "trouble-makers" -- so while most of the rest of the civilized world banned, limited, or voluntarily stopped using pHVO, the U.S. hired lawyers to HIDE the fact that pHVO even existed, while exponentially ramping-up its use EVERYWHERE... and I mean everywhere! Even "FlintStones" Vit's for Kids has pHVO. Virtually every loaf of bread at the store has pHVO - even if the label says "Zero TransFat".
So Gee, how do you "Hide" pHVO if it is in almost everything? Here's just Two of the ways...
(1)...The FDA sanctioned "Hidden-Fat".
From the 80's up to just recently if you did some "mental-math" with the 'Nutritional Facts' on the back label of some fat containing food... the Total fat might be 10 grams, lets say, with the "break-down" of the different fats, thusly: the SatFat is 2 grams -- the MonoFat is 2 grams -- the PolyFat is 2 grams = for a total of 6 grams... but wait!
This is 4 grams short of the actual Total of 10 grams... What are the "invisible & missing" 4 grams of fat not listed on label? That's right folks, it is the "Hidden-Fat" - TransFat from partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (pHVO).
Reader! They just pretended a completely unhealthful TransFat didn't exist; while simultaneously listing grams of SatFat on the labels! They set guidelines for restricting SatFat... but never told you there are healthful forms of SatFat like UNrefined Coconut Oil & the undamaged SatFat in Mono-Food Oils. Finally they took every opportunity possible to tell you how "evil" Saturated Fat causes heart disease... yet never mention the real Heart-Stopper, the toxic TransFat Molecule... ahh, because it doesn't exist, yeah, that's it... that's the ticket!
Folks, we evolved over millions of years eating undamaged raw Saturated fat, but before 1910, homo Sapien Sapien had never encountered the twisted Man-made TransFat Molecule! Even though it is not biocompatible with human cells, it is readily incorporated into the cell wall's double layer of fat... to that cell's detriment!
I used to think only God or Mother-Nature had the ability to make magical substances that could do either of two opposing things at the same time... like how freshly ground Flaxseed fiber can stop diarrhea or stop constipation... but look what Man's TransFat can do to the cell-wall! It can make the wall stiff so it is not flexible & efficient at shuttling stuff in & out - while, simultaneously, it makes the cell wall sag & lose its shape as if the opposite of "stiff..." -- very multi-UNpurposeful!
(2)...The FDA sanctioned Lie..."Hidden-Fat" # 2.
Consider, even now when acknowledgement of truth recently forces "TransFat" to be listed on the label, the duplicitously uncaring establishment *Bastards* have figured out a way to keep making you sick with the stuff... so their horrifically ironic dollar inflow may continue with minimum abatement. To wit:
...If the (seldom actually eaten) *serving* has less than .5 grams of TransFat in it... ...they can put "Zero TransFat" on the label in Giant Letters...
Understand now! They can confirm an egregious untruth... on the label... in block letters!" Follow? There's not zero grams of TransFat in the product, there's right at .5 freaking minimum grams of TransFat in the product!
Consider, if you make the serving real, real small (...like a ridiculously small serving of margarine...) then .499999 grams of TransFat is just enough so the unhealthful Poly-Oil (like Canola, Soy, etc.) will remain solid enough not to separate, thus sorta resembling thin "butter." However, it is also just enough to contribute to your future stroke!
So when a label proclaims "Zero TransFat", always check the "Other Ingredients:" below the supplemental facts box! If it contains "partially Hydrogenated Oil" then it is likely to have .49999 grams of TransFat per serving. There is no safe amount of pHVO, in my opinion, but .5 grams TransFat in these especially small serving sizes is not insignificant, as you are led to believe.
Every doctor & dietician knowingly participating or signing-off on this evil deception to hide TransFat will likely occupy a special place in Hell, I suspect. Sincerely, every innocent, fresh-faced newly graduated Dietician extant who was told to ignore TransFat and instead emphasize SatFat, must have a nagging little voice in their head saying over and over... "This can't be right," as they follow this horrible directive through the rest of their careers. Small hyperbole, reader.
I have a "Brain-dead" relative who buys shoes like Imelda Marcos yet uses pHVO margarine by the Giant Tub instead of butter because margarine is cheaper... she said this, after I explained the hazards of pHVO... and how it would exacerbate her chronic inflammatory disease while real Organic butter has at least 3 different arcane Fatty-Acids (FA's) that can help heal her inflammation.
OK, in all fairness, there are a couple of these new "Heart-Healthy" spreads that contain no pHVO...they use instead "Modified Palm Oil", which is where the more saturated (solid) parts of the palm oil are separated to mix with the Poly-Oil (like the evil Soy Oil) to "thicken-it-up"...
...I'm just assuming this stuff would likely be more healthful than Margarine w. pHVO... but I still don't recommend it over Organic butter unless you are a Vegetarian. This is because of the Primary ingredient in virtually all these spreads is the undesirable "Simple" Poly Omega-6 Oil (LA) like Soy & Corn. It is critical that we reduce our intake of "Simple" Omega-6 (LA) & replace it with Omega-3 (ALA) like in Flaxseed & Hempseed! If you do use Omega-6, it must be a "Complex" Omega-6, like (GLA) in Black Currant & Borage Oils...NOT the "Simple" (LA) like in Corn & Soy. This is because "Simple" LA will actually & easily "Over-power" your bodies ability to make the 2 most powerful & important "Complex" Omega-3's found in Nature, EPA & DHA...(the stuff in Krill & Fish Oil)
After reading this, if you knowingly consume margarine BECAUSE it says "Zero TransFat" on the front label, without checking for partially Hydrogenated Oil (pHVO) in the ingredients,... then please, stop reading right now because you are an idiot... Go down on your own recognizance to family planning and have yourself sterilized, I'm tired of you peeing in the gene pool... and, oh yeah... "quit looking at my Stuff"!
3)... Sugar & refined Flour - These are the primary things that cause arterial inflammation because of the numerous insulin spikes they provoke! This facilitated inflammation causes "stuff" to stick to the arterial wall, and could likely induce a rise in cholesterol... so high cholesterol, plainly, is NOT the disease... high cholesterol can be a symptom of the Disease, but it is not the CAUSE of blocked arteries...it's the sugar induced inflammation that is a primary cause, eh?
OK, how is this the Doc. & Dietician's fault ? The New Food Pyramid (NFP) crazily has twice as many servings from grains compared to veggies, which is bad enough, BUT then they say HALF those Grain servings can be REFINED carbs. With sugar they say use "in moderation"...but people interpret that as ..."Sugar must not be very harmful if we can use it in moderation, so I guess I'll just go ahead and pretty much use all I want...Thanks NFP for being so reasonable."
4)...Milk - the dieticians & food pyramid's reliance on milk & dairy for Calcium is damn near criminal, should be, and is certainly a tragedy in that regard... milk is not a "body good"...
Good source of calcium? No. Milk is a miserable source of Calcium for several reasons.
However, most significant... to absorb Calcium you must have a cal/mag ratio of at least 2to1 and a higher ratio of 1to1 would even be better (in my opinion)... so Milk at a cal/mag ratio of 10 to1 falls egregiously short. In the opinion of my buddy the Leaflady at www.leaflady.org - you should get even more Magnesium than the 1to1 ratio...she's only been a Holistic Practitioner for 50 years... so I don't know, with her lack of experience & all... I digress.
Virtually all milk has the potential to carry the microbe causing Johnnes Disease in cows/goats & is very likely the microbe that causes Crohn's & IBS in humans. We did not evolve drinking any milk other than breast-milk.
5)... Lipitor / Co Q-10 - not only is high cholesterol not the disease... but giving people cholesterol-lowering drugs, like Lipitor is very likely to induce a heart attack because it blocks the production of cholesterol by blocking the Pathway used in the body to produce the most important heart & energy nutrient that we synthesize, or take supplementally, Coenzyme Q-10.
Your heart & all tissue needs a steady supply of Co Q-10 so blocking this system is nothing short of insane! Please read more about the "craziness" of Lipitor & Co Q-10 from the "Space-Doc"...
Duane Graveline MD MPH
at www.spacedoc.net/statins_CoQ10.htm
You get the Idea... I could go on for pages, but hey! Why "pile-on", eh? Just take a deep breath and accept the reality that the highest paid people on the planet are causing your heart disease... and ultimately the real money-maker... Heart transplants... with their suspect medical ethics and dicey mores.
...And so, reader, as our story moves to the close, the deified doctor is allowed an opportunity to "manage" your disease for a couple of decades to extract maximum revenue. He does this by treating only symptoms while actually making the disease worse, faster, through the use of expensive, toxic pharmaceuticals. Say it ain't so Dr."Heartland"!
Additionally? He dispenses bad nutritional advice. Just look at Zorba Pasteur on NPR or Dr. Gupta on CNN.
The end result of all this is making the disease worse, but giving the appearance that he is actually making the patient better because he relieves a symptom or two. This medical shell game is part & parcel to the deception of being the charmed innocent passed along a series of Doctors to the final "heroic" surgeon for a "Quad By-pass", a heart transplant and/or early death. Mere travails of a cash-cow, reader... so suck it up?
Finally, the really big joke... I mean other than the laugh-riot that this arrogant thug (the surgeon) gets the heart for free and if all else fails? The taxpayer picks up the tab... Oh yeah, somebody also pays $25,000 a year after the procedure for follow-up outpatient monitoring & med's... MO' Money, MO' Money!
No, I mean the crueler joke is that if you survive this procedure... you'll still have to take Prednisone (a steroid) for the rest of your life to suppress your immune system... so the heart won't be rejected out of hand. You cannot live a long, comfortable & aliment free life taking immune suppressants, reader. To much works against the individual in this scenario and isn't it common sense that you can't live in a bubble?
The individual, yourself reader, is more prone to infections due to weakened immunity. Plus, after a few years of your gut being under constant attack from steroids you are very susceptible to any number of joint-diseases, some with a "bearable" pain ... others, crippled with pain... wheelchair bound or bedridden.
As well, you're wide open to contract virtually any disease because of a compromised gut & crippled immune system. Good bet your quality of life will probably suck... and all though this journey you give them your money, treat them like little gods & heap abundant praise on them every damn step of the way... Finally, upon arrival at your death bed, you give them a last, special thanks for heroically keeping you alive as long as they had, as a grateful, loving tear slips down your cheek.
Reader, isn't it fairer to have cursed and reviled them because they slowly, purposely, and profitably killed you for the MONEY...??
In all fairness, I'm sure there are many young MD's who probably have not yet realized that they are part of a corrupt system... but after 10 or 15 years, Like Dr. Atkins, MD, (the low-carb guru) often said -- (I'm paraphrasing) "Doesn't it dawn on them that they're just treating symptoms with poisons which block & inhibit natural enzymatic processes, often with devastating effects"?
Given these MDs are among the most intelligent people on the planet? They must, eh?
Considering the fabric of facts strung over the dots in this essay I think it is difficult to come to any other conclusions. The reader is certainly invited to try.
That's enough. Well be.
Alan Graham Phone (334) 774-0395 E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
LivingTree Root #027 Bone-loss Deception, Denial and Betrayal By Alan Graham with Alfred Lehmberg
Have you seen the latest "Actonel" TV commercial? They show a simple cartoon depicting the human spine as being "protected" by a vigilant Actonel which stops these *bad* cells inexplicably attacking the spinal column like little "dive-bombers"! The commercial says these are the cells that "Cause" Osteoporosis (OP).
WOW ! Talk about going around your back-side to get to your elbow... in order to "muddy the water" enough to make a half-truth sound like the "truth," too. Ironically, this is because there ARE specialized cells to remove old bone and these can cause a reduction in bone-density (B-D)... so, a dishonest sociopath could, with a contrived and canted cartoon, make it look like these cells are the "cause" of OP... but they're not... not anymore than a gun is the "cause" of a particular death - no, the guy pulling the trigger is the CAUSE of death, remember.
Consider the natural maintenance of bones. For proper Bone Maintenance, Mother-Nature designed a Dual system for building bone where appropriate & then removing bone where that's appropriate too. This is done with 2 different specialized cells: one called OsteoBlasts ('Blasts), cells building new bone... while other cells, OsteoClasts ('Clasts), remove.
Ideally this build-up/tear-down system of "Bone Remodeling" will be in perfect balance or as in growing children, the "build-up" activity will be greater to accommodate growth.
As we get older, though, this system can get out of balance. For instance, where you might have decreased 'Blasts (building) or increased 'Clasts (dissolving & recycling). Consider, by the way, that this "as we get older" is getting younger & younger all the time at the hands of duplicitous docs & their dutiful dieticians.
Now there are several things which can cause this out of balance condition between the 'Blasts & the 'Clasts. We'll discuss each in turn briefly, but first lets look at "Big Pharmz" answer to the rapidly increasing problem... ...poisonous soap-scum removers called Bisphophonates.
Drugs classed as Bisphosphonates (Actonel) work in a very negative way -- reminiscent of cutting off a person's head to cure their dandruff. Actonel, Fosamax, Boniva, et al, work to increase bone-density by poisoning, thus killing, the innocently natural OsteoClasts, those "attacking" cells in the aforementioned graphic. These would normally remove Old bone... When these are poisoned and removed it results in an increase in bone-density (B-D) because the old, brittle, worn-out bone, the old bone is left behind.
Key point actually. Unfortunately, an increase in B-D won't mean much if it is "denser" with brittle, fragile, worn-out bone -- bone past its useful service life. Right?
Now this seemingly wacky approach is bad enough, but when you also consider that OsteoClasts (removers) naturally prompt OsteoBlasts (builders) to form, it is then even more bizarre taking a bisphosphonate like Actonel because by leaving old bone behind you discourage the growth of the new bone!
Talk about a double-whammy...but Hey! Maybe you don't need much new bone, because now you have plenty of old bone... yeah, that's the ticket! Not!
Now, it is possible for the 'Clasts to eat away pockets or pits in the bone which are not rebuilt when there appears to be normal 'Blasts activity... so the obvious (and too conveniently reflexed) answer is to KILL (and very profitably too) the "guilty" 'Clasts... but WAIT!
Why don't we read to the period on this thing before we start poisoning ourselves, you know, to finance a boob-job on a fat man's trophy wife? Why don't we, instead, ask what is causing the bone to be dissolved too quickly, and/or what is inhibiting the 'Blasts from "keeping up" in the first freakin' place?
There are many reasons for this 'Blasts/'Clasts imbalance...and even though they may seem unrelated, many of them neatly dove-tail back into what I think is the primary reason - an acidic body fluid pH leaching calcium & other key minerals & trace minerals from the Big Mineral Repository (your Bones!) to keep your blood pH at the slightly alkaline pH of 7.35 to 7.45.
The whole convoluted Bone-Remodeling system is linked to your pH because your body will jump through hoops to keep your Blood pH inside stringent close-tolerance parameters iterated in the last paragraph... because you will die, almost instantly, without that balance.
Now, this cuts both ways, reader, because if you take an extra big load of Calcium (anything over 500mg at once) your pH will rapidly become too alkaline! Your kidneys have to start dumping minerals overboard to compensate. Though, because of Soy, grains, sugar, coffee, antacid, carbonated drinks & other highly acidic crap, most busy Americans consume almost nothing but Acid-Forming foods processed by an insentient Man... so the "too Alkaline" condition is rarely even a consideration.
The following are some of the causes of those imbalances...virtually all of them can be helped without killing the 'Clasts with unhealthful poisons:
1).. Alcohol in excess (one small glass of dry dark red wine at supper is GREAT for your heart, gut, brain, joints & Bones) -- even though most of the literature points out excessive consumption leads to suppression of the 'Blasts (builders)...I think the bad nutrition, a stressed Gut & poor mineral & nutrient absorption, associated with excessive alcohol consumption, will lead to increased bone loss... due to an acidic pH.
2).. Coffee -- Many quote the data that even moderate Caffeine consumption can dramatically increase bone-loss because it is a diuretic & it appears to inhibit Vit. D absorption, which then inhibits Calcium utilization... but they might not add that another reason is because coffee is very acid-forming, which causes minerals to be leached from your bones. FYI : never take diuretics that remove trace minerals, instead, when you retain water...drink LOTS of water...OK, if you are sure, Al ?
3).. Phytates & Oxalates -- These "anti-nutrients" contained in Soy & Grains bind to minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Iron & likely most critical, Zinc. So they not only contribute to a mineral deficiency but Oxalates can cause other problems like kidney stones & heel spurs. And the ubiquitous SOY (...it's everywhere, it's everywhere!!) is unique in that unlike a high oxalate food like spinach which binds with 95% of its own Calcium...the Soy binds with all its Calcium & then goes LOOKING FOR MORE. We did not evolve eating Soy & Grains...for several million years of evolution homo Erectus never ground grains & baked bread or ate other High Gluten foods that also adversely effect digestion, which also contributes to bone-loss.
4).. Sugar/Refined Carbs -- Dieticians talk out of both sides of their mouths with regard to sugar. I would tell people to totally avoid sugar except once annually on your birthday (you know, that damn cake)...instead Dieticians tell people to use sugar in moderation - which, as I've said before, translates to "use pretty much all you want."
5).. Pharmz -- many supposedly effect adversely the 'Blasts activity but in reality most actually also encourage increased 'Clast activity due to acidic pH or impaired digestion... here are just a few :
(a)...Steroids - Suppress the immune system by attacking the good gut flora & fauna, which reduces absorption of Alkaline minerals, which causes an acidic body pH, which leaches minerals from your bones.
(b)...Antacids (along with carbonated drinks) -- Reduce valuable stomach acid that is needed to absorb Alkaline minerals...remember Al's Acid Rule # 1 : "You can have a healthful, Alkaline body (and blood) pH, if you have a normal, very acidic stomach pH (less than 3) - *But* if you have a more alkaline stomach pH (greater than 5 or 6) - you will NEVER have a "natural" alkaline body pH...you might do it unnaturally with a big dose sodium bicarbonate, which is not healthful. Also, an Alkaline stomach from antacids does not kill dangerous microbs like it does when you have the correct stomach pH of "1", which is the same as battery-acid.
(c)...Thyroid - MD's misuse of Synthetic thyroid meds causes bone loss. This is partly due to misdiagnosing the cause & kind of thyroid problem, because the "Gold-Standard" TSH thyroid test is bogus, resulting in people taking Synthroid that they don't need ... & partly because we are told that Fluoride, chlorine & aluminum in tap-water, toothpaste, antiperspirant & a thousand other things, won't hurt us.
In reality those things attack the thyroid in several different ways ... not the least of which is Aluminum-Fluoride Complex (AlFx) poisoning which causes Hyper-(high)thyroid, (and terrible insomnia) but the TSH test reads it as Hypo-(low)thyroid so again the MD prescribes Synthroid, which is exactly the wrong thing to do. When you put Fluoride & Aluminum (both in tap-water) together you create a monster, AlFx, that is killing you... and NO ONE is looking.
(d)...Antibiotics - They kill the good gut bacteria, so you know - yada, yada...boom, Osteoporosis. Most of this stuff is simple "Connect the Dots 101"
6).. Weight loss over 40 -- In 1969 on my way to Viet Nam, my brand new Minny-Pearl-looking Mother in Law from Lizella, Ga., with her 3rd grade education (remember Deliverance?), said, "To be healthy, Da Lord 'spects us to gain 10 or 15 lbs after the Change" (menopause)...
Well, I thought that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. But guess what Folks, she was right, well, maybe not that the Lord expects it... Anyway, the constant dieting with the 10 pounds yo-yoing up & down means you are periodically depriving yourself of critical minerals, etc... next, the extra 10 lbs of fat cells around your middle produce more natural estrogen which stimulates OsteoBlasts activity...lastly, crazy as it may sound, you hauling that extra 10 lbs around, makes your bones stronger... like lifting weights.
I'm all for being thin... but not if you have to starve & practically kill yourself to be TOO thin & not if you have to starve to keep off that last 10 or 15 lbs... especially if you eat the right natural raw food in moderate amount with moderate weight-bearing, low-impact exercise and you level off 10 lbs heavier than when you were in High School - then that is right were you should be... Consider yourself lucky & tell your Husband to shut his pie hole because your dainty, nicely distributed 10 lbs is for a Women's good health, unlike his 30 pound "beer-gut."
Regarding dieting to remain too thin... trust me, the main-babe on "Grey's Anatomy," Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan & any of these self-destructive women using starvation diets and/or "nose-candy" to stay ungodly thin... all will all develop Osteoporosis at a young age & likely have heart failure before 50. Don't confuse "starvation diets" (Bad) with "fasting" (Good)...a 1 to 3 day fast every month or so (if done correctly) is one of the most positive things you can do for your toxically compromised body.
7)... Bowel Disease -- Anything from IBS to Crohn's (I almost died of Crohn's but cured myself...yeah, I know MD's say it is incurable) has the potential to cause or exacerbate OP. One that is particularly insidious is Celiac Disease, where you can't take Wheat Gluten (Grains)... yet many, unknowingly, just keep on consuming gluten in bread, cereal & pasta - real irony, you know? ..."Killed by the Staff-of-Life."
With all bowel-disease, you are likely not only deficient in the required nutrients for Bone-Remodeling, but your compromised digestion means you are not absorbing the alkaline minerals that keep you from having an acidic pH... so more bone is dissolved.
8)... Lastly, Acid/Alkaline-Forming foods -- Virtually every food processed by man is Acid-Forming. Virtually all raw fruits & Veggies are Alkaline-forming. Al's Acid Rule # 2...lemons & limes test acidic if touched with a pH strip - but after digestion they are among the MOST Alkaline-Forming foods found in nature! On the other hand, meat would test alkaline if touched with a pH strip, but after it is burned through digestion it leaves an Acidic Ash! This is especially true for processed meats like bacon, sausage, etc.
Don't avoid Acid-Forming foods that are natural or have other efficacious properties...like Olive Oil & some berries are slightly Acid-Forming but they are cool - it is the really unhealthful processed, Acid-Forming foods that you should avoid like Coffee, sugar, refined flour, Soy Isolate, processed meats and two of the most evil foods conceived by man...a cream filled donut & pancakes w. syrup ...I could care less if you hate me - but if you regularly make a hot "wholesome" breakfast of pancakes w. syrup for your kids...you are a BAD parent. Sorry. I digress.
Back at the ranch: Actonel wants to concentrate on the 'Clasts bone-removal end, but maybe... ...the lower Bone-Density is almost ALWAYS a problem with the other end, the raw material & building end!
Not only because they are needed to build new bone, but their very presence means the removal end is brought back into line due to their alkalinity. But you see, Big-Pharmz does not have a stable of controlled Drugs for "building" new bone & they can't patent the raw material for same... ...so to achieve an increase in B-D they decided the only way they can "solve" the problem, and still make money, is to kill the 'Clasts on the bone removal "end" because that's the only place a patented, proprietary, and expensive pharmaceutical poison could possibly be applied!
...You see, on the raw material & building front-end, Big Pharmz can't patent raw veggie's & fruit, chlorophyll, alkaline water, Deep Breathing Exercises, 72 trace minerals, Alkaline-Forming Foods, etc. ...to naturally raise your body pH so Calcium & other minerals are not leached from your bones! Moreover, they can't patent HIGHLY Absorbable ORGANIC Calcium (they give you INorganic, CARBONATE crap), Organic Chelated Magnesium (they give you INorganic, OXIDE crap), Vitamin D-3 (they give you inferior, D-2 crap), Vit.K, Silica, Boron (they give you...ahh, nothing), Glucosamine & MSM (...ahh, what's that ?)
No Folks, the best they can do on the front-end is to insure YOU DO develop bone loss, which keeps the money flowing, while it only "appears" that they are trying to help.
So Doc's & Dieticians do the following: encourage Milk, DON'T discourage carbonated drinks, allow Sugar "in moderation", employ LOTS of Fluoride, Chlorine & Aluminum (tap-water, tooth-paste, antiperspirants), discourage Supplementation (except crap like Centrum & Caltrate)! They heavily push high Oxalate & Phytate foods like Soy & Grains that bind & remove minerals, and they promote excessively processed foods with lots of bread, cereal & pasta. All these things will contribute to the development of OP for a variety of reasons, but probably most significant is all these things are "Acid-Forming" and most MD's will laugh & finger point, if you try to connect body pH with bone loss. But it is so.
Moving on, even "mainstream" medicine honestly points out something that I find very disturbing & potentially very dangerous... those Bisphosphonates stay in the bone for DECADES & the Dive-bomber, 'Clasts can remain suppressed for 5 years after you stop taking the stuff! This is horrible!
From The
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 90, No. 3 1897-1899
"Unlike most medications, bisphosphonates remain in the body for decades. These drugs are not metabolized, but are either excreted renally or deposited within the bones. The amount of drug within the bone will accumulate with use. There is no known method of removing the medication from the bones. The duration of physiological effect is still unknown. After taking alendronate for 5 yr, the bone resorption and formation markers remain suppressed for at least 5 yr after discontinuation."
And this from the same Journal :
"If bone resorption is strongly inhibited, the damage can’t be repaired because the osteoclasts won’t dissolve the bone. In animals given high doses of bisphosphonates, microdamage accumulation is observed. The biological purpose of bone remodeling is probably to remove microdamage and replace it with new bone. If this process stops, the damage accumulates and could eventually weaken the bone."
OK Folks, stop here if you can't handle bad news -- but for the rest of you... go to a search-engine and punch-in *lawsuits Phossy Jaw* & discover the horror-show that is Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ)! This is where your jaw bone dies & rots away leaving you disfigured for life...oh yeah - from taking Actonel, Fosamax, Boniva, etc. Weep for sufferers, Sally Fields.
Here's a little blurb from my buddy the Leaflady's BLOG... the whole article is at http://naturalhealthnews.blogspot.com/search?q=bisphosphonates! Go sign up for her newsletter & read her fine work: (She does not suffer fools!)
"Bisphosphonate is pretty much left overs from making Tide and P&G has a
great amount of $$$ bound up in Actonel, their osteoporosis drug. Yes P&G is
in the drug business for profit and in a lot of other things too - FOR
If you would like to know what you should do to avoid OP in a natural, health-promoting, proactive way, then read my paper about Sally Fields & Osteoporosis at http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#Sally ...it will explain all the "Do's & Don'ts" concerning acid/alkaline-forming foods & the right supplement forms... If, for example, your MD recommended Calcium CARBONATE & Magnesium OXIDE in crap like Oscal or Caltrate, then you know he or she is either ignorant or evil... or both. Instead of helping? These 2 "supplements" can actually exacerbate Osteoporosis.
Lastly, a while back I wrote about Sally Field's insulting Boniva commercial, where having to find time once a week to take Fosamax was a hassle... but Once-a-Month Boniva was acceptable with her busy lifestyle.
In the latest installment, she gleefully explains how choosing an osteoporosis medicine is as easy as choosing which dress to wear because, unlike other weekly treatments, Boniva is only a Once-a-Month dosing.
Well, there you go...Sally & her strangely thoughtless ilk... what's up with that bunch? Only because of a monthly dosing convenience, they will be re-active and take a negative poison, a poison exacerbating their disease... rather than be pro-active and take 60 doses a month (2 doses daily) of something natural & efficacious... This is their definition of a "no-brainer"!
I concur!
Once-a-month Boniva, wins Hands-down over 60 doses a month... but only if you ARE, a "No-brainer"! like our otherwise adored Ms. Fields... I really do love her, even if she has sold her soul to Mammon, the gloating false god of riches and avarice.
Please feel free to contact me at alan068@centurytel.net if you disagree or have a question.
And Sally? I'd really would like to hear from you, we can be friends... but only if you are contrite.
That's enough... Well be.
LivingTree Root #028 "Muscle-Spasms", Heart-Burn & Bed-Wetting By Alan Graham -- alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg -- www.alienview.net
Every man, women & child should see a good Chiropractor on a regular schedule. Don't wait until your back goes out, you're in pain, or you develop a less mobile "military-neck" before going in. It's about prevention, folks. Moreover, I admonish that there is abundant science supported as regards a "spine in line." Mind, don't be too quick to turn up your nose.
Besides, have I yet steered you wrong?
Sincerely, keep reading because I'm going to give you practical information, both positive & negative, that I bet you've NEVER heard concerning Chiropractic science... its adjustment philosophy & some of the more arcane things chiropractors can do other than just twist your neck & spine. There's a lot more going on than you'd think.
These are things with credibility, remember... not some of the "woo-woo" stuff I will address at the end of this piece. Everything below has happened to me ... except the child bed-wetting.
First, the primary thing is to find a good Doctor of Chiropractic (DC)! Ask around to see who has a good reputation... but as far as philosophy & style, the 2 biggest complaints that I have had with DCs extant are:
1). Does the DC do a "complete" adjustment every time, or do they only adjust where the problem is located... for example, if you have a stiff-neck or a headache they only adjust your neck... or if you have lower back pain they only adjust your lower back. You don't want that.
You want a total neck/upper-spine/lower-back/pelvis/hips, adjustment every time! Seriously, I can't respect a DC who's too worried about cranking patient volume to do the job right. Besides ...it only takes a few extra minutes to do everything.
I'm not an expert but I will go toe to toe with any Chiropractor who thinks you only need to adjust the area where the pain is. For my money, this is laziness & wrong. Every vertebra all the way up to your head & back down, to include your pelvis & hips can effect your lower back, etc. It's all connected in an anatomical synergy... your neck can be out of adjustment & it will bend the whole spine causing one leg to "appear" shorter than the other, even!
FYI : There is a little known branch of Chiropractic Medicine called Spineology that pretty much only adjusts the neck... but a neck-adjustment by a Spineologist is nothing like a "regular" DC's adjustment - he does not twist the neck but concentrates on making small adjustments to the very top vertebra in the neck. I have never been to a Spineologist but as far as I can tell they have credibility & are very well respected.
On the first visit to a new DC in our small town I chastised him because his info-form only had blocks & questions about your complaint - so I ask him where was the block for a person like me with no complaints, that just wanted a complete regular maintenance adjustment so I'd likely never have a complaint?
He said I was absolutely right but unfortunately 95% of the folks came because of pain and that most people were "not so thorough" (which I interpreted as "not so anal"); still I suspected right then that he was very perceptive & would turn out to be a great Chiropractor & good friend...which he did. If your Chiropractor does not believe in adjusting everything... find a different DC. A lot on that, but it's important.
Before you make an appointment? Just call first and ask about the preceding...or the following, for that matter.
2). Some "money-hungry" Chiropractors dealing mostly in insurance & Medicare claims jack up the bill by charging $10 or $15 for the use of each of a series of manipulation "machines." These are mechanical or electrical devices that roll up & down your spine or cause muscles to contract & relax by electrical stimulation... or any number of other different machines you're charged for individually. Their *use* results in a $70 or $80 visit instead of a $25 or $30 visit... but who cares, eh? As long as someone else picks up the bill... which really means "we all pay," actually, right? If the money comes out of your own pocket you are more discerning? I digress.
If the Chiropractor wants to do one short machine session to relax the muscles before the adjustment & will still only charge $25 or $30, then no problem, but multiple machines at multiple dollars is a smoke and mirrors rip-off. Incidentally, the $25 quoted is the price in lower Alabama. One needs to adjust for big city cost of living... like maybe the standard starting price is $35 a visit instead of $25. Be prepared to pay about $100 or more for the first visit because they will insist on X-rays. That's rational.
3). Once when my DC was on vacation I went temporarily to another guy, when my lower back gave out... he required X-rays for which I paid about $100. But when my regular Chiropractor got back, this temp-guy would not give me my X-rays, X-rays that I paid for! He is also one of those guys who only adjusted my lower back (I'll admit he was very skilled).
On the third visit that week (my back was much better) I finally ask him to also adjust my neck, that was also feeling a little stiff ... he said..."Oh, (long pause)... you want me to adjust your neck?... ah, OK" - he really acted like that was an unusual request... adjusting the whole spine in one visit... what a revolutionary concept!
Here is my small sampling... I have been to 8 DCs... 4 automatically did a "Complete" Adjustment while 3 only adjusted where the pain was... and one I'm not sure because I told him before he opened his mouth that I wanted a complete adjustment. A complete adjustment is important!
Onward, the spine is not the only thing a skilled DC can manipulate to better functionality. More unusual things that DCs can adjust are (This is physics, remember, not "Crystal-Squeezing"):
1). Shoulder-Pain from sleeping on your side - This is simple physics! The arm is gradually pulled out of the shoulder over the months & years just a tiny amount from sleeping on your side w/o the proper support... especially if you favor one side & if you are a big person like me at 6' 3" & 230.
I had this problem for years, WHILE going to the DC every month... and I never thought to mention it for 2 reasons; It never dawned on me that they could fix this, one, because I didn't know what "this" was (I thought it was just weight-lifting aches & pains). Secondly, the shoulder pain rarely bothered me except when I did bench-presses or tried to reach across my chest & back over my shoulder trying to itch a spot humankind must be unintelligently designed not to be able to scratch... which is to say an unusual movement... so I never even thought about it while at the DC.
Fortuitously, I mentioned the pain one day and he confirmed that I sleep on that side most often. Then he said astonishingly "no problem, we'll just pop that thing right back in there"...which he did! While I'm laying on my back he gives a sharp downward push with the arm & I could feel the little "pop" as the bone moved that little 1/16 of an inch or so back into the socket... INSTANT Relief. Of course, if you keep sleeping the same way, it will work its way back out again in a few weeks or months... so in between my regular visits for a total adjustment (and both shoulders), I have showed my adopted son how to push it back in. Of course he doesn't quit have the "touch" of the professional, but it does work pretty well.
2). Knee-Pain - My knee would "go out" at times when I made a sudden lateral or backward movement resulting in a sharp little pain & then I had a slight limp for the rest of the day. The next morning it would be OK after staying off it overnight. Again, I never mentioned it until one day it was actually bothering me while at the DC, so boom... he fixed it in about 2 seconds & showed me how to fix it myself in the future by putting a rolled up dish-towel behind my knee and pulling my leg together...again a tiny pop & pain/limp are gone instantly.
Then later I got to where I could just pop it back in w/o a dish-towel... so after about 8 months of keeping it popped in every time it even remotely felt like it might pop out, now it almost never goes out! You see, this is a basic tenet of Chiro-Med' - "keeping *it* in the proper place, long enough, eventually fixes it"...or pretty much fixes it, anyway. Better than pharmz and knives, assuredly.
FYI: Some things can be fixed with one adjustment (like the proverbial "threw out my back or whatever") but if some particular vertebra has been "out of adjustment" for a long time it will take several, if not multiple visits because the muscles have re-grown to this new "out of Whack" position, trying to compensate. This means the DC has to put the vertebra back in the correct position (the pain gets better), BUT the old musculature keeps trying to pull it back out of position... subsequently, the next day or next week, the pain starts coming back, so the DC is there putting it back! Each time it stays fixed a little longer & the time between visits gets longer until eventually it stays in place, pretty much, forever... hopefully.
Bone-Head Anecdote: I carefully explained the preceding physics to a fellow Helicopter Instructor Pilot (he had to have an IQ of at least 115 to even attempt Army Flight-School) who was permanently "grounded" for low-back pain. After going to my DC for one visit, he told me that his back felt better for about 2 days but then the pain gradually returned so he decided there was no point in going back because obviously the Chiropractors couldn't fix it.
I said - "Uh-huh... but it did feel better for 2 days?" and he said "Yes"...I told him he was right and that it would be better if he never returned to the Chiropractor and I even reminded him how those Codeine pain pills & muscle relaxants that the Flight-Surgeons pass out like Tic-Tacs, were breathtakingly "mellow-yellow"...Dude! Besides, there was always surgery!
I gave him the old "Keep 'em Flying Thumbs-up", then turned & walked away. I did my best to never inter-act with that oxygen-stealing idiot, ever again... I'm afraid if you associate with bone-heads, some of that stupid might rub off on you. Down with the dogs, up with their fleas, eh?
One more anecdote: Another grounded Instructor Pilot, who was an "Older than Dirt" grouchy aged bastard, was certain Chiropractors were Quacks & Thieves... especially after reading the Soulless Prostitute for big Pharmz and predatory medicos, "Quack-Watch" who reports all Chiropractors are fakes.
My "friend" had a whip-lash. This meant that he could not move his head to either side more than about 30 degrees. To get him to go to the Quack (my DC), I told him I would pay for the adjustments if after about a month or two he wasn't any better, that's how confident I felt.
Besides I had disliked the guy for years, so I wanted him to eat his stupid, bone-headed words referencing the vile "Quack-Watch"... presuming my Chiropractor fixed his neck. So I was risking a few hundred dollars to be able to "eviscerate" him later... his neck getting fixed was not my major concern, proving him wrong, was... I know that's very small of me, but you had to know this guy.
Anyway, not having to pay if later he felt he was ripped-off, convinced him, so he started going twice weekly. All I ever hear, initially, is moaning & groaning about how he didn't think it was helping much... so after about 3 weeks, I was sick of it. I tell him to stop going & that I would reimburse him the $250 or whatever, for his costs so far, but he said No, wait... that he thought he would stick with it a couple of more weeks - like he was doing all this... for me.
A couple of days later I left for 2 months on an assignment. Upon returning, I walked onto the flight-line and was met by this old fool, who jauntily showed me how he could turn his head both ways almost 80 degrees! So he was back on flight status, I didn't have to pay a dime & he was able to keep his instructor pilot's job. He was one of our civilian Instructors so he didn't have the protection of being in the Army if grounded for very long... they would have put him out to pasture in pretty short order. Chiropractic, sans pills and knives, saved this man's professional life.
To be honest, even though I never particularly liked the old Guy & he never apologized for Quoting "Quack-Watch"... he did tell me (slightly misty-eyed) that the thing he would have really missed the most (if permanently grounded), was not coming to the Flight-Line every day and hanging out with all the "Kids," the fresh-faced cream of the American Crop boys & girls who are the Army's student helicopter pilots.
On reflection they really can make you feel like we are not all doomed... you know? Chiropractic returned all this to him. Seriously, if he had to go home and sit by the pool & talk to his wife all day, everyday, he'd be dead in a year.
3). Bed-wetting child - Before you completely screw-up a kid by subjecting them to expensive "Psyco-Babble-Crapola" or toxic drugs, just let a DC give them a few adjustments to see if that helps. It very likely might...what the hell do you have to lose?
If it helps, then you would want to keep getting adjusted until the problem is corrected. Most kids like to go to the DC because he doesn't hurt them & there are NO needles.
4). Hiatal-Hernia (w. bad heart-burn) - OK, this the strangest maneuver of all - I wrote about this procedure in my 2nd NewsLetter "The Antacid Myth".
While on your back (again, simple physics) the DC sharply pushes his fist right below the sternum...this pulls the stomach-lining down out of the LES (lower esophogeal spinctor), allowing it to close so the acid won't splash up onto the unprotected Esophagus.
I had terrible Heartburn for years resulting from an HH...the first time my new DC did this to me, "I saw God"...the relief was that extraordinary. Not just the heartburn but I could take a really deep breath & breath easily... not having realized how the HH interfered with other organs like your heart & lungs. I almost did a Mike Meyer's "I'm not Worthy," for the guy.
Unfortunately, this is usually just a temporary relief... my HH worked its way back up through the LES in about 2 weeks. So the idea is to take drastic dietary measures while the thing is temporarily fixed so hopefully it will stay fixed without too many returns to the DC to get it pulled back down. If you go to the paper mentioned above http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#AntacidMyth it will tell you those things to help correct the HH.
My Chiropractor told me about a way to do the "HH maneuver" at home - WARNING - if you break your neck doing this... don't blame me...also, pregnant women should not do this home procedure:
On an empty stomach drink about 1/2 quart of water, then stand on something about 6 inches or so off the ground (OK, this is where weight, age, balance, condition of knees & probably 2 or 3 other things I'm missing, come into play) then jump off with your knees locked so you come to a sudden stop but the inertia of the water pulls the stomach lining down out of the LES. If you are young & slim, you might want to jump off something a little higher...like maybe a chair - if you weight 300lbs and do this from a chair... forget my name. It's best to go to a professional who understands the procedure. Sometimes you might need to do this several times.
There is even a safer HH mini-version where you just rise up on your toes & drop down on your heels 10 or 15 times, after drinking the water.
Also this home procedure works better after the DC has pulled it down & then later you catch it with the home procedure at the first sign it is creeping back up. And then hopefully the "Chiropractic Tenet" will kick in & the thing will eventually stay fixed if you keep it in place long enough.
Now this is especially true if you help it along by losing 10 lbs, strengthen your "Core" with exercise, eat 6 or 8 small meals daily, NEVER consume Tums, carbonated drinks, calcium CARBONATE, milk, sugar and a few other things that you will find in my "Antacid Myth" paper.
5).. Ribs - Did you know your ribs can be out of place & pinch a nerve under your shoulder blade, or other places, that usually only hurts when you move a certain way or can be an excruciatingly constant pain... this is a difficult thing to adjust at times... my mother's high-priced, big-city DC in Ft Worth failed to fix it, so I drove in periodic jabbing pain all the way back to LA (lower AL) where my regular DC finally did...
That was about 1999 & it has not bothered me since.
1st things 1st: In problem solving, there are qualifying steps & it is widely accepted that the second step is the most important ... To wit: "Understanding the nature of the problem"
Briefly, the 1st step of course is:..."To realize you have a problem." In the Uncle Al's "1st things 1st" Health Problem-Solving Steps, the 1st step is the same but the 2nd is different because it is hard to understand the nature of the problem with all the crap that doctors & dieticians are feeding you.
So here are the Steps:
# 1 .. Realize you have a problem -- Chronic malaise, the blues or feeling tired is most certainly a problem, pilgrims! Don't ignore it!
# 2 .. Go get a complete adjustment & evaluation by a DC. There is no point in moving to something more involved or invasive without checking to make sure all the bones are in alignment precluding any pinched nerves!
# 3 .. Get your gut & digestion working at peak efficiency with Betaine HCL w. Pepsin, digestive enzymes, Probiotics; no Tums or Carbonated drinks, no sugar, no Gluten from wheat, barley or rye, no Tap-water, Soy, Milk... on & on. There is no point trying to get your body to repair itself if it can't absorb the building materials, right? Moreover, how is the gut expected to rebuild itself if it must endure assaults from toxins that keep dragging it down, anyway, by suppressing the immune system? Diet counts big folks.
# 4 .. Take all the necessary nutrients so your body can repair itself... every Vitamin (especially 2 or 3 times the %dv Vit.D-3)...every "big" Mineral, indicating over 100mg daily dose (especially AVOID calcium CARBONATE & magnesium OXIDE)... every "bigger" Trace Mineral (especially Selenium)... every "tiny" Trace Mineral (about 72 or so)... and most important, reader, are EFA's like Krill or Fish Oil...or if Vegetarian, Flaxseed Oil, Hempseed Oil & Black Currant Oil.
#5 .. Avoid Toxins that attack your Gut , brain & immune system...like tap-water, Fluoride in toothpaste, sugar, Trans-Fat, high Phytate/Oxalate Foods like Soy & Grains...and more.
#6 .. Try to eat more Alkaline-Forming Foods - all raw fruits & veggies, especially lemons & limes that you might think are acid but after digestion they are about the most Alkaline of all. More raw food is not only Alkaline-forming it generally means less processed foods... which are all Acid-forming. Don't avoid slightly Acid-forming Foods that are natural like Olive Oil & some berries.
Physical Therapy (PT) vs. DCM -
Ordinarily, I do not believe in "name-calling" & personal attacks... (ordinarily the scabrous SOB's regarded don't rate the energy expenditure!) so you can imagine how it pains me to make comments about the parentage of the evil, lying, otherwise misrepresenting little psychopath over at "Quack-Watch"... I can only assume he was badly abused as a child to hate humanity so much... that he would drop to his knees before Satan, reader... a euphemism for your typical Pharmz Executive... and one not used lightly... that's right, Satan IS the "euphemism", not the other way around, because...
... I would rather live-down being called a Spawn Of Satan than endure same as a Pharmaceutical Exec!
Anyway, this "Quack-Watch" weasel said that if he had a "Muscle-Spasm" in his back he would go to a "Physical-Therapist" not to a chiropractic charlatan! I'm paraphrasing because I can't even stand to go over to his site for an exact quote... I feel so dirty after... OK, that was just a modicum of hyperbole. On reflection though, decidedly small.
BBC NEWS | Health | Physio 'does not cure back pain'
Researchers at the University of Warwick and Oxford University analysed the treatment of 286 people who had had low back pain for more than six weeks.
Some 144 people had physiotherapy sessions while 142 were given advice about how to remain active.
After 12 months, the British Medical Journal study found no difference in how the two groups felt.
PT is great for recovering from trauma as a result of an accident, sure. But these are essentially exercises to strengthen & regain flexibility ...this will likely not encourage your misaligned vertebra, causing that nerve pinched and wracking pain, to move back to its proper position.
After a while the PT exercise will give the false impression that it is helping by strengthening the muscles around the still errant bone, which will try to compensate for the misalignment by reforming to the new position. So after a few weeks the sharp intense pain might recede to a dull pain...so you think you are getting better...but you haven't really fixed anything.
Also in reference to "Muscle-Spasms"...when a person complains to me about some pain in their back or neck -- I recommend they go to the DC to get adjusted ...then I think "here it comes"...because they invariably say "No, it's just a Muscle-spasm, it's over on the side... it's not at the backbone"
I hate to break this to you but most Muscle-Spasms are caused by a nerve being pinched, or periodically being pinched, at the vertebra because something is out of alignment! It doesn't matter one twit that the pain is not at the spine!
In fact, I may be going out on limb, but thinking back I don't believe I've ever heard a DC say... "your problem is a "Muscle-Spasm" ...because your problem is NOT a Muscle-spasm... likely, your problem is a pinched nerve due to a misaligned vertebra, Rib, pelvis, etc., etc. that is causing the so-called "Muscle-Spasm".
OK, I hate to do this but it's necessary...
Mumbo Jumbo Chiropractic "medicine" -- Applied kinesiology & Surrogate testing: A method of diagnosing problems by testing the muscle strength of the person or of a third person who is touching the patient. I have only run across one DC that used this very questionable method of testing... and he used it for any & everything and I mean everything.
I went to this sweet old man for years because no one could do a better job of adjusting the spine (he was also the "Hiatal Hernia" guy), but along with it you had to put up with his mumbo jumbo about kinesiology... even though a dozen times I proved to myself, and I thought to him, ...that it was 99% crap.
This "procedure" is usually done by holding your arm out very stiff & then he would try pushing it down after saying the area or organ or "thing" he wanted to test... if the arm stays strong then that is good but if he appears to easily push the arm down then that is the "bad area" or whatever.
Please understand that I believe on some distant planet there might be some valid science involved here, but I am also sure that most people who use this diagnostic method either don't have a clue if it is actually working or they use the technique to arrive at the conclusion they want to come to.
Let me give you an extreme example that I think illustrates the total CRAPNESS of it... My crazy old DC (remember, I almost loved him like a Father) in order to determine how many Calcium tablets I needed, would lay one on my chest, test my arm strength, then continue to lay tablets on my chest until he hit the right # by the arm test.
Is it conceivable that this MIGHT work...yes, maybe...is this old fool doing it & arriving at a correct answer ? Not in this lifetime.
After a few years I finally told him I thought the whole thing was crap but he kept it up till he died... in fact every time he would do the arm-test I would say "Doc, you do remember that I think this is Crap?"...he would say Yeah, but continue on regardless.
Anyway, don't be put off by these irrelevant negatives! Like every profession, reader, there are weak, half-stepping individuals who get by on fluff, jive, or a Kirk Douglas Chin-Dimple... for instance, you could always tell a weak Army Helicopter pilot, who feared for his job, because he would take every opportunity to intone with his square-jaw something bigoted to undermine the growing ranks of female aviators. So anyway, check around - there are good DC's out there.
And consider, reader. Major insurance companies pay off on a chiropractic claim. That's a transfer of funds that is not going to happen unless it works. Savvy? Let the obvious psychopath over at "Quack-Watch" roll that and smoke it.
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
That's enough. Well be!
LivingTree Root #029 "To Itch Or Not To Itch" By Alan Graham -- alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg -- www.alienview.net
Psoriasis is derived from the Greek word psora. It means to itch.
Psoriasis (PS) is a very real curse, my co-writer Lehmberg confirms, as his Father was a sufferer. Sore, stinging, and itchy, PS causes weepy lesions that catch on clothing further stained by same. It's so bad sometimes that it was once confused with leprosy.
Alleged cures are arguably as bad as the disease. Some of these "cures" are distilled from vile petrolatum, so, when not actually exacerbating the condition -- are known carcinogens just begging cancer. On top of that they were evil smelling, clothing staining, quality of life destroying medicaments every bit as bad as the disease they are used to treat! It seemed so to Lehmberg's dad, at any rate.
OK, PS is likely incurable, though you will never fix PS by lathering dicey crap on your skin... but it remains, no one yet knows the actual cause.
I suspect that, like most skin disease, it is likely because of a sick gut facilitating a weakened immune system, even though PS, Dermetitis, etc., can be triggered by a 100 different things that might touch your skin on the outside. Remember that your skin, much of the time, reflects the condition of your gut. Wisteria & concrete-dust can spark Dermatitis with me. One begins to see that a sick gut & a weakened immune system can actually, essentially... be the same thing.
Many MD's, when they don't know what else to do, resort to the All-Purpose Poison Prednisone (TM) for a back-stepping quick "fix." ...And poison it is reader.
Immune suppressing drugs, like Prednisone, may be arguably necessary in an emergency to calm the inflammation/itch, but it is not the answer long term because it does nothing to actually correct the problem and much to prolong it! Though it can sure help you hit BIG Home-Runs to compensate for your shrinking testicles and tendency to road rage... Hmmmm... but I digress.
See, steroids write a "Check", your body cannot continue to cash. So, if you alternatively want to take a natural approach which only helps you and won't hurt you... even if it fails to do anything for your Skin-Disease -- you will be healthier & you will not think it was a waste of time. My bet is success over failure, though. I suspect the proceeding discussion will ameliorate just about anything -- no apologies. I've too much consistent evidence collected over a period of many years, reader.
I want to further caution the reader! This is not about taking a bunch of supplements! There are many things just as important, if not more important (like things to avoid, for example). No. A whole body *improvement* requires a whole body approach!
See, virtually every holistic doc will tell you that what is going on with the skin is just a reflection of your sick & distressed gut -- so everything you do & consume (in one way or another) does some or all the following: (i) effects or goes through the gut (ii) assaults (anti-biotics) or sooths (Cheyenne-pepper) the gut (iii) acts as your body's first line of defense against toxins, and (iiii) makes up 70 or 80% of your immune-system! Your gut, first to evolve with regard to all life's ongoing evolution, is your most important organ! It is the factory providing every article, substance, and nutriment your body uses to sustain itself. It is the organ of primacy. All other organs, systems and synergies depend on it.
Anyway, there are about 7 supplements which are fairly cheap that everyone with skin diseases should take. Actually, everyone should take them, sick or well! See, strange as it may sound, everything that is good for your skin is good for your heart & everything that is good for heart is good for joints &... well, you get the idea. The Supp's iterated here promote a healthful synergy unlike harmful pharmz which are contraindicated, reader, for almost everything.
The following steps discussed presently are a natural, pro-active, and inexpensive way to relieve virtually any skin problem, eh? Moreover, this is problem-solving at its finest by virtue of cleaning out the toxins in your gut & then getting your gut operating at peak efficiency again. First things first, eh?
Additionally, this can be done very cheaply, forgetting you might not have to get all the supplements listed in the six points below. BUT, you would be foolish not to... even if you are young & healthy. These simple, traditional nutrients can keep you that way.
For example: One of the most deficient nutrients in the U.S., are EFA's like Omega-3's in Flax, Hemp & Fish Oils. This is due to the crazy "Low-Fat...No-Fat" Doc & Dietician perpetuated LIE of the 90's, among other reasons. You need lots of different, undamaged Fats... damn it!
Reader? You are fat and cholesterol! It is the denial of that which makes you sick!
Do the
following for better skin & good health: (a).. Do1st thing in AM on an empty stomach (you do not have to skip the previous night's meal like some instruct). (b).. Put one Tablespoon of Grey or Pink sea salt in one quart of warm or room temp filtered water. (Warm is better) (c).. Drink over the next 5 or 10 minutes (you don't have to chug it like some instruct). Then stay close to the toilet. You can eat after about 10 minutes unless you are going to continue with the steps below...then you need to wait at least an hour or so.
Do this
"Salt-water Cleanse" every morning for about a week - then for the rest of
your life do it at least 2 or 3 days weekly. The first couple of times you
do this be prepared to get dizzy, & feel a little sick, headache, etc.,
(this is a good thing) - it is because of the flood of released toxins & the
little toxic dead bodies of all the candida yeast & other bad bugs. ALWAYS
do 1st thing in AM on empty stomach.
WARNING : You must drink plenty of water with large doses of powdered fiber... if not it could kill you, especially if you have a sick, damaged gut that might be easily blocked... OR... you are very old & bent over double with Osteoporosis (like my mother). This can cause difficulty swallowing & could cause a problem if you took a big dose (over a Tbls) without enough water.
Don't get a Fiber Formula with a bunch of Herbs that act as laxatives... you are already covering that with the "Salt-Water." Now if for some reason you don't want to use the "Salt-Water" then you might want to use a fiber formula with herbal laxatives... but I think the Salt-water followed by the "Plain" Fibers (no herbs) is the best. Another poor-man's natural & safe colon-cleanse is to take extra big doses of Vit.C & Magnesium Citrate. Everyone's bowel-tolerance is different so you just have to experiment with ever increasing doses... even if you do too much, it won't hurt you... it will just "blow you out" that much faster.
Now the "Fiber-Experts" will tell you the 50/50 or 60/40 ratio of Soluble to Insoluble Fiber found in just plain freshly ground Flaxseed is the best ratio (I've said it myself)... so please, by all means, go ahead & just do the Flaxseed (but only fresh-ground)...but, for my money, the half Flaxseed & half mostly Soluble-fiber (like pectin, etc.) seems to work the best for me.
Either one by itself or both together will work... fresh-ground Flaxseed and/or Soluble-Fiber Formula without pre-ground Flaxseed. Freshly ground flaxseed will provide some valuable "simple" Omega-3 (ALA) & cancer fighting Lignans... the "good-bugs" in your gut, love non-oxidized fresh ground Flaxseed... in moderation (don't do over 3 Tbls daily... I do 1 Tbls & I weigh 230 lbs)
Note -- Coor's Beer (priding itself on staying refrigerated every step) AND Live Probiotics have to maintain the RCOC: 1).. a refrigerated truck brings the Coor's to "Mom & Pop" store where Mom stacks the beer in the 90 degree store-room for a few days before having room in the fridge... see how this breaks the RCOC? 2)..a non-refrigerator truck or a refrig. truck w. a broken frig. (Aug. in lower Ala) brings the "live" Probiotics to the health food store where they are promptly put in the Frig...but the RCOC has already been broken before arrival at the store. These things should STAY refrigerated as much as possible; however, the manufactory say they can withstand room temps for a few days... but what about 100 degrees, eh?
If you are over 40, do not have an Ulcer, Gastritis or a Hiatal Hernia...then you should try a formula with Betaine HCL w. Pepsin or buy HCL/pepsin in a separate Complex to take with every protein containing meal. HCL w. Pepsin is "stomach-acid" in a capsule...75% of the people over 50 have TOO LITTLE stomach acid, that is the major cause of heart burn... not TOO MUCH acid... MD's lie to most older heartburn patients. Just try demanding an apology from me for that, medico!
For all kinds of inflammation, a great therapy is taking Digestive Enzymes on an empty stomach between meals. Though don't use a formula with Ox-bile or HCL... these 2 additives to enzyme formulas are to be used with food. On an empty stomach a great anti-inflammatory enzyme from fresh pineapple is Bromelain in capsules... or even better is "Bromelain & Quercetin" in capsule form... this is a Bioflavonoid that works in synergy w. bromelain & Vit.C... all 3 are great for your skin... & your heart, & joints... you know... ...everything!
In other words the "Complex" Omega-3 Fatty-Acids, (EPA & DHA) from Krill/Fish Oil can easily stand alone < BUT > the "Simple" Omega-3 & 6 Essential Fatty-Acids (ALA & LA) from Flax/Soy/Corn have difficulty standing alone because everything we do in our modern lifestyle (like Cheezy-Poofs & Snacky-Cakes) inhibits or destroys the critical D6D Enzyme that is necessary to convert "Simple" Flax to "Complex" EPA / DHA or "Simple" Soy/Corn to "Complex" GLA & PG-1.
Note -- And at the bottom of this paper, the 11 items to avoid that attack your gut & suppress your immune system are many of the same things that inhibit the D6D Enzyme!
(e) - Zinc & Copper... take about 30 to 50mg of Zinc (Albion, Citrate, etc.- not OXIDE) in addition to the 15mg of Zinc in your Multi. WARNING: must take with Copper but just a little bit...Take 2 or 3mg of Copper (Albion, Citrate, etc.- not OXIDE) in addition to the 1 or 1.5mg in your multi).
(h) - Do your
heart-brain-joints-gut & yes, your skin, a favor... take two or
three powerful Anti-oxidants like R-Fraction Lipoic Acid, Grapeseed Extract
with or w/o Resveratrol, Milk Thistle, Tumeric, etc.
The L-Glutamine is very sensitive to moisture contamination but if you buy the powder form in small containers (not the cheaper giant size) & don't leave lid off or use wet, dripping hands, then OK.
L-Glutamine is popular with weight-lifters for building muscle... most things that WL's use also helps rebuild your gut - WPI (Whey Protein Isolate) is another good example.
And don't tell me the magically sparkling B-2 is wasteful overflow because I would rather be saturated & waste a little than not know if I'm even close to getting an optimum amount... it is DIRT cheap, anyway.
(e) .. Shark
Cartilage - this stuff protects you from PS in the same way it can help
protect you from Cancer & Eye Disease...it discourages the growth of new
blood vessels...that's how all of these spread. I only take it in capsule
form because the powder form is way too fishy.
(1) ..Sugar - Probably the #1 most harmful thing you put in your mouth...it is an Acid-forming Food (that leaches minerals from your body), it increases inflammation, it blocks the conversion of "simple" Omega-3 to "complex" Omega-3's, it is an "anti-nutrient" (it brings no nutrients, so it must rob them from you to be metabolized).
(2) ..Coffee - God can be cruel - one cup is OK, w/o sugar or Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) Non-dairy creamer...& don't fall for the "Zero TransFat" on the creamer label. However, if like me and think there is no point unless you drink a pot of crankcase-oil coffee...well, then your immune system & Gut will be under constant attack & minerals will be leached from your bones because it is a very Acid-forming Food.
(3) ..Refined Carbs - They do everything BAD...cause excess insulin, that causes an increase in inflammation & allergic reactions by decreasing production of helpful enzymes & activating a "bad" enzyme. Refined carbs even if they are Complex like "white-bread", they do the same thing as Simple refined carbs which is they act as "Anti-Nutrients"...they steal nutrients from you in order to be metabolized. So a Complex-Carb from a Yam or Banana is "real" food but a "complex-carb" from white bread or pancake batter is decidedly NOT real food.
(4) ..Gluten in bread, cereal & pasta - It is the most troublesome form of Protein... many people with Celiac Disease can't tolerate Gluten at all & it can be a problem for many others as well, causing mild bowel distress all the way to full blown auto-immune diseases. Wheat, Barley & Rye should be keep to a minimum because the Phytates & Oxalates leach minerals from your bones & can contribute to kidney stones & heel spurs (Calcium-Oxalate).
(5) ..Soy -- is the biggest lie foisted on the public... it is EVERYWHERE & it is slowly killing humanity... no hyperbole!
There are numerous reasons but let me just name two: (i).. Soy is so high in Oxalates that it binds with all the calcium in the soy & then goes looking for more. It leaches it from your bones! (ii).. Modern Humans ( like mothers) are constantly bombarded with Xeno-estrogens in this estrogen-rich environment, then we flood every Zygote, fetus, baby & child with Phyto-estrogen from Soy from the moment of conception! The theory is little girls start their periods younger (they are, btw) & little boys show more feminine body characteristics. Check any Burger-stand kid park for little boys who should be wearing training bras.
(6) ..Tums & Carbonated drinks -- these destroy valuable stomach acid which adversely effects digestion by not allowing efficient absorption of minerals & allowing undigested protein (like Gluten) to cause an auto-immune response... this is when your immune system ironically perceives the undigested protein as a foreign invader & attacks YOU.
(7) ..Burnt or charred meat (highly denatured) -- Creates a dangerous Free-Radical called HCA. Meat must be liquid-cooked... moreover, all cooked meat is denatured which makes it not so digestible -- so as much as possible? Substitute with highly digestible forms of Protein like WPI (whey protein isolate) & raw or lightly poached eggs. Some people are allergic to eggs so you may need to do some trial & error to insure you are not allergic. I recommend Organic eggs or Cage-Free as a second choice.
(8) ..Burnt or toasted brown Carbs (bread crust, toast, brown french-fries, toasted cereal, etc.) -- This creates another dangerous Free-Radical called Acrylamides. Wheaties -- Breakfast Of Free Radicals.
(9) ..Antibiotics & steroids -- Attack the good bacteria in your gut.
(10) ..Tap-water to include most bottled water - attack the good bacteria &/or they are very Acid-Forming...most plasctic water bottles are the kind that leach toxins into the water. I like reverse-osmosis (R-O) or if you are completely nuts (like ME I guess), you use a $1200 Alkaline-Restructuring Machine.
(11) ..No toxic Poly-Food Oils -- Only use Mono-Food Oils like Olive Oil & Macadamia Nut Oil... or the very excellent MCT, Coconut Oil. All Poly-food Oils are rancid & toxic after pressing so they have to be RBDed (refined, bleached & deodorized) to hide the fact that it is rancid before you buy it, remember. The poly oils are: CANOLA (it is called a mono-oil like olive oil...which is a huge half-truth), Soy, Corn, Cottonseed (really, really bad), Sunflower, Safflower, Peanut, Grapeseed & a few more.
Lastly... Stop putting stuff on your PS... except for the following natural things that ONLY sooth... they won't "Fix" it... though many do swear that quality Aloe gels have that capability!
To sooth irritation? A little raw coconut oil... but just every other day or so. For dermatitis, etc. pure Calamine Lotion is a good natural thing (it's just Clay) to relieve inflammation. Also, it is always good to grow an Aloe Vera plant for some natural skin conditioner... but stay away from those Cortisone creams & other over the counter crap!
FYI: Everyone needs to drinks LOTS of clean, alkaline water... BUT that will not fix your dry-flakey skin - neither will moisturizing creams that just give you the temporary illusion that you are doing something constructive. Dry skin is fixed from the "Inside-out" with EFA's (essential fatty acids), reader! Moreover, vitamins A, E & D-3, Anti-oxidants, all 72 Trace Minerals, Sunlight (Sunlight ? Alan, you're nuts!), and undamaged Fats & Cholesterol (Alan, now I know you're crazy!). But true -- from the inside... out, friends and neighbors.
Mother-Nature's purest form of Vit.D-3 (that which protects your skin & eyes) is made from Undamaged Cholesterol & Sunlight... every credible holistic practitioner agrees that the 400iu of Vit.D-3 recommended % DV found in 90% of the Multi's, easily needs to be 2 or 3 times that amount...I like a nice round 1200iu of Vit.D-3 daily in 3 divided doses of 400 each (Note: you MUST take Calcium w. D-3... and vise-versa!).
The list goes on... but you are much improved this far. Persevere!
Closing, I cannot emphasize enough how, even though this paper is about skin disease, specifically psoriasis... this discussion is really about the total person - because if you do all of the above it will protect you from pretty much everything to include doc's & dieticians who are completely "in the tank," eh?
You know the ones I mean. Those who tell you Tums is a good source of Calcium & that Canola is a heart-healthful Mono Oil, just like Olive Oil ... they do this while going to church & praying to God... They'd risk God's wrath, I'd wager.
You see... if there is a God, She would have to be a Holistic Practitioner... not a "poison-peddling" shill for dodgy pharmz. That's my take at any rate.
That's enough. Well be.
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net |
LivingTree Root #030 Incomplete Primrose Oil & The 3-6-9 Rip-Off... By Alan Graham -- alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg -- www.alienview.net
Many people, women in particular for PMS, use Evening Primrose Oil (EPO). It contains the multi-purposeful Omega-6, GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), as a powerful Anti-inflammatory ...BUT, in my humble opinion? I don't think people should use EPO when there is a superior, GLA rich, oil available. Black Currant Seed Oil (BCSO) is that far superior source of GLA!
We'll carefully dissect the preceding a little later -- but first I want to remind the reader that EPO & BCSO, et al, are Omega-6 "Medicinal-Oils", as opposed to Omega-6 "Food-Oils", See? Med-Oils, like EPO or BCSO, are refined delicately, if rather expensively and non-chemically from parent materials... while being refrigerated. Most Food-Oils, on the other hand, like Soy or Corn, are brutalized from their parent materials, cheaply, under high heat, and/or extracted w. Hexane. The reader may begin to appreciate a difference between these oils.
So, back to the subject at hand, even if you don't use EPO, the following will also illuminate the convoluted relationship between the two, necessary Med-Oils, Omega-6 & Omega-3 EFA's (essential fatty acids). This is as it regards the "EFA Ratio" about which I've previously written: where "Four to One" (4 Omega-6 to 1 Omega-3) is the preferred ratio of the two.
It is a matter of "Life or Death" that you understand the science and wizardry of this very healthful dietary relationship and why it works the way it does to solve multiple problems that people -- kids through adults to the aged -- have with their quality of their lives, their digestion, plus their strength, dexterity, and mobility. Why, even their ability to think clearly!
This is the dietary condition, consider, of your garden variety American, reader! Likely, even yourself!
See, most of us consume foodstuffs at an unhealthy 20 or 30 to1 "Death" Ratio because WAY too much "Simple" and cheap Omega-6 is intruded into our aggregate lives by the grinning corporate boys.
This condition of too much Omega-6 is due primarily to Poly-Food Oil consumption, like Soy, Corn, Canola, etc.(Olive Oil does not figure in the Ratio). Anyway, the ratio can then be further exacerbated by some Poly "Medicinal-Oils"...
OK... really only ONE medicinal-oil... Evening Primrose Oil -- although Borage Oil (w. GLA) might adversely skew the EFA Ratio too, but just slightly. We'll briefly discuss... & mildly discourage... Borage Oil use towards the end of this piece.
Also FYI : The "Life or Death" (my term) Ratio is only between the 6's & 3's (Poly Omega-6 & Poly Omega-3)... it is not effected by Mono Omega-9 (Olive Oil), a key point in the Omega-3-6-9 controversy below. Also, by convention, the (4to1) Ratio should always be displayed Omega 6, then Omega 3... some still insist on the errant inverse: doing it 3, then 6. Enough housekeeping.
OK, lets get ready to rumble! See, slamming Evening Primrose Oil is a good way to get a fight started! There are "Long-Time" users who swear religiously by EPO... and even Borage Oil, for that matter!
Consider, reader! Most folks have never even heard of Black Currant Seed Oil... it's no mystery why EPO would outsell BCSO by about 10 or 12 to1...
So please explain, Uncle Al, EPO's giant share of the market when BCSO is supposed to be so superior! OK, I will. But you're not gonna like the answer...
The reason Primrose Oil is ubiquitous & out-sells Black Currant Oil by a long shot is very simple... it is the "Law of Primacy." According to my own loose definition of same, this means, "For some reason you started using it FIRST, locked in out of habit, and just never changed." You know... hands on the ears, going "La, La, La... life is good." In other words EPO outsells BCSO only because of the complacent and ongoing ignorance of the consumer!
...AND... the sole reason these persons used it FIRST is because for decades nutritional science thought that Primrose Oil was the ONLY viable source of GLA found in nature! This was unfortunate because EPO as a GLA source had but a modicum of the desired "Complex" Omega-6, GLA, at a meager 9%! Unfortunately, too, it had a huge, 72%, of an undesirable fatty-acid: the "Simple", Omega-6, LA (Linoleic Acid).
Even though now there are 3 other legitimate sources for GLA, you still hear some "nutritionalist" (always mainstream) say that Primrose Oil is the "only" source for GLA, the natural supplement for the treatment of PMS. Really, he or she should expeditiously hit their *refresh* key.
GLA, briefly, is a powerful "Complex" Omega-6 having the potential to cascade down the EFA (Omega-6) Pathway leading to Prostaglandin-1 (PG-1) production. Check the illustration on my "Fat Facts" paper for a model of how this works.
PG-1 & PG-3, remember, are hormone-like compounds, found in every cell, which relieve inflammation, platelet-stickiness, blood-pressure (BP), Allergic Reactions & PMS symptoms... and in that non-destructive way like you don't get with dangerously dodgy pharmz.
Again FYI : Coumadin (blood-thinner), Aspirin, et al cause thousands of needless deaths every year due to internal bleeding or externally bleeding-out. However, when Mother-Nature thins your blood with Omega-6 derived PG-1 and Omega-3 derived PG-3, it is thinned, pretty much WITHOUT that pesky "Bleed-Out" characteristic. Wonders and Wizardry!
Also, believe me reader, there is NO other reason, other than that breathtakingly small amount of GLA, to ever take EPO... unlike most all the other "Medicinal-Oils" or "Med-Oil Blends" which have extra very healthful Fatty-Acids besides GLA. For example: the 1 Plant Omega-3 (ALA) or the 2 Animal Omega-3's (EPA & DHA).
Listed immediately below are the Medicinal-Oils & their healthful medicinal EFAs & FAs, so, I'm not listing Omega-9 (like in Olive oil) because technically it is not a "medicinal-oil", it is a "food-oil." Additionally, I'm not listing the "Essential" Fatty Acid (LA) because I'm listing only the healthful FA's below, and LA is NOT healthful... even though it is "Essential,"
In other words I mean that you need only a small amount of LA, found naturally in all foods - NOT completely freaking inundating same with cheap & toxic LA found in Food-Oils like Soy & Corn... and yes, the LA in all the following Med-Oils contributes to this LA overabundance, some a little - some a lot more... (the first four listed below are the GLA sources)
(a).. Black Currant (GLA, ALA),.......6/3 EFA Ratio (4to1), PERFECT...actually, any 6/3 ratio down to a (1to1) ratio is even better, but (4to1) is a more realistic, very healthful goal... considering you are likely at 15 to1, or higher, right now! (b).. Borage (GLA-only),........can only hurt Ratio (a little), NO Omega-3 (c).. Primrose (GLA-only),......can only hurt Ratio (a lot), NO Omega-3 (d).. Hempseed (GLA, ALA),...... (4to1), PERFECT... the Ratio is perfect & I love Fresh-Hulled Hempseed...but the GLA is very light compared to other 3 GLA Oils. (e).. Flaxseed (ALA-only),......(1to4), even though way "out-of-whack" with very high Omega-3 (ALA) at a Whopping 53% - it HELPS the Ratio because you get plenty (too much) of Omega-6 in everything else you consume... so the (1to4) ratio helps bring the over-all 6/3 EFA Ratio back towards the desired (4to1) Ratio. (f).. Krill (EPA, DHA),.......(1to3), high Omega-3 HELPS Ratio. (g).. Fish (EPA,DHA),.......(1to3), high Omega-3 HELPS Ratio. (h).. Fish-Liver (DHA, EPA)......(1to2), high Omega-3 HELPS Ratio. (i).. & a few exotic "Med-Oils" like Chia (ALA-only) , you know, the Chia Pet...ALA HELPS Ratio.
NOTE: Please don't confuse the beneficial (Complex) Omega-6 (GLA) "Medicinal-Oils", like in Evening Primrose & Black Currant oils, with the "NOT" Beneficial (Simple) Omega-6 (LA) "Food-Oils" like in corn & soy. Even though both are Omega-6, they are like completely different species... one good , the other bad!
A point of order, reader. I hate to keep calling LA "bad" because in small amounts, natural undamaged LA found in all foods is very beneficial... it's just large amounts of damaged LA introduced into deceptively evil Food-Oils & processed foods that are killing you.
The reason the Omega-6 (LA) is very bad for the EFA Ratio, but the Omega-6 (GLA) is good for the Ratio is because the GLA is "Complex" ... so it does NOT need the critical Delta 6 Desaturase Enzyme (D6D) required to move GLA on down the Omega-6 Pathway (PW) to the Prostaglandin-1... reducing Inflammation, PMS, blah blah... discussed earlier.
Consequently, this GLA complexity not requiring D6D leaves behind lots of D6D Enzyme that the other, completely separate, Omega-3 Pathway can use... meaning: the "Simple" Plant Omega-3 (ALA) will also have the Enzymes on hand to cascade down its own Pathway & turn into "Complex" Omega-3's (EPA & DHA).
These are the real "work-horse" Omega-3's found in fish/krill... so this is how Vegetarians hopefully get a tiny bit of EPA & DHA... they make it out of ALA internally, starting with the scarce D6D Enzyme... (it would take up too much space to discuss all the D6D deficiency diseases, like Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Crohn's... just keep going till you run out of breath).
But, because LA is a "Simple" Fatty-Acid, it ALSO needs the D6D Enzyme to take its own first step down the Omega-6 Pathway leading to the PG-1. So, it greedily uses up all the D6D, leaving none for the other Pathway... the Omega-3 pathway that turns Simple (ALA) into Complex (EPA & DHA).
See why the stuff is bad? It sucks up resources that the other critical system needs... especially Vegetarians who have no other "good" source for EPA & DHA!
This is particularly true for those Vegetarians consuming lots of sugar, refined flour & TransFat because all 3 inhibit D6D production! Plus, the sugar/flour induced extra INSULIN over-produced as a result of consuming same, activates the cousin D5D enzyme used by Omega-3's for GOOD, BUT you want ALL the D5D used up by the Omega-3 so none is left for the Omega-6 Pathway to use that D5D for a BAD outcome - making the "bad", PG-2, not the "good", PG-1! This is how the Insulin (provoked by Cartman's Cheezy-Poofs & Snacky-Cakes) increases inflammation.
GLA Omega-6 is great so long as you also have at least a small amount of Omega-3 (ALA) for balance - then the GLA & the ALA work in synergy, even though each is cascading down a completely different Pathway. The "connection" between the two Pathways is that they both need (sometimes DON'T need) the same critical Enzymes...
So when the Omega-6 steals all the D6D from the Omega-3 PW, it is a Bad thing for both Pathways - but when the Omega-3 steals all the D5D from the Omega-6 PW it is a good thing for both Pathways! Sadly, because of advice from *doc's & dietician's*, we always wind up making too much of the bad enzymes & not enough of the good enzymes. Also, both Pathways can relieve the same things: Inflammation, platelet-stickiness, high BP, allergic reactions & PMS.
This is the key, reader, to a (4to1) EFA Ratio... which is to say "Less Omega-6 & more Omega-3"! That is: less "Simple" Omega-6 (LA) but more "Complex" Omega-6 (GLA) which is good. Less is more once again.
"WARNING" : You should not take GLA only! In order for GLA to work properly it must have some Omega-3! As Primrose & Borage have NO Omega-3 they should be taken with an Omega-3 like Flaxseed or in an "EFA Blend" with both ALA & GLA. THOUGH IT REMAINS - Black Currant Oil does not have to be "rounded-out" with some other Med-Oil to provide Omega-3, because it brings its own Omega-3 (ALA) with it to the party naturally... and at the correct EFA Ratio. Do you begin to see the superiority of BSCO, reader?
To summarize: "Simple" LA Omega-6 (Soy, Corn & EPO) is the one Fatty-Acid we need to avoid as much as possible because it increases Inflammation & PMS. This happens when excessive Omega-6 (LA) "over-powers" the Omega-3 Pathway, causing it to, effectively, shutdown. This is the diet, I remind the reader, of your garden variety American, remember!
Now before you start yelling that Omega-6 (LA) is an "Essential" Fatty-Acid (EFA), which means "You can't make IT internally... but, You have to have IT... so, You must consume IT" ... it remains... because cheap LA is EVERYWHERE, naturally, in every form of food -- UN-naturally in every form of processed food... (the Beef-People actually brag about their animals being "Corn-Fed", which is just MORE corn oil LA ironically)... the big trick is to get LA out of your life - not add more to the pile.
No hyperbole! You can't NOT eat it! It's almost in the air you breath... it's in a banana, for God's sake! But there's a solution! Here are 2 very dramatic ways to get most of the LA (the bad kind) out of your life: 1)..Use Mono Olive Oil instead of Poly-LA (corn, soy, canola, etc.) 2).. Stop eating processed foods (these 2 sources are the most damaged, oxidized sources of LA... the LA in Med-Oils CAN'T be oxidized because that would mean the even more sensitive ALA & GLA would be completely rancid).
Now bear with me. In order to accurately contrast & compare EPO & BCSO you need to understand the different ratios of EFA's & FA's in these two Plant-Derived, Medicinal-Oils taken for the GLA they both contain:
Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) - Omega-6's [GLA ( 9%), LA (72%)], Omega-3 ALA (Zero), Omega-9 (11%), SatFat (8%) = 100%
Black Currant Oil (BCSO) - Omega-6's [GLA (17%), LA (30%)], Omega-3 ALA (13%), Omega-9 (40%), SatFat (trace)= 100%
OK...lets start the comparisons --- (refer back to the data above)
1).. Black Currant has twice the "Complex" GLA (17% to 9%)...So, BCSO is twice as good on this score... which is to say, the "main" score.
2).. Black Currant is only 30% LA...but EPO has 2 1/2 times as much, at 72% LA, which makes Primrose oil 2 1/2 times as BAD... helping to cause an adverse "Out-of-Whack" EFA Ratio.
Think of it this way - consuming 30% BAD (LA) in order to get 17% GOOD (GLA) is acceptable... [BUT] ...consuming 72% BAD (LA) in order to ONLY get 9% GOOD (GLA) is most decidedly, NOT acceptable... in my opinion, anyway?
3).. Black Currant has 13% very beneficial Omega-3 (ALA) - while EPO has ZERO Omega-3. "GLA & ALA have a unique symbiotic relationship, in fact GLA likely WON'T activate the desirable PG-1 without the help of ALA...so with no ALA it will likely activate the UN-desirable PG-2 that increases inflammation."
Consequently, the healthful GLA can turn on you if you do one or both of these two negative things: 1st - Consume very little or no Omega-3... 2nd - Consume too much Omega-6 (LA).
4).. Black currant maintains the critical EFA Ratio of 4 to1... Omega-6's (30+17= 47%) to Omega-3 (13%) = 4to1 Ratio --- BUT EPO is Omega-6's (72+9= 81%) to Zero Omega-3. This really kills the Ratio... in fact, there is NO ratio....81 to nothing ??
5).. If I were a lying sociopath, to strengthen my BCSO side of the argument, I would do what every mainstream doc & dietician does: I would say Black Currant is more healthful because it has only a trace of SatFat, where Primrose has 8% SatFat. But as I've said many times, the undamaged SatFat in Plant-Oils is not bad for you... in fact if EPO had 10% MORE SatFat, resulting in 10% less LA Oil, it would likely make EPO a better Oil, not a worse one. Consider then this duplicity of the aforementioned "docs & dieticians," who should freaking understand that, reader! ...Understand, and then report it to YOU!
Yes, reader, even if all fairness demands I provide testimony that these reports are beginning to get out to a degree, even if more & more "mainstream" research is indicating that the whole Anti-SatFat, "Low Fat - No Fat" craze of the 90's was a mistake... especially for the cognitive ability of old-folks... (who need lots of UNdamaged SatFat, Mono-Fats, EFA's & UNDAMAGED Cholesterol). It remains, reader! How is it you're hearing all this for the first time from me and NOT your medico or a mendaciously moneyed mainstream?
6).. Black Currant has a huge 40% portion of Omega-9 (the FA in Olive Oil), where EPO only has 11% Omega-9! This is the main reason BCSO has a low 30% LA , while EPO has a high 72% LA.
So... Black Currant wins by a qualified landslide! Its superiority is clear!
OK, as promised, Borage Oil (BO). It is used for many 3-6-9 Formulas & BO is also narrowing the gap in sales with Primrose Oil. The reason... Borage Oil has the highest percentage of GLA found in nature at 22%, and if you are consuming only fairly small maintenance doses in a 3-6-9 formula? Then that would be OK...
BUT...if you want to take large doses of a Borage Oil Supplement to get big therapeutic doses of GLA because of really bad PMS, heart disease or Arthritis, then I would switch to Black Currant Oil. OK?
The reason? Borage Oil has a particularly nasty FA called Erucic-Acid... in high doses it may cause Arterial lesions. The erucic-acid was the reason Canola Oil used to take a lot of heat until Canada came out with LEAR Canola Oil... LEAR (Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed oil). Now Canola oil is low in Erucic acid... but it is still Crap, for a variety of other reasons we've talked about before in previous papers.
There are many holistic doc's, etc. who recommend Borage Oil and I certainly like the looks of BO except for that Arterial lesions thing... so I sincerely hope it turns out I'm wrong, because that 22 to 25% GLA is impressive! The watch-dog organization www.supplementwatch.com & others says it is safe... I'll keep you posted.
Now, for Oleic-Acid, the Omega-9 (mentioned above) found in Mono Unsaturated Oils like Olive Oil & Macadamia Nut Oil, are also heart-healthful Fatty-Acids; however, Omega-9 is not really a "medicinal-oil," even though it is found in most Medicinal-Oils in significant amounts... it is a "food-oil"! And, it is certainly NOT "Essential."
Though, because EVERY oil, medicinal or food-oil, has at least some Mono-Oil, many EFA Supp's have something like "Balanced Omega-3-6-9" or "Complete Omega-3-6-9" or "EFA Complete 3-6-9" on the label, as if to imply the "9" is "essential" & was put in there as part of some sort of nifty EFA "balancing"...not so!
Omega-9 is not required for anything... well, except Olive-Oil Vinaigrette (then it's "The Law", as Bill Hicks would say)... also if you never consumed Omega-9 your body would make it, itself, out of SatFat with the help of another "Delta Desaturase Enzyme," the D9D... so again, it's not Essential, you can make it internally. Does the reader see the slight misdirection? 3-6-9 implies the "9" has to be there, and it does not!
Now, I'm not saying the Omega-9 in medicinal oils does not have a beneficial, synergistic effect, because it does... I'm saying it is not essential & it is NOT the reason you buy a "3-6-9" type supplement...you buy it for the "3-6". See the difference?
...And I hate to pile-on, but the point is significant. With regard to "Essential" Fatty Acid Formula's called "Omega-3-6-9": this not only does not tell you what you need to know to determine if it will do as a viable EFA program, it may also hide a harmful nutritional deficit. Reader, it is imperative to understand what you need & what to look for concerning 3-6-9 EFA formulas! All this academic tediousness really has a healthful point. Persevere!
OK, as said, Omega-9 is not an EFA, remember, it is just an FA... so the only reason it's in there is because it was a natural part of the Borage or Primrose Oil put in to supply the Omega-6, GLA (which is the "6" in the 3-6-9). Omega-9 is in the Flaxseed Oil to supply the Omega-3 ALA (which is the "3" in the 3-6-9)!
So, the Omega-9 (the "9" in the 3-6-9) can be good stuff, but it is not there for a reason... Consequently, the formula's should actually be called "Complete Omega-3-6 EFA's". See? If you actually added additional Omega-9, like Olive Oil to a 3-6-9 formula (to fill up a one gram soft-gel)... why, that would be silly & pointless...forgetting deceptive. Be vigilant!
Let's look at the 2 big categories of Omega-3-6-9 Formulas... # 1 - Plant-Derived Formulas - Comprised of Omega-3 (ALA) & 6's (GLA & LA)... suitable for Vegetarians. OR # 2 -Animal-Derived Formulas - Comprised of Omega-3's (EPA & DHA) & Plant Omega-6's (GLA & LA), these may or may not also contain some Plant (ALA) from Flaxseed.
1)... The Animal-Derived 3-6-9 is not the problem so much, because the "3" can only be covered by EPA & DHA if it says it has Fish/Animal Omega-3, or sometimes the label says "Omega-3 From the Sea," then it must contain EPA & DHA!
They can't slip in CHEAPER, Plant Omega-3 (ALA) and Ref. the "Sea, Ocean or Fish". Now, they could, I suppose, cover the "6" with cheap LA instead of the GLA from Borage, etc. by just putting in a little cheap Corn Oil, that has no GLA, only LA to fill the Omega-6 requirement. But that would be "Low-Rent", dirty pool! I have NEVER seen that in an Animal-derived Formula... BUT, I did see something similar in a Plant Formula...
2)... Legitimate Plant-Derived 3-6-9 formulas should have a big dose of Omega-3 (ALA) & a big dose of Omega-6 (GLA)! This is why you take a 3-6-9 - not because of the LA & Omega-9 that can't be avoided because they are only along for the ride with the ALA & GLA oils, which have to be there....
A legitimate 3-6-9, one where the Omega-6 is GLA & LA, normally requires a blend of at least 2 Oils [like Flax for the Omega-3 (ALA) & Borage for the Omega-6 (GLA)]. To just bottle Flaxseed Oil & call it a "Complete EFA Omega-3-6-9" because it actually has a 3, a 6 & a 9 in it... but it has no GLA because it is just one oil... Flaxseed Oil, is very misleading.
So to refer to plain old Flaxseed Oil as a "Complete Essential Fatty Acid Omega-3-6-9" is a "half-truth" kind of lie... because, in fact, every word is TRUE... it does have Omega-9 (who cares, it's not Essential)...it is "Complete" by containing both Essential EFA's, (ALA & LA) - but the LA is the "Simple" cheap crap that is found everywhere...You want the "Complex" Omega-6 (GLA), that is not found everywhere... to include flaxseed oil...
Now a person could semi-legitimately call Black Currant Oil a complete 3-6-9! It does have ALA, GLA & Omega-9 - but I think that would be slightly misleading. I've never seen a BCSO called a "Complete 3-6-9 Formula," but you could & not really be lying.
Trust me, the kind of deception where Flaxseed Oil is called a Complete 3-6-9, is rarely exposed because, in fact, it is maybe, sometimes, sorta, kinda, true on alternate Thursdays if during a blue moon and on a grunion run... verily! Devils run amuck & nobody cares...well, nobody except me if you'll pardon the hyperbole! Now, you hopefully, reader, and there's no hyperbole there.
So until next time... read those Omega-3-6-9 labels carefully and get some Black Currant Seed Oil!
That's enough... Well be.
Alan Graham Phone (334) 774-0395 E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
LivingTree Root #031 Postpartum, Alzheimer's & Bad Food Blues By Alan Graham With Alfred Lehmberg
Every time a new mother kills her baby all the freaking "Experts" stand around pontificating about the mental illness, chemical-imbalance & stress they'd gleefully assuage with their harmful pharmz... yet fail to even consider a nutritional deficiency.
This is just wrong in my opinion. There are 2 deficiencies that plague most women to varying degrees and this deficiency is caused or exacerbated by doctors, dieticians, the New Food Pyramid (NFP)... and, oh yeah, Pregnancy! The two deficiencies referred to regard Minerals/Trace-Minerals & EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids), deficiencies already epidemic, anyway.
See? With a little nutrient-thieving fetus on board... coupled with a doctor recommended "Piece-O'-Crap" pre-natal Multi-Vit/Min... additionally complicated with the upcoming Dietician/NFP recommended nutrient robbing foods -- you have the potential to cause or exacerbate any mental or physical defect in your baby while leaving yourself a cognitively affected and nutritionally deficient screwed-up mental mess! Insult to injury, what does the poor mother get but psycho-babble bat-squeeze advising her she's crazy -- further enflamed by designer drugs and harmful pharmz able to push even relatively healthy women right over the edge into despair, murder, and suicide.
Before I get to the pregnancy-unfriendly foods that are encouraged by dieticians & the corporate apostasy called the "New Food Pyramid," let me just briefly suggest you go read your pre-natal Multi label & if it has any of the following items, then you are likely taking a product that is totally Crap: Vit.D-2 (instead of the superior D-3...unless a Vegetarian Multi, then the rest of the ingredients might be OK), Vit.E is "DL" (instead of the superior "D"), Calcium CARBONATE (instead of superior Organic Chelated Calcium like Albion, Citrate, Krebs Cycle, etc.), Magnesium OXIDE (instead of Organic Chelated Mag. Citrate, etc.), Zinc OXIDE (instead of Organic Chelation)...on & on! How did your product fare, reader?
OK, foods :
The majority of the population has no idea how much Unfermented Soy, Refined Grains, Sugar, chemicals & preservatives, toxic Poly-Food Oils & TransFat from pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) are found in virtually every processed food on the market. These "Anti-nutrients" are hidden in Cereals, Baby Formula's, "Health-Foods", Protein powder Mixes (in fact, some so-called "Whey Protein" powders have a large percentage of Soy Isolate, like "Youngevity's Nature's Whey"), bread, cereal, pasta, sauces, ice cream, peanut butter... oh Hell, virtually everything touched by insentient Man.
Here are the evil Big 5:
1)... Soy, Unfermented... not to be confused with healthful Fermented Soy like Soy Sauce or Miso ... One could write a fairly long paper out-lining Soy's negative characteristics; however, I'm only going to mention two that are applicable to this whole reproduction process.
(a) - Soy Phytates & Oxalates compromise critical minerals & trace minerals which can cause a mineral deficiency! This has the potential to cause or exacerbate virtually EVERY disease and/or birth defect. As far as I know, Soy is the only High Oxalate food that has the distinction of not only binding with 100% of the calcium in the soy, but then goes looking for more calcium to make un-useable... well, still useable to make kidney-stones & heel-spurs now that you have created lots of Calcium-Oxalate.
FYI : Take Hi-Oxalate spinach for example - it stops short of 100% total calcium binding...at about 95%.
(b) - Soy Phytoestrogen - Modern humans have created a very Estrogen-rich environment where we are bombarded, from conception, by estrogenic compounds & estrogen-mimics which have the potential to feminize our population. I'm not female bashing... I'm talking about a nutritional approach which likely precludes female bashing. Consider, little girls are starting their periods at a younger age & little boys are looking more soft & doughy.
2)... Refined Grains --- THEY'RE EVERYWHERE... Refined grains are anti-nutrients in that they steal nutrients from you to metabolize the starchy endosperm, as opposed to the "Whole" grain. Cartman's Cheezy-Poofs & Snacky-Cakes cause such a rise in blood glucose that insulin is secreted excessively rapidly turning carbs into fat and additionally providing for a desensitizing of your insulin, resulting in Type II Diabetes... not to mention, providing for Eric Cartman's "Man-Boobs."
Well, what about "Whole-grains" that still have the bran & germ ?? Well it depends, because most "Whole-Grains" have several of the following attendant problems:
(a).. 1st & foremost - we did not evolve grinding grains & baking bread... for a million years on the Serengeti, hunter-gatherers never saw a loaf of bread, so our digestive tract did not evolve to process the harsh "stuff" in wheat, barley, rye. (b).. The digestibility of the protein in bread (gluten) is very problematic... it can actually cause an auto immune response like joint-pain, etc. especially as we get older and have less stomach-acid (Betaine HCL w. Pepsin). It has even evolved it's own Disease, Celiac Disease, (sensitivity to Gluten). (c)..Most of these "Whole-Grain" Cereals are a sham because by the time this "Stuff" has been "slurried and extruded under heat & pressure to be processed into flakes & stars" ...it is worse than eating Table-sugar with regard to insulin sensitivity. (d).. Whole-grains are also high in phytates that bind to minerals. (e)..Many whole-grain foods like bread contain pHVO (TransFat) - hoping the fake-fat will perk up the somewhat dry, bland, "card-boardy" taste of whole-grain breads.
FYI : Gluten in bread & hi-"gluten" rice are not the same thing...Hi-gluten rice just means glutinous (sticky, starchy)... Hi-gluten rice has virtually no "real" gluten.
FYI # 2 : If you want something healthful, try bread made from Organic Hemp, Grass-Sprouts & Seeds...Wheat-sprouts & wheat grain are not remotely the same thing. There are several different brands that are truly great, especially when compared to a loaf of "White Bread"... As poorer people eat more cheap white bread so to do poorer people have more Type II Diabetes.
3)... Sugar --- IT'S EVERYWHERE... hi-fructose corn syrup, 100% Concentrated Grape Juice, Sucrose, Dextrose, Brown sugar, Crystalline fructose, etc., etc. There is no trick too dirty, reader, to hide sweeteners & other "Anti-Nutrients". Use natural Stevia or Xylitol as a sweetener.
Sugar is without even ONE redeeming characteristic... but out of the dozens (if not 100's) of unhealthful things, one of the most heinous is the fact that sugar blocks the production of the D6D Enzyme! This means it is difficult for mothers to convert Simple Plant-derived Omega-3 (ALA) to the Complex Animal-derived Omega-3 (EPA & DHA)! Gram for gram, DHA (the baby brain-food) is the most valuable substance on earth for your baby's brain & eyes -- not to mention, your brain -- but is the hardest to make internally (many can't make it). Moreover, it is the hardest to find & process because it is so sensitive to air, light and heat it turns toxic... if you look at it funny.
FYI : The "H" in DHA stands for "Hexa" (6)...which is the # of easily destroyed and degradable energy containing DB's (chemical double-bonds) in DHA. The more DB's, you see, the more reactive the substance, so the Simple Omega-3 (ALA) from Flaxseed (with 3 DB's) will go rancid in pretty short order when exposed to light, air & room temp...maybe only a few hours. But DHA, with 6 DB's, will go rancid in minutes & cannot withstand even a little heat. So with every increase of a DB, the sensitivity goes up exponentially.
4)... Poly Food Oils (Soy, Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Sunflower, Safflower, Peanut, etc.)... not to be confused with healthful Mono Food Oils like Olive & Macadamia Nut. Notwithstanding the toxic inflammatory effect of Poly food Oils attacking your heart & brain... the other really bad thing concerning Poly Omega-6 Food Oil is that it over-powers & shuts down the Omega-3 Prostaglandin Factory Pathway that would lead ultimately to the "Brain-Food for Babies" - DHA...
Consider, under the best of conditions, 100mg of Simple Plant Omega-3 from flaxseed might convert 10mg to more Complex Animal Omega-3 (EPA) BUT maybe only 1 or 2mg, or even less, might turn into the most Complex form, DHA, & it really drags its feet to accomplish producing that amount.
Many ignorant evil people call Canola Oil a healthful Mono Oil like Olive oil... so to understand why this is an egregious lie please read my paper "Canola Crapola" at http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#rapeseed That said:
5)... TransFat or pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) --- For decades the government (FDA) in cahoots with the powerfully evil pHVO industry did everything possible to put TransFat into every damn thing possible - while hiding it from you, reader! This toxic man-made, fake-fat has been linked to virtually every Chronic Disease...but it also blocks the production of the aforementioned D6D Enzyme that, again, blocks the production of the most powerful of Omega-3's for babies, DHA.
So for all those doctors, dieticians & FDA officials who conspired to keep poisoning us with lies about how heart healthful Margarine & Crisco vegetable shortening were when compared to butter... I hope they enjoy butt-surfing on the "Lake of Fire" for eternity, because butter is Real food while margarine is a toxic abomination.
Lastly, Postpartum Depression: Let's, albeit very unscientifically, connect a few dots... using the "Rings-true Logically" approach. The reader can draw his or her own conclusion.
We pretty well believe the following "things" to be true:
1). Being EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) and/or Mineral/Trace Mineral deficient can cause dramatic changes in mood, cognition & ones ability to think clearly.
2). The brain is mostly fat...the most abundant brain-fat being the EFA Omega 3, DHA. OK...I have to play this stupid little word game, EPA & DHA are technically NOT EFA's - they are FA's (Fatty-Acids), they are not essential because they can be made by you from the Essential Fatty Acid, Omega-3, from plants (ALA). HOWEVER ...it is EPA & DHA (FA's) that are the truely powerful Omega-3's when compared to the "Simple", weaker although "Essential" Omega-3 (ALA).
3). The developing fetus will leach EFA's & FA's (like DHA) & Minerals from the mother... even if it depletes her own life critical stores of EFA's & minerals. Mother-Nature doggedly insists the baby come first.
4). The incidence of PICA (eating clay, chalk, dirt, rusty nails, etc.) increases in pregnant women. Pica seems to increase with women lower on the socioeconomic scale indicating poorer nutrition (less minerals) equates to more Pica. Pica has been studied most in animals like cows, etc.& research shows that minerals/trace minerals will generally improve Pica.
But what do we get from modern medicine concerning Pica in humans? A treatable physical problem becomes a "mental disorder" requiring pricey pharmaceuticals! When cows get Pica - are they crazy? Nutritional Science will admit that Pica in cows can usually be helped with Mineral/Trace Mineral Supplementation but there is not substantial research to show that to be true in humans... how freaking convenient!
Folks, as the late great Bill Hicks would say "OK, open your mind real wide"...because is it too huge a leap to consider that if minerals help Pica (bionic cravings) in animals, that minerals may relief Pica & cravings in humans.
5). Pregnant women are always craving ice cream, pickles, and onion rings... or whatever... because the baby takes the needed nutrients... ...which leaves the mother craving... something? They don't know what they crave... but they crave something!
Conclusion: Doesn't this collectively mean that "We Intuitively Know" (or at least highly suspect) that Postpartum Depression is likely caused or at least exacerbated by an EFA &/or Mineral deficiency? For once that alleged "Whack-Job" Tom Cruise was sorta right concerning a "chemical-Imbalance" (I especially love it when he plays a cocky, young guy with attitude...hummm?) If there really is a "chemical imbalance", why not try giving all the Vitamins, Minerals, Trace minerals, EFA's & digestible Protein, to provide the raw materials for your body to repair itself, while avoiding those nutrient-stealing foods mentioned above... instead of designer drugs like the breathtakingly stupid SSRI's (selective seratonin re-uptake inhibitors).
FYI : The "I" in SSRI stands for Inhibitor...& that is what virtually all Pharmz do...they obstruct Pathways & they futz with critical systems, often with very negative results! They Inhibit Systems (cox 2 inhibitors)...they Block (beta-blockers), they "anti-everything" (anti-biotics, anti-inflammatories), they interfere (interferon).
If you want to increase seratonin in your brain w/o reusing used seratonin (SSRI's)...then stop sugar & refined carbs, get sunlight in your eyes & on your skin as much as possible w/o burning & sip on a Whey or Egg smoothy all day to accelerate Tryptophan into your brain! The aforementioned stimulates Seratonin production...plus it will help with carb cravings.
OK, if you want a "One size fits All" to give yourself the best fighting chance to avoid PPD, Alzheimer's, Depression in general...in other words "any & everything to do with your Brain" - do the following (let body weight & money determine how much you take):
(a).. EFA's - take 2 to 5 grams of Krill Oil (NKO patented process) or Hi-Potency Fish Oil (Hi-Potency means 500mg of EPA & DHA per gram instead of 300mg per gram). Also take 2 to 4 grams of Black Currant Oil for the Omega-6 Anti-inflammatory (GLA). Option - you can do 1 or 2 tablespoons of freshly ground Flaxseed for some ALA but if you don't have time to grind your own or you're to cheap to buy a coffee-grinder...then just forget about the Flaxseed, because I don't recommend the ALA in flaxseed oil. The Black Currant Oil is 13% ALA, so that is enough.
Don't get me wrong Ref. ALA in Flaxseed Oil... if you are a Vegetarian (so krill/fish oil is off the menu) & you won't grind flaxseed yourself (...you're afraid of whirling, hi-speed blades or the loud vibrating buzz)... then by all means, take a plant-derived 3-6-9 Oil, but I would reluctantly take ONLY Omega-3 from Flaxseed Oil.
(b)..Vitamin B12 -- Use the most active form, Methylcobalamin, in a sublingual tablet. You can't take too much so take from 1000mcg to 5000mcg daily. Look closely to make sure it is not Cyanocobalamin & to insure it is "Sublingual" (under the tongue). Even the big 5gram (5000mcg) is very cheap.
(c).. Take a health food store quality Natural, Food-based Multivitamin/mineral & all 72 trace minerals (might have to get separately). Take an additional Amino Acid Chelated Cal/mag supplement--most multimineral complexes don't have the required 1000 to 1200mg of Calcium or 1000mg of Magnesium.
(d).. Take an additional 800iu of Vitamin D3 in addition to the 400iu that is already in your MultiVitamin & some Cal/Mag supplement have additional D-3...so you want a total of about 1200iu of D-3 & does not go over 2000iu unless you test for Vitamin D. Avoid the potentially toxic Vit. D2 found in milk. Always take Calcium with large doses of Vit.D-3 or the D-3 will leach Calcium from your bones.
(e).. Protein - 4 to 8 raw or poached cage-free or organic Eggs daily...and/or 2 to 4 scoops of WPI (Whey Protein Isolate - crossflow or micro filtration). Only "Liquid-Cooked" meat...but keep to a minimum as long as you get good digestible protein elsewhere...like WPI or Eggs. Charred, crisp-fried meat will "eat your brain" with a free-radical called HCA.
(F).. Sea Salt - Salt must be pink or grey - don't buy that white (processed) sea salt Crap from the grocery store. Real sea salt is a good source of all 70+ trace minerals. Man-made, Table-Salt fortified with lots Iodine & Aluminum (anti-caking agent), w/o the balance of the other 70 - 80 trace minerals...will also "eat your brain" & the Iodine likely causes as much thyroid trouble as it helps.
(g).. Zinc & Copper - Extra Z & C in addition to the 15mg of Zinc & 1 or 2mg of Copper already in your Multi. Add about 50mg of Zinc (NOT Oxide, must be Organic Chelation) & 1 or 2mg of Organic Chelated Copper. A Zinc deficiency will cause amyloid plaque. Z & C must be taken together.
(h).. Tap water - It has 2 very Alzheimer's friendly toxins...Aluminum (anti-clouding agent) & fluoride, which form a very nasty complex AlFx (Aluminum-fluoride Complex) that I predict will be a major concern in the future...as soon as doctors & the FDA get their heads out of their butts.
That's it for the one size fits all...however for those who really want to squeeze the spice weasel and knock it up a knotch? You can add the following terrific brain nutrients :
(a).. Acetylcholine - Expensive & difficult to find, so most take additional choline (precursor to acetylcholine) that comes in multi's in small amounts. If you are not allergic to Royal Jelly, it is a good source Acetylcholine.
(b).. Selenium (chelated to methionine) - take an extra 200mcg in addition to however much is in your multi (it's never enough in the multi so Selenium should probably be in the list above). Selenium is one of the most powerful "brain anti-oxidants" not to mention "Cancer-fighter".
(c).. Phosphatidyl serine - Improves memory...take twice what the label recommends...it is a little pricey.
(d).. TMG - Elevates your mood while it protects you from inflammation/plaque-causing Homocysteine (along with the Big-3, B-6, B-12 & Folic-acid). Take 500 to 1500mg...it's cheap.
(e).. Acetyl L-Carnitine - Powerful anti-oxidant that increases bloodflow to the brain.
(f).. Co Q-10 - Expensive but very powerful brain & heart anti-oxidant while increasing cell oxygenation & cellular energy...take as much as you can afford - 30mg to 600mg. Lipitor blocks your bodies production of Co Q-10.
(h).. Melatonin - If you are over 40 & not sleeping well, then just before bed you might consider taking 1 to 3mg of Melatonin (see warning below)... melatonin is a powerful antioxidant with unique properties unlike almost any other...which is, it can readily pass the "Blood-Brain-Barrier" while protecting you from dementia & Cancer, while helping you sleep.
"WARNING" - NEVER take melatonin during the day - only at night, just before bed. If you take it at the start of the day it will not only screw-up your circadian cycle (your 24 hour internal "clock") but it will actually become an "anti"-antioxidant. Also, I don't think young people need to take Melatonin... wait till you are over 40 when your melatonin production starts slowing down....in fact even if you are over 40, it would be wise to first try taking a large dose of Magnesium just before bed to help you relax (maybe 300 to 400mg of Amino-Acid Chelated Mag. or Mag. Citrate)...yes, you need both Calcium & Magnesium, but it is actually better to take them separately at different times of the day. Also, try getting lots of bright-light & sunlight during the day & then when you go to sleep make sure there is NO LIGHT...not the alarm-clock lite, not even the tiny "stand-by" lites on your stereo or TV...I mean "PITCH DARK"...or wear a sleeping-mask.
This total darkness, after a day of bright sunlight, well encourage your natural melatonin to come out an "play"...thus protecting you from Cancer & dementia while helping you sleep. This also means you are doing your child a disservice by letting them use a nite-lite...please read all about "Nite-Lites" at www.mercola.com
The reason you should try this (magnesium at bedtime) first is because there is some evidence that taking large doses of melatonin for extended periods can reduce your bodies ability to produce melatonin on its own. So young people, in particular, shouldn't "willy-nilly" be popping melatonin.
Ok, that's about it although I could make this 2nd list easily twice as long.
Anyway, why is that doctors avoid even considering a nutritional deficiency for depression? Yeah, we already know the answer... ka-ching!
I'm not being appropriately sensitive to the prerogatives of our corporate masters, I know. See, if we prevent disease & depression by taking a handful of quality Vitamins, Minerals, EFA's & diet, how do we expect MD's to be able to up-grade to gold-plated bathroom fixtures for their summer homes?
That's enough, eh? Well be!
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net |
LivingTree Root #032 Tums & the "Pendejo" Dr. Gott By Alan Graham -- alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg -- www.AlienView.net
Please read this strangely ignorant and ridiculously uninformed response in the syndicated newspaper medical advise column, "Dear Dr. Gott":
DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a Caucasian woman, age 68, who takes two Tums EX tablets twice a day, with breakfast and dinner, for the calcium benefits. They also help settle my regular indigestion (as manifested by burping) and occasional acid reflux.
My question is, am I possibly doing harm to my stomach by taking so much Tums? My doctor doesn't seem to think so, but I'd really like your opinion.
DEAR READER: The amount of Tums EX you are taking should not harm you. In fact, it is the recommended dosage listed on the packaging. I agree with your family physician. Continue your therapy.
However, if you prefer, you may wish to try a calcium plus vitamin D supplement. The vitamin D will help your body absorb the calcium more readily.
OK, I have a question... why is this unctuous and pretentious "Pendejo" trying to kill this doting old woman? This is indicative of my increasingly supported contention that MD's, while generally appearing to do something positive, are very likely trying to make you sick so they can extract maximum revenue later.
That's the way it shakes down. One must follow the data, after all. Besides, nothing else would fit the facts reader, or Dr. Gott is so egregiously under informed that he should certainly receive more acrimony than accolade.
I will bet you $100 to a "hole-in-a-donut" that this poor lady has too little stomach acid... not too much. In fact 75% of people over 50 don't make enough stomach acid! This leads to reflux, heartburn, BURPING & undigested protein causing an auto-immune response amidst a snowballing plethora of proved diseases.
Reader, I'm certain that it comes as no surprise: as we age ALL our systems become less efficient - so we naturally produce less of needed substances... like stomach acid (SA) & digestive enzymes.
Doctors are, frankly, patently dishonest when it comes to reflux & heartburn mainly because it is easy to convince people that heartburn is caused by too much stomach acid (because it burns) when in reality if you have a very acidic stomach (while you eat) there is a "feed-back" system that tends to cause the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter just before the stomach) to slam shut after every bite of food in order to protect the esophagus, and the acid doesn't allow as much gas to form --acid kills the bugs that cause the gases of fermentation, you see-- forgetting the gas will cause the LES to open so you can burp. Moreover, in an alkaline environment this gas can form in a proverbial blink.
The high acid level also kills harmful microbes (yeast, parasites, etc.) - plus it properly softens up the Protein so it doesn't cause an auto immune response when an undigested protein makes it down into your gut, which causes your immune system, thinking the protein is a foreign-invader --mistakenly attacks you-- resulting in joint pain or whatever else is aggravated by inflammation.
Though, if you --like most older people-- don't have enough Stomach Acid, then this system has to gently open the LES to allow "bug-gas" to escape (burp), and due to the alkalinity the LES tends to stay open so stomach contents can splash up into the esophagus (reflux) causing heartburn. See, heartburn is caused by TOO LITTLE acid, NOT TOO MUCH... but you think the errant doctor is a genius because when you take antacids the heartburn goes away! Wrong, he may be a genius but he is also a lying sociopath because all you've done is neutralize the very acid required for digestion so there is none left with which to perform that very necessary service!
Also, the HCL/Pepsin (stomach acid) will help speed along the digestive process. Consider, have you not heard old people complaining that after they eat (even a tiny meal), it feels like the food is just sitting there... like a knot in their stomach? Classic Low Acid, reader.
In fact, moreover, this easy-antacid approach will make your reflux worse in the long run because you keep the LES open all the damn time as a result of the Tums... so it "forgets" how to close tight properly! This is not rocket science folks and real doctors should tune in if I may be so bold!
So you see, given the preceding malfeasance suspected, and with regard to most doctors, I feel the Peruvian definition of "Pendejo" applies assiduously to describe: "a smart guy with no scruples." Of course, I suspect the Mexican & Cuban "Pendejo" is also applicable. But hey...this is a family show, sort'a...
Heartburn and reflux, et al, is a virtual "gold-mine" for the MD's & Big Pharmz because months or years later when you develop joint pain, Crohn's, IBS, Leaky-Gut, MS, Depression, (oh Hell, any & virtually every freaking disease!) the MD can start managing this new, more serious disease with his Pricy kick-backing Pharmz! He can trust you will never make the connection between the chronic disease you have now ... with the stupid antacids you took then ... and of course the "doctor" will never point that out... Mo' Money, Mo' Money.
When acid from the stomach hits the unprotected esophageal mucosa cells --where the biological rubber meets the biochemical road-- let's see who has the answer... MD's or Mother Nature -- God, if you like!
See? MDs give you antacids that destroy all the acid! Mother-Nature, on the other hand has a system so when the acid first hits the esophagus this ironically stimulates the production of MORE HCL (stomach acid) so as to drive the pH down below 3 (make more acidic) so a feed-back signal will then stimulate a receptor... which closes the sphincter (LES). Of course due to age or diet & carbonated drinks you can't make or don't have enough HCL, so you take Nexium & Tums to destroy the little bit of acid that is left causing the pain...ending proper digestion... ...and then you smile contentedly for having such a smart "doctor".
See, Mother-Nature does the exact opposite of what you & MD's might logically think... and MD's should know better even as you might not! Where would you think it wise to put your money, reader! God and Mother Nature buttressed by a billion years of experience or a lack-wit Pendejo-medico swinging on a flaccid corporate teat!
The other big lie in the antibiotic (against-life) Doc Gott response above... that Calcium Carbonate (Tums) is a good source of Calcium ... Don't you remember your freshman biology? It taught that Minerals, like calcium, need lots of acid for proper absorption!
But wait! The INorganic-Salt, Carbonate, neutralizes the very acid that you need to utilize the calcium... and all minerals for that matter! Do you see the disconnect? In the real world you need an Organic Chelated form of minerals for good absorption... like Amino-Acid chelated (Albion Process), Kreb's Cycle, Citrate, Citrate/Malate, Lactate, many more! Stay away from Carbonate & Oxide (heartily endorsed by MD's & mainstream dieticians). Heavy sigh!
I have received dozens of emails from people around the world who have stopped taking Tums, Nexium, Prevacid, etc. while dramatically improving their reflux & heartburn... here's how:
Take a very cheap capsule of HCL w. Pepsin right before you eat a protein meal & then about half way through the meal (depending on how big the meal will be) take a second cap. of HCL/Pepsin. If this causes your stomach to feel warm then it might indicate you already have enough acid. However if, like I suspect, your digestion improves then you might try taking even a larger dose of HCL until you do feel your stomach starting to feel warm, then back-off on the amount of HCL just a little. If the HCL causes burning don't get excited... just sip on some ice-water until it subsides, then next time try a smaller dose...
HCL normally comes in capsule doses of 250mg, 650mg & 750mg. However you might see small doses like 50mg in some Digestive Enzyme Formulas...my advice is don't fool with those formulas -- if you need SA then take one of the larger cap's, 250mg, etc. & take a digestive enzyme formula without HCL. A formula with 8 or 10 diff. Enzymes are best & they are cheap...the only "additive" you might want included in your enzymes is Ox-Bile, if you do not have a Gall-Bladder.
WARNING : If you have an ulcer or gastritis you must fix that first before taking HCL. Trust me, a bleeding ulcer can kill you BUT they are surprisingly easy to fix as long as you don't do what the MD's suggest, which is take powerful Antacids... and for heaven's sake, there are natural ways to avoid the "Cox-1 Inhibitor," Aspirin & Aspirin-Therapy that causes or exacerbates a bleeding gut. I fixed my own bleeding Ulcer in about 6 weeks, reader... piece of cake! Also if you have a bad hiatal hernia you might want to get it fixed first before taking HCL.
Lastly, it would be helpful to take a broad spectrum Digestive Enzyme with the HCL/Pepsin & a "Heat-Stabilized" Probiotic. Now you're on your way.
You know... I suppose I ought to articulate why this single apostasy of errant counsel from our Doctor Gott provokes its own essay.
Twyla Lehmberg, the since deceased mother of my former student, writing associate, and best friend for a quarter certury... had COPD after smoking for 50 years. When I first met her she was anemic, had a blood gas of 83, was on Oxygen 24/7, weighed 99 lbs and was almost dead! Additionally, while taking a huge dose of "doctor prescribed" iron-crap (for anemia) --and because of this lack of Iron provoking a lack of hemoglobin-- it ultimately adversely effected her breathing.
Stay with me now & let's connect a few dots... an old women with likely low stomach acid --to start-- is in no way absorbing the huge Iron Pill to facilitate the hemoglobin necessary to carry oxygen to her emphysema ravaged lungs - Remember it takes copious HCL to absorb minerals, especially Iron...and we know she is not absorbing the Iron because she remains anemic & her stool is black & tarry, indicating the Iron is just "passing through." This is classic low stomach acid!
So what does a team of brilliant California MD's prescribe? You guessed it... the powerful (by pricy prescription only) antacid, Prevacid. And if that wasn't crazy enough, reader, these scurrilous criminals had the unmitigated "cohunes" to have her also take 8 or 10 Tums daily for her occasional indigestion (no heartburn) & besides, Tums was a good source of Calcium... Oh Brother, I think I'm gonna be sick! Hey Doc, let me borrow your hat.
I know, I know... you think I'm lying... I would think you were lying! But it's true as spots and apples... and remember, this was not one lone, rogue "Dr. Norman Bates" that hated old women... no, this was a team of "Specialists" intent on killing her... piling on more & more antacids to insure every damn drop of SA is disastrously neutralized... she was in a steady decline. So, the rest of the story...
I suggested she quit the Antacids & the inferior Iron Crap & I had her take a Huge, Hi-Potency dose (750mg) of Betaine HCL w. Pepsin (a regular strength HCL is only 250mg), digestive enzymes, Probiotic (good gut bacteria), freshly ground Flaxseed, GOOD Vitamins/Minerals & Omega-3's - daily a handful of raisins, kale (green leafy veggies), eggs, other high iron foods...well, "lo-n'-behold"! Her anemia went away virtually overnight, within 6 months her blood gas rose from 83 to 93, she gained 30 lbs, bought a little red Honda and started dragging her little bottle of O2 off to the bridge-club, driving her new car... oh yeah, and generally spending her son Alfred's inheritance... a seventy-four year old woman with COPD: from Death-Bed to Bridge-club in 6 months. No hyperbole here, folks.
So a question is provoked, reader. How come it takes a retired Army helicopter pilot to save an old women from a cadre of "Specialists" who just about had her "Killed-Off"? I suspect it must have something to do with it being so financially rewarding they keep the antacid myth alive regarding old people's abundance of stomach acid & that Prevacid, Nexium, Tagamet & Tums are necessary & even good for you!
And I don't mean financially rewarding just because Prevacid, Nexium, et al, are big sellers... no, that is small frijoles when compared to the chronic diseases coming later as a result of mineral, trace-mineral deficiency, or an auto-immune disease due to undigested protein -- both caused by a lack of stomach acid...
...Or early death due to some parasite or microbe normally perishing in a nice healthy "Battery-Acid" pH stomach.
It's brilliant... it's fool-proof... because no one will ever think that their Heart Disease, MS, Dementia or raging Osteoporosis is a result of a lifetime of antacid abuse encouraged & prescribed by your "greying-at-the-temples," reminiscent of God, family doctor --Like our Doctor Gott-- who shines with "Truth & Light" and will kindly, yet condescendingly, explain how Twyla's Heart Disease & impending death was her fault, after all, because she ate butter & eggs... when in reality butter & eggs (if used correctly) are very heart healthy foods.
Here's the really sad part:
Just before Twyla's miraculous recovery... she was laying in bed, almost dead & with a tear falling down her sweet little cheek! She said "My wonderful Doctors are doing all they can to keep me alive"...yea, they had her well buffaloed.
Years later, she and I would reminisce back about her death-bed declaration and laugh & laugh how "clever" those "Rascally Doctors" were, to be killing her, collecting big bucks to do it and her gratefully loving & thanking them every step of the miserable way, for their "heroic" efforts. Wow...is nothing sacred?
Why can't these sociopaths be put in jail for attempted murder? Come on, someone please tell me, (no matter how much I have to suspend my disbelief); that there is some remotely supportable and unsuspected justification for giving an anemic old women, not one, but two different antacids, one a prescription, when she did not have heartburn and the occasional indigestion she'd had was caused by too little stomach acid, especially after swallowing a handful of prescribed "horse-pills"...like that silly INorganic Iron tablet that she should have just taken out of the bottle and thrown directly into the toilet so as to avoid that pesky trip through the gut... who needs that?
I don't guess there is much point in me taking a deep breath & holding it while I wait for someone to rationally (even not so rationally) explain just one damn reason to justify trying to kill, with this insane therapy, an old woman who I loved like my mother,... OK, I'm bummed out.
Write if you care to -- alan068@centurytel.net
Until next time, Well Be.
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
LivingTree Root #033 "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Guy... Lies
By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
Before we get to Whey & Sucralose and the regrettable shortfalls of the "Dead Doctor's Don't Lie" Guy... Dr. Joel Wallach, let me give the impetus for taking him to task in this piece...
Folks, CODEX is coming! CODEX is an official movement frankly looming to facilitate corrupt Politicians & the Pharmz Industry. These are entities controlling your health care so as to maximize a profit only to them and to a cabal of MD's shilling for them.
With CODEX, if you want to take supplements —taken for granted now— you will have to get a prescription from an MD to buy an expensively inferior Supplement, likely, manufactured to "rigged-standards" by the evil Pharmaceutical Industry, in their stead. Predictably, all Calcium will be "Carbonate" — all Magnesium will be "Oxide"! All Vit. E will be synthetic "DL." All supp's will be crap, crap & more crap — "from A to Zinc"! Ummm... just like "Centrum" [tm].
CODEX, you see, is a program designed to give the already rich Pharmz industry, along with their pawns —the AMA, the FDA, and the best Politicians money can buy— almost complete control over every aspect of your nutrition & health-care. This is so they can have complete control over YOU, reader! Reader, their track record does not remotely earn that brand of broad sweeping control!
This "new world order" boondoggle is sweeping through Europe, already! Consequently, we already see the lies & misdirection utilized there to convince trusting "Sheeple" stateside that CODEX is all "about protecting our health and welfare"... you know, much like the IRS is only there to help.
You see, they maintain they're protecting the consumer by putting all "Supplemental-Charlatans" & "Snake-Oil Salesmen" out of business! So, CODEX, legitimately if duplicitously, points to rip-off crap like "SeaSilver", "Body-Balance", "Nutria", "FrequenSea" & many more as so-called good reasons for imposing a seemingly necessary CODEX on ALL the rest... I'm reminded of "babies and bathwater"!
Folks! Here is why this specious argument is completely fatuous! If the only objective is to protect us from Snake-Oil Salesmen? Then, with my blessing, *they* should have a powerful and well funded Government Agency testing every supplement for potency, purity, full-disclosure labeling & general efficacy.
All flagrant violators would be summarily "sterilized"... I mean "get tough"! That "SeaSilver" guy, for ready example, would be singing high falsetto in a "Boys Choir" when I was done with him. But that's not the interest, reader. The interest is to qualify their dodgy pharmz at the expense of the quality supplements that are available today! Available but at risk!
See, accomplish the goal in a fair way, like I suggest above (OK, maybe without the castration) —but not in an evil power-play where the only way to get Supp's is to go through a freaking MD, a suspicious entity ironically demonstrating over & over again that his goal is to keep you sick by only treating symptoms, doing nothing to prevent or fix the problem at the start... so he can then "manage" your disease for the rest of your miserable life — extracting maximum revenue from that misery with a wink, a smile, and a back-rub.
Believe me Folks, the Pharmz industry & their "lock-step" MD's will manipulate every facet of their new *gift* of mal-regulated Supplements —that they'd control remember—to insure we, collectively, take even more toxic Pharmz for the rest of our well abused lives.
Honestly, I could go to work for the Pharmaceutical Industry... eh? Sincerely, I could show them all sorts of underhandedly sneaky ways to make Supplements work for them, reader, and against YOU!
Why, to start, make it mandatory that every citizen start the day with a Centrum (for adults) & a FlintStones (for children)..."yeah, that's the ticket" ...and to insure most women actually DO develop Osteoporosis and are then further "legislated" a "Once-a-Month" Boniva... they need to take a huge 2000mg dose of Calcium CARBONATE (same as TUMS) every morning destroying the very stomach acid necessary to absorb the calcium in the 1st place. . "I can do that!" Oh, Sally!
Yeah boy, even Supp's causing you to need even more pricy Pharmaceuticals — Mo' Money, Mo' Money!
Consequently, intention, attention, and action are incumbent on all of us who like a choice of quality supplements, and who believe in the freedom to continue choosing! We need to speak out against these bogus products even if our sister-in-law or church-deacon is selling the crap MLM (multi level marketing)... eh?
So, this is where the venerable Doctor Wallach of the "Dead Doctor's Don't Lie" radio show, comes in. Doc is proud owner of "Youngevity Supp's" & about a half dozen subsidiary supplement companies comprising a massive MLM sales conglomerate.
Now, don't get me wrong, "Youngevity" has mostly great products — I especially like their liquid multi's & Plant-derived Colloidal Minerals! I just have issue with a couple of his other products. Also, I don't have a problem with MLM itself, really, except the prices are a little on the high side. Still, as long as it is a good product — then no problem. To this day I use Doc Wallach's, slightly more expensive, Colloidial Trace Minerals, because I feel they are the best, although I don't know that for sure, just to be clear.
Believe me, reader. This is one of the most difficult things I have ever felt compelled to write! See, I think there has been tremendous good accomplished through Doc Wallach, in the aggregate, by educating people regarding disease prevention through nutrition & knowledge of profit driven medical lies! All this should far outweigh the 3 or 4 little lies he tells... The problem is, though, these lies can come back to haunt you, me, him, and all the rest! Think "excuse for CODEX," eh?
Also consider: the "Heavy-Hitter's" in the Holistic Community (like Doc Wallach) have to be held to a very high standard, especially when they are such a hi-profile multi-millionaire already urinating in the Post-Toasties of every Medical Doctor out there by calling his radio show "Dead Doctor's Don't Lie"... ...See — this means "Living Doctor's Do Lie, am I right"!
BTW, "All doctors lying" is a sentiment I happen to firmly believe in, and can easily prove same if you care to challenge me. Please do. Please. I'll debate anyone anywhere, and believe me; I WILL eviscerate you with science & facts... and enjoy it. I digress.
The Pharmz Exec's & MD's can't wait to bring down Dr. Wallace & his supplement empire with CODEX ...and in my humble opinion Wallach is giving them needless ammunition by doing some greedy little things in a couple of his products which are unnecessary & unhealthful (in my considered opinion), but would provide his evil enemy Codex just such an ammunition.
The first two of these half-truths or lies I have known about for many years. Regretfully, I was willing to keep my mouth shut because I did not want to sully a guy I thought otherwise did such tremendous good... but just a week or so back from this writing he said something about Sucralose (Splenda) that was so blatant an obfuscation that it was, just, the final straw!
A caller inquired, straight out, if Sucralose —the sweetener in Splenda & the doc's big selling product "Nature's Whey" Protein Powder— was safe. Doc said it was a no-calorie sweetener coming from Molasses, so he "loved" Sucralose!
Molasses!?! Great suffering ZOT! That's a little like saying "Plutonium" is safe because it comes from "Dirt" & we grow "tomatoes" in dirt!
The ONLY tenuous connection I can make between Molasses and Sucralose is that Molasses is a by product of sugar production and then you can turn the sucrose (table-sugar) into Sucralose by using an extremely long, convoluted, and controversial series of CHEMICAL processes centered around the removal of 3 hydroxyl groups out of the sugar molecule... and then replacing them with 3 —potentially toxic—chlorine atoms. This new "Chlorinated" Sucralose molecule is the problem! "Loved" indeed!
So the molasses connection is completely bogus.
But before we do a little simple chemistry fun on the monstrous differences found in Hydrocarbons & Chlorocarbons comprising same? I might as well quickly point out the other 2 sneaky things I would like to see corrected concerning his products and about which I'd been remiss in not reporting.
1).. "Protein Powder" — Here is how this product is described on his web-site: "Whey is the purest, richest, most complete and bio-available protein source known to man. Nature's Whey contains pure whey protein, soy protein, and various vitamins and minerals as co-factors." The underline is mine.
Well, it's called Nature's "WHEY," right? This blurb above certainly makes it sound like this is mostly "Whey Protein..." uh ...but it did mention Soy Protein... though it mentioned it second; however, so in keeping with the "Convention" (Law) that ingredients are listed in order of decreasing amounts on a label, one might assume that this product is mostly (the more expensive) Whey Protein... BUT, this "1,2" sequence of Whey & Soy was not on the label, it was in their web advertisement... Still... ...shouldn't you sorta, kinda, and mostly follow that Convention in their web advertisement, anyway? Say "yes" reader!
...OK, So lets look on the label of Nature's "WHEY"....and see which item tops the list?
Hey! The first item listed is NOT WHEY, when it should be! It is a Milk Protein Isolate much cheaper than whey! Well surely, Whey must be listed next! NO Folks, the dangerous Soy Protein Isolate is next! The Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) finally comes in third and even then, it is not the superior WPI (Whey Protein Isolate), it is the less expensive WPC (concentrate)!
What does the item sequence in this case actually mean with regard to the percentages of each ingredient? Well, we don't know!
You have no way of actually telling how much Whey is in there because, even under the BEST conditions, you will have no more than 32% : (1) like the following - 35% Milk Protein, 33% Soy, and 32% Whey = 100%... say... So, the Whey could be as high as 32%. See? But shouldn't it still be called "Nature's Milk Protein"...not "Nature's Whey"?...Whey is listed 3rd; Milk Protein is FIRST. C'mon!
Also, doesn't a maximum of 32% Whey Protein "Concentrate" seem kind of chintzy, when you can get numerous 100% Whey Protein "Isolate" products for less money.
...Or (2), it could just as legally be a complete rip-off with the following tiny amount of the superior whey for 3rd place: say, 50% Milk, 45% Soy & only 5% Whey... you have no way of knowing.
I mean if they are already trying to trick you by calling the product "Nature's WHEY", when whey is listed 3rd with respect to amounts... why not go "Full Tilt Boogie" and only use a tiny little bit of the... most expensive item, Whey?
Shoot, you could put in 99% Milk & Soy protein with only 1% Whey & the label's descending order of amounts would still be correct... legally, but what about morally and ethically? Can some of you sales-people for this stuff tell me the percentage of whey? I didn't think so. Did any of you sales-people notice the label listed Whey 3rd... not 1st? Again, I didn't think so. Did you even know there was a difference between Whey "Isolate" & Whey "Concentrate." Uh, huh. I see.
Also in reference to the Soy in this product... it is Soy Isolate, which most credible holistic practitioners would say is very unhealthful crap because of Phytates, Oxalates & Phyto-estrogen! Have you noticed Eric Cartman's "boy-boobies"? It's the estrogen, Booby!
FYI, these aforementioned Oxalates rob your body of Calcium & other minerals and form Heel-Spurs & Kidney-Stones as a result of the harmful substance, Calcium-Oxalate! Oxalates are so high in Soy that it has the distinction of not only binding with 100% of the Calcium in the Soy rendering it useless to you... Vampiric, It goes out looking for more!
These dangerous double standards go on all the time! On any day of the week you can get Pharmacist Ben Fuchs (he fills in for Doc Wallach quite often) to readily admit that Soy Isolate has a very "Dark Side" (as he describes it) ...but, when a Fuchs' caller asks about the Soy in "Nature's Whey..." Whoa Newt! Watch Fuchs back-peddle & trip all over himself with some industrial strength "Hummina, Hummina" before he recovered enough to say, "Well, you shouldn't do too much Soy"...but wait a minute, Skippy!
... How much is "too much" when you consider Doc Wallach seems to encourage his audience to do "Nature's Whey" several times a day? OK, I've beat that enough. On to:
2).. "Nature's WHEY" Protein Snack Bars — Here is the Doc's description, "...Besides the excellent whey protein, they contain selenium, calcium, glucosamine and more. When you are skipping a meal to lose weight don't skip taking in the good stuff your body needs"!
OK Folks... I searched & searched the Nutritional Facts and the Ingredients section and I did find the "selenium, calcium, glucosamine and more" - but I did not find Whey Protein anywhere in either section.
I did; however, find "Soy Protein Isolate" & the particularly evil, "Soy Protein Crisp Nuggets" but NO WHEY! Then I quickly looked to make sure the candy bar wrapper didn't say "Nature's WAY"...no, no, it says "Nature's WHEY"...I just don't quite know what to make of this... on reflection it looks a little bit like, oh, I don't know... ...a lie, you think?
So I ask again...did any of you distributors notice there is NO "Whey" in "Nature"s WHEY" Protein Bars?
No whey? No way! Though, it is just this kind humbuggery that will fuel the onslaught of an evil CODEX!
OK, now for the biggy, Sucralose (Su)... the stuff in Splenda sweetener. Read Dr. Betty Martini's excellent article on Rense, ref. Sucralose http://www.rense.com/general63/SPLENte.htm. We are in ready agreement!
I also happen to agree with the #1 web holistic Doc, Dr. Mercola (and many others I might add) that Sucralose (Su) is not safe because it is a manmade "Chlorinated-Molecule." However, this paper is not to convince you Sucralose is unsafe, even though I hope I do — I will explain both sides of the "Chlorination" issue and then you can decide.
See, this paper is not about a suspect sweetener, this paper regards how a scientist like Dr. Wallach could celebrate the safety of his product while making this huge leap from Molasses to Sucralose without stopping off, even briefly, at that pesky little injection of 3 toxic atoms fundamentally creating Sucralose... yes, Sucralose is created. Manmade by men with dodgy track records, and ironically what a "CODEX" should go after, but does not!
Sucralose is not just some natural, harmless "part" of Molasses that you get after Granny stirs up a big pot of "cane-squeezins" on the wood fire... a little bit of hyperbole, but Doc Wallach certainly never mentioned the long, intricate, man-made processes of "Chlorination" that has many top holistic investigators crying foul!
Do a web search for anything resembling "How Sucralose is made" or "Sucralose processing," without mentioning Chlorine or Molasses in your query...AND then every time we see the word "Molasses" pop up in the 95,000 hits, I will give you $1000... but all you have to do is give me ONE Dollar every time you see the word Chlorine or Chlorination... I will win about $95,000... that's 95,000 hits to ZERO hits.
The 2 mainstream views are (1).. "Sucralose is a chlorinated sugar molecule rendering this New "sugar" unrecognizable to us, so it is not metabolized, meaning it passes harmlessly out of your body!" (2).. The opposing view is that some of the Sucralose is metabolized, and just how much seems to be the big question... Still, the FDA has found it to be "safe."
You also hear..." Suracrose is safe, much like table-salt, which contains a Chlorine atom, but the toxic Chlorine atom stays locked up in the salt & is not metabolized.
OK, let me take issue with this silly and specious argument while describing how this all works... This is high school chemistry:
Sugar is a hydrocarbon comprised of 12 carbon atoms with a hydroxyl group (hydrogen & oxygen) stuck to each one. For Sucralose, 3 of these hydroxyl groups are then chemically replaced with 3 chlorine atoms. This changes the sugar from a hydro-carbon to a chloro-carbon.
Because it is not biocompatible with human physiology, it would appear that much if not most of the stuff goes through w/o being metabolized... the problem is, then, just how much, if any, is actually broken apart... to release the VERY aggressive and toxic chlorine atom...the "Pit-Bull" of dangerous free-radicals.
See, even the Splenda website is careful to say that the "Su" molecule passes harmlessly through you and "ALMOST NONE" is metabolized —hey wait a minute!— which means some is metabolized... just "how much" is the question!
It remains, you cannot use the bogus sodium-chloride (table-salt) comparison & here's why:
Salt is not a fluorocarbon, chlorocarbon or hydrocarbon... in other words, sodium-chloride is completely inorganic and held together by the "Bionically" powerful "ionic bond"! The body does not even try to metabolize it! Chlorocarbons, on the other hand, contain organic compounds like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, which —being held together with the much weaker "covalent bond"— our liver will try to use it! See the problem?
Because I have no way of knowing for sure... I am going to go with the conservative figure that Dr. Mercola finds to be closest to reality - which is 15% of the sucralose will be converted... yow! I say conservative because others claim 25% & there is a Japanese study that had the figure up to 40%! Double Yow!
Next, it would certainly be wrong for Doctor Wallach to use the FDA as a credible verification of Sucralose safety, considering he is forever pointing out how the FDA is "in the tank" for "whomever" and "whatever"...though this is a sentiment I also endorse... look at Vioxx.
Lastly — "Sucralose is safe because chlorine is found naturally in food"... Oh lordy!
OK, "Listen-Up." Chlorine found naturally in food is good for you... still, the preceding chlorine and the man-manipulated Chlorine like that found in Tap-water (and Sucralose), et al, are as different as night & day — so forget that bogus argument!
That's about it. Do a modicum of research & I think you will agree with me! Besides, why take a chance with Sucralose at all when there is Stevia & Xylitol available...of course they are both more expensive. It remains reader, these are healthful.
For all you Youngevity (tm) associates who hate me right now... if you have a rational rebuttal, please write. I would be improved!
If you just want to vent & call me names...go ahead with that too, but I will put the ball right back in your court with "Don't you read & understand the labels of products you indorse & sell?" Finally, if I'm wrong, please demonstrate it to me; again, I would be improved. It remains, too, that I want to be a Wallach-phile... but he's making it difficult to love him.
Consider too: "What would Jesus do?" Doc is always interjecting God into his program... so if I'm right about all the subterfuge (lies) above — which...I am — then doesn't that sort of diminish all Christens... just a little bit? Are you "distributors" —who consider yourselves Christens— going to confront your boss and insist he clean up his act, or are you going to bow to the alter of Mammon (god of greed)?
Uh-huh, that's what I thought.
Chill, remember! I just bear the message. I'm not the threat, even as I point it out; however, if you do consider ME the threat, then I'm afraid somewhere in the future your final vacation will be "Butt-Surfing" on your own "Lake of FIRE."
Write if you like -- alan068@centurytel.net
Until next time, well be.
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
LivingTree Root #034 2008 Valentine's Day Diet Hints...(adults only!) By Alan Graham -- alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg -- www.AlienView.net
The most often asked nutritional health question I get is... "How can I enjoyably consume more healthful Raw Veggies, satisfy my Sweet-Chocolate 'Snacky-Cake' craving, while also 'firing-up' the libido of my Vegetarian significant-other with a meat-free, Aphrodisiac Menu that's also Low-Carb"?
OK...I made up that last part... ...but it just so happens that many of my favorite "Health" recipes contain legendary Aphrodisiac Foodstuffs which simultaneously protect your Heart, boost your Immune System & ease your troubled Mind... WHILE they put more lead in your erotic pencil! Moreover, EVERY ingredient iterated is "Probiotic" (For Life)! Not a single one is "Antibiotic" (Against Life).
Baked Stuffed Yam & Banana:
Make this for your Vegetarian girl-friend and she will know you are truly a culinary "Renaissance-Man"... ...especially if you can explain the nearly magical array of Heart-healthy, Cancer-fighting Anti-oxidants found in the "lowly" Yam. Truly the kind of talk that gets a girl hot. Am I right?
See? Even though Yams & Sweet Potatoes are from completely different families... they are, essentially, nearly identical first cousins and have been considered a sexual stimulant by Royalty for hundreds (thousands?) of years.
If you're Diabetic and conscientiously avoid processed "empty-calorie and hi-carb non-foods" like white bread & sugary cereal, then Yams can be a nearly perfect food for you nutritionally, even though they are not exactly low-carb. Consider, yams don't cause much of a glucose/insulin rise, especially when you consider how sweet they are! This is mainly due to its Hi-fiber but also other, more convoluted, reasons.
For example, Yams are high in manganese, a trace mineral required for carbohydrate metabolism. Additionally, Yams provide cofactors for a number of additional enzymes critical for energy production and utilization of protecting antioxidants.
Research suggests that carotenoids (very high in Yams) may help prevent insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels to help your diabetes. Also, they are very high in Vit. C & Vit. B-6, vitamins critical to the conversion of Homocysteine, that corrosive Amino Acid, remember, which is the major cause of arterial inflammation leading to Heart Disease!
Try this:
1)... Bake Sweet Potatoes/Yams until soft. 2)... Cut down the middle & Scoop out most of insides. 3)... Mash in bowl with ripe bananas...I like a Yam/Banana ratio of about 2 to 1. 4)... Mix in Cinnamon, a little Sea Salt & either Coconut oil, Real Butter or Olive oil or all 3 -- NEVER Margarine (did I need to say that?). If you really have a sweet tooth, throw in a little Stevia. 5)... Spoon mixture back into Potato Shell -- sprinkle top with chopped Walnuts (if you like a crunch that won't break your teeth) & Cinnamon - rebake a few minutes. Optional - Pull out all the stops by sprinkling it with Cayenne Pepper (CP)...also an ancient Aphrodisiac.
Raw Veggies...(RVs)
RVs provide Digestive Enzymes (enzymes degraded by heat), powerful Anti-oxidants (many degraded by heat), both soluble/insoluble Fiber, but maybe, most importantly... RVs will raise your body pH! This is a good thing. Harmful microbes & Cancer Cells don't do well in an Alkaline environment.
Unfortunately, virtually every food errantly processed by humans is Acid-forming, unlike Raw Veggies. RVs are Alkaline-forming...
TRIVIA? Stick a pH test strip in Lemon Juice and it will be very acidic, but in your body after digestion? It is one of the most Alkaline foods out there. Conversely, a piece of processed meat, like salami, would test alkaline but after it is *burned* in the body it leaves Acidic "ashes."
Regrettably, most people don't crave raw veggies because of the taste. The obvious way to make them more palatable is to cover them with some sort of ostensibly "Healthful" salad dressing found at the grocery store...but here's the problem - there is no such thing as a healthful salad dressing that comes from a typical grocery store. ( I admire the guy's charitable works...but not even Paul Newman's Dressings...).
Back on the salad dressing trail I think health food stores might have some fairly harmless salad dressings... but not regular grocery stores. They shill "Liquid-Plastic" in a squeeze bottle for your pleasure. Read the label, folks.
The point is...darn it, make your own Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Vinaigrette! It's easy and tastes great, compared to that Toxic (I'm not kidding!) Crap (Hyperbole meter zero) you get at the grocery store. Generally, the oil in ALL store-bought Vinaigrette is teaming with toxic, oxidized fats, called Lipid Peroxide.
Oxidized Veggie-Oil like Soy & Corn is 3 or 4 times more apt to block your arteries than the unjustly maligned Cholesterol. Poly-food oils (& yes Canola is also one, even if most think it is a "true" Mono) are Statin Drug Precursors (SDPs)! More of those please! Not!
Folks! Always use a "true", MONO-food oils, like Olive & Macadamia Nut or the magical MCT's of CocoNut Oil...make sure it is Hexan-Free.
OK, before we go any further, we should establish that the 2 sweeteners I like are Stevia & Xylitol, Stevia being the most expensive, but by far the best, in my opinion. It won't even cause tooth-decay. Xylitol is a sugar-alcohol found naturally in fruit...in a few it can cause mild bowel distress like gas .
For all you "Splenda" fans? Go to
http://www.mercola.com/sweet-deception-aspartame and listen to his
discussion on Splenda... then - You be the judge...Does
SALAD DRESSING : Olive Oil Vinaigrette with
Avocado — the avocado is optional, of course but it is unreal what avacado
does when you grind or blend a ripe Avocado into the Vinaigrette
below! Yow! It becomes a kind of "Green-Goddess" dressing that makes
those toxic store-bought "Green" dressings taste like green slime... which
they, of course, are.
2. Lemon Juice ...fresh is best. By using some Lemon juice (Alkaline-forming food) instead of only Vinegar (mild Acid-forming food) it makes the dressing pH a little more Alkaline...plus it has this great synergy with the blended Avocado. However, I have found that too much lemon is a little "over-powering".
3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil ...Here's where my dressing is different. Many people, like the snooty French, think there is a "Law" that Vinaigrettes MUST be at an Oil to Vinegar/lemon ratio of 3 to 1; however, I reverse that and use a ratio of 1 to 3... so it is mostly lemon & vinegar. This may mean you need to use a lot of Stevia or Xylitol to cut the "Sour-stuff," but that's fine.
The beauty of making your own dressing is you can try different Oil to Vinegar Ratios. Yes, the Olive Oil is heart healthy, but why consume more of it than you need to.
Please don't make the mistake of thinking you can substitute Canola Oil for Olive Oil ... No! Dieticians have lied, or at best misinformed you! Saying that Canola is a Mono-unsat Oil just like Olive... is just Not True! It is not remotely like Olive Oil!
Briefly, here are "Uncle Al's Food Oil Rules" -- Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Macadamia Nut Oil in moderation (cold or using as little heat as necessary) — However, use Unrefined, Hexan-Free, Organic Coconut Oil with which to fry! That's right! Coconut! You've been lied to about that too... In fact, try to incorporate a small amount (maybe 1/2 tablespoon or less) of CCnut into your diet for the "Energy/Synergy" MCT's (Medium-Chain Triglicerides).
Have you ever wondered why Polynesians (traditional-diet, not the white-man's "Snacky-Cake" Diet) have a very low incidence of Heart disease and a very high incidence of recreational sex? ...Bears consideration, eh?
4. Ripe Avocado: Mix in blender with other ingredients until it is thick enough to nicely coat Veggies...I have a tendency to throw in too much Avocado so it gets TOO thick. I have always liked chopped Avocado in my salads but blending some into the dressing will knock you to your knees... small Hyperbole...I NEVER use chopped/chunks of Avocado anymore...I blend it ALL.
5. Cayenne pepper — Optional but very, very healthful for your heart, digestion & possibly your sex life ... Cayenne pepper... make as hot as you like, too! Unlike Jalapeños & black pepper that can seem harsh to your gut, Cayenne is soothing to the gut.
Cayenne is a magical herb that lowers your blood pressure, increases stomach secretion & actually effects your mood... and you know how you are when you're in a good mood. See if this isn't so!
6. Garlic. I could never love a woman who thought garlic was offensive. Moreover, the history on this item is mythic! The herbalist Culpepper linked garlic with the planet Mars, a fiery planet connected with passionate blood. Roman soldiers ate garlic to inspire their passion and give them courage; Egyptian slaves were fed garlic to keep them lifting their bales and hauling their barges. Homer reports that Ulysses owed his escape from Circe to "yellow garlic". Garlic, clearly, does not occupy an exiguous place in food lore. Also, generally recognized as healthy, it is often considered apparently too healthy for polite society. Now you KNOW you want it on your plate... SALAD :
You certainly don't need me to tell you the "right" kind of veggies for a salad... but, let me tell you anyway...
1. ...Never waste a salad opportunity by using nutritionally weak, Iceberg lettuce! Always use dark-green Leafy lettuces, etc. like Romaine, Arugula or Kale. Green-Leafy Veggies are probably the # 1 most healthful form of Vegetable-matter there is; however, it's in a tight race with Cruciferous Veggies, so add them too!
2. Cruciferous Veggies -- Things Like Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels's Sprouts & Bok Choi are the other Hi-fiber, very healthful, Vegetables... they have a particularly arcane & potent Anti-oxidant which can help protect you from cancer...et al.
TRIVIA? Cruciferous comes from the word Crucifix, because the little flower on the plant is shaped like a Cross.
3. Bitter Greens (BGs) -- If you are or have been a heavy drinker or smoker and/or you have any sorts of liver problems...you might consider adding copious amounts of BGs to your Salads. Some of these powerful, "Liver De-Tox Greens" are Parsley, Cilantro, Endive, Dandelion, Arugula, Watercress...and guess what?? All of these have been considered Aphrodisiacs at some time in history!
4. Other Aphrodisiac Salad Vegetables --
a)... Arugula - Touted by Virgil & Galen as a powerful Aphrodisiac - it has the same Cancer-fighting properties as Broccoli. b)... Medicinal Mushrooms - Maitake, Reishi, Shiitake mushrooms - They 'boost' the immune system...et al...get it? et al... c)... Cucumber - According to recent research, this cool aphrodisiac vegetable stimulates a woman's olfactory senses. She can smell your "Pheromones" or is that "Old Spice"?
TRIVIA? Roasted P'nuts are one of the most Anti-oxidant packed foods out there...of course, Chocolate, gram for gram, is even HIGHER !
The safest peanuts are Organic Valencia! These are grown in the drier environments of New Mexico. Non-Organic Peanuts, unfortunately, are one of the more poison soaked crops around.
Peanut Butter/Chocolate Health Snack ... ALWAYS use "Natural" Peanut Butter where the oil floats to the top , then pour it off & throw it away...you'll be replacing it with non-toxic Oil.
The following P'nut Butter Snack is very rich & sweet but has actually no sugar and is high in the most digestible form of Protein, and the "fat-burning" Fat (MCT's) found in Mother's Milk & Coconut Oil. Also, other than the Whey and the Stevia, the history is that every item in the following has at one time been considered an aphrodisiac!
(1). Coconut Oil -- If you refrigerate this CCnut oil mixture, it will get hard as a brick...I prefer the CCnut Oil kind that stays soft at room temp - so I don't cool it. The powerful anti-oxidants in the CCnut Oil will protect the little bit of remaining peanut oil from going rancid, at room temp, for at least a week or probably much longer...with me, the stuff never last more than 2 or 3 days - It's addictive. That's a good thing in this case, remember. (2). Olive Oil -- If you want to refrigerate, but have it remain soft, then use Olive Oil. (3). You might also want to mix the 2 oils above...but even if you use just a little CCnut Oil, & refrigerate, it will get hard. However you may like it hard...Stop !...that's not what I meant.
I apologize, but writing about food & Aphrodisiacs - the "Double-Entendres" come fast & furious...jeez, see what I mean?
OPTIONAL : a)... Chocolate -- This magical Aphrodisiac is extremely high in some of the most powerful Anti-oxidants found in nature (Many dozens of times more powerful than Vit. C) - but the problem is the stuff most people eat is loaded with sugar and toxic fats. Real Sugar-free Dark Baking Chocolate tastes dry (low-fat) & bitter (no-sugar) so all you have to do is add those things yourself...which can be easily accomplished by adding the Choc. to the Peanut Butter Concoction above or some variation of it as long as you leave in the Oil & the Stevia. When I make the "Chocolate-Kind" I leave out the Whey...so it's mostly Choc & P'nut Butter.
Research shows that Chocolate triggers the release of "feel-good" chemicals in the brain of most women & polls show that the # 1 most sensual food is... Chocolate. Why is a "box of chocolates" the traditional Valentine's Gift again?
When buying chocolate you must be very, very careful because many brands try to make their product appear to have no sugar but actually do have sugar. Many "bitter-sweet" chocolates sound like they are sugar-free but bitter-sweet DOES have Sugar. Of course if you're slim & non-diabetic then a little sugar, occasionally, won't hurt you - but if you need a "Chocolate-Fix" everyday, then it is important that you use the NO-Sugar kind.
WARNING : You may think I'm beating this horse to death...BUT I'm not. The label MUST say something to the effect of "100%, Cocoa, Unsweetened, DARK" It can also say "Baking Chocolate" but must still say "100%, unsweetened, Dark."
If it says "70% - no added sugar"...IT HAS SUGAR! If it says "Sugar-Free"...THAT MEANS NOTHING! If it does not say "Dark"...IT MAY NOT BE DARK! If it just says "100% cocoa powder"...IT HAS LIKELY BEEN PROCESSED TO DEATH with Alkalies - Get non-alkali !! If it says "No added sugar"...IT HAS SUGAR !!. If it says "gives that Dark Chocolate taste"...IT IS NOT DARK CHOCOLATE!
To illustrate the genius of the late Bill Hicks, he proposed that people who write Advertising Copy should make the world a better place by killing themselves! Here's an example why. Consider the following statement - "Our Milk-Chocolate has NO added Sugar"!
Does this sound like their stuff is Sugar-Free or Low-Sugar ? Of course, but milk-chocolate is already loaded with sugar so there's no need for "added" sugar. This would be like saying "There is NO added sugar in our Honey"- This is just one example of a least half a dozen different sleazy ways that chocolate Ads were cleverly written to look like the product contained NO or low sugar.
b)... Cayenne Pepper (CP) -- I am so "Twisted" that I put Cayenne Pepper in sweet snacks like this... try it, you will be surprised at the taste, and...
TRIVIA? - Cayenne Pepper's (CP) synergistic effect, makes other supplements work better... CP w. Hawthorne Berry strengthens your Heart! CP w. Glucosamine repairs your Joints! CP w. Magnesium lowers high BP! CP w. Food improves digestion! CP before sex... ...well, you get the idea.
Some Vegetable Powdered Proteins like Soy are very low in the essential Amino Acid Methionine and are not very digestible... If you want strictly Veggie Protein I would recommend Hemp Protein... it is the superior vegetable form... otherwise use Whey Protein or raw Eggs. I also like Protein from Brown Rice & yellow Pea...please stay away from Soy Isolate...fermented Soy, however, is great.
To help you lose weight? Blend a giant Smoothie (put in frig) and every couple of hours ( 5 to 8 times daily) take a couple of big gulps. This gives a steady "trickle-charge" of nutrients, in particular the 2 forms of the highest digestible proteins WPI ( whey protein isolate) or Hemp Protein & raw eggs (these are optional if a person just can't eat a raw egg or if a Vegetarian). This 5 to 8 mini-meals, with a steady supply of very digestible nutrients, will keep you from having the "Mad-Eatties" so you don't stuff yourself on Double-Stuff Oreos or Cheezy Poofs in the 7/11 parking lot at 3:00 in the afternoon while on the way to pick up the kids. You know who you are...
c)... Coconut (flaked, sugar-free) and/or Coconut
oil...read "Fat Facts" at
f)... If you don't have Diabetes then a handful of berries or banana is OK.
Now, go forth and practice your multiplication!
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
Well be.
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
LivingTree Root #035 Joint-Pain & the Lupus Lie By Alan Graham -- alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg -- www.alienview.net
For the fortunate uninitiated, Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus) is a chronic autoimmune disease, which drives it right in for our general assessment, eh? As with other autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks the body's cells and tissue, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage. The reader may have noticed the words "autoimmune" and "inflammation." These are words we've dealt with in the past, right? The medicos interested only in management though pricey pharmz propound there is currently no cure...
OK... let's explore that!
Lupus & joint-pain in general: In my opinion doctors have it all wrong, predictably, because in as much as Lupus is supposedly an "autoimmune disease," they feel the obligatory need to prescribe their usual toxic crap, like steroids, for the very questionable purpose of limiting the very system the body has to protect itself! Again, this aforementioned crap acts to suppress the immune system, an activity our medicos gleefully propose is indicated and otherwise called for! Upon examination it is found to be an approach serving them very well but is actually opposite of what serves the lupus sufferer... no surprise there, eh? Sincerely, I suspect this approach to be nothing less than explicably crazy.
See, in my not so humble opinion the problem is a weak immune system at the start, further weakening that natural system is insane! Consider, in the holistic world anyway, Lupus is almost always helped by pumping up the immune system with Supplements & nutrition, and not knocking it down with the usual dodgy pharmz!
I am living proof of my own contention. Remember, I was almost dead from another "autoimmune Disorder", Crohn's Disease! Too, my MD's told me if I took a bunch of antioxidants & immune enhancing Supplements it would cause my already agitated, whacky immune system to "Flare"...resulting in more pain & inflammation — "So, Mr. Graham, you have to suppress the overactive immune system... you dummy".
Well... in my opinion, THEY LIE ! It's like Eric Cartman, reader, snacky-cake in hand, admonishing you to respect his "authori-tah"! Cartman only ever serves himself, right?
Well — I cured my Crohn's by taking a broad spectrum of anti-oxidants and immune/digestion enhancing Supplements! Moreover, I ate foods the medicos told me to avoid, like 6 or 8 poached eggs daily... good for Lupus & joint-pain, because of the high sulfur & Omega-3 Fatty-Acids, EPA & DHA like those found in fish. Also, I consumed Saturated Fats like real Butter & Coconut Oil... a couple of Butter's arcane, shorter-chained fatty-acids, are great for joint inflammation! The anti-inflammatory characteristics of the magical MCT's found in Coconut oil explains why Polynesians who eat the traditional diet don't appear to get Lupus & Arthritis...
So, you see, MD's & mainstream dieticians are evil inveterate liars! Inveterate liars, or cognitive dissonance has so warped their sensibilities they don't know up from left anymore!
Now — Lupus is a proverbial tough nut, so try as much of the following as possible! Too, be tenacious, reader! It takes real effort to use everything & eat everything necessary to beat-back this disease! For example: if you are not willing to cut SUGAR & WHITE FLOUR out of your life completely, then there is no need for further conversation... stop reading, take your prednisone and tune up American Gladiators... Otherwise, it's presumed you're not a Bone-Head, and we'll continue:
1..Diet (Questions? Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net):
a).. No sugar - must use Stevia or Xylitol or nothing. Sugar does EVERYTHING Bad! It provokes insulin production which causes inflammation while it depresses your immune system. Also, avoid hidden sugar like Ketchup & Sweet fruit juice - the exception is fresh lemon or lime juice sweetened w. Stevia. Some holistic advisors say don't eat acid fruits w. lupus, so if it seems to bother you then stop... but I don't see it being a problem. Why? Lemons & limes "appear" acidic but after metabolism they are one of the top Alkaline-Forming foods! This can certainly help with joint maintenance.
b).. No bread - replace with "Bread" made from Hemp, Seeds & Sprouts, but NO Alflafa sprouts...they contain a substance that can aggravate Lupus. Homo Erectus did not evolve grinding & eating hi-gluten grains like wheat, barley & rye. Gluten is a very troublesome form of protein that can lead to joint pain & whacky autoimmune problems - caused by gluten's lack of digestibility!
FYI : (1).."Hi-Gluten" rice contains NO gluten...gluten, in this case, just means "sticky. " (2)..The "gluten" in Oats is sort of an "in between" form of gluten that is usually much better tolerated than the wheat, barley, rye kind. (3)..Soaked or Sprouted wheat & barley are great...they are not the same as the harmful grains.
c).. No cereal - replace with all the soft poached, cage-free or organic eggs you want, in fact eat lots of these sulfur-containing foods like onions & garlic. Also replace cereal with a WPI (Whey Protein Isolate) smoothy w. banana, berries, freshly-ground flax seed, a couple of egg yolks & stevia to sweeten.
FYI about raw Eggs :
(1)..I used to be a big advocate of raw eggs, believing that the glycoprotein in uncooked egg-whites, that binds to biotin, was more than compensated for by the biotin-rich egg-yolk; however, it appears this is not correct (there's not enough biotin in the yolk). You need to take about a 5000mcg capsule of biotin with a raw egg-white. Or, even better is to separate the egg-yolk to put in smoothy, etc., then soft scrambling the egg-whites because cooking destroys the glycoprotein! Subsequently, eat separately or remix with the raw egg yolk! Soft cooked egg-white mixed w. raw egg-yolk taste better than great! (2)..Raw egg yolks are an extremely nutritious and enriching addition to your Smoothy but don't blend in the machine... gently stir in with a fork after the hi-speed blending.
d).. No pasta - replace with yams, sweet potatoes, avocadoes & rice slathered in all the real butter you want on them! In fact, yams/sweet potatoes & avocadoes have many nutrients good for lupus... BUT NO white potatoes, reader!
"Night-Shade Veggies" like white potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cayenne pepper, pimento, and paprika also contain a substance that can cause joint pain. Giving up tomatoes & peppers is darn near unacceptable to me, so after you get to feeling better, try reintroducing them — see if it bothers you. To be honest, with my autoimmune disease & the joint-pain associated, I couldn't tell any difference with or without Night-Shade veggies... but with some people it can have a dramatic effect.
b).. No Poly-Food Oils like Canola, Soy, corn, sunflower, safflower, grapeseed, cottonseed, peanut, etc. Replace w. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil or Organic, Hexan-Free Coconut Oil... AND, if you believe the lie that Canola Oil (Canadian Oil) or Rape-Seed oil is a heart-healthy, Mono-Unsat Oil , just like Olive Oil then, again, there is no need for you to continue to listen to me because you are lost in the tall grass.
Also No TransFat from partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (pHVO) found in margarine, vegetable shortening & all commercial baked goods...humm, like bread.
c).. No Carbonated or fizzy drinks of any kind! These neutralize valuable stomach acid... so, no Tums or Antacids... no Calcium CARBONATE or Magnesium OXIDE! You must use only Organic Chelated minerals like Albion, Amino-Acid Chelated, Kreb's Cycle Chelated, citrate, malate, lactate, gluconate, etc... only!
Stomach acid destroying crap like sodas & Tums is a major cause of Joint Pain and every other disease for that matter. The overuse & misuse of antacids by your perhaps sociopathic MD is a crime against humanity... the LACK of stomach acid in most people leads to reflux, heartburn and yes, joint pain. Too little acid can lead to virtually every other disease! Remember, as folks get older most of these need MORE stomach acid, not less, like the evil MD's are always trying to convince us.
d).. No tap-Water or bottled-water - the Chlorine & Fluoride in tap-water attacks the good bacteria in your gut while the fluorine & aluminum (anti-clouding agent) attacks your thyroid! This causes you to gain weight, feel rundown... exacerbating Lupus. Most bottled water in plastic is toxic and besides, there are no "Standards" for the bottled water industry...
It would appear that as much as 40% of bottled water is just plain old toxic TAP-WATER!
Use the best water filter you can find... the best PUR or a couple of other brands are OK - but the best is Reverse Osmosis (RO) - it is SO clean that the trace-minerals are even removed and must be replaced with very cheap liquid trace-mineral drops containing the 70+ Trace-Min's.
e)..No table-salt - This not a small thing, it is a very big THING! Replace your toxic table-salt with Sun-Dried Sea-Salt, that is grey or off-white... pink Himalayan Sea-Salt is great as long as it comes from some of the BIG Supp' distributors because there are cheap, fake "Himalayan" salts that are very high in Fluoride. Also, don't get the pure white sea-salt at the grocery store! It does not contain the 70+ Trace minerals required.
This also means don't do like doctor's are always telling people and cut out all salt... you need a moderate amount of Sea-salt to make the Stomach acid necessary to utilize the difficult to absorb Minerals & Trace Minerals necessary to combat lupus.
f).. Do not take Supp's with Iron, but eat raw hi-iron veggies like Green-leafy Veggies (but no worthless iceburg lettuce) - Use Kale, Romaine or those "Garden-Medley" type bags of 8 or 10 diff. veggies & herbs. Also, eggs are high iron. I would avoid spinach until your condition improves because of the high Oxalate content leaching minerals from your body. Soy, spinach & beet greens are Hi-Oxalate and should be avoided until you get better - but low-oxalate foods like Kale are OK.
g)..No processed foods...they all contain some or all of the following: sugar, oxidized-oils, refined flour, soy, corn, pHVO TransFat & much more crap.
h).. Soy - Soy is the biggest lie ever shoved down our throats - fermented soy is fine, tofu is a little "Bad"- but Soy Isolate is the real evil one (found in protein powders & processed foods). The Phytates & Oxalates in Soy bind with the minerals & trace-min's that you need to help your lupus.
i)..No dairy except for fermented dairy products like some yogurt's with 4 or 5 live cultures listed - not just a label that says "Live Cultures" without listing them, because they will likely only contain the couple of non-colonizing bacteria that make the yogurt...you want those cultures that "colonize". Avoid the trouble of trying to figure it out by using Kefir with no added sugar. It is yogurt SQUARED...most containing 8 or 10 excellent live cultures. If you eat or drink (thin & add stevia as a wonderful milk substitute) about a cup of Kefir every morning then you don't need to take a Probiotic Capsule that I recommend later.
j).. No burnt, fried or char-broiled meat...only "liquid cooked" meat like soups, stews, crock-pot, pot-roast... or you can roast things like chicken breast as long as you keep some water in the pan. Liquid cooked meat does not get much above the temp of boiling water (100 degrees C) so no dangerous inflammation causing Free-radicals like HCA are created.
k).. Do not eat fish or seafood of any kind unless you can be 100% sure it is mercury free... which is hard to do so just avoid fish. We'll get the Omega-3's in the Supp' section below.
2.. Supplements :
a).. Take a Multi that is a notch above those store-bought abominations like Centrum, Theragram to FlintStones... (oh, the humanity!). Take a multi without the following: No "dl" Vit.E ( must be "d" or the superior "Natural Mixed")... nowhere in the "Supplemental Facts" or "Other Ingredients" should you see the words CARBONATE or OXIDE... the Vit.D should be D-3 (cholecalciferol) not the 500 times less active crap, D-2, (ergocalciferol) like that found in "bad for the body" milk.
b).. EFA's - Very important stuff... take Krill oil (from 2 grams to 5 grams depending on how much you can afford... it's little expensive but is superior to fish oil) or take a Hi-Potency, molecular distilled Fish Oil. Hi-Potency means every gram has at least 500mg of EPA & DHA per gram of oil...Regular-Potency only has 300mg of EPA & DHA per gram (take 2 to 8 grams daily w. food). Also take 2 to 4 grams of Black Currant Oil with the fish or krill oil.
c).. Take 800 to 1000mg of Calcium in 2 doses of 500mg with food & take 800mg to 1000mg of Magnesium in 2 doses. NEVER use Carbonate or Oxide... Albion is the best Amino-acid chelated, followed by other Amino-acid Chelated forms, Kreb's Cycle, Citrate, Malate, Lactate & others. Take with food but if you get the Mag separately from the Cal. then you can take the Mag. any time, with or w/o food. In fact with lupus it is better to take the cal & mag separately so you can take a large dose of about 500mg of Magnesium just before bed to help every muscle relax & greatly improve your "morning constitutional."
If you are not going to take a Multi with Vit.K, Silica & Boron then I would not even bother to take the Calcium but I would take the Mag. Many if not most multi's do not contain all 3 (Vit.K, Boron & Silica) - so which ever ones are missing need to be bought separately... they are all dirt cheap.
d)..Glucosamine - The Sulfate form will do but the NAG form is superior & seems to work especially well with Lupus.
e).. Vit.C - take 3 to 5 thousand mg of Vit.C (Ester-C is likely the best). Considering you probably already have a sick gut, you could reach "bowel tolerance" long before you get to 5000mg of Vit.C... especially if you take a large dose of C with the large dose of Magnesium at bedtime - it could cause diarrhea.
FYI : These large doses of Vit.C & Magnesium make a great "poor-man's" Colon-Cleanse that you might do on purpose once a month or so. Because everybody's "bowel-tolerance" is different, you need to experiment with ever increasing doses until you get results. It is safe even if you over-do it with a really LARGE dose...it will just "Blow-you-out" that much faster. Always repopulate your gut with some sort of Probiotic after a colon-cleanse.
f).. Vit.E - 400iu of "Mixed" or "D" tocopherol. The "Mixed" has all 4 of the tocopherols, which is superior - but if you really want the total synergistic effect then take all 8 forms of Vit.E... the 4 tocotrienols with the 4 tocopherols. The Tocotrienols are a little expensive but they are very powerful.
g).. Zinc & Copper - Always take togeather. Use Albion or Amino acid Chelated. Take about 30mg in addition to 15mg of Zinc in most Multi's...take 1 or 2mg of copper in addition to the 1mg or so that is in your Multi.
h).. Probiotics (good gut bacteria) - Take a triple dose for about 10 days then drop back to a regular dose...use a "Heat-Stabilized or Freeze-dried" that does not need refrigeration & then refrigerate it ANYWAY.
i).. Digestive Enzymes - (WITH FOOD) Take a broad spectrum (at least 6 or 8 diff. enzymes) formula...with Ox-bile if you have no gall-bladder. Take with the first bite of protein containing meal.
j).. Digestive Enzymes - (WITHOUT FOOD) Take the pineapple digestive enzyme Bromelain on an empty stomach between meals twice daily. This Enzyme therapy without food will likely do more to stem inflammation than the formula above that you take with food. I like the formulas that are "Bromelain & Quercetin" togeather & they're cheap.
k).. Anti-oxidants - Take as much as you can afford : grapeseed extract, resveratrol, green tea extract (take these 3 with or w/o food) -- take R-fraction ALA & NAC without food (take 1000mg of Vit.C w. NAC). Because NAC is a precursor to Glutathione (GSH), it is a cheaper & more efficient way to boost GSH levels. GSH in supplemental form is not well absorbed...but it is by far the most powerful & important antioxidant of them all.
FYI : If money is not a major factor, then take "Co Q-10" in small (30mg) up to large (600mg) doses of this powerful but very expensive antioxidant.
l).. Immune boosters - Here are a few of my favorites - Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan - Medicinal mushrooms (Maitake & Shiitake), Olive Leaf (very cheap), Selenium (take 400mcg, it's dirt cheap), Zinc & Copper (take 30mg & 2mg togeather). Because 80% of your immune system is in the gut, the following gut supp's are great for boosting immunity... L-glutamine (take double dose w/o food) & Probiotics (the good bacteria in your gut are a major component of your immune system).
Here's the thing...even if this does not fix your Lupus it will not be a waste because your overall health has to improve if you cut out the toxins & crappy foods like sugar & Soy & take all the supp's to cover all the other bases. This truly "Holistic" approach for Lupus will protect your heart & brain while it repairs your joints... that is the beauty of supp's & diet as opposed to toxic pharmz... supp's are multi-purposeful and multi-tasking! For example, the glucosamine (above) that we take for cartilage & joint repair is great for keeping your heart-valves working properly... and the Krill Oil relieving joint inflammation also lowers your blood pressure & decreases platelet-stickiness to protect Heart & Brain.
People who are "Antibiotic" (against Life) and practice their craft by taking toxic pharmaceuticals only treating symptoms? These are Bone-Heads! "Probiotic" (for Life) people who take Supp's & natural foods can actually fix their problems, not just mask them! Additionally, these persons will have no underlying disease getting worse...
See, most of the time, the pharmz treating just the symptoms actually accelerate the progression of the disease! For example - NSAIDS, like aspirin, while relieving joint-pain, inhibits the system that repairs the damaged cartilage. See what I mean? Tell me that's not Bone-Headed ?
That's enough.
Closing, I want to remind the reader that it is likely a majority of the ills they might suffer which are predicated on the foods they eat... and on the nutritional supplements which they do not eat. Lupus is just one of these ills positively effected by the same diet and nutrition.
Well be!
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net
LivingTree Root #036 Erectile Dysfunction "My Woody's Outside" (part Deux) By Alan Graham -- alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg -- www.alienview.net
"My woody's outside Covered with snow,
place to go, now. Only surfer-boy around."
The Trade
Winds - peaked at # 32 in 1965
See, just like every other ailment or dysfunction suffered, it makes opportune sense to correct whatever deficiencies are causing the problem at its root. This is apart from any peripheral cause, eh? In other words, the reader shouldn't be satisfied alleviating mere symptoms while ironically facilitating that which causes those frustrating flaccid "symptoms," to begin with, right? Too, as well, addressing the root causes of Woody's ailment provides serendipitous protections for heart, brain, joints... everything moving that "woodie" around — and providing for the DESIRE to use it, at all! Remember, as we have said before in many other of these papers: covering ALL the nutritional bases has the potential to fix just about anything adjacent and associated with or even completely disassociated with the malady suffered.
OK... let me "back-pedal" a bit...
I'm likely being a tad unfair when referring to libido enhancing herbs as "Herbal Viagra" — especially in comparison with Dodgy pharmz. Consider that virtually ALL herbs have numerous "side-effects" which are, almost always, very beneficial... unlike Viagra & virtually ALL other pharmaceuticals! These latter, as we have pointed out many, many times, have SIDE-EFFECTS ranging from nuisance to life threatening... does blindness or deafness qualify as "disqualifying side effects," reader?
Consider instead the popular sex-drive herb, Gotu Kola! This herb also protects your heart, brain, liver, connective tissue & much more. Also, another widely used herb for impotence, Maca Root, increases energy while it boosts your natural immunity. There are many of these "Libido-Herbs" which are similarly multifaceted.
Beware still, reader! It's smart to read up on side-effects for ANY herb you take because some may be problematic! For example "Yohimbe Bark," recommended below, can cause an unsafe increase in blood pressure if you are already on the high side. So, obviously, you must be fit & without heart, liver or kidney disease to use it.
Anyway, take the following and remember, even as this list is tailored towards "Woody Enhancement," it will simultaneously protect your heart, brain & every other organ:
1.. Take a good Multi.Vit/Min avoiding any multi's with mineral forms which are Carbonate or Oxide — look for: Minerals that are Amino-Acid Chelated, Kreb's Cycle, Citrate, Malate, Lactate, Gluconate, Polynicotinate, et al. Also if the Vit. E is the "dl" form...PUT IT BACK. Vit.E should be "d" alpha or "Natural-Mixed" Tocopherol.
FYI : It was Mother-Nature's intention for us to get all 8 forms of Vit.E to achieve complete synergy ...so take a soft-gel with the 4 Tocotrienols (a tad expensive) along with the 4 Tocopherols found in the "Natural-Mixed" soft-gel. Or you can get all 8 in one soft-gel. If money is a concern...it is better to take very small amounts of all 8 as opposed to a huge amount of just the one major form, "d" alpha tocopherol.
2.. EFA's - To get "Complex" Omega-3's take Krill Oil (more expensive but superior to fish oil) take 2 to 5 grams w. food. OR Fish Oil (cheaper) take 2 to 8 grams daily. Also, to get some "Complex" Omega-6 (GLA) & a synergistic balance with the Omega-3's - take 2 to 4 grams of Black Currant Oil with the fish or krill oils.
EFA's help make sperm & seminal fluid while protecting your heart & brain — not forgetting that the Eskimos, who consume mass-quantities of "Complex" Omega-3's in fish oil, etc. as opposed to "Simple" Omega-3 in Flaxseed, are people famous for being "Frisky" little "Nose-Rubbers", vital well into old age... which translates into many years of "gittin' jiggy with it" because the traditionally dieted Inuit live longer than the rest of us.
3.. Vit.C with bioflavonoids - boost testosterone & a million other healthful things.
4.. DMG - take 2 SUBLINGUAL (under the tongue) tablets of Food Science DMG... 1 AM & 1 PM, (it's cheap). Dilates blood vessels for erection while it pumps up your immune system - reduces BP, reduces cholesterol & triglycerides, while stabilizing glucose. This is actually a "Libido-Supplement" because there is really no such thing as a DMG deficiency... but it can help you in a multitude of different ways in addition to those above.
5.. Zinc & Copper - always take together! Take 30mg & 2mg in addition to the Z & C in your multi. Z & C boost testosterone & is one of the most powerful free-radical fighting Combo's out there! And for the Ladies - it is essential for healthy Hair, Skin & Nails.
6.. Selenium - Take 300 to 400mcg of Amino-Acid Chelated form (also called selenomethionine), in addition to the amount in your multi should total 500mcg or less. Does everything good... from fighting impotency to cancer & heart disease protection. Vast areas (along with many people) are selenium deficient & don't know it.
7.. B-25 or B-50 Complex - take 2 (B-25's) daily w/o food, 1 AM & 1 PM. or take 1 (B-50) in AM. The Riboflavin will make your urine sparkle, greenish-yellow. It's a good thing... it just means every cell has reached Vit.B-2 "saturation". If it is more convenient, go ahead and take B Complex with food.
8.. DHEA - *WARNING WILL ROBINSON!*, "Young adults DO NOT need DHEA"... take 25 mg for a month or 2, then stop. If you notice a positive difference while taking the DHEA and if you want to continue taking the DHEA then you should spend about $130 times 2 and have your MD or HMO give you 2 DHEA tests (start & after about 3 months) to make sure you don't take too much. It is a hormone that if used in large doses for a long time will make your fingers grow longer & other unhealthful things. My military contracted HMO will pay for the DHEA test but most will not.
Keep this in mind regarding DHEA... the so called "normal range" is very wide, like 50 to 500. This is because when you are age 21 your DHEA might be 450 but if you are 50 years old it has likely fallen to about 75 or lower. So this (75) may still be in the "normal" range - but why settle for that "old-man" end of the spectrum when you can take supplemental DHEA (like maybe 25 to 50mg daily) & pump that sucker back up to "Young & Studly" levels... around 400 or so. Mine went from about 50, up to 450 after 3 months of 50mg daily...now I take 25mg most days. "You must get tested or leave it alone"!!
9.. Sun-dried Sea-Salt - to get the 70+ trace minerals, in particular natural iodine for your thyroid...virtually every bodily process uses several, if not many of the 70+ trace minerals as co-factors. Also, don't fall for the "No-Salt, Low-Salt" crapola... you need a moderate amount of salt to make the stomach acid necessary to digest food, at all, especially protein. Salt is required.
10.. Yohimbe Bark - this is the one herb that gets alot of good press for expanding blood vessels, but be cognizant of the possibility of an increase in BP.
11.. L-Arginine - a powerful cancer-fighter, found in seminal fluid...also increases blood flow (a vasodilator) so reduces BP. Like ALL amino-acids, take w/o food. Actually if these items were in descending order of "Woody" efficacy, L-Arginine would be close to the top of the list! Some research indicates that you should take a 2 or 3 week break from large doses of L-Arginine every few months.
Questions? alan068@centurytel.net
Also: To insure you have half-way descent absorption of all the items above it would be smart to do the following:
1.. Take a broad spectrum Digestive Enzyme Formula with the start of every meal:
(a)..Other than containing the necessary main 3 enzymes, Amylase (carbs), Protease (protein) & Lipase (fats), I would also want Cellulase (digests cellulose) & Lactase (if you consume dairy). Some labels might list Pancreatin which actually contains the main 3 enzymes. So if the label listed - Pancreatin & Cellulase, then you have the 4 minimal bases covered. However, why not go ahead & get a formula with 6 or 8 different enzymes...it's cheap & extremely efficacious! (b)..If you have no gall bladder then take a formula with Ox-Bile...or take a separate "Bile-Salts" supplement with your enzymes. Bile is needed to digest "Fats"...like the critical Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) listed above. (c)..If you're over 45 it would be OK to take a formula with some Betaine HCL (stomach acid in a capsule)...as long as it does not burn your esophagus or stomach.
2.. Take a "Heat stabilized" or "Freeze-Dried" Probiotic (good Gut bacteria) every AM on an empty stomach & if you want a very synergistic amino-acid that is dirt cheap, then take a couple of grams of L-Glutamine with your probiotics...this will lengthen your intestinal villi for greater absorption & better toxin protection.
Lastly...Brain Chemistry expressed by that warm & fuzzy feeling directly effects aggregate "Woodiness," so to speak... and I don't mean the hazardous way SSRI's, like Zolof, provide you with "Used" Serotonin, ("has anybody seen the key to the gun cabinet ?") -- I mean do it the way we evolved or the way God made us, if you prefer!
Never consume sugar or flour! This public enemy #1 causes depression & then makes you crave more of the same thing causing the depression... more sugar please. Instead, consume highly digestible (not denatured) protein! This decreases your craving for carbs while it accelerates tryptophan into your brain, in turn stimulating the production of Serotonin. Whey Protein Isolate & raw egg yolks are good sources.
Also get as much sunlight as you can on your skin & in your eyes, short of burning... this also produces Serotonin along with Vit.D's Skin Cancer-Protection as a result of the sun's UV manufactured Vit.D-3. Alan, you mean the sun (short of burning) helps protect you from skin cancer... that's right, Buckaroo - we are being lied to.
Closing, proper nutrition is not a quick-fix to a manly "caber" a burly Scotsman couldn't toss, like Viagra purports, but the reader would rather, I'm sure, build an erectional skyscraper from the strongest foundation on up —floor by sturdy floor— using materials that won't make the occupant go blind or provoke a stroke, eh? That's what Viagra is reader: third rate quick-fix concrete in a substandard construction. I suspect I'm not far off.
Besides, remember that Viagra won't create desire if there is none there to start; it only creates the "Faux-Woody"! No, reader, on reflection I think you'll agree that a senselessly uninformed consumption of "penis-dope" is decidedly not an intelligent solution to your woody malfunction. Hey! Just say no.
That's enough.
Well be!
Alan Graham E-mail -- alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive -- http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html |
LivingTree Root #037 Revealed! Aluminum-Fluoride Complex Insomnia By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg
As folks age, many start to experience an insomnia for which medical science, apart from its plethora of toxic or addictive Pharmaceuticals, offers suspect bupkis. Unfortunately, I don't have a really good natural remedy, either... even though there are many available, they never did much for me. Still, toward the end of this piece I'll give you the short story on SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), Melatonin-Light Discipline, etc. & share some things you can do which might help. Again, sadly, I think these things are of likely peripheral significance & likely to help only a few.
The "Buzz-Kill" set-up results from my contention that virtually every adult (especially the older ones - to include myself) are suffering, in widely varying degrees, from AlFx (Aluminum-Fluoride Complex) poisoning! This is a poisoning achieved as a result of a lifetime of ingesting Fluoride & Aluminum, forgetting the other toxins contributing: like Chlorine, Mercury & even oxidized Poly-Unsat Food Oils!
If you are being robbed of sleep by Aluminum-Fluoride Complex (AlFx), it is aggravating, but it is also very scary & insidious because if that is the case, reader, then not sleeping well is the least of your impending problems!
Please don't dismiss this by thinking your doctor is doing everything necessary on your annual "complete" physical to protect you — because he isn't! In fact he is very likely to use the TSH thyroid test results discussed below to do the exact "right thing" to exacerbate or worsen your condition! Yes.
"Why," you might ask. Well, for 2 really compelling reasons, for him: 1..The misdiagnosis will lead to the really big bucks in the future as a result of the major chronic diseases it causes requiring "management"... like heart-disease, high cholesterol, high BP, Kidney failure, MS & more, ad infinitum. 2..But most important, is they can easily get away with it because even though they do the exact WRONG thing, they will appear to be doing "everything they can," by the book, so no one is going to look deeper or ever make the connection to AlFx poisoning. So much for the image of heroic medico. J'Accuse!!
There might actually be a third reason, pure speculation & paranoia on my part, but they might be afraid of being "whacked" or "terminated with prejudice" because the players involved are Big, and I mean BIG multi-national corporations spewing out Fluoride (some of which is put in your toothpaste & Tap-water) & aluminum (some of which is in your Table-Salt, Tap-water, Antiperspirant & Antacids) like a toxic hydrant resulting in a High (hyper) Thyroid condition from AlFx poisoning. See? We're talking about our glad facilitation of multi-billion dollar industrial tentacles spreading corrosively into every facet of our existence and benefiting the very few at the expense of who remains.
I'm not very proud to say that a major portion of my adult life I was guilty of all the following (these are sort of in descending order of influence) :
1).. Tap-water — Arguable tied with Antacids for #1...tap-water has both elements for AlFx. Fluoride for strong teeth (actually, a toxin that makes your teeth harder but more brittle). Aluminum as an anti-clouding agent. Chlorine to kill bacteria (actually, attacks the Good bacteria in your gut, thus compromising your first line of defense, your gut, that protects you from the very toxins we are discussing).
Use Reverse-Osmosis or the best filter you can find, then store your clean cooking & drinking water in glass mason jars...don't use bottled water — the water is likely crap & the plastic bottle weeps and oozes crap.
2).. Antacids — Many contain various forms of aluminum while destroying valuable stomach acid needed to absorb minerals & other nutrients affecting to rid the body of accumulating toxins. Instead of taking antacids, try the exact opposite by taking "stomach acid" in a capsule (Betaine HCL w. Pepsin)...most older people have TOO LITTLE stomach acid, which is the cause of heartburn...not too much acid.
3).. Fluoride Tooth-paste — Consuming this crap starts at an early age because so many children swallow tooth-paste...did you know there are crazy, sociopathic MD's who actually prescribe Fluoride tablets to children if they don't have fluorinated water in their area. These Bastards refusing an enlightenment on this issue should be jailed! Use a non-fluoride TP.
4).. Aluminum Cookware (to include the evil Teflon) — I was such a bonehead that for 15 years I not only cooked with Aluminum pots & pans but I would leave acidic tomato dishes like chili & spaghetti sauce in the pot for days in the frig to insure I got maximum leaching of Aluminum. Waiter! Check please! Glass & enameled cast iron are best, followed by cast iron.
5).. Beer & soda cans — Ahh...I never drank Beer...just ask my wife Morgan Fairchild, "yeah, that's the ticket." Seriously, it is speculated that a major component of the GWS (Gulf War Syndrome) is AlFx because of all those palates of canned beer & soda cooking out there in the 120 degree middle east sun... injury on top of insult.
6).. Table-salt — It's a double whammy...there's the Aluminum for anti-caking & large amounts of manmade Iodine contributing to the very thyroid disease that it was put in to prevent! How's that for irony? Use grey or pink sea-salt with ZERO additives.
7).. Baking powder, bleached flour & many other foods — contain Aluminum as an anti-caking agent. You can find most of these w/o aluminum, etc. on line or in a health food store.
8).. Tea (both green & black) — Tea sucks fluoride right out of the environment! If a tea plant & some other veggie are grown side by side, the tea will have about 7 times the fluoride. Look for an organic tea that advertises being grown in a fluoride-free environment...really cheap tea is the worst.
9).. Antiperspirants - These contain high amounts of Aluminum. Here is the best, #1 tip de jour — use a mineral-salts stone like "Thai Crystal Deodorant Stone"....it non-toxically works better than ANY ANTIPERSPIRANT you can find. Additionally, a better diet itself will go a long, long way towards ones potential to provide offence to ones fellows... in other words, eat crap to smell like same, eh?
Here's why AlFx is so destructive & easy to unwittingly, or wittingly, mis-diagnose:
1.. The AlFx compound is a mimic of TSH, the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone which tells the thyroid when & how much T-4 hormone to release, when too little T-4 is detected in the blood. When the proper TSH is in control it runs on a cycle (12 hrs up & 12 hrs down) so at night every cell "powers-down" which allows GSH (Glutathione) to remove toxic metals, etc. while SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) repairs the damage caused by those toxins...this also allows you to sleep. You see how critical this natural system is? Half your "alive" time! Half!
2.. However, when AlFx takes the job away from the TSH, it runs "full-tilt-boogie" 24 hrs a day! What you "experience" is hyperthyroidism. HYPERthyroidism involves extreme tiredness, inability to sleep: no GSH to remove toxins & no SOD to repair the damage. More & more toxins build up displacing trace minerals necessary as molecular cofactors for everything that goes on, chemically, in your body! You slowly get sicker and sicker & die before your time from any number of seemingly unrelated diseases.
3.. In reality? What you had all the time was HYPER (High) thyroid but look how the doctor has the perfect "get-out-of-jail-Free" card! See? the results of medico's "Gold-standard" Thyroid assessment, the TSH Test, will indicate HYPO (low) thyroid!
This is because the AlFx keeps "yelling" at the thyroid to make more T-4 as if the blood was low on T-4...so, the good doctor is covered when he reflexively gives you Synthetic T-4, Synthroid, the "gold standard" wrong thing to do because you actually have HYPER (high) thyroid, not a HYPO (low) thyroid... so uncalled for T-4 just makes it worse.
4.. I wish I could say that if you stop ingesting the toxins & do the counter-measures of Supplements & Nutrition things would improve in short order, but that is not likely to happen any time soon, if ever —BUT— you can stop it from getting worse by doing a few things that you should be doing anyway. Things like eating green-leafy veggies, taking extra selenium, high fiber pectin foods or pectin fiber formula, avoiding tap-water & the other toxins I mentioned.
The reason for all my doom & gloom on the issue is that the reactive"pit-bull" atom, Fluorine, makes a nearly permanent bond at the TSH receptor site, as opposed to TSH which is occasionally swept out. Still, the real tragedy is that later on the resulting disease cannot, or more accurately, will not, likely be traced back to AlFx poisoning & the fact that the doctor did EXACTLY the wrong thing, will never be detected. Why? Because nobody will look, reader! The doctor will just give you Lipitor & Blood-pressure Med's for your failing Heart (or whatever) and then "Heroically" move on to his next victim... I mean patient...
When you "Stroke-out" they will all blame the butter & eggs you loved so much, when it was really "The Man" who killed you. You know, the FDA, the AMA, big industry & the best "Law-makers" money can buy!
Below is a list of things to do for general thyroid health... again, you should be doing these things anyway, even if there is no such thing as AlFx poisoning because there are many other toxins, etc. that your cells have to deal with... like oxidized Poly-Food Oil (Soy, Corn, etc.) & Mercury, just to name a couple.
A. Iodine — Use Sun-dried sea-salt or a legitimate Himalayan sea-salt instead of the potentially negative refined iodized salt. Iodized refined table salt in excess can led to both high & low thyroid. Sea salt also has iodine but in proportional trace amounts with the other 70+ trace minerals enjoying a synergistic effect, a symphony of nutritional efficaciousness opposed to table salts banging trash can lids.
The label must say "unrefined & nothing added" (it's the fraggin' additives like Aluminum for Anti-caking which are most harmful). Sea Salt is off-white or pink— if it's snow-white, it's refined. Also Sea-veggies like sea weed and kelp are good. Don't go crazy, though, with the liquid kelp. This is because there is no good test for iodine, see, so take a moderate dose and... see what happens. Really.
If you start feeling anxious, nervous, clammy or you develop "Betty Davis Eyes [slap-slap]" — then you've gone too far and are showing hyPERthyroid symptoms. The bulging eyes is usually the later symptom. Back off before you start singing raspy. TPO Test — Thyroid Peroxidase Test can indirectly show an iodine & selenium deficiency.
Some iodine rich foods are: 1). Eggs - cheap eggs are higher in omega 6 (anti-thyroid), cage-free eggs are higher in omega 3 (pro-thyroid). 2). Sea veggies - seaweed & kelp (powdered kelp can be used as a salt substitute). 3). Cranberry - only use health food store quality, 'no sugar added', highly concentrated juice and sweeten with Stevia.
B. EFA's — 1). Fish Oil and/or Krill Oil — to get the more complex Omega 3's (EPA & DHA) take a fairly LG divided dose...4 to 9 grams daily. 2). Flax Seed — 1 to 3 tablespoons ground fresh with coffee-grinder. 3). Black Currant Oil (BCO) — to get the more complex Omega 6 (GLA) take as directed on label. Avoid the less complex Omega 6 (LA) in soy, corn oils, etc. I personally don't care for Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) as a source of GLA because BCO has twice the GLA (17% compared to only 9% in EPO). It matters I think.
If you only take the Fish Oil or only take the Fish/Flax oil combo...either will probably do the job... BUT, if you want to 'knock it up a notch' and take GLA, always take with some Omega-3 source. Read "Fat Facts" at the web site to understand the necessary synergy between GLA (Black Currant) & ALA (Flax) or Fish/Krill (EPA & DHA). Don't eat fish for Omega-3 — too much mercury.
C. Selenium — the Super Star of mineral antioxidants and necessary for production of T-4 & T-4 to T-3 conversion...take 400mcg of Selenomethionine daily, in addition to the 70mcg or so, found in your Multi but NO MORE than the additional 400mcg. Mercury blocks selenium... so NO fish! The seas could do with a recovery, nes't ce pas?
D. Zinc & Copper — also needed for T-4 production & T-3 conversion. Necessary to stimulate the pituitary signaling the thyroid to make more thyroid hormones. Always take at a 10 or 15 to 1 ratio with Copper. If you take 30mg Zinc- take about 2mg Copper...you can safely take this amount (30mg & 2mg) in addition to the amount usually found in your Multi., which is about 15mg & 1mg.
E. Vitamin D3 — necessary for thyroid production. Take 800 to 1200iu of D3 only - avoid the potentially toxic D2 found in milk. The very best & safest D-3 comes from exposure to the sun. Most brands of the great probiotic dairy product, Kefir, also uses D3. Never take Vit. D without Calcium. Southern Canada's sun can make D-3 in the summer but not the winter..."Rule of Thumb" - if your shadow is shorter than your height, then your skin will make D-3.
Dermatologist lie — Exposure to Vit.D producing UVB from the noon day sun helps protect you from skin cancer as long as you don't burn...that's why people in northern new England have more skin cancer than folks in the sunny south...just NEVER burn.
F. Vitamin E — take 400iu of "Natural Mixed" Tocopherol. 2nd best is "d" alpha Tocopherol...NEVER use "dl" alpha.
G. L-Tyrosine — the Amino Acid that is the precursor to T-4 and the wonderful Co Q-10 (the #1 heart muscle supp.) It is best if you take the whole spectrum of Amino Acids ...again it's that synergistic thing. A good way to do that is consume WPI (Whey Protein Isolate) every day. Don't take Tyrosine with MAO inhibitors - it could cause high BP.
H. Antioxidants — along with the already mentioned Selenium... take the 3 heavy-weights of antioxidants, R Fraction Alpha Lipoic Acid, Grape Seed Extract & instead of taking the True King of antioxidants, GSH, (which is not readily absorbed when taken as supplement), take the cheaper, GSH precursor, NAC (take with 1000mg of Vit.C). NAC works in synergy with selenium & Vit.E.
I. Progesterone — if menopausal, progesterone can help the thyroid where as estrogen is anti-thyroid. You may need an estrogen / progesterone combo (natural, if possible) because menopausal hormones being in balance is a way to insure your thyroid hormones are in balance.
J. Take a good Multi (NOT freaking Centrum or comparable Crap) - No minerals chelated with Carbonate or Oxide, look for Amino-Acid Chelated, Kreb's Cycle, Citrate, Lactate, Gluconate, etc. - no Vit.D-2 (ergocalciferol), look for D-3 (Cholecalciferol) - No Vit.E that is "dl", look for "d" or "Natural-Mixed".
K. Calcium & Magnesium — Can help eliminate Aluminum from your body. NEVER use calcium CARBONATE or magnesium OXIDE. always use an organic chelation like Amino-Acid Chelation or Citrate, et al.
L. Use a fiber formula (first thing every morning) that contains Apple Pectin (binds with metals) but does not contain PRE-ground flaxseed. If you grind your flaxseed in a coffee-grinder & use it right away, then you avoid the high oxidation found in pre-ground seed.
Most holistic practitioners, to include a growing number of MDs, NEVER recommend destroying part of your thyroid with radioactive iodine or a poison like methimazone, or surgically removing part of the thyroid to slow down hormone production in the event you have hyperthyroidism. Invariably, this will drive you into low thyroid from which you may never recover.
What to do initially... and forever:
One major consideration —and one of those thing that make you go "hmmmm— is that medical doctors never mention the first line of defense concerning the prevention or the treatment of a disease, and that is a fine-tuned gut facilitated by the optimum diet. This is my initial approach to virtually every ailment because it can ONLY help... it can't hurt. Truly, how many dodgy pharmz can say that?
Consider, almost every disease either comes through the gut, or is a result of a sick, inefficient gut. A healthy digestive system not only means maximum absorption of nutrients to fight or prevent disease, but it is, as I said above, the first line of defense against poisons, toxins, and the ever present candida yeast causing diseases like, you guessed it, low thyroid.
Here's what to do specifically: Questions? ask alan068@centurytel.net
1. Follow the "Helicopter Pilot's Diet" found in LivingTree Root #007 found at: http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html
2. Try Betaine HCL with Pepsin — if your stomach doesn't get warm and if you don't have an ulcer or gastritis, then continue with this "stomach acid in a capsule" with every protein-containing meal. If you take HCL just before eating & your stomach starts feeling real warm it means you probably have enough acid... don't get excited, don't take an antacid! Just drink some cool water to dilute the HCL. Remember, it has to be acid at that point because it needs to be alkaline further downstream... the inverse of that provoked by a dodgy diet is what causes the lions share of health issues, et al, to start!
3. Take a broad spectrum of digestive enzymes with first bite of meal...get one with Cellulase & Lactase if you do dairy - Please stay away from the "evil" Milk. If you are missing a Gall-bladder, then take a formula with Ox-bile.
4. Take a broad spectrum of "Heat-Stabilized" probiotics like acidophilus, etc, or even better, drink a cup or 2 of plain Kefir every day.
5. Stay away from sugar / refined carbos, TransFat from pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil), poly food oil (all Vegetable Oil is bad except Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil or Hexan-Free Unrefined Coconut Oil), burnt fat or toasty-brown carbos (both high in Free-Radicals), antacids & carbonated drinks (Destroys valuable stomach acids). The sugar is particularly antagonistic to GSH & SOD.
Oh, and as I promised above, if you suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder): Do some research and find a good UV light box to sit, or read, in front of. Research at www.mercola.com is a good place to start.
Wake up to really bright lights. See, ones tries to mimic just how we evolved, where the equatorial transition from bright light to pitch black is very rapid... right? So, do the same in your life, with lights. If you are over 40 & not sleeping well, then just before bed you might consider taking 1 to 3mg of Melatonin (see warning below)... melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant with a unique property unlike almost any other...that is, it can readily pass the "Blood-Brain-Barrier" helping to protect you from dementia & Cancer, even, while helping you sleep.
"WARNING" - NEVER take melatonin during the day — only at night, just before bed. If you take it at the start of the day it will not only screw-up your circadian cycle (your 24 hour internal "clock") but it will actually become an "anti"-antioxidant. Also, I don't think young people need to take Melatonin... wait till you are over 40 when your melatonin production starts slowing down...in fact even if you are over 40, it would be wise to first try taking a large dose of Magnesium just before bed to help you relax (maybe 400 to 500mg of Amino-Acid Chelated Mag. or Mag. Citrate)...yes, you need both Calcium & Magnesium, but you can take them separately at different times of the day. Also, try getting lots of bright-light & sunlight during the day & then when you go to sleep make sure there is NO LIGHT...not the alarm-clock lite, not even the tiny "stand-by" lites on your stereo or TV...I mean "PITCH farkin' DARK". Wear a mask if necessary.
This total darkness, after a day of bright sunlight, encourages your natural melatonin to come out and "play"...thus protecting you from Cancer & dementia while additionally helping you sleep. Believe it or not, you are doing your child a disservice by letting them use a nite-lite... please read all about "Nite-Lites" at www.mercola.com. Sobering stuff.
The reason you should try the magnesium at bedtime first is because there is evidence that taking large doses of melatonin for extended periods can reduce your bodies ability to produce melatonin on its own. So young people, in particular, shouldn't "willy-nilly" be popping melatonin.
That's about it folks - don't be surprised if your MD says I'm crazy, but ask him WHY & then let me know ...I think I can blow him out of the water, and folks, he's undeserving of the privilege of floating.
That's enough.
Well be.
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive — http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
LivingTree Root #038 Antacids for Bad-Breath?!? Zorba Paster Outrage #1060-6b/6: By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg — www.alienview.net
OK. Believe it or not? I don't make up this craziness. This is extreme.
My favorite "Completely-in-the-Tank" medical celeb, NPR's Doctor Zorba Paster, said something on his call-in show that shows either his degree of torpid ignorance or the depth of his abject "tankiness". That's probably not a word...
One particular caller confided to the good doctor that her husband did not have bad breath when he got home from work, but after he ate the evening meal & went to bed he would lay there breathing out this putrid smell. Doctor Z's short-shrift and off-hand advise was to take an antacid.
Now for those of you that think this sounds reasonable...please read on! Your life and the quality of same could depend on it.
Your life is on the line, reader, because this kind of unscientifically stupid advise is all part of a huge conspiracy, I suspect, to make all the many forms of antacid an innocently innocuous part of our everyday life. Why?
Why, to help insure that we all come down with chronic but manageable diseases in the future due to unhealthily alkaline stomachs, simply. An alkaline stomach, you see, provides a much firmer foundation for real money-making opportunities as regards our doting if mendacious medicos. It's a sad state of affairs.
This knee-jerk over prescribing of antacids, in fact, has the potential to cause virtually every disease there is because a nearly constant unhealthily alkaline stomach environment WILL NOT:
1).. digest protein properly. This can trigger an unnatural autoimmune response resulting in joint pain or a dozen other ailments...Gluten protein from grains is particularly problematic.
2).. kill harmful yeast & bacteria, resulting in Candida, Ulcers & death if a particularly evil microbe makes it through the stomach acid or lack there of.
Wait... back-up just one damn minute...everybody "knows" too much stomach acid causes Ulcers, it burns a hole right through your stomach lining - so how can you say a lack of acid can cause ulcers?
Briefly, a very acid stomach can kill the H.Pylori causing most Ulcers. Now, if you already have an Ulcer...THEN stomach acid can make it worse, but it was not the stomach acid that caused the ulcer, even if it is the acid, subsequently, eating a hole in your stomach; it's not the acids fault — it's your fault. You errantly played with the acidity of your stomach, not nature.
FYI : I would be remiss if I did not warn you about aspirin, another abused chemical leading to a thinning of the mucoid layer of stomach protecting stuff, leading to gastritis & then ulcers. It is especially prevalent with these hard working, "good-ol'-boys", down here in the south, who have lots of aches & pains so they follow "John Boy & Billy's" advise & take "GOODY Headache Powders" all day.
It can really perk you up (the caffeine) & help you work harder because it reduces the pain in all those banged up sore spots...but after a few years you will be chemically hooked & have to go through a withdrawal much like heroin. Good work, "John Boy & Billy." Not!
3).. (will not) send the necessary feedback signal to the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) to close tightly and so protect the esophagus from heartburn & reflux... like it would if you had a healthful stomach pH of 1 or 2, about as acidic as battery acid. Yes!
You see, in the big picture, heartburn is caused by TOO LITTLE stomach acid ! NOT too much!
This is really freshman biology, but here's why the caller's husband likely has bad breath at night, and a bad breath, by the way, in which he could brush the enamel right off his teeth & use industrial mouthwash to no avail:
Lets say this guy is over 45 or 50 so there is a 75% probability that his production of HCL/Pepsin (stomach-acid) is greatly reduced, due to age. Bummer.
Then with his evening meal he consumes carbonated drinks further neutralizing valuable stomach naturally secreted when he eats. Strike two.
He also eats lots of sugar-laden crap that contributes to the alkalinity & provides a wonderful environment for gas causing yeast & "bad" bacteria... strike three. It gets worse.
All of this ignorant and irresponsible behavior causes the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) at the top of the stomach to open & likely stay a little open. This might cause heartburn if the stomach contents splashed up on to the unprotected esophagus ("Lack of Acid" Reflux...NOT the stupid, misleading term "Acid" Reflux). It might also cause undigested protein to make it far down into the gut, resulting in an autoimmune response when that undigested food is perceived as a foreign invader & attacks your joints along with many other tissues and organs. Or, it could cause the LES just to stay open so "mister man" exhales a basilisk's foul smelling breath on his wife in bed... due to an ALKALINE STOMACH.
If he had the proper acidic stomach pH of 1 or 2 (like battery acid) then the LES would receive a signal to stay closed — except for the split second it takes when swallowing or burping. It will also kill the harmful bacteria & yeast ordinarily flourishing in a nice sugary and alkaline environment. By killing the bugs there is very little odiferous burping & virtually no heartburn. Last but not least, the foul smelling stomach contents are not allowed to escape right into his wife's face. Real intimacy there, eh?
So what will taking an antacid do, eh Doctor Zorba? Won't it just make the situation worse by neutralizing even more HCL, thus insuring the LES stays open, so allowing for the escape of some pretty noxious fumes. Right you are little Beaver! So if all of us unwashed and unlettered masses can figure this out... why can't the brilliant "Doctor" Zorba Paster do the same?
Well, the answer is very simple. The pharmaceutical industry doesn't have anything they can patent and sell to increase HCL/Pepsin production... they only have patentable "stuff" blocking the aforementioned stomach acid. The compound that works is made by God or Mother-Nature so it can't be patented & sold at ridiculously inflated prices. I'm talking about Betaine HCL w. Pepsin in supplemental capsule form. This is a dirt cheap supplement that you take just before (and maybe during) a meal containing protein.
You see, the Pharmz industry & most MD's will lie to you ref. stomach acid because they can ...and, get away with it. See, if you go in with heartburn caused by too little HCL, the Good Doctor will put you on antacids anyway, even though it is the wrong thing to do! Oh, it will appear to work by destroying the little remaining acid, so the heartburn goes away, sure! But the cost, reader! The cost! Talk about a short-term gain!
See? Now you don't have the proper digestion capability or critter protection any longer! This only translates to a medical malfeasance, reader, resulting in an increased likelihood of disease, discomfort, and degraded quality of life! This occurs because, in the long term, stomach alkalinity causes mineral deficiencies, physiologically short-circuiting undigested proteins, and bugs like candida yeast, animal parasites & God-only-knows-what-else to complicate your health issues!
Here's what to do — assuming you are sure you do not have an Ulcer or Gastritis :
1.. Take a 250mg dose of Betaine HCL just before a protein-containing meal (this should & probably will include the correct ratio of Pepsin, the protein digestive enzyme also found in stomach acid). If this does not cause your stomach to feel uncomfortably warm...then the next comparable protein meal take an additional 250mg of HCL about half way through your meal. If your stomach still does not feel warm, then keep adding the 250mg capsules until you get up to 5 or 6 capsules, then next time buy the more economical 650mg or 750mg "Extra-Strength" capsule & experiment with those.
If your stomach starts burning or feeling real warm then don't call 911, just start sipping some cool water to dilute the HCL & next time try a lesser dose. If you ever see blood in your stool - don't take HCL & go to the ER.
2.. Next, help the whole process by taking a full spectrum Digestive Enzyme with the first bite of a protein or fat containing meal. If you don't have a Gall-Bladder, take a formula with Ox-Bile.
3.. Lastly, take a full spectrum Probiotic Formula on an empty stomach, once or twice daily, at least 20 minutes before you eat. I recommend a form avoiding using dead bacteria... This type will be called one of the following — heat stabilized, heat sensitive or stable at room temp.
Does the reader begin to appreciate the depth to bad advice, in the opinion of this writer, that Dr. Zorba airily dispenses from an ignorance so fulsome it astounds the imagination! Seriously, it's disconcerting because it's hard to imagine that it is simple ignorance that is the sole cause of this incredible malfeasance. No reader, given education and experience of the persons involved it would seem that only a psychopathic mendaciousness could explain the prosecution of this now almost traditional "antacid myth." Truth be told?
However terrible, the truth must be embraced to move past it to further truth. Moreover, the answers to these questions are not found, reader, they are faced.
That's enough.
Well be.
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive — http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
LivingTree Root #039 Calcium Rip-off At Walmart? By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg
Where nutrition experts say you need a specific minimum amount of a mineral (an element) for good health, they mean the "element" itself, only. No binders, vectors, fillers, or vehicles. Hold that thought.
Years ago I wrote about immoral albeit legal mineral labeling practices utilized by a few apparently disreputable companies like "Davis Vitamin Company," which as far as I can tell, primarily sells their "Liquid Calcium & Magnesium" to Walmart.
Davis Vitamin Company, in my considered opinion, very deceptively lists the total combined amount (weight) of the Elemental Calcium with its conveying Chelator, the Citrate with which it's bound, instead of correctly (and ethically) showing JUST the amount of usable Elemental Calcium. See how that works? Think about it.
Reporting calcium this way is legal, but this less than ethical way stampedes a consumer, reader, to believe that they are getting their required %DailyValue (%DV) of 1200mg of Calcium, when actually, they are really only getting about 300mg of usable, ELEMENTAL Calcium.
"Elemental": the indestructible ATOM created 5 or so billion years ago inside an exploding star and found on the Periodic Table of Elements.
Anyway, this deceptively unctuous policy has been off my radar for the last few years because, as of late, most all credible Supp' makers have really improved themselves by going out of their way to show that the amount of Calcium listed on the label is the weight of the Calcium only… and not the combined weight of the Calcium and its Chelator vehicle, chelators like Citrate, Malate, Carbonate, Amino-Acid, Kreb's Cycle & many more.
This is critical, reader, because the Chelator makes up from 60% to 90% of the total weight of the product!
3 examples:
1.. "1000mg of Calcium-Carbonate" — will contain 400mg (40%) Elemental Calcium & 600mg (60%) Carbonate. "In the Tank" MD's will always point out that this form has the highest % of Calcium at 40%, but don't be fooled! See, Calcium-Carbonate is the "stuff" in antacids like Tums! Calcium carbonate neutralizes the stomach-acid rendering this cheap crap difficult to absorb. NEVER buy Calcium-Carbonate.
2.. "1000mg of Calcium-Gluconate" — will contain only 100mg (10%) Cal. & 900mg (90%) Gluconate. You might think, incorrectly, that the 40% Cal. in the Cal-Carbonate is somehow superior to the tiny 10% Cal. in the Cal-Gluconate, but not so!
You see, the "apparent" bigger number (in 1.. above) of (40%) means NOTHING except for the reduced size of the tablet! If everyone used the same ethically correct labeling, then 1000mg of Elemental Calcium in the Gluconate form & 1000mg of Calcium in the Carbonate form will be exactly the same amount of real, usable CALCIUM (1000mg) — but the Cal-Gluconate will have to use more capsules/tablets (or be a giant tablet) because it will also have 9000mg of Gluconate, where the Cal-Carbonate tablet will only have 1500mg of Carbonate.
The real kicker, see, is that it's possible for almost every "atom" of that 1000mg of Calcium in the Gluconate form to be absorbed, where very little of the 1000mg of Calcium in the Carbonate form will be... but you have to "put up" with increasing the number of capsules of the Gluconate form.
So, what's better... a smaller dose with poor absorption of the Calcium or a bigger dose with excellent absorption of the Calcium? I remind you: both doses have the same amount of usable, elemental Calcium. Still, if your choice is the convenience of a smaller, dainty, Lady-like dose... you are a self-destructive idiot, so stop reading... the rest will only confuse you. Besides, isn't Jerry Springer on?
3.. Admittedly, the chelation form of the Davis product in question, "Calcium-Citrate," is one of the better calcium-chelation forms, with about 25% Calcium & 75% Citrate. So the Citrate tablet size or in this case, the amount of Liquid, at 75%, is about half way in size (volume) between the Gluconate (90%) & the Carbonate (60%) but unlike the Carbonate, the Citrate (75%) has very good absorption.
Let's take a moment's digression: stay away from the 2 popular INorganic Salts, CARBONATE & OXIDE (Oxide is used primarily with Magnesium & Zinc... a pity, because most people need more Mag & Zinc in their life)!
Instead, use one of the dozen or so ORGANIC Chelated forms, like Citrate, or one of my 2 favorites, Albion Amino-Acid Chelation (AAC) or Kreb's Cycle Chelation. With both of these, unlike Carbonate, the 75% or so of the total that is the Chelator, reader, is stuff that is usable & good for you!
See, the Chelation in both is Amino-Acids! These are the building blocks of Protein... not crap like Carbonate actually interfering with the absorption of protein & minerals by neutralizing valuable stomach acid needed to digest them!
Anyway, on return, you can see how easy it would be to trick people if the label said (remember this is perfectly legal) — "Calcium-Citrate...1000mg." Most would buy it thinking they were getting 1000mg of Calcium when actually they are only getting about 250mg of Elemental Calcium, with the remainder being 750mg of Citrate. Off by a factor of four!
Don't get me wrong, if Supp-Makers were honest, they could have a label which also read "Calcium-Citrate...1000mg," but this one would actually have 1000mg of ELEMENTAL Calcium... you know, presuming the labeling is honest, not just "legal." Of course it would also then contain 3000mg of Citrate, but it should not really be necessary to put that on the label... presuming, again, honesty of the manufacturer and the "1000mg" on the label is the Calcium and not the Citrate and Calcium.
So, again, the labels of honest Supp' makers might read something like — "Calcium 250mg... (from 1000mg of Calcium-Citrate)" or, like this "idiot-proof" example which, I submit, ALL labels should have to use by LAW:
"Calcium-Citrate containing 250mg of Elemental Calcium"... Bam! Kicked to the highest notch!
...SEE, there's NO WAY to misinterpret my suggested label... it must tell you the kind of Chelation (the Citrate, so you can avoid crap like carbonate) & the amount of Elemental Calcium (250mg), and you don't even have to mention the amount of the Citrate-chelator (750mg) or the 1000mg total!
In fact, it is better NOT to put those 2 numbers on the label because it really doesn't do you any good to even know the total combined weight of the Calcium & Chelator... so why "muddy the nutritional water" with unnecessary numbers providing confusion ... remember, it's just "the amount of usable Calcium, Stupid..." Ah, not you good reader. I mean that other person behind you watching "The Best of Springer"
Even though I hate to drag Walmart into this, it is unavoidable because they can, and I think will, see that this hazardous situation is corrected — where I suspect the manufacture would do nothing at just MY urging. Anyway, the "Liquid Calcium & Magnesium" by Davis Vitamin Company Inc., label has listed "Calcium Citrate...1200mg," and on the next line down "Magnesium Citrate... 720mg." Unfortunately the consumer, justifiably and understandably, just sees 1200mg of "calcium" and 720mg of "magnesium".
Consider, coincidentally (?), 1200mg of ELEMENTAL Calcium just happens to be 100% of the recommended % Daily Value! True, some will say the required amount is 1000mg of Cal. daily, however, I believe you should take even less (about 800mg of Cal.), though, do more of all those other things to insure the Calcium gets utilized... like Magnesium, Vit.D-3, Boron, Vit.K, Silica, 72 Trace minerals, weight-bearing exercise, etc. Also, avoid Sugar, Antacids, Carbonated drinks, Tap-Water & of course, CARBONATE-Chelated Minerals. I digress, but the odd "coincidence" at the top of the paragraph remains and "1200mg" is a good "mean" amount of Calcium readily recognized by the inexpert consumer.
See? "OK, this is good," the consumer errantly thinks — this Davis product "appears" to meet her monthly Cal/Mag requirements (32 doses @ 1200mg Cal. & 720mg Mag. each), plus it includes some Vit.D-3 & Boron for the fairly reasonable price of $18, reader, making this just another great bargain at "WallyWorld," right? Wrong!
I reiterate! You are not even coming close to getting a bargain or meeting your daily minimum requirement of Cal or Mag because you are not getting the Calcium or Mag that you only think you're getting! As I wrote above, you're off by a factor of four!
The only way you could tell that this was 2 things combined & not just the Elemental Calcium - is off to the right in stealthy print on a "hard to see" label. There the consumer finds a column for the "% Daily Value" of each item. It shows 25% for Cal. & 25% for Mag.
But Folks, how many little old ladies would notice that or even understand what those numbers mean? I think most people would see the 1200mg of Calcium-Citrate & just go on about their business, unaware that they are only getting 300mg at 25% of the recommended daily amount.
Also the label further pulls you into the deception because the "Recommended Dosage" says to take 2 Tablespoons each night! Further proof of their chicanery!
Reader! Two Tablespoons equals 1200mg of Calcium-Citrate, sure, but only 300mg of "real" Calcium! Now if the "Recommended Dosage" said to take 2 Tablespoons, FOUR TIMES DAILY for a total of 8 tbls then I would probably not have to be writing this letter.
And, please don't confuse the issue saying the manufacturer "never meant" to provide 100% of the daily requirement! If that is so, why doesn't the label make that a little clearer for the cataract ravaged eyes of the little old ladies buying this product? Shame on you !
In fact, as I alluded above, I think they purposely picked the number 1200 to make people think this is "THE 1200mg" of usable Calcium or 100% DV every little old lady with Osteoporosis has heard in the bogus Milk ads a thousand freaking times...You know, "Get your required 1200mg of Calcium daily with 4 servings of Dairy" (of course this is also total crap).
Anyway, she goes to Walmart looking for the magic number "1200" - and she finds it. But why didn't Davis pick the arbitrary number 1000 or 1500...why pick 1200 ? To me the answer is only too obvious. They wanted to make 300mg of usable Calcium (Prest-O, Change-O) look like 1200mg of usable Calcium (100%) meeting the requirement exactly!
Continuing, for the consumer to actually meet their monthly requirement of 1200mg of Elemental Calcium daily with this product, it would take 4 bottles, reader, at a whopping $72 a month (4 x $18)!
Trust me, folks. You can find numerous brands of liquid Cal/Mag Citrate (or another ORGANIC-Chelation) that will cover the 1200mg of Elemental Calcium (and the Mag. too), for a lot less than $72... more like $15 up to about $35. Too, it will be a label you can understand and a brand that you have heard of. Seriously, has anyone ever heard of, or seen (apart from Walmart), "Davis Vitamin Company" products anywhere?
I didn't think so. That's why I'm dragging Walmart into this.
Do a web-search of "Davis Vitamin company." You find bupkis. No website, phone # or email for the company plus no other Supp' Supplier appears to sell the product. Google it yourself.
So what does that mean? Well, it looks like the biggest retailer in the world is likely their only customer or certainly their biggest customer! Also, Davis certainly doesn't want to be easily contacted... providing only a snail-mail address on the bottle. That's a thing to make you say, "hmmm," eh?
The really sad part of this sleaziness is not just the money... people get cheated all the time with little or no lasting effect. Though, in this case it's the heart & bone health of all the aforementioned little old ladies bent over with Osteoporosis, otherwise harried and distracted little old ladies who think their Cal/Mag requirements are being met adequately with this deceptively labeled product — when they are decidedly not even close! Outrage!
I'm going to snail-mail a copy of this News Letter to both Davis and Walmart... the letter to Davis is pointless because we already perceive them as morally bankrupt pond-scum, so I don't expect to hear from them at all, actually. Too, even if I did I just know it would be an obfuscation of the soft & mushy bull excrement variety!
Still, I do expect something proactive from Walmart because I saw the program on TV regarding how Walmart "pistol-whips" their venders, at the drop of a hat, for doing anything sullying the corporate reputation... and that's probably a good thing, eh? Walmart should take responsibility & not let their venders run wild or otherwise jerk the consumer around.
Sincerely, Walmart already has enough of a public relation problem (I watch South Park) without having to absorb even a tiny bit of flack because of a "nobody" pip-squeak like a "Davis Vitamin company."
As a paying subscriber, I'm forever noticing at the watchdog organization www.consumerlab.com that Walmart's big primary line of supplements "Spring Valley" always meets or exceeds the "Potency & Purity." It would be a shame to have this Davis stuff on the same shelf. I checked... none of the other Calcium products at Walmart use this deceptive labeling... not even the really cheap "no-name", consummate CRAP, Calcium CARBONATE products!
Of course the Davis Cal/Mag would likely also meet "Potency…" and I'm assuming "Purity." It would meet "Potency" because it probably does in fact have 1200mg of Calcium-Citrate. You see, it's all legal! "Legal," yeah, but sooo WRONG!
Closing, do you really think that this mislabeling monkey business stops with Minerals and Davis? If so, be disappointed, reader. I'll keep you posted.
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net
That's enough.
Well be.
![]() LivingTree Root #040 Fasting: Less Is More! By Alan Graham - alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg - www.alienview.net
Due to a million years of stark uncertainty regarding our next meal as "Hunter-Gatherers" on the Serengeti, our physiology evolved over the eons to take advantage of the occasional lack of food to do some biological house-cleaning & repairs. Of course, those early Fasts were not voluntary. Presently, ours must be. Why?
Could it mean that we then need these occasional fasts evolved over many millions of years for proper health? It should come as no surprise that Mother-Nature would contrive to make use of this forced culinary down-time and utilize it to positively affect individual physiology. Consequently, this "fast-time" would be used as an opportunity to detoxify the body, something Mother-Nature is already geared to do anyway, right? Consider the little mini-fasts everyone experiences between evening and morning resulting in a corresponding mini-detox as evidenced by the ejected "morning mouth" toxins coating your tongue in the AM. These mini-detox sessions cease upon "breaking the fast" by having "Break-fast"... BUT, if you don't break the fast, and just keep going without food, this detox "effect" will intensify.
This will make you feel bad, of course, initially. Though, given that your circulatory system is flooded with all the toxic, if tiny, dead bodies of bacteria & other microbes killed in a fasting activity, that's understandable, especially the first few times you try it. Over the months as you repeat a fasting detox periodically, the ill effects diminish.
The efficacious effects of this intelligent fasting vary:
If you fast 1 or 2 days you get the detox effect plus you give your digestive organs a needed rest, especially your poor abused liver. This is forgetting that, while resting digestively, you are avoiding one of the greater sources of free-radicals out there! No... not the one trillion (that's trillion, with a "t") free-radicals in one puff of cigarette smoke...
Again, no. I'm referring instead to the gut stress & free-radical damage caused by the necessary act of digesting the garbage most people eat! Though, don't get me wrong; even if you eat the "perfect" diet, digestion still produces free-radicals, abundantly.
Free-radicals, in case you're not clear, are destructively reactive little particles we either consume or make ourselves as a result of natural metabolism. They figuratively "peck away" at every cell in your body throughout your life causing easy disease & needless aging. Free-radicals, consequently, need to be held in check with anti-oxidants in foods like red wine and raw veggies & fruit and "Essential" supplements like Vit.A, Vit.E, Selenium & Zinc found in a good Multi-Vitamin and Mineral supplement.
Also, there is a staggering array of "Non-Essential", yet powerful, anti-oxidant Herbs & Supp's like NAC, Astragula, Resveratrol, Grapeseed Extract, R-Fraction form of Alpha Lipoic Acid... just to name a few I like.
Back to fasting, if you fast for 3 to 5 days your body transitions into "organ repair mode" where accelerated tissue repair is enjoyed. This makes perfect physiological sense, considering your system is always trying to repair tissue anyway but is forever having to "swim against the tide" of incoming toxins & free-radicals; however, both of these are reduced in one fell swoop with..."The Fast." I suspect this evolved "healing" process is why "The Fast" is integral to so many divergent religions, eh?
The aforementioned "tissue repair" phenomenon has just recently been verified by a study observing fasting Mormons. Mormons in general were a good test group because they followed similar rules against smoking, drinking, stimulants & slothfulness. The fasting significantly decreased heart disease! This is as opposed to Mormons who did not fast. See, fasting demonstrably equates to good health.
This repair of tissue has to be weighed, of course, against the loss of muscle as a result of not providing enough of the nutrients to build muscle. To have this muscle-loss effect be small to insignificant, never go on a "Water-Only" fast for more than one day & I wouldn't do a "regular" fast (with a small intake of mostly liquid nutrients) for over 5 days... even though many recommend an occasional 30 day fast... 30 days you will lose muscle.
Also, take your supplements as usual, but, because you are not eating, the ones you would normally take with food should be taken with some weak diluted juice and/or take your supp's at the same time that you pop a few tablets of Spirulina. Spirulina is an easily digestible, blue-green algae super-food that is a concentrated form of highly digestible protein & other nutrients, in particular chlorophyll, which also helps detox the gut, so Spirulina is highly recommended during fasting... especially if it's a 3 to 5 day fast. You see? You are "trickle-charging" a little bit of some easily digestible & concentrated nutrients... like weak, non-sweet lemon or lime juice, your supplements, and the aforementioned Spirulina. Your body thanks you, but seriously, it responds to this new respect paid to it.
#1 warning while fasting — strange as it may seem, it is easy to not drink enough clean water or weak juice & become dehydrated, so sip on liquids all day.
Also, you can drink herbal tea & as previously mentioned... you should drink some very weak diluted juice, not high in sugar or fructose! Lemon, lime, or a very weak mix of highly concentrated, unsweetened cranberry juice like you get online or at a health food store... not the crass and "sugary" abomination called "Ocean Spray" or any other grocery-store Cran-juices. This healthful cranberry concentrate does have a little natural sugar listed on the label but it is very sour, indicating no added sugar, so it can be sweetened with Stevia...but absolutely NO table sugar or chemical artificial sweeteners.
If you get really hungry, eat a small piece of watermelon; however, don't be surprised if you don't get "mad-eatties." It may be a mental "thing" but once you make up your mind and start a fast, you really don't get all that hungry... UNLESS, of course, your too considerate family decides to have a mondo-bionic, BBQ blowout while you're fasting. That might be something less than supportive...
So get the whole family to fast together! Jeez, kids likely need detoxing more than adults considering the garbage they eat when you're not looking, eh? Hey, fasting's better than Ritalin!
MSM (Methylsulfonymethane) — One option available is to do some Pre-Fast-Detoxing to lessen the "Full Tilt Boogie" Detox that comes at the height of the Fast to start later. MSM is a natural form of Sulfur that is a powerful detoxifying agent... this is not the #%*@&* toxic, man-made crap, SULFA (spelled w. an "A") that MD's pass out like candy & is the "stuff" that causes so many allergic reactions (sulfide, sulfite & sulfate). I know, I took that poison for 8 years while a team of military doctors conspired to slowly kill me.
NO, Sulfur (the S in MSM) is one of the most abundant elements in your body & 80% of that Sulfur is in the form of MSM. And if that wasn't good enough, the 1st M stands for Methyl...making MSM a Methyl-Donor, meaning it "donates" a Methyl-group for accelerated cell & tissue-repair.
DO the MSM run-up to your fast as long as you like... maybe a week or two... or just forget the Pre-Fast-Detox & jump right in to the fast. Either way, but if you do the MSM, start with 0.5 grams (500mg) twice daily & then over the next week slowly increase up to about 2grams (2000mg) twice daily for a total of 4 grams. You cannot OD on MSM so if you want to take even more, have at it (it's cheap). Fasting or not, everyone should take 1 or 2 grams of MSM everyday... especially if they have arthritis pain. Before his death, James Coburn swore by it as his only pain reliever that really worked for his deformed "bird-claw" hands!
Do light exercise during your fast, especially stretching, bending & twisting — like the military daily-dozen. This has 2 "Fasting-Synergy" effects! First, drinking & sweating is just that much more detoxifying by flushing-the-system. Secondly, there is as much fluid in your Lymph System as there is blood in your Circulatory System, but the Lymph System does not have a "Pump" (uh...like the heart?), so it gets its pumping action (and cleansing) by judicious stretching & walking... more Detoxing activity.
Consider the "Fast," reader. A little short-term discomfort translates to a win, win... win situation! You provide the entire body with undistracted time to affect quality repairs. You drop a few pounds. You don't consume anything, saving money, fuel, and resources. Too, when fasting you're not contributing to the trash heap, eh? All these definable positives self-actualize to provide an enhanced quality of life! Less, reader, has never been more!
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive — http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough.
Well be. |
LivingTree Root #041 Dr. Gott's Dieticians & Sea Salt Lies By Alan Graham - alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg - www.alienview.net
"Doctor" Gott, the famous newspaper Medical-Advise guy, is at it again, this time regarding the "Sea Salt vs. Table Salt" issue. True to form he proves, afresh, that there is no "tank" too deep, dark, or slimy for him to stay out of... you know, him generally being "In The Tank" for every sociopathic corporate industry maintaining the current unhealthful status quo. ...And hey, don't get me wrong... I love big Corporations! They can create jobs and enrich our quality of life. Still, it remains! Many corporations are morally and ethically bankrupt, N'est ce pas?
Read the following short Dr. Gott piece and then we'll talk. "DEAR DR. GOTT: Please explain the health benefits of using sea salt for cooking in place of regular iodized salt." "DEAR READER: In a word, none. The only real difference is in the taste and texture, but both have identical nutritional values. Iodized table salt is generally derived from rock salt mined from mineral deposits and is fine-grained. Sea salt is harvested from sea water through evaporation and is available in both fine and coarse grains. Its flavor is more subtle and often preferred because it contains no iodine or additives." "All people require iodine for normal thyroid function. Fish, dairy products and many processed foods contain adequate amounts, so all households on well-balanced diets can switch to sea salt without the risk of inadequate iodine intake. In fact, it is rare that a person consumes too little iodine, and it is more likely that too much is ingested." "The general recommended intake of sodium (in any form) is between 1,500 and 2,300 milligrams daily for healthy adults. Excessive sodium can lead to hypertension, obesity, fluid retention and a host of other serious medical conditions. Salt makes food taste good, but it isn't good when consumed in excess. We've all seen people reach for a salt shaker without even tasting the food when dinner arrives at the table. They haven't any idea whether the food is oversalted to begin with or extremely spicy and doesn't need seasoning. The answer is to eliminate salt from foods prepared at home and to remove the salt shaker from the dinner table. It goes without saying that snacks are often high in sodium content and should be limited as well." ---END--- Gee, where to begin, considering most of what he said was obfuscated "twisty-curvey" crap. You see, he is pulling the "Old Switch-A-Roo," an evil tactic non-holistic doctors & dieticians often use. There's a MUCH more deadly example, apart from Sea Salt, graphically illustrating this point. It otherwise shows the pervasive seriousness of this "Switching-Data" mechanism. We'll do salt in just a moment. It's a big deal, though, likely effecting 80 or 90% of the population where that same 80 or 90% believes the EXACT opposite of the truth! To wit: because they've been told so a thousand times, people think that all "POLY" Vegetable Oil... beautiful, golden, and liquid at room temperature... is heart healthy! It's the being liquid at room temp that supposedly makes it healthful... tsk, tsk. Briefly, here's the truth, the misdirection, and the "Slight of Hand": The medical "corpocracy" will & can grandly describe the truthful health benefits of 'UNrefined' "POLY" Food Oil, like Soy & Corn —small as those benefits are— knowing the only kind you will ever find at the grocery store is 'REFINED' oil! This oil, remember, is oil "rancid & toxic" sitting on the store shelf, reader! It is oil RBDed (refined-bleached-deodorized) at very high heat to destroy the rancid smell caused by the initial heat of pressing. Recall that unlike the more healthful "UNrefined" oil which must be refrigerated after it is opened, the "Refined" Crap does not require refrigeration! Why? Because the oil has almost no resemblance to food after the extreme heat of the Deodorization treatment! The oil is "DEAD"! However, it will stay "smelling fresh" for a very LONG time at room temp even though it is actually RANCID & teaming with toxic Lipid Peroxide. Oil, rotten as you bring it home from the store, reader! When have you ever seen a bottle of food oil (from a grocery store) that said "Refrigerate after opening"? I'll tell you exactly when. NEVER! See, the ONLY place you will ever find the only more slightly-healthful UNrefined POLY oil, oil requiring refrigeration after it is opened, is on line or at a health food store! That's it! It may be you will even have a hard time finding it there because there's not much demand considering the much higher price & anyway, why bother! Your "trusted" dieticians inform you that the grocery store POLY Vegetable/Seed Oils (Corn, Soy, Canola, etc.) are heart-healthy oils... though, given the vastly more healthful "why bother" is because there's heart-healthy MONO Olive Oil to use for EVERYTHING instead of rancid (but "fresh-smelling") POLY food oil. So, let's recap? *They* always describe the GOOD Oil, (UNrefined) in lecture - BUT you ALWAYS end up with the BAD Oil, (refined) in practice. Dieticians are very "Tricky" little shills for bad info. They will smile, then tinkle on your leg & tell you it's raining! Consider, according to the respected British Medical Journal, Lancet... 75% of the stuff clogging your arteries is not cholesterol... it is Oxidized "POLY" vegetable food oils which have been RBDed, like Soy, Corn, Safflower, Sunflower, Canola, Grapeseed, Cottonseed, et al. And if you want to argue that Canola is a "mono oil"...please bring on your weak stuff & then I will eviscerate you with science. OK, instead, you should only use true MONO Oils like Olive & Macadamia Nut! These don't go rancid at pressing, are not RBDed, don't need refrigeration, and truly are heart-healthy. Rounding this short list, believe it or not, is coconut oil. No, not the "refined" and hydrogenated crap tested by poly-oil pushers to malign and discredit coconut oil, but the magical, Hexan-Free, and UNrefined Coconut Oil. Reader, this only one example of the "Old Switch-A-Roo"! "Back to the salt mines" and Gott's silly description of bewildering obfuscation regarding Sea Salt. The reader must keep in mind that Gott's errant objective is to make you think there is only ONE kind of sea salt! Additionally, he errantly implies that "ALL" Sea Salt is the same and like table salt, contains NO nutrients or Trace Minerals... except, of course, for the BIG, inappropriate, and out-of-whack Man-made dose of Iodine in a decidedly toxic table salt. You see, the first words out of Gott's mouth are a LIE! Gott says, with regard to a difference in the salts (sea & table): "In a word, [no difference]. The only real difference is in the taste and texture, but both have identical nutritional values." See? Gott instructs authoritatively that there is no difference nutritionally between "Sea Salt" & table salt. Wrong, reader! Actually, there is a really big difference, a huge difference, if you're talking about "Real" Sun-Dried (non-processed) Sea Salt... because Folks, it retains all 70+ trace minerals (to include iodine) found in sea water & can only be bought on line or at the health food store, never in a grocery store. This true, unadulterated Sea Salt will always be pink, grey or off-white indicating the 70+ trace minerals are intact (NEVER pure white!). Different regions of the world create the varying colors due to the content of one, 2 or 3 different minerals being particularly high (usually the bigger ones like Magnesium)... in fact, there is even a "Black" Sea Salt due to the influence of vulcanization! So, in this particular "switch-a-roo"...Gott's not describing real sea salt, reader, he is actually describing a typical grocery store brand, like Morton's or whatever "Sea-Salt," which is a "Phony-Baloney" refined sea-salt with the trace minerals REMOVED, so it is processed to pure white, and is the ONLY kind you will ever find at the grocery store. I assume Gott knows this and he wants you to think ALL sea salt has no trace minerals, so he will feel safe that his lie about *no Minerals in sea salt* will hold true about 95% of the time, because 95% of the population WILL buy the grocery store Crap (fake sea salt) without the absolutely "Essential" trace minerals. "Essential" means, you must have it or procure it because your body can't make it. You CANNOT get all the needed minerals and trace minerals in your food because many have been leached from the soil — not replaced in decades of bad farming with artificial commercial fertilizers! Why would he tell this lie? Well in my humble opinion there is only one answer that makes, remote, sense. He does not want you to reap the health benefits of using pure, mineral-rich sea salt as opposed to toxic table salt or silly "Fake" sea salt. You see, the additives in man-made table salt, like fluoride & aluminum, can easily contribute to more illness, so he & the rest of his scurvy ilk can make more money & the Drug Companies can sell more pharmaceuticals... pharmz you don't need. In other words? I have the opinion that he is a greedy and lying sociopath. If you want to read about another really classic "Gott-icism" regarding antacids and a lack of stomach acid, see "Tums & the Pendejo Dr. Gott" at: http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#pendejo Yes Folks, Real Sea Salt contains all the trace minerals required as cofactors, by the dozens, for every critical bodily function. Too, it contains a small (trace) amount of natural iodine that is at the correct ratio with the rest of the trace minerals, resulting in a good chemical "Synergy." This is unlike the big dose of the intruded iodine in table salt! This means that the excessive iodine could drive the salt consumer into a High-Thyroid condition if she uses a lot of table salt... which is something the in-balance and non-intruded trace amount of iodine in Sea Salt could, likely, NEVER do. OK let's look at another Gott declaration: "The answer is to eliminate salt from foods prepared at home and to remove the salt shaker from the dinner table." What a tragedy, reader. This whole "Low-Salt... No-Salt" mantra has been a disaster in my opinion, especially for the elderly! Older persons experience a reduction of stomach acid with age & need a small to moderate amount of sodium-CHLORIDE (salt) to help make the desperately needed stomach acid, hydrogen-CHLORIDE (HCl). Old people lacking adequate Stomach Acid do not properly digest protein & they WILL have "insufficient Acid Mal-absorption" of critical Minerals & Trace Minerals as minerals require lots of acid to digest. Also Heartburn & Reflux are caused by TOO LITTLE stomach acid — not too much. All, and I mean ALL MD's lie about reflux, heartburn & the "usefulness" of Antacids. Read "The Antacid Myth" at www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#AntacidMyth Remember Folks, 75% of the people over 50 have too LITTLE stomach acid (HCl) — not too much. So, you can see that putting old people on Antacids & a NO-Salt diet is slowly killing them while driving them into some long-term Polypharmacy, "Managed" care, for Max revenue retrieval. Nothing else makes sense! "Polypharmacy," allowing for a short digression, has many manifestations, but my favorite is taking a pharmaceutical drug, not for an illness, reader, but only to counter the adverse effect of another drug, a drug not taken for the original illness, mind, but taken to counter the effect of another drug, not taken for the original illness, but ...shoot, just repeat the preceding 3 or 4 more times, build a fire and trumpet the old Merck cheer, "Mo' Money...Mo' Money"! Here are just a couple of the "Low-Salt... No-Salt" manifestations, out of HUNDREDS! Antacids & a NO-Salt diet can lead to auto-immune diseases, like joint-pain, due to low HCl (stomach acid). Low acid causes undigested protein in the gut to be perceived as a "foreign invader"...so your body attacks itself. High Blood Pressure/Heart Disease can be caused or certainly exacerbated by a deficiency in minerals (especially Magnesium) as a result of low HCl in the elderly, further exacerbated by a "NO-Salt diet"... WAIT just one darn minute, Uncle Al... everybody knows salt causes high BP! Are you telling me that a NO-salt diet can lead to high Blood Pressure but using a small amount of "REAL" sea salt can help reduce high BP? That's right... you need dozens of those trace minerals to act as co-factors for EVERYTHING to include utilization of Vitamins but especially for the utilization of Magnesium & all the other minerals! These reduce BP & heart disease! Additionally, the aforementioned stomach acid will help insure digestion of protein & other nutrients needed for maintenance & repair. Finishing, the correct, if very acidic, stomach pH of less than 3 protects you from harmful bacteria, yeast bodies & whatever. FYI: The best stomach pH (as long as you don't have gastritis or ulcers) is the same as "battery-acid"...a pH of 1. ...And, before you write, don't confuse a healthful acidic stomach pH with an unhealthful acidic blood and/or body pH! If you don't remember anything else I tell you, please remember this... ...the only way to have a healthful slightly alkaline Body pH, which will then help maintain your slightly alkaline Blood pH of 7.4, without having to leach alkaline minerals from your bones - is to start with a very acidic stomach pH (less than pH 3)! If you have a more alkaline stomach pH (4 or greater) due to Tums, sodas, no-salt & old age, you will have an unhealthy Acidic body pH! As a consequence you won't efficiently absorb minerals & trace minerals which are very alkaline and needed to raise your bodily pH. Not blood pH, now, that must & will remain constant —if it changes more than a tiny amount from the 7.4, you will die— but if you eat only Acid-Forming processed foods, your body will leach calcium from your bones to keep the blood at 7.4 so you won't die... but you end up with "life destroying" Osteoporosis. See, MD's who pass out FREE antacids like Halloween-candy & then put old folks on a "NO-Salt Diet"...should be incarcerated! "Here Granny, the first few antacid "Fixes" are free but you'll have to pay through the nose later for the "expensive prescription stuff" like Nexium... then later you'll REALLY pay when that leads to Lipitor (for your blocked arteries) & Vioxx (for joint-pain)...BOTH the result of a chronic mineral/trace mineral deficiency after a life-time of Antacid abuse. The antacid, Prilosec, seems to be the freebie "gate-way drug" being "pushed" these days... "Just Say NO", Granny! The just described deficiency of minerals & trace minerals in the elderly is so seriously prevalent that, in my opinion, even if a person uses real Sea Salt they should still add some plant-derived colloidal trace minerals to their diet & take a good Multi with the "bigger" minerals being Organically Chelated (bound to organic stuff like Citrate, Amino-Acids, Kreb's Cycle & others). Never use minerals bound to INorganic Crap like Carbonate or Oxide. Dieticians in general: To be fair, on reflection, even though Gott seems to be Bone-Head for not researching his answers thoroughly, it is not entirely his fault because MD's are not trained in nutrition. They just pretend they are. MD's rely on dieticians to remind them of the current bogus guidelines by the FDA or the "New" Gov. sanctioned "Food Pyramid"(of Death) and any other hinky-dinky talking points needing to be trotted out! These glib distortions of facts, if regurgitated enough, slowly become "TRUE", eh? The lie told over and over is ultimately believed! What remains, then, but a plethora of "big lies" told "repeatedly" by our "cultural authority." This is a trifecta —a perfect storm— of our nutritional tragedy. Predictably, Gott's sea salt answer above is a copy, word for word, from a response at the Mayo Clinic site by Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., the Mayo Clinic's dietitian.
Search her name at the Mayo Clinic site and you'll see her Bio & picture — she's as cute as a new puppy even if 666 is tattooed somewhere under her bleached "Surfer-girl" hair. I wonder if that hair is "refined" and "deodorized," too, like the toxic (RBDed) poly food oil she pushes like a perky druglord. Sorry... "But I crack me up"... and OK, let's assume her hair is not bleached.
Yeah Folks, Katherine even has the "Huevos Rancheros" to recommend a particularly evil POLY food oil, Cottonseed oil!
Reader, cotton & peanuts are 2 of the most poison-soaked crops around & homo Sapien-Sapien was never meant to consume "cotton-stuff" as food! See? She represents the trusted body! It follows that when it comes to disseminating lies regarding nutrition & supplementation, the mainstream dieticians are the true "Spawns" of "Corporate Satanistas"! Consider too, is the good Dr. Gott merely stupid for parroting them? No, "Doctor" Gott slugged it out though medical school, proving reasonable intelligence; stupidity is just NOT a justifiable "out" for him.
Additionally? He makes way too much money fronting for all the misery he facilitates. That's not the oath Gott swore, eh? That's enough.
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive — http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
Well be.
LivingTree Root #042 Dr. Zorba Hates Your Liver
By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg
See, NPR's Dr. Zorba Paster, once again, puts his "ignorant hatred" on display via his syndicated radio show! It's either that, reader, or he just refuses to say anything good about alternative therapies including natural herbs or supplements. Though, you would think he should recommend, when appropriate, foods that might help — especially when specifically asked, eh?
One female caller, for example, wanted to know what supplements and foods a person should consume to protect their Liver. As usual, Zorba's answer was beyond inadequate... he essentially said there was nothing he knew of to help the liver except "don't drink alcohol in excess" and "don't get fat"... gee, thanks for less than nothing, Docca Z-man!
I'm not surprised he didn't mention Milk-Thistle or any of the other very well known and very valid liver supplements used for thousands of years, but couldn't he at least tell the lady about foods that help and hurt the liver; after all, he claims to be a nutritional expert. He's written a book, anyway.
Toward the end I will list some other good liver-supp's like the Milk-Thistle mentioned above. Milk-Thistle, while we're here, is nothing less than extraordinary, considering it can detox your liver while it stimulates the production of new liver cells (for all you ex-drinkers, like me) and about a dozen other things to include being a powerful, immune-enhancing Cancer-fighter.
Silymarin, the group of active ingredients in Milk-Thistle, has been used by Medical Doctors in Germany for almost 60 years to treat all forms of liver disease like hepatitis & cirrhosis. Those Teutons drink a lot of beer & wine. Gee, Zorba lectures all over the world to other MD's... don't they share info? Does Zorba hear a different drummer? Uh, like Merck, you think?
FOODS to eat and foods to avoid:
(A).. Bitter Greens — like Parsley, Cilantro, Endive, Arugula, Watercress and Dandelion, these are powerful, "Liver De-Tox Greens." These astringent foods help protect the liver from the ravages of smoking, drinking, and toxic pollution while they clean and revitalize the liver and gall bladder.
(B).. Food Fats and Oils — In my humble opinion there are only 4 (well, maybe 5) acceptable FOOD-Fats! These love your liver:
1). Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVO) — a "true" MONO-oil at 76% Mono. Use everywhere. Don't believe the silly theory that you can't bake with olive oil because of the "fruitiness"...not so, Olive oil makes baked goods taste rich, not fruity.
You see Olive Oil is "magical"! On foods and in dishes where you want the bold flavor, it is there! Though, in dishes where you don't want that exotic taste, it somehow "knows" to disappear. Weird! Bottom line: use EVO for EVERYTHING.
2). Macadamia Nut Oil — the other "true" MONO-oil at the HIGHEST % Mono at 80%. Also, Macadamia Nut Oil has the highest Smoke-Point of any UNrefined oil, at close to 400F! This is probably the best food oil in the world... but it is considerably more expensive than Olive Oil and, to be honest, it is a very bland tasting oil.
Believe me; you would never see Don Corleone "dipping" chunks of Italian bread in a dish of Macadamia Nut oil and eating it with nothing else... like he would certainly do with rich, "fruity", Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, with its "other-worldly" taste.
Your liver loves olive oil... in fact, the most popular liver cleanse out there is done with olive oil and lemon juice... there are several variations on the web... pick the easiest one.
3). Hexane-Free, unrefined Coconut Oil — is especially loved by your liver because of the wonderful and unique solid SatFat, MCT's, (medium-chain-triglycerides or medium-chain-fatty-acids) making up Coconut Oil also make it solid below 76 degrees Fahrenheit!
FYI : This means in the tropics (where it comes from) and in YOUR BODY it is Liquid... for all you Dieticians and other assorted Bone-Heads who refer to it as a "solid Saturated Fat," with a self-righteous smirk, as if describing monkey dung. You're wrong. Step off.
See, MCT's ARE singularly unique! Consider, LCFA's, (long-chain-Fatty-acids) found in animal satfat and food oils, require Liver-Enzymes to begin to digest these longer chains! Conversely, to digest the shorter MCT's or MCFA's one only needs saliva and stomach acid! This is a really big deal!
You see, liver-Enzymes otherwise required for digestion of long chain fats may be in short supply. These are conserved. Also, even if these enzymes are in abundance, the Long-Chained process is very slow compared to the Medium-Chained, metabolic "speed-racer" Fatty-Acids of coconut oil!
This "speed" is why Coconut oil MCT's are in EVERY baby formula on the shelf, actually, and VERY high in Mother's Milk! See, babies have underdeveloped "Desaturase Enzyme Systems" so they cannot readily digest LCFA's... but MCT's easily zip straight through to the cell's Energy-Center, the Mitochondria, providing the instant energy and heat for babies to develop rapidly.
This is also why it can help adults lose weight... it's called "Thermogenesis." Eating solid SatFat that is good for your heart & to lose weight ...who would'a thunk it? Clearly not the Zorbster!
4). Real Butter — is good for you, as opposed to Margarine, which is pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) and is a nutritional abomination of the highest order.
Go to France. By law, the butter in France must meet a very high percentage of butter-fat... none higher in the world! The lowest they allow is higher than our highest! It's the law!
Return to the US. With regard to life-span, we in the heartland are down around #19 or #20 in the world... and we've used margarine and put pHVO in every processed food we could, avoiding butter!
The French are #2 or #3...and they put real, high butter-fat butter... on EVERYTHING. Don't be surprised to see it on watermelon over there!
I've been to France several times — I think they all start smoking at 13 (that's a guess) and they will "Party" till 4 AM, even during the week... so with the #2 life-span in the world, I would submit that the French —using gobs of butter, olive oil and red wine— can even trump smoking and "party-till-you-puke" decadence! I want that for America!
Remaining. It is puzzling... at least! Or not!
See, the lesson here is *UNDAMAGED* Solid SatFat is good for you and is critical for dozens of bodily functions <AND> it does not cause Heart Disease — no more than the Inuit people's diet of blubber (solid SatFat) causes Heart Disease... they out-live everyone... ...and with the lowest incidence of Heart and Vascular disease on the planet? Yes!
Too, they appear to be very nearly immune to MS and other autoimmune diseases, forgetting all that "Complex" Omega-3 keeps them "Frisky" and "Rubbing-Noses" right to "The End"...no need for Viagra-vated genitals in the old igloo, boy! "Viagra-vated genitals"... C'mon, I don't care who you are, that's funny.
No Folks, the "Fats" that stop your heart and erode your life quality are oxidized —even though it's "fresh" from the store— Poly-Unsat "Vegetable Oils"! These are oils like Soy and Corn, and TransFat from Hydrogenated Poly-Unsat Vegetable Oils turned into Manmade "Fake" SatFat like Crisco and Margarine. Both of the preceding are found in virtually all processed foods and deep-fat fryers in this country. Golden Deep-Fat death.
5). Technically, there is a 5th category - Flaxseed and Hempseed are "Medicinal-Oils" but if you're careful they can be used as "Food-Oils" on anything cold, like salad. Don't leave either exposed to air any longer than you have to! The Omega-6 (GLA) and the Omega-3 (ALA) will oxidize... rapidly!
(C).. Cruciferous Veggies — like Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels' Sprouts and Bok Choi are the other hi-fiber, very healthful, vegetables for the liver... they have a particularly arcane and potent anti-oxidant which can help protect you from cancer... among other diseases.
TRIVIA? Cruciferous comes from the word Crucifix, because the little flower on the plant is shaped like a Cross.
Even though daily eating large amounts of raw Bitter Greens, Cruciferous Veggies and Veggies in general, is very healthful, it is also very difficult because most people don't like raw veggies unless they are covered with some toxic crap (commercial salad dressings) to hide the taste...
..."So Please", let me teach you how to make a "Liver and Heart Healthy Vinaigrette with Avocado" that can make even beets palatable — yeah, I know it sounds like a lie, because as we all know, humans don't actually eat beets, but it is true...yeah, Beets or anything for that matter.
FYI - On the other hand, supplemental Beet-Root in capsules happens to be great for your Liver. Of course beets have several phyto-chemicals (same as beet-root) that are also great for your liver - if humans only ate beets.
"SUPER-DUPER SALAD DRESSING": Olive Oil Vinaigrette with Avocado — the avocado is optional, of course but it is unreal what avocado does when you grind or blend it into the Vinaigrette below!
2. Lemon Juice ...fresh is best. By using some Lemon juice (Alkaline-forming food) instead of only Vinegar (mildly Acid-forming food) it makes the dressing pH a little more Alkaline...plus it has this great synergy with the blended Avocado. However, I have found that too much lemon can be a little "over-powering."
3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or the other Mono-Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil) ...Here's where my dressing is different. Many people, like the gastronomically snooty French, think there is a "Law" that Vinaigrettes MUST be at an Oil to Sour ratio of 2 to 1; however, I reverse that and use a ratio of 1 to 2... so, it is mostly lemon and vinegar. This means you need to use a lot of Stevia or Xylitol to cut the "Sour-stuff," but that's fine... just NEVER use sugar.
The beauty of making your own dressing is you can try different Oil to Vinegar Ratios. Yes, the Olive Oil is heart healthy, but why consume more of it than you need to. Still, if you're French and don't want to be fined by the SP's (Social Police), then by all means, use a 2 to 1 ratio.
4. Ripe Avocado: Mix in blender with other ingredients until it is thick enough to nicely coat Veggies... I have a tendency to throw in too much Avocado so it gets TOO thick.
6 Coconut Oil (Optional) — Use just a little to give it a very mild coconut taste that is very synergistic with the Avocado and lemon.
Believe me, you will be amazed because the blended Avocado in the Vinaigrette creates a kind of "Green-Goddess" dressing making all those toxic store-bought "Green" dressings taste like green slime... which, of course, they are.
FYI — they are "slime" (even Paul Newman's Own, may he rest in peace) because they all use oxidized POLY-unsat Oil like Soy or Corn instead of MONO-unsat Oil like Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Mr. Newman deserves better than that.
Back to bad salad dressing, sometimes a front label might say "Olive Oil" dressing but when you turn it over and read the "Supp' Fact's" it will likely be one of the following :
(a). It only has about 10% or 20% Olive Oil and 80% or 90% Canola "Crap"...uh, I mean oil. The ubiquitous "Subway" franchise uses one of these 10% "olive oils" and readily refers to it as "OLIVE OIL"...tsk, tsk. The girl should say "Sir, do you want some 1/10th Olive oil, Oil?"
(b). Or if by some slim chance it actually has a significant amount of olive oil (like maybe 50%), it will be about as Extra Virgin as Paris Hilton... the oil will not be a dark vibrant green, like from the first pressing... because with subsequent pressings the oxidation increases and it will become a dull, lackluster blondish-yellow color, like its been around the block, a time or two...sort of like the Hilton chick? No judgments, just observations. I digress.
(1).. Margarine, P'nut Butter, Baked Goods or any other processed food with TransFat from pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil)... even if the label SCREAMS "ZERO TransFat". Natural P'Nut Butter, of course, where the oil floats to the top, is OK.
You MUST always look in the "Ingredient Section" for pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil). A product can have 1/2 gram or less of TransFat/pHVO per serving and still call itself "ZERO TransFat."
See, things like Margarine and P'nut Butter can have small servings where that 1/2 gram of TransFat looms large... but still report "ZERO TransFat" in BIG letters on the front... only to list pHVO or HVO in very fine print on the back! People NEVER make the connection that the "partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil" molecule, IS the TransFat molecule. So if it has pHVO in the ingredients then it CANNOT BE ZERO TRANSFAT. How is this not a lie by any other name, reader?
We know transFat from pHVO is a twisted and toxic molecule readily if errantly incorporated into the cell-wall of every cell in your body, causing disease and aging... plus your liver finds pHVO particularly vile and damaging! HVO is found in virtually every commercially processed food where you might find fats or oils... and some places you wouldn't expect to find a toxic, manmade Fat, like in "FlintStones" Children's Vitamins. Is nothing sacred?
The FDA has actually tried for decades to hide the fact that TransFat was in almost all our processed foods while most of the rest of the "1st World" countries had banned or voluntarily stopped using pHVO. Apparently, the Leaders at the FDA were psychologically abused as children and not breast fed.
This evil vegetable shortening (like Crisco) really came to the fore after WW-2, as a cheap way to feed the "masses" of the "Baby-Boom", utilizing our multi-purposeful, resource from the vast U.S. open plains, Corn and Corn Oil.
This PolyUnsaturated Corn Oil, through Hydrogenation, was cheaply converted to a toxic, solid, vegetable shortening (Man-made Saturated Fat) that your liver never encountered in a million of years of human evolution, yet in the 1940's became the ubiquitous "Oleo-Margarine."
This is also when a long list of diseases appeared that had never been heard of or were virtually unheard of... like Fibromyalgia or children with "Adult"-onset-diabetes".
When I was a little boy, not only did my grandmother put down her burdensome butter-churn but she would get misty-eyed when telling me that it was a miracle how us poor people were so blessed to have a cheap, heart-healthy "butter" made from vegetable oil... praise the Lord for Oleo!
Folks! The twisted, perverted Hydrogenated vegetable oil molecule does not do one good thing... it contributes adversely to EVERY disease and defines the aggregate unhealthful!
So why do all those Captains of Industry (who also weren't Breast-Fed) love pHVO? Well, it has an extremely long shelf-life so Mrs. Cartman can buy "Snacky-Cakes" and "Cheezy-Poofs" in bulk for her big-boned lad Eric, and our psychopathic "Cap's of Ind" won't have to pay for spoilage of "goods" unsold!
The horror, reader. For years Dr. Zorba has encouraged the use of margarine, so he must not understand the dangers of transfat... or chooses to ignore them. I vote for the latter. As a Doctor he has to know.
I recall during one show, Zorba's sidekick, Tom Clark, ask "Z" if a person could substitute butter for margarine in a recipe they were going through (they do one recipe every show) and Zorba YELLED (I'm not exaggerating...I jumped)...an emphatic, booming...NO !! It was about one octave below an SS dude screaming "NO, you Swinehund!" Suspicious ignorance at high volume... always a tell of the canted ideologue, eh?
The reason I even mention this seemingly insignificant event is, think about it... have you ever seen a cooking show or can you even imagine a person on a cooking show, asking if they could substitute butter for margarine, where the cook yells "NO" like a Nazi rabble-rouser... in fact, what does the cook say, in a nice calm voice, in real life or in your imagination... they ALWAYS say "Why yes, of course...You can substitute virtually ANYTHING for ANYTHING... that is the beauty of creative cooking."
But no, not in Zorba's World... and he will react strangely aggressive if you even hint at trying to replace a Man-Made, toxic Faux-Fat (margarine) with a natural Real-Fat (butter), which humans have consumed in relative safety for a million years... in one or the other of many forms of *Undamaged* Saturated Fat.
(2).. All "POLY" unsaturated food oil (like Soy, Corn, Canola, Safflower, Sunflower, Cottonseed, Grape seed, Peanut and more).
POLY-Oils FYI: Are rancid and toxic when "fresh from the store," remember, but you can't smell the rancidity because the oil is RBDed (refined, bleached, deodorized) at extremely high heat to destroy the odor... but the RBDing can't do a darn thing to lower the toxicity of the already oxidized oil! The resulting free-radicals attack your Liver, Heart, and Joints... so Dieticians LIE when they tell you that grocery store Vegetable Oil (usually Soy or Corn) is heart healthy.
(a).. Canola Oil — Dr. Zorba, et al, are always saying that Canola Oil is a heart-healthy, MONO-unsat Oil...(here it comes...), "Just like Olive Oil." Let me sound off with a "NO" of my own! See, you nutritional geniuses can keep on calling it a Mono-oil just because at 56% Mono, you have those pesky mathematics on your side, but to say it is just like Olive Oil is a gross misrepresentation! Here's why:
All edible oils will always have 3 types of FA's (Fatty-Acids) — Mono-Unsat, Poly-Unsat and solid SatFat but these fats at wildly different ratios! It is those ratios that mean EVERYTHING. Also it is the "Poly-Unsat" that goes rancid easily due to the heat of pressing... NOT the Mono or SatFat.
OK, so Olive Oil, coming from a soft fruit, is one of the reasons it does not require RBDing due to lower pressing temps, but the primary reason is because Olive Oil has a negligible percentage of Poly-oil (remember it's the poly that will easily go rancid) at only 8% Poly. See, because of the large 76% Mono and the fairly large SatFat at 16%,(a good thing) this means there's not room left over for much Poly... so 8% poly means no need for oil poisoning RBD processes!
Conversely, Canola or Rapeseed Oils, coming from a hard seed, do require RBDing due to higher pressing temps promoting spoilage, but primarily because it has a large % of Poly-oil (which will go rancid) at a significant 35%! See, the low 56% Mono and a low SatFat (a bad thing that it's low) leaves lots of space to be filled by Poly — hence the 35% poly will get you RBDed!
So, technically, you idiots performing such can continue to call canola oil a "mono-oil"... but don't you dare, then, tack on the stupid line, "and it's just like olive oil." The 56% Mono portion cannot undo the damage done by the rancid 35% Poly portion... so stop being a Bone-Head and start calling it a Poly-Oil, because it's the Poly part that is slowly killing you!
Oh yeah — the 8% Omega-3 that the "Liars" say is in Canola, well, it's in there... BUT it is an extremely sensitive Poly-Oil, remember, prone to ready spoilage, so that 8% of the 35% poly total is the FIRST fatty-acid to go rancid at pressing. In fact, that 8% will go rancid 6 or 8 times faster than the 27% of remaining poly oil... which will go rancid, too, just a little slower.
SO LISTEN UP — to get non-oxidized Omega-3 Oil from a seed it must be pressed with added expensive REFRIGERATION... just like with "Medicinal Oils" such as Flaxseed Oil or Black Currant Seed Oil, and then refrigerated after opening. Toxic grocery store Canola Oil hasn't seen any refrigeration lately... Canola Oil is quality of life destroying Crap, people!
As promised at the top of this paper, some Liver Supplements:
1).. NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) - dirt cheap powerful liver antioxidant but most importantly is the precursor to the # 1, hands-down, most valuable antioxidant that we produce: Glutathione (also called GSH). We make less GSH as we get older but taking supplemental GSH is not very effective ...so take the precursor instead - at least 600mg of NAC w/o food but please always take 1000mg of Vit.C with it. NAC is cheap but GSH... not so cheap.
The largest store of GSH is in the liver where, on the cellular level, it removes toxins like mercury, lead and even that oxidized Canola Oil you wrongfully ate.
2).. TMG (Trimethylglycine) - also dirt cheap but powerful liver Supplement that protects the liver from toxins, helps process fats, and SO much more. Also, along with folic acid, B-6 and B-12, TMG protects your heart from Homocysteine damage that is the real reason for the inflammation leading to most heart disease and blocked arteries... so STOP blaming too much cholesterol! If it's too high, it is because the cholesterol is responding to the inflamed artery, not because you eat high cholesterol foods.
3).. SAMe - NOT dirt cheap, so if money is tight, forget about SAMe. If money is not a problem then by all means take advantage of SAMe's Multi-Effects, like Liver protection, Joint and Cartilage repair, production of Neurotransmitters (emotional stability) and it also helps increase GSH. A 30 day supply is about $20 to $25.
OK, that's it...I hope you can now begin to appreciate the depth of Dr. Zorba's incompetence! Actually this is pretty minor in comparison to his many other, less than brilliant, observations. One day I plan on writing a book called "There's NO Omega-3 in Cod-Liver Oil" hi-lighting Dr. Z's on-air comments, see, actually there is about 220mg of Omega-3 in every gram of CLO.
Dr. Zorba? You have your own nation wide radio show, teach in Med schools, and travel the world lecturing doctors from other countries, so here's a bit of advice: if ever lecturing in Iceland or Norway, don't say there's no Omega-3 in Cod Liver Oil, Ok? The Icelanders and Norwegians will think you are a nose-bubbling idiot...
Write as you like -- alan068@centurytel.net
Until next time, well be.
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive — http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html |
LivingTree Root #043 Sanjay Gupta is Anti-Antioxidants By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
Before I share my small amount of empirical data regarding the use of antioxidants to protect your eyes —and everything else part & parcel to a healthful quality of life— let me address the likely appointment of Dr. Sanjay Gupta as our next Surgeon General and examine his seeming bias toward antioxidants, et al.
Frankly, Sanja hasn't met a Drug Company or a dangerous pharmaceutical he doesn't like. Consider, he has ties with most of the biggies in the Pharmaceutical industry. This is very amply illustrated by his endorsements of SSRI's for pregnant women & Vioxx for arthritis sufferers, just to name two suspiciously questionable moves.
Additionally, he has his insidious "Pharm-Speak" down solid. You know "... the benefits outweigh the risks..." rap. Uh huh... even if you do kill 58,000 people, or so, to relieve their joint pain!
This is without considering, of course, that there is a much better, completely safe, and inherently natural way to relieve joint pain... That's right! Visit alienview.net/ALLT1.html#dogtest, Arthritis, Misery, and the Dog-Test, for an overview showing that Glucosamine & MSM really works for joint pain... and I have the dog to prove it!
Anyway, Dr. Gupta seizes virtually every opportunity he can to discourage people from taking supplemental antioxidants and other supplementation. To this end, he uses certified-as-bogus studies to "prove" that antioxidants only provide for the consumer's harm, and especially if you take large amounts in a broad spectrum.
An example of said bogus studies, and a favorite among many doctors, concerns where Cancer patients were given Vit.E & Beta Carotene and then subsequently reported that they'd gotten worse compared to the placebo group. The truth of the matter is that these studies incorporated false data coming from a sub-group of persons who had lung cancer... but did not quit smoking while on chemo. Outrageous!
...And just one freaking time, reader, I would like to see these negative Vit.E studies use something besides the grossly inferior (made from petroleum) kind of Vit. E (found in Centrum) with its 2 opposing molecules! This is the "dl" alpha tocopherol — where the "l" molecule, you'll observe, is not usable by human beings... but can still plug the Vitamin E "receptor site" so the usable "d" molecule cannot then be used!
See, if the "study" said they took 100iu of Vit.E, this equates to as little as only 25iu of E actually being enjoyed by the tissues!
It gets worse! The small percentage of the artificial, manmade "d" molecule used will only be "used" one time & then it is excreted like garbage. Conversely, the natural Vit.E, with its single "d" molecule made from soy beans, etc. will be recycled in the body several times!
Plainly, the preceding is a clear example of the kind of mendacious "dirty-tricks" shenanigans —defining the activities of unethical and immoral sociopaths— as clearly practiced by these corporate psychos! It remains, mind, that even though this phony data has, subsequently, been abundantly clarified, MD's still use it to poo-poo the use of antioxidants, and ALL supplements for that matter, without regard to the efficacy of these supplements when used in a conscientiously applied program of general nutrition. The reader must agree how wrong this is.
Yeah, I know doctors will counter with the "logical" gloss that if the petrol "d" chemical formula is the same as the Natural "d" formula, then they are the same "on paper" & will react exactly the same way in your body.
OK, tell that to Mother Nature... AND the Canadian Government research proving the unmistakable difference between the two! Their study shows that the biopsied tissue in the brain confirms the efficacy of the natural version. Of course, on reflection, it could be that Canada grows a lot of Soy beans and wants to sell same... and they do... but I'm fairly confident they are not lying about the superiority of Natural "E" because the #1 Holistic Doctor on the web, mercola.com, says essentially the same thing! I've never caught him in a lie!
FYI — even the superior "d" alpha tocopherol is not nearly the BEST form of Vit.E, though it is still demonstrably superior to the more cheaply produced (...ding!) artificial "dl" alpha form. One is prodded to imagine the positive results which might have been attained in the above mentioned "bogus studies" had they "knocked it up another notch" by using "Natural Mixed" Tocopherol with the natural beta, gamma, and delta tocopherols used in addition to the alpha tocopherols... ...or, heaven forbid they should use the synergistic effect of ALL 8 forms of Vit.E - the 4 tocopherols plus the 4 tocotrinols. See, that's not money in their pockets...
OK, there are hundreds of Vit.E and antioxidant studies coming up with completely opposite results... mostly determined by he who has an ax to grind; however, my empirical data comes from a large group of ONE...ah, mostly ME. Push passed that. Consider, I just confirm what has been cited elsewhere in credible studies by credible persons without that aforementioned ax to grind.
Changing gears, some of you might remember my paper on rense.com a year or so back called - 20/20 Bowel Disease! ...Or, how Crohn's can improve your eyesight! (http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#eye)
Anyway, that piece was in regards to my taking large doses of antioxidants, et al, effectively curing my "incurable" Crohn's disease, but in addition discovering that the antioxidant regimen actually improved my eyesight... among other significant improvements!
Reader, before I started taking a very broad spectrum of antioxidants I would have to get slightly stronger glasses about every 18 to 24 months... pretty much like everybody else, but after I started supplementing I went 10 freaking years without new glasses at the time I wrote that paper in 2006.
In the couple of years since then I have managed to add several more big scratches on the now 12 year old lenses plus the writing on my TV seemed to be getting a little fuzzy... so I decided to finally go get an eye test and new lens prescription.
Well folks, it was my TV getting fuzzy, actually, not my eyesight! The sweet, young, and perky eye doctor —who "laughed" & "smiled" from the moment I sat down in the chair—gushed that it was truly unusual that after so many years I could still read most of the letters BELOW the 20/20 line —I only missed one— with my old glasses! Moreover, she did not have to remotely change my prescription!
I told her about taking a broad spectrum of antioxidants for my Crohn's! The eyes are very susceptible to harmful uV light, oxygen, and the resulting Free-Radicals; the unintended consequences were those antioxidants seemed to have protected my eyes, too, by neutralizing the damaging free-radicals.
I was going to sound-off further, thinking she might be interested (seeing as she's an eye doctor)... Silly me — She stopped smiling immediately & said "I see," curtly ...the friendly perkiness was decidedly over. I guess she'd drunk the Gupta Kool-Aid.
Here's some of what I took :
1).. Lutein & Bilberry - Even though these are classic Eye antioxidants, I took them for my inflamed gut..not my eyes.
2).. Resveratrol - Super powerful antiox. found in red wine. Take the capsule form...one glass of DRY red wine will improve digestion & you will live longer <BUT> don't try to get an adequate dose of Resveratrol by drinking wine - you'll have to drink way too much.
3).. Grapeseed Extract - Very cheap antiox. that is good for everything but especially good for the gut & it would appear the eyes also...considering I likely took more of this than any other antiox.
FYI : If you believe Regis that SWEET grape juice is a healthful way to get antioxidants then you don't understand that the unhealthful insulin increase —along with a dozen other things wrong with a LARGE BLAST of sugar & fructose not slowed down by any fiber— cannot be negated or justified by the antioxidants in grape juice...ah, in other words, it is STUPID to ever drink sweet grape juice except maybe that tiny amount the priest gives you.
FYI-2 : "Grape-Stuff" that is acceptable in descending order of efficacy : (a)..Grapeseed Extract - (b)..Dry Red Wine - (c)..Dry Red Wine (alcohol-Free) - & lastly, a handful of WHOLE grapes — BUT NO sweet juice & NO Grapeseed Cooking Oil, it is refined, toxic Crap...don't believe the hype.
4).. R-Fraction Alpha Lipoic Acid - this R-Fraction form is superior to regular ALA. - this is the great recycler of other antioxidants.
5).. Turmeric (Curcumin) - The yellow stuff in curry powder. Powerful antiox. that has been shown to possibly prevent cataracts. I take it in capsules & I cook with it.
6).. Ginkgo Biloba - Protects the retina along with your heart & brain. The data, sponsored by the drug industry a few years ago that showed Ginkgo didn't work was so flawed as to be laughable, so lets move on - but write if you really want it explained.
7).. Selenium - The #1 most powerful trace mineral antioxidant out there. Take a daily total of about 400mcg...there is usually about 100mcg or so in a good multi. The FDA was sued so Supplement makers could openly advertise that supplemental Selenium would reduce cancer significantly. Please only buy Selenomethiodine or Amino-Acid Chelated Selenium...I would never take more than 400mcg daily unless I had cancer, then I would take 600mcg - you see selenium can have toxic effects if you take much over 600mcg for very long.
8).. Astragalus - Especially good liver antiox.
9).. NAC - Another great liver antiox. Remember, anything that is good for your liver is good for digestion which is good for your eyes.
10)..The "Mixed Tocopherol" Vit.E and the very expensive (but probably worth it) Tocotrinols...don't feel bad if you think the tocotrinols seem just a little too expensive...they are too damn expensive, so just get the "Natural Mixed" unless money is not a consideration. No need to take more than a 400iu softgel in addition to the 30 to 60iu in most Multi's.
Seriously, get a team of the most brilliant eye doctors in the world and arm them with an unlimited budget to do everything humanly possible using their Allopathic Medicine (western mainstream medicine). Reader, they will NEVER accomplish anything even close to what I did!
The empirical evidence? I cured my Crohn's, my "hereditary" arthritis, and kept the same corrective eyewear for nearly 12 years... actually, it's gonna be a lot longer than 12 years because these are brand new lenses... but with the same old prescription! Oh yeah, I haven't had a cold or taken a flu shot in that same 12 years.
Back to Gupta; what's his angle, really? Are we served by having him in an office with an increasing importance via new health care initiatives coming down the pike from Obama and his posse? The real irony, friends and neighbors, is that a natural approach to illness by way of healthful diet and nutrition is just the kind of cost savings our society should be looking for... but for the wrong kinds of Gupta indorsed people, consider, making the wrong kinds of money... the wrong kinds of way!
Regarding Sanjay's likely appointment (he looks so good on TV), wouldn't it be refreshing & good for the folks to have a SG who actually tried to do something relieving the "stranglehold" the Drug Companies have on Doctors & Dieticians? I bet there are a lot of MD's who might like that... you know, the ones who are not firmly entrenched in the vile "Pharmaceutical Kickback Program"...humm, are there any of those — do you think?
In closing, understand it wasn't Gupta who cured my Crohns, healed my arthritis, or improved my sight. No, that was a product of lay understanding as it pertains to the intrinsic value of diet, nutrition, and supplementation. No more reader, certainly, no less.
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive — http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
Well be.
...And a Shout out to: Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND Founder and Director, Creating Health Institute and The Oake Centre for natural health education visit us at Natural Health News "Not to know is bad. Not to want to know is worse. Not to hope is unthinkable. Not to care is unforgivable." - Nigerian saying
LivingTree Root #044 Valentine's Day Menu for 2009 (adults only) By Alan Graham - alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg - www.AlienView.net
For those of you who didn't see the 2008 V'Day paper, please read it at rense.com archives or at http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#yam, if for no other reason than to try the "Baked Stuffed Yam & Banana."
I received emails from people all over the world who loved it... well, England & Canada anyway. Yams, their 1st cousin Sweet-potatoes, and Bananas are nutritionally nearly perfect foods apart from the fact that they are traditional Aphrodisiacs!
OK, for all you boys & girls crazy for voo-doo monkey-sex who otherwise can't wait to get things going on Cupid's Day —you know who you are— here are some classic Aphrodisiac breakfast or brunch dishes to warm you up on the 14th!
The following Erotic foods & recipes are broken down by meals... so lets get fired up!
1.. Figs - Gee, what can I say, just look at the gol-durned thing! Eat them by themselves, or try this great aphrodisiac "Figs, Honey & whiskey" dish for brunch or dinner:
Place 8 to 12 Firm Figs (halved) on a cookie sheet, cut side up. In a sauce pan bring a shot of whisky together with 1/4 to 1/2 cup of Tupelo Honey to a boil to cook off the alcohol. Let cool a little bit & then pour over Figs. Bake at 350 for about 8 minutes or just until the figs get soft. The taste is as arousing as its appearance.
Trivia - Figs were Cleopatra's favorite food and she was a genius who by age 20 spoke 10 different languages! Being the descendent of Alexander's #2 Companion, Ptolemy, she was a Greek, not an Egyptian, and after 300 years of Ptolemaic rule in Egypt she was the only one who ever bothered to learn the language of her subjects.
2.. Soft-boiled Eggs (w.runny yolk) - Balances hormones & relieves stress due to high amounts of B-6, B-5 & more. It is generally accepted that Eggs, as close to raw as possible, will increase Libido. However, egg whites should always be cooked so as to convert a glycoprotein that will bind to biotin.
Consequently it is prudent to always separate the yolk & white and soft cook the white & eat the yolk raw (I put them in a smoothie)...or mix back into the cooked whites. Poached or soft-boiled is a good compromise if separating an egg yolk from the white is beyond your capability...true w. most males.
Raw egg yolks contain the same "Complex" Omega-3's found in Krill or Fish Oil but heat, air & light quickly destroy those sensitive Fatty-Acids.
That is why all these processed foods like "Fake Butter-spreads", dairy products or WHATEVER, injected with Omega-3's, EPA or DHA, are a sham...the Omega-3 is mostly rancid. Don't go there! Use real Butter.
FYI : Only use organic, free-range or cage-free eggs not touted with regard to how much Omega-3 they contain - although they might just say they are high in Om-3 (like maybe 100mg)...but STAY AWAY from eggs bragging about excessive amounts of Om-3, like 300 or 400mg... these hens are fed rancid Omega-3!
3.. Avocado, Asparagus, Tomato Medley - Chop ripe Avocado & Tomato (w. seeds removed). Steam Asparagus (tips only) until just a tad softer than al dente'. Let cool. Mix together & drizzle on a homemade Vinaigrette mixture of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Balsamic vinegar (or red wine vinegar), Something Sweet (Stevia, Xylitol or Tupelo Honey), a splash of lemon juice (optional), and a little sea-salt. To really get the pores to open up, sprinkle with cayenne pepper (again optional).
Value of Medley Ingredients:
(a). Avocados - The Aztec "Testicle-Tree"...is loaded w. healthful Fatty Acids, plus potassium, B-6 & folic acid so good for pregnant women! Additionally it produces the histamine necessary for either sex to achieve orgasm. This is on my short list of nearly perfect foods.
(b). Asparagus - Historically, is likely the most revered of Aphrodisiac foods... again, identical to the avocado with regard to those things needed to achieve orgasm.
(c). Tomato - Maybe there's a reason they call it a "Love-Apple". Anyway, tomatoes are a good source of Lycopene for the ol' prostate & for all you old geezers out there... you are less likely to have prostate problems if you ejaculate every day.
Small digression: Twenty years ago I tried to explain to a Proctologist how having sex daily gave your immune system a boost... he almost fell over laughing... of course, he was a boneheaded idiot. Think about it... you know I'm right because Mother-Nature or God rewards procreative behavior. It's the law of the gene pool.
(d). Cayenne Pepper - Ancient sex stimulant... not to mention it is one of the most health promoting foods you can put in your mouth! It is good for your gut, joints, heart & brain... I'm not kidding, it is a magical food.
(e). Honey - Another Ancient sex stimulant... I recommend Tupelo because of the almost inaudible last line in the movie "Ulee's Gold"...where bee-keeper, Peter Fonda quietly says "Tupelo won't crystallize & turn to sugar like other honeys"...hey! It was in a movie, it must be true.
4. Lastly, Strong Coffee - A sex stimulate just for special occasions. Please don't become a coffee addict (like me...of course now I only drink Herbal Coffee). Add further Libido-charging stuff to your coffee:
(a). Cinnamon – The Queen of Sheba captured King Solomon with this nearly perfect food... great for digestion, sugar metabolism & warms the body for a sense of well being.
(b). Cocoa (chocolate) - Natural UNsweetened Baking Cocoa... w. zero sugar & virtually no fat but when mixed in coffee (to provide a little fat) & Stevia or Tupelo to sweeten; it really makes a great Mocha-Coffee.
Chocolate stimulates endorphins that make women feel sexy... ah, you know, that's the whole "Box of Choc.-Valentines Day" connection - and gram for gram pure Dark Chocolate is one of the more powerful antioxidants... maybe the most powerful.
(c). If this is a Brunch, you might try Kahlu'a (Coffee Liquor)... and if you don't have the Baking Cocoa, they make a Mocha Kuhlu'a that you can put in your coffee for a chocolate fix. A small amount of alcohol will stimulate a person romantically... but a little bit more will do the opposite...especially you dudes. Please read "My Woody's Outside Covered with Snow" parts one and two (at the Rense.com site) for all the right ways to avoid E.D.
For dinner or whenever:
1.. Erotic Salad w. Avocado Vinaigrette dressing :
(a). Dressing - Grind or blend ripe Avocado into the Olive Oil Vinaigrette described above to make a "Green-Goddess" Dressing like you have never tasted... you will throw away your Paul Newman Crapola, all respect to Mr. Newman (I'm sure he didn't know his oil dressings were teaming with toxic Lipid-Peroxide), may he rest in peace.
(b). Aphrodisiac and/or Phallic shaped Veggies & Fruit for salad -
(i) Asparagus lightly steamed (historically made the sex-list due to its phallus shape but in modern time it was discovered to, in fact, have sexually stimulating properties). (ii) Tomato, chopped. (iii) Pineapple chunks (Enzyme Bromelain has been proven to enhance Libido). (iv) Avocados, already some blended in dressing, so more may just be gratuitous... sometimes gratuitous is good. (v) Tiny amount of jalapeño peppers. (vi) Arugula (very ancient sex stimulant), (vii) OPTIONAL - Thin sliced Onion or Green onions & Garlic (likely the oldest Aphrodisiac around) and any other veggie or fruit that you like.
2.. ButterNut Squash - Oh yeah... almost a little TOO Phallic. Try these 2 BNS dishes :
(1)...Roasted BNS "Fingers":
(a). If you have never peeled a BNS, please go to UTube & look at any number of videos on the procedure...& please use the best bionic potato-peeler you can find for the job & be very careful.
(b). Cut into long French-fries about 3/4 to 1 inch thick & grease with Olive Oil, Butter or Coconut Oil (Ccnut oil is my fav.).
(c). Sprinkle with any or all of the following - Sea-salt, Cinnamon, Cayenne, Stevia or Honey (if you like it really sweet) ...I like to do half w. just Oil & Sea-Salt and half w. everything.
(d). Roast on cookie sheet at 350 degrees until golden brown... sometimes it helps to re-brush them with the oil, etc. toward the end.
(2)...BNS & Split Pea soup - if you like, just make the BNS soup w/o the split pea added to it because lets face it, BNS soup is the richest tasting, most luxurious soup in the world <BUT> it has virtually no fiber or protein so it is somewhat nutritionally weak. However, BNS does have LOTS of the beta carotene form of Vit.A, plus it has a surprisingly low glycemic value considering all the sweetness with no fiber to buffer that sweetness.
Still, if you make it half & half with homemade split pea soup you are adding a nutritional rich soup, high in fiber & protein. Trust me folks, the split pea taste is so synergistic with the BNS, that I like it better than plain BNS soup.
(a)..BNS Soup - Roast BNS till soft. Sauté onion in olive oil - blend with Veggie stock or water, sea-salt, nutmeg & cinnamon.
(b)..Split Pea Soup - Sauté Onion in olive oil - add SP's, Water, Sea-salt, pepper & cook until soft.
(c)..Blend both soups together until smooth, heat & serve.
3.. Almond, Flaxseed, Macadamia Nut "Butter":
Almonds - Samson courted Delilah with Almonds... the aroma is said to stimulate passion in a woman... not to mention it contains Laetrile which might help protect you from cancer. Almonds are another one of those nearly perfect foods... but NEVER eat Almonds that have been roasted in any kind of Oil, especially pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil).
Macadamia Nut - When used with Almonds which are highly nutritious & very Anti-inflammatory... Macadamia Nuts which are nutritionally weak but EXTREMELY Anti-inflammatory - create a healthful Aphrodisiac marvel that is sweet and rich, yes, but won't hurt your heart or screw with your blood-sugar. I buy roasted Mac-nut pieces found in the Baking-Section of the grocery store.
Flaxseed - The richest source of plant-derived Omega-3 (ALA) that will decrease Inflammation, Platelet-stickiness, Blood pressure & Allergic reactions. Always grind seeds 1st in a Coffee-grinder before adding to the recipe Never buy PRE-ground Flaxseed...it has too much harmful Oxidation.
(a). Hi-Speed Process the following dry ingredients. Use a Food-Processor, or some Blenders have an add-on Ice-Crushing Bowl & Blade that will do the job... a regular blender won't work. Add 3/4 to 1 cup or so of Almonds, 1/4 to 1/2 cup Mac. Nuts & 2 or 3 Tbls of freshly ground Flaxseed. Process these ingredients with cinnamon, cayenne, sea-salt, Stevia or Xylitol to sweeten.
(b). Put in bowl & stir in Olive Oil or melted Coconut Oil (again Coconut oil is my fav.) - make as dry or moist as you like with the oil. When you make it very moist it becomes very rich tasting. A great dessert with strong Kuhlu'a Coffee, of course you may be up all night... in all sorts of ways... OK, never mind.
That's it for this year... & guys: if you show your lady you are a versatile Renaissance-Man in the kitchen she will love you for it & besides, it is more healthful across the board than jewelry, am I right?
Email with questions or recipe suggestion for the next paper.
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
Well be.
LivingTree Root #045 Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths... By Alan Graham - alan068@centurytel.net
With Alfred Lehmberg -
Our food industry, at all, is a lie wrapped in a distortion of half-disclosed truths. A ravening beast of reptilian sociopathy, it is abundantly facilitated and very well employed to prosecute profit at the exclusion of any other sensibility. ...Any other, reader.
Yes, and to prosecute that very specific sensibility at the unhealthful expense of the consumer, our "food" industry employs misinformation, disinformation and bad information in just that time-honored triad of ready conspiracy and gleeful deceit. Yes Virginia, "they," with the full support of a corrupted mainstream, its hijacked government, and assorted institutions & media saturators... lie.
The best way to tell a lie, of course, is to use "Half-Truths..." or use truths to prop up a falsehood. Say! Isn't this exactly what "Dieticians" and all these errant Poly Food Oil producers, like Grapeseed Oil, use to trick you into thinking that, not only is their POLY-unsaturated Grapeseed Oil (GSO) a healthful oil — but that it is oil even superior to MONO-unsaturated Olive Oil!
More patent misdirection? The GSO people especially like to throw around that largely irrelevant and misleading "High Smoke-Point" crap to muddy the nutritional water. Claiming superiority based on such is far, far, far from remotely legitimate... where it is not a foul hubris, a societal tragedy, and a stupefying malfeasance.
As a map and to be fair, I'm going to direct most of my contrast & comparison to the more expensive and better quality Cold (<120 degrees F) Expeller-Pressed (Unrefined) Grapeseed Oil — after a brief explanation of the kinds of Refined Poly-unsaturated Oils (mostly Soy & Corn) that you buy at the grocery store. Let's roll.
Evilly Unhealthful "Poly" Food Oils:
Dieticians blithely tell us that both Poly-unsaturated & Mono-unsaturated Food Oils are healthful because they are both beautiful liquid oils at room temp. This is complete CRAP, where not an injurious insult! It violates Uncle Al's "FAT RULE #1"...
..."A Saturated Fat is no more necessarily BAD because it is solid - than an Oil is necessarily GOOD because it is liquid."
Solid-at-room-temp, Saturated Fat (SatFat) & liquid Mono-unsaturated Oils like Olive Oil are very stable! They don't easily oxidize & go rancid because the Mono (One) carbon-carbon double-bond is chemically non-reactive... oh yeah, and wholesome, undamaged SatFat has no delicate double-bonds at all! SatFat, actually, is your bodies Fat-of-Choice for most jobs.
On the other hand, Poly Oil (Poly means 'many' carbon-carbon double-bonds) like Soy, Corn & yes, Grapeseed oil with 2 double-bonds... has a reactive unpaired Electron! Consequently, it is Unstable & will go rancid easily with exposure to heat, air, light & time.
Most grocery store Poly oils like Corn or Soy —universally if outrageously called "Vegetable-Oil"— start going rancid immediately due to the air & hi-heat of commercial pressing, so they must be RBDed (refined, bleached & deodorized) with even HIGHER heat to destroy the rancid smell... but this hi-heat deodorization also pretty much destroys the Oil itself!
This "dead," RBDed, and nutritionally weak oil will equate to a long shelf life at room temp after the bottle is opened & it will smell fresh straight from the store, but in fact, is already rancid & teaming with cancer-causing/heart-stopping free-radicals called Lipid Peroxide.
These free-radicals attack cell membranes, red blood cells, and cause DNA/RNA damage. This contributes to resulting mutations in tissue, blood & skin! The preceding can cause or exacerbate virtually any disease, reader, especially Cancer & Heart Disease!
See? RBDed Poly Food Oils should never be used for ANYTHING! This pretty much includes every grocery store Food Oil— except Olive oil.
I add that some Poly Seed-Oils like Grapeseed Oil are very low-yield oils, so toxic solvents like Hexane are routinely used to suck out enough oil to be commercially profitable. Unfortunately, some of the Hexane is always left behind, which is a shame, eh? Right... so avoid using these oils!
OK, then, but what about the "good-stuff" (sneer quotes) poly oils... Unrefined, Hexane-Free, Cold Expeller-Pressed Poly Food Oils like some of the, necessarily, fairly expensive Grapeseed oils? These expeller-pressed Poly-Oils can start out directly after pressing with minimum oxidation, it's touted, so they are portrayed as safe and healthful oils which can be used for salads or frying ... "especially when you consider they have a very high Smoke-Pt." No!
See, this is where misdirection & several half-truths are used to confuse folks! As shown, these 1/2 truths run from "almost-true" to complete "idiotic-silliness." Here are some promised examples of this deception with regard to the Unrefined, Expeller-Pressed Grapeseed Oil.
1/2 Truth # 1.. "GSO has a much higher Smoke-Point (SmPt) than Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)".
...No! ....Well, Yes, but watch close as this gets tricky. Yes, GSO does have a higher Smoke-Pt. than Olive Oil because GSO has few impurities & a natural substance that raises the Smoke-Point, <BUT> ...isn't it errantly implied that GSO has even less oxidation at temp's below the SmPt of Olive Oil, so Grapeseed Oil is safer as the temp increases above room temp for cooking?
Yes, it is so errantly implied! Though, contrary to the preceding implication, GSO is an unstable and potentially toxic POLY-Oil (as per above) beginning to Oxidize the second you start to raise the temp for cooking! The high smoke point is irrelevant; you still fry your food in "toxic waste" even if you stay well below the SmPt!
The stable MONO-Oil (like Olive Oil) may have a lower SmPt, but it will NOT rapidly oxidize like the highly reactive POLY-Oils as the heat goes up. Consequently, you should never cook with Unrefined Poly Food Oils... of any stripe or quality!
Additionally, these Unrefined POLY-Oils like GSO will rapidly go rancid (after the bottle has been opened) just sitting around at room temp! They should be refrigerated... unlike Stable MONO Olive Oil that will stay good for months at room temp & even years if it is a very cool, dark place.
1/2 Truth # 2.. "GSO is very healthful because it is high in the EFA (Essential Fatty Acid), LA (linoleic acid) at a wonderful, whopping 70%." Conversely, the GSO people trumpet, the "Mono" Omega-9 (Olive Oil) only has a measly 8% of the "Poly" Essential Fatty Acid, LA. "Essential," by the way, means you MUST HAVE IT- but your body cannot make it, so it must come from food.
The above, reader, is a "true statement" that is COMPLETE wackiness... watch how the reptiles make their magic...
...Yes, the Omega-6 (LA) is one of the 2 Poly fatty-acids that are "Essential", the other being Omega-3 (ALA) -- but, unlike the Omega-3 (ALA), that we need more of... we DON'T need more LA in our lives... we need LESS... much, much less in fact!
This is because a too-much-of-a-good-thing-even-essential Omega-6 LA is very unhealthful <BUT> because this "Simple" (as opposed to "Complex") oil is already found in EVERY form of food... to include fruit —astonishingly— we never run short of "Simple", ubiquitous & cheap (albeit "Essential"), Omega-6, LA!
Mother-Nature abundantly insured we get plenty of UNDAMAGED Omega-6 (LA) in nuts, seeds, veggies, fruit & meat without having to resort to over-dosing on unhealthful, potentially toxic Omega-6 (LA) Poly food oils, reader, a food item very rarely consumed at all by lay humanity just a hundred years ago!
See reader, because we are already inundated with unnecessary Omega-6 (LA), from GSO, Soy, Corn & Processed Foods... that so-called "measly" 8% Omega-6 (LA), naturally found in Olive Oil is, in fact, one of its most healthful features...
You see, we just don't need more "Simple" Poly "FOOD-OIL" (LA)... what we need is more "Complex" Poly "MEDICINAL-Oil" (GLA), like found in Black Currant, Borage, Primrose, Hemp, Seeds & Nuts. Also we need more Omega-3's (like found in Flaxseed, Fish, Krill & green-leafy veggies).
It remains! "Simple" Omega-6 Oils (LA), especially the excessively high ones, like Grapeseed at 70% Poly, Sunflower at 75% Poly & Safflower at 80% Poly Oil, do all sorts of "BAD" things - like the following :
Bad #1 -- High Omega-6 causes the critical EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) Ratio (the ratio between Omega-6 & Omega-3 Fatty-Acids) to be at a heart-stopping 20 or 30 to1 Ratio instead of the healthful 4 to1 (or less) Ratio. For every increase above 4 to1 the death rate increases.
FYI: 100 years ago with no processed foods to speak of, remember, people consumed, on average, 1 pound of Omega-6 Food-Oil per year ...now we average 75 pounds of Omega-6 annually.
Quickie fat lesson: The reason the Omega-6's & 3's are "ESSENTIAL" and are the 2 Fatty-Acids used for the CRITICAL EFA Ratio (& not the Omega-9, like Olive Oil or other fats) is because there are 2 EFA Prostaglandin Pathways (PW's) that are found in EVERY cell of your body.
These pathways use "Simple" Omega-6 & "Simple" Omega-3 to "cascade" down their individual chemical paths to become ever more "Complex" which makes the new, resulting Fatty-Acids more powerful & exponentially more healthful.
The 2 PW's lead to 3 different Prostaglandins which are THE "Super-Hormones" controlling virtually everything that goes on in your body, but in particular the Big-4: Inflammation, Platelet-stickiness, Blood Pressure & Allergic Reactions.
The two "slow-moving" Prostaglandins, the Series-1 & the Series-3 (wrongly called the "good" Prostaglandins) are always trying to be "undone" by the single "hi-speed", Series-2 Prostaglandin (wrongly called the "Bad" Prostaglandin). They are not GOOD or BAD...they just are what they are, reader. Necessary for life!
Virtually everything you stick in your mouth effects this prostaglandin balance... especially Omega-6 & 3 Fatty-Acids...but many others that are good, bad or both.
You can easily bring down your EFA Ratio by getting Omega-6 (Soy, Corn, Canola, Grapeseed, etc.) OUT OF YOUR LIFE & switching to Omega-9 (Extra-Virgin Olive or Macadamia Nut Oils)! See, all the Omega-9 in the world has virtually NO effect on the EFA Ratio. Remember, it is ONLY the 6's & 3's that dramatically affect the ratio in question.
To further lower your EFA Ratio, increase your Omega-3 ALA (alpha linolenic acid) with Fresh-ground Flaxseed, Hulled-Raw Hempseed, Black Currant Seed Oil & green-leafy veggies.
So, by reducing your Omega-6 & raising the Omega-3 you can get the EFA Ratio down to about 4 to1 <BUT> if you go "Full-Tilt-Boogey" and then add a few grams of "Complex" Omega-3's from Krill or Fish Oil you might get the ratio down a little closer to an even more desirable 1 to1 Ratio...Like the Inuit (Eskimos) with lowest % of heart disease on the planet, while gorging on blubber (SatFat) your brain-dead dieticians say will kill you.
Bad #2 -- Excessive consumption of Omega-6 LA uses up all of the critical D6D enzyme, so there is none left to start the "Simple" Omega-3 ALA "cascading" down its Prostaglandin Pathway to convert to the POWERFUL "Complex" Omega-3's (EPA & DHA) that a person might normally get from Fish, Krill Oil & Eggs.
Consequently, Omega-6 LA Oil is especially bad for Vegetarians because this conversion is the only way they can get the more Complex Omega-3's, which are in fact the real "Work-Horse" Omega-3 Fatty-Acids.
Unfortunately, even under ideal conditions the conversion is less than 5 or 10%...not to mention a half dozen other things that Vegetarians, in particular, do that will stop the Essential-Fatty-Acid conversion dead in its tracks... like eating lots of Sugar, Margarine & Soy. Not good.
BAD #3 -- If the Omega-6 LA did NOT gobble up all the D6D enzyme, then the Omega-3 would be able to "cascade" on down the Pathway & use the next Desaturase Enzyme in line, the D5D, to do a "good thing" and finish the job of converting ALA to the other powerful Omega-3, EPA, which then activates the "Anti-Inflammatory", Series-3 Prostaglandin.
...BUT, and this is key, if there is too much Omega-6 (like Grapeseed Oil), there won't be any ALA cascading down the Omega-3 pathway, so all that D5D enzyme will be forced to —"Go Over to the DARK Side"— (the Omega-6 side) & do a "bad thing", which is convert DiHomo-GLA to the "Inflammation-causing" Series-2 Prostaglandin... INSTEAD of letting it convert to the "good guy", the "Anti-Inflammatory", Series-1 Prostaglandin.
If this all sounds like Greek to you... please go my paper "Fat Facts" to read a more complete and easier to understand explanation. This includes a Picture diagram of both Cascading Prostaglandin pathways and the foods, etc. that effect each of the many steps along the way... like why the pregnant Mia Farrow was eating Raw Liver in the movie "Rosemary's Baby"...it's Prostaglandins, Folks. http://www.alienview.net/xzfat.html
Also if you would like to read more about Bad Fats from my buddy "The Leaf Lady" then go to http://www.leaflady.org/fatfacts.htm ... she's only been a holistic practitioner for 50 years.
1/2 Truth # 3.. "GSO is high in *Essential* (MUST HAVE) POLY-unsaturated Omega-6 Oil at 70%... where Olive Oil is 76%, NON-Essential MONO-unsaturated Omega-9, so grapeseed oil has to be MUCH better because it is essential & olive oil is NOT essential."
OK, I've already told you the answer to this silly yet "nearly truthful" statement. Yeah, the Omega-6 is "Essential" but, like I said above, we already, normally, get way too much Simple Omega-6 anyway! So? That high 70% LA... is a bad thing, see - not a good thing!
Also, the 76% Omega-9 in Olive Oil, being NON-Essential is in fact a very good thing because it will have No effect on the Omega-6 to Omega-3 EFA Ratio... not to mention, AGAIN, that Omega-9 is stable (resists rancidity) where Omega-6 is UNSTABLE and potentially toxic.
It should be clear that expensive Unrefined Grapeseed Oil should not be heated because its "Poly-ness" causes it to oxidize rapidly. On the other hand it should not be used cold, either, because its high Omega-6 (70%) throws your Omega-6 to Omega-3 EFA Ratio completely out of whack...where Omega-9, Olive oil does NONE of these harmful things.
So NO Poly Food Oils like Soy, Corn, Peanut, Cottonseed, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Safflower & yes, even Canola.
Fats to cook with :
1). Olive Oil - Stable Mono oil (at 76% Mono) that resists oxidation fairly well as temp goes up. Moderate SmPt in the low 300's. Does not require refrigeration... but light & air cause slow oxidation - fruity, exotic, other-worldly taste.
2). Macadamia Nut Oil - Stable Mono oil (at 80% Mono) with the highest SmPt of any UNrefined Mono Oil at close to 400. Does not require refrigeration...but light & air cause slow oxidation - bland, neutral taste & expensive.
3). Coconut Oil (Unrefined, Hexane-Free, Extra-Virgin) - Very, very stable, magical SatFat called MCT's that has a moderate SmPt in the mid 300's but because it is born in the heat of the tropics it has POWERFUL heat-resistant Anti-oxidants protecting it from oxidation & NO delicate double-bonds to be effected as the temp heads up toward that SmPt!
It does not require refrigeration & oh yeah, it is so stable & protects itself so well, that it will stay good at room temp for up to 5 freaking years.
Consuming Ccnut Oil anti-oxidants protects your body, and the other more delicate Fatty-Acids you consume, in the same way it protects itself. This is just one of the many reasons Ccnut Oil is in EVERY Baby formula! Additionally, those same MCT's are also very high in breast-milk! Don't believe the evil, mendacious, contrived lies that doctors & dieticians tell about Coconut Oil.
Reader, every time you hear a dietician say that Coconut Oil is heart unhealthy because it is 90% Solid Saturated Fat... you know they are: either black-hearted evil liars or they are as dumb as a bag of broken mousetraps.
Sincerely, to maintain such rarified ignorance they must every morning attach their horse-blinders to the sides of their head firmly so they can not see anything on the periphery — but only see what's put right in front of their ignorant little noses... ok, circuit-breakers are getting warm...
I hope that wasn't too harsh... No, wait. I don't care that it was harsh! Actually, if you want to know the truth... if I didn't respect PG rated concerns it would be a lot harsher! Anyway, I digress.
4). Ghee (clarified-butter) — This is the "REAL DEAL" for hi-heat cooking with its extraordinarily high SmPt at close to 500 degrees. This is because with Clarifed-Butter the water & proteins are removed.
Ghee will not break down or oxidize as the temp goes up because it is a very stable SatFat with NO delicate double-bonds to be destroyed and so go rancid and toxic. Additionally, the arcane short-chained Fatty-Acids in Ghee have extreme anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory healing characteristics! It will raise HDL & Lower LDL cholesterol, so it is GREAT for your Heart.
If you keep Ghee in an air tight container at room temp it can last for YEARS without oxidizing. And please don't mention to "dieticians" that what is essentially real "Butter" (but clarified) is good for your heart, brain, joints, eyes & it lowers cholesterol... ...because if you do tell them - it might make their pointy little heads implode. A billion Ayurvedic Indians are likely on to something, eh?
Vegetable Ghee (2 types) :
(1). Pure Palm Oil Ghee is OK...not as good as real Butter Ghee but pretty good, none the less, as long as you don't see the word "Interesterified" (inter-ester-ified) or Vegetable Oil anywhere in the ingredients section or on the label.
(2). pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) [Toxic Alert!] Ghee... a TransFat ABOMINATION just like Margarine! Those who sully the sacred word "Ghee" by sticking it on something akin to deadly "Flavored Crisco" should be summarily sterilized to keep them from urinating in the shallow end of the "Gene-Pool." I mean it reader! Such evilness should be penalized. Such intention should be prosecuted!
"Gee wiz Al, what about other "Specialty" Mono cooking oils I see, like Walnut, Hazelnut & Almond with very high SmPt's in the 400's or... Avocado Oil with a SmPt over 500?"
Don't be fooled... these are Refined oils that should be avoided unless you find them in their Unrefined form...but guess what? Then their SmPts will be about 100 degrees lower than the refined form! For example, Walnut Oil drops from 400 (refined) to 320 (unrefined)... Sesame seed oil drops from 450 to 350..etc, etc.
Also avoid the Oil that I have actually seen idiots get "misty-eyed" over! These are mouth-breathers who love Canola Oil because they believe it to be a Mono Unsat Oil ...just like Olive Oil... NO! NO! No, it is NOT! "Canola" is a partial Mono Oil at a low 54% Mono which leaves plenty of room for about 30 to 35% Poly... which does all the BAD things Poly Oils do. Canola is crap!
C'mon, get yourself some Ghee, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil & real Butter and you have your Fat & Oil requirements covered... you don't need hazardous Grapeseed Oil or any of the other dangerous Poly-Food Oils.
...And please don't do like brain-dead dieticians do all the time! These try to meld toxic Poly FOOD Oils with non-toxic Poly MEDICINAL Oils like Black Currant, Borage, Hemp, Flaxseed, Fish & Krill, like they were the same thing. Poly Medicinal Oils are processed with expensive refrigeration! Lumping them in with rancid Poly Food Oils is just stupid... they are an entity all their own.
Of course, that is just one of numerous misdirection's (lies) that dieticians tell concerning Fats & Oils. Read my paper "Fat Facts" http://www.alienview.net/zfat.html where I list their 8 most egregious lies & half-truths.
Folks — the legitimate science and method exists for the individual to address real world concerns regarding the quality of their own lives! It's not a secret and the goals are certainly worth the effort! I am living breathing proof of this myself, reader, having cured an "Incurable" disease, Crohn's! All I am saying is you can be "living breathing" proof, too.
That's enough. Well be.
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive — http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
LivingTree Root #046 Faux "Prevention" & The Cancer Industrial Complex By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
If you want to measurably assist your MD's conventional cancer therapy by improving that therapy's efficacy — perhaps reducing the need for same... or even prevent the original cancer altogether —yes, astonishingly— there are polarizing foods, foods apart from the same old tired LIES of a conflicted "conventional wisdom": foods that you should avoid and foods, reader, which you should consume...
I'll get to "foods better consumed" nearer the end of this piece, but the aforementioned plain vanilla and demonstrable nutritional information concerning Cancer prevention is in very short supply from our duplicitous mainstream. Reasons for that are decidedly unsettling.
Who lets us down specifically, and why?
Unfortunately, mainstream doctors & dieticians let us down in this department by recommending "foods" that actually fan the cancer flames! For example, "Foods" like REfined, grocery-store PolyUnsat. Vegetable Oils (mostly Soy & Corn Oil), just to start! All of these are cancer culprits.
I quickly remind the reader that these are foods, remember, not to be confused with healthful MonoUnsat. Oils like Olive Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil and the magical (Baby-Approved!) MCT's in Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil — a preview of foods leading to cancer prevention.
Cancer prevention? It would appear that *they* don't even understand the concept or the definition of the word "prevention." Relax reader. It does mean what you thought it meant. It's just your Doctor with his head "up" and "locked" about it.
The following is purely anecdotal but I know it demonstrates the prevailing conventional "wisdom".
An MD from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama was being interviewed by a women from the Troy, Alabama NPR station.
The doctor spent nearly the whole segment describing all the great new mammogram machines, MRI's & other research into early breast cancer detection... a wolf in sheep's clothing. Why?
You see Folks, the earlier cancer —or virtually any random unexplained spot— is detected the quicker you can get people on some expensive, long-term Allopathic med's..." Mo' Money, Mo' Money.
The flip side is if the cancer is detected too late, the person dies too quickly, so... Les' Money, les' Money.
Alan Dawson Graham, you are one hard, mean, and cynical bastard!
OK, you may be right (though my parents were married)... but before you judge me too harshly let's listen to the rest of the conversation.
The NPR lady said, "We just have a few minutes left, so in closing, what can we do in our everyday life to prevent cancer?"
Ding! I foolishly presumed a few scant moments of information about real preventive medicine.
On the contrary, this is where our brilliant "doctor" confidently replied that she felt "early detection" was the key to "PREVENTING" cancer...
Exsqueeze me? What th... ? Reader! How does DETECTING cancer early, PREVENT cancer? It might prevent you from dying (too quickly) of cancer... but it can't prevent something you already have! C'mon!
Seriously, considering the high radiation of these machines, one might even think that they wanted to get a cancer started so they could profit from treating it after the fact — but that's just crazy...
In "fairness" I must acknowledge, I suppose, that if an MRI spotted a "precancerous" growth & then it was surgically removed you could say the MRI prevented cancer by early "detection." But that doesn't wash. Consider, with the "lies for money" track record of the doctors & organizations involved I would be very suspect of reacting with surgery (the normal suggestion) to these mysterious "spots".
See, it remains our "doctors" have demonstrated they use language duplicitously to redefine a reality profiting them, and in what reality is "prevention" of something the subsequent "discovery" of same? These guys need to be called on their, at BEST, profit taking disingenuousness.
Too, I suspect the definition of "precancerous flesh" covers a lot of flesh not remotely cancerous but just keeping allotropic medicine's pricey option open, you know?
Anyway, adding insult to injury, our eminently respectable MD spent those last few precious minutes RE-explaining the whole, wide, wonderful, world of Mammograms & MRI's, when she could have been saying something truly meaningful about the real PREVENTION of cancer. "Healthful living" was just not the doctor's choice of topic, you know? Mo' Money!
Like, good god folks, couldn't she have at least said... "Take your mother's advise — eat more raw veggies & WHOLE fruits while avoiding cruelly processed, cancer fueling, foods..." Uh-huh. I have a dream.
I guess that never crossed her mind! See, modern allopathic medicine is mostly about waiting till you get sick... and then taking toxic manmade drugs for the rest of your increasingly miserable life while only addressing the offending symptoms! There is not so much as a nod from the mainstream with regard to addressing underlying causes... because, I propose, there's no money in that!
They substitute with allopathic drugs while continuing & encouraging those things that actually got you sick in the 1st place... For Freaking EXAMPLE... Cancer causing Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oil, Vegetable Shortening, Margarine, Hi-Fructose-Corn-Syrup, plus TONS of Soy, Corn, Sugar, preservatives and refined flour found in ALL Processed Foods.
Good God, folks! These are your cancer precursors that are Acid-Forming, Insulin-Provoking, Inflammation-Causing, and cancer freaking friendly Fake-Foods.
Yeah, I know, I lied. Your mother never talked about the evils of "processed foods." No, she felt just like you, reader — that processed food was a "God-send of convenience..." Besides, if cancer prevention was as easy as "diet" our good Doctors would have advised us of that long ago. I think they took an oath, eh?
Thing is, they don't advise us, OR, it's WRONG advice. Still, in reality, most processed food is toxic or harmful and is likely a nexus of the collective misery endured by all and one.
I have no real proof, honored reader, but I know in my heart that if the doctor had spent those last 5 minutes trying to honestly answer the question as posed — listing even some of the cancer-causing/cancer-preventing things I'm going to tell you about in this essay, she would have been eviscerated by her handlers and likely canned from her boondoggle job at the "Cancer Research" compound.
You see Folks, there is essentially a "Cancer Industrial Complex" (CIC) – pronounced "sick"... that is pervasive, all powerful, and will tolerate no dissension in its ranks rivaling the attitudes of radical Islam. It is a Multi-Billion dollar business that no one ever wants to end — well, except the folks dying with cancer. Hey! Perhaps more people dying from cancer will stimulate the economy?
You do know I'm kidding about the CIC. "CIC" is a metaphor taking the place of the errant "corpocracy" where the thousands of business & service providers don't even realize they are part of the "Whole". I'll make no apologies myself as there is too much evidence how that "sick" ethic has pervaded us at every level...even very low levels...
...Why, ask the "custodial-engineer" at the Cancer Research Foundation if he would be willing, as a result of a "Cancer Cure", to give up his job. Right! He knows that with the likely world wide recession to follow, well, he might not get another job very soon considering you'd likely be able to have high dollar Oncologists mopping floors!
...So believe me Folks, *they* are not looking for a cure... they are looking for patentable drugs that treat symptoms & big expensive machines to "detect" (prevent?) cancer, but they damn sure aren't looking at ways to "prevent" their lucrative cash cow !
A researcher espousing that kind of "actual prevention foolishness" is likely to get "whacked." Consider the plight of the great Harvard researcher, Dr. K. McCully "(one of my Heroes) when he took on the "Heart-Disease Industrial Complex." Read about him & the Cholesterol Myth at www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#CholesterolMyth
Do the "smart" thing, eh? Keep on wearing that silly loop of pink ribbon (a symbol of facilitated ignorance), and, of course, sending your donations!
Yes, keep trying to believe that *They* are actually looking for a cure, when all you are doing is perpetuating a corrupt system taking your money to sponsor community drives with FREE mammograms... but what if these mammograms are actually causing breast cancer in some women?
Credible researchers like Dr. Mercola, et al, point out that Mammograms hit you with 1000 times the rads of one chest x-ray! Whoa! Consider, many other 1st World countries try to limit this kind of exposure as opposed to our full-tilt-boogie philosophy of "Nipple Irradiating Mammogram Block-Parties" for everybody.
You see, it is all designed so they can start to "manage" your disease for the rest of a compromised life, "management" having nothing to do with "prevention" or "cures" ...oh, wait a minute! Sorry, I forgot, about "cures" like Chemo & Radiation... Stellar procedures where they "shoot at you" and see which one the "bullet" kills first... the cancer or you...and if you live through the "cancer-curing" protocol your immune system is likely so "Fried" you live just long enough to be listed as a cancer "Survivor."
Anyway, back to Cancer prevention in a way promoting an overall health!
Things to avoid:
1).. Avoid ALL PolyUnsat. food oil like Vegetable Oil (mostly Soy & Corn) — the unstable "Poly" portion will go rancid during pressing, remember, requiring the oil be RBDed (refined, bleach & deodorized) with high heat further destroying the oil... ...but it does remove the rancid smell of the now toxic lipids, so that's a plus. Not. See, this RBDing does nothing to remove the toxic and cancer-causing lipid-peroxide molecule as a direct result of Hi-temp pressing & that very deodorization process!
FYI! The preceding only applies to Poly Food Oils, not Poly Medicinal Oils like Flaxseed, Black Currant, Borage, Fish & Krill Oils! These are processed much more expensively with refrigeration & w/o air, so they do not turn rancid or require RBDing.
Remember, the greater percentage of Poly Fatty Acids in the oil — the more toxic! So the following are the more popular Poly FOOD oils to avoid. Their percentage of Poly oil, from smallest to largest: 1). Canola at about 30 to 35% Poly. 2). Peanut oil at about 50%. 3). Soy & Corn around 60%. 4). Grapeseed oil at 70%. 5). Sunflower at 75% 6). And the grand prize goes to Safflower at a whooping 80% Poly-Oil. Whoot!
...And you thought Safflower oil was good for you!
Now there are hybrid sunflower & safflower plants that actually reverse those numbers by producing oils which are very high in Mono oils... at 75 & 80% or so, much like olive oil at 76% Mono. BUT, I don't recommend these oils over olive oil (a soft fruit) because these hard-seed, low yield oils normally use the toxic solvent Hexane to extract enough oil to be viable & with many, for some reason, they RBD the oil!
In 1994 the prestigious British medical journal, Lancet, published study results showing that 75% of the stuff clogging your arteries was oxidized Unsaturated VEGETABLE Oil... not cholesterol or animal fat or butter & certainly not unrefined Coconut oil. There's your science, folks!
So! Please stop perpetuating the "Solid Saturated Fat is Bad" myth, if you are! That's corporate driven Crapola!
The only time SatFat or Cholesterol are bad for you is if they are "Damaged" by heat, air, light, moisture & time! See, these 5 things turn fats rancid or toxic due to oxidation, usually as a result of high-heat, highly-denatured, over-cooked, over-processed Fake-Foods...humm, the fluffy goodness of Twinkies... any time you see that white, creamy Crap (Twinkies, Oreo's) it is evil hydrogenated Fake-Fat, whipped with Sugar...Enjoy, Bonehead!
An Eskimo eating a big chunk of raw blubber (Solid Saturated Fat & undamaged Cholesterol) insures that he and his kind have the lowest incidence of Heart disease & Cancer on the planet. Inuit children eat raw blubber as a snack the way Eric Cartman does with a big bag o' "Cheezy-Poofs"... Eric being the proud poster child for future cancer, heart disease, and adult onset diabetes.
...But what's a "crack-smoking-Mom-Ho" like Mrs. Cartman to do, anyway?
2).. TransFat from pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) is found in Vegetable Shortening like Crisco, most margarines, most P'Nut Butter, virtually every processed food that contains any fat or oils (like Double-Stuff Oreo's)... so this also means most bread, cereal & commercial baked goods to include Eric's "Snacky-Cakes" to the ordinarily thought healthful "seven grain bread." It's all bad if it has pHVO. It's all cancer conducive!
Hey! ...Eric's not a FAT-ass, he's just big-boned!
FYI : many "healthful-looking" seven grain breads likely have the most pHVO (TransFat). This is to inject some fat (with a long shelf-life) into the bread to make these bland "card-boardy", often unpleasant tasting whole grains - taste better.
A challenge! You name any disease and I will tell you how TransFat can cause or exacerbate it! Consider just how easily transfat is so readily incorporated into the cell-wall of every cell in your body causing it to be ineffective with regard to letting good stuff in or bad stuff out. Clearly this short-circuiting of pro-biotic (for-life) organic mechanisms can make any condition worse... or cause virtually any ailment... like what could it be, eh... perhaps... oh I don't know... could it be... Cancer?
If you remember nothing else about this paper, remember this & live it. DO NOT believe the big print on the front food label that says "ZERO TRANSFAT", especially if right below it, in the "t"-tiniest print imaginable, it says "per serving." That's the "code" for them to legally cheat, mislead, and finally KILL you!
If the substance has zero transfat, it shouldn't have to break it down to "per serving"! Right? The whole jar should be tranfat free. No Folks, 99.9% of the time, this "per serving" means it will legally have 1/2 gram of TransFat per serving... ...with thanks and a tip of the hat to your FDA!
You will see this in products that have naturally small servings, like margarine & P'nut butter where that 1/2 gram of "Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil" (TransFat) will loom large... so always check the back label under "other ingredients" & if you see "Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil" - you know it has TranFat, so put it "back on the stack."
The late/great Bill Hicks, always a master of understatement, said — "You know... People in advertising should all voluntarily kill themselves just to make the world a little better place to live."
"Don't be shy, little buddy... suck a truck exhaust! ...Do it for America!"
3).. Sugar & Refined Carbs like white flour — How many times do I have to say it? Sugar & refined flour don't do one good thing nutritionally; in fact they rob you of nutrients in order to metabolize the CRAP... not to mention they are cancer's best buddy.
Please use Stevia or Xylitol instead of sugar & use Coconut Flour, Sweet Potato flour, or Hemp flour instead of Hi-Gluten, Hi-Oxalate, Hi-Phytate flour from cancer preferring wheat, barley, rye or Soy.
Gluten from grains is the hardest protein to digest & is the most allergy problematic protein of all. Undigested gluten can easily trigger an autoimmune response, resulting in joint pain or what-freaking-ever.
Oxalates & Phytates (very high in Soy & Grains) bind to minerals & trace minerals that are required as co-factors to prevent cancer. Homo Erectus, our great grand daddy (500,000 plus years ago), never "ground grains" or "baked breads" — our physiology did not evolve to consume wheat, barley, rye or UN-fermented Soy.
FYI.. Gluten-Free bread, cereal, baked goods, pizza crust, etc. can be found on the web & in some health food stores. These are generally pretty good because they are made from Hemp, Veggies, wheat SPROUTS (not at all the same as a grain of wheat), Seeds & other good stuff.
Folks, as far as hi-carb, starchy foods go — Yams, sweet potatoes, potatoes, butter-nut squash, beans & rice are "REAL" foods; however, bread, cereal & pasta made from wheat, barley, rye & soy are "Fake", processed foods. Avoid!
FYI-2 : Hi-Gluten Rice has NO GLUTEN... in this context it just means "sticky or gummy."
3).. No seafood or pork — fish has mercury, PCP's, etc. Shellfish, lobsters, and the like are the cockroaches of the sea... with cancer you must live as pristine a life as possible... to relieve as much stress as possible to your immune system! Sorry, this also means NO PORK - any animal that eats CRAP, you can't eat.
Consider other grocery store meats as loaded with hormones & antibiotics also attacking your immune system, so I would recommend you get most of your protein from WPI (Whey Protein Isolate) & from Organic or Cage-Free Eggs (poach or soft-boil so white is cooked but the yolk is runny or raw).
If you give your child or a cancer patient a breakfast of highly processed cereal like "Captain Crunch" or "Lucky Charms," pasteurized-homogenized Cow's milk, 2 or 3 spoons of sugar & a big glass of sweet orange, grape or apple juice... you are a malfeasant bonehead.
If, after reading this you continue to give them cereal, sugar, and juice etc., then you are a malfeasant and Evil Bone-Head, because you know better. Continue and I suspect there will be a special spot in Hell with your name on it. Sorry. ...Had to be said.
See, this kind of ignorant malfeasance is why we have a new disease to add to a growing list of 21st Century diseases... I don't care what "they" call it...
...but I call it the "Double D" or "D squared" Disease...this is where your child is born with Type-I Diabetes & then a few years later gets Type-II, Adult Onset Diabetes while still a child...oh wait, we can't call it "Adult Onset Diabetes" anymore because NOW children get it - so we better just stick to calling it Type-II Diabetes.
...And don't even get me started on the little psychopathic "time bombs" created when you follow "The 4 Stages of Early Death" from Zygote to High School:
1..The Zygote & Fetus are :
...drenched with Xeno-Estrogens from things Mom is exposed to... like Plastic cookware, Teflon-lined pans, dishwasher vapors, tap-water, pesticides, fertilizers, car exhaust, plastic food wrap (and about a thousand other things the mother consumes ...due to this "Estrogen-Rich" environment we live in) — then pile on more "Estrogen" in the form of Phyto-Estrogen from Soy Isolate, Soy milk, Soy protein powder, Soy veggie burgers & again, about a thousand other processed Soy products that the pregnant mother consumes reassured they are safe and healthful... Jesus wept !
2..The New Baby is :
...fed more Xeno-Estrogens from Polycarbonate baby bottles plus lots of sugar, grains & more Soy Phyto-Estrogens in baby formula & Soy-Milk...Please Folks, we need to get Estrogen-Mimics out of our lives so our male children don't develop "Cartman Man-Boobs" & little girls don't "become women" at 9 years old.
3..The Child is :
...fed sugar, cow's milk, cereal, sweet juice & lots of processed-food full of Soy, Corn, White-flour & Sugar...and then lets slather on some EVIL, toxic SUNSCREEN that actually causes cancer..
4..The young Adult is :
...fed soda pop, Cheezy-Poofs & more processed-food...& "Waa-la"...
..."Son, your mother would be so proud of how you turned out, you know, if she had not died of cancer... but anyway, here's your black trench coat & the key to the gun cabinet... Hey sport! Before you head out to Columbine, lets have a big bowl of "Sugar-Coated, Sugar-Flakes" with milk & Sugar." They're grrrrr..EAT!
"Ahh... Mr. Graham, we want that "mean, insensitive-bastard" thing resubmitted & put to a vote...anyone who poo-poo's Sugar, Milk & Tony the Tiger must hate America!
Sure, that's cool... but in the mean time, here is the perfect "Cancer Prevention Breakfast" or "Diabetes Prevention Breakfast for Children" or "Get Your Head Screwed on Straight Breakfast for ADD, depression, aggressive behavior, Alzheimer's... Hey! It might even take the edge off 'Bone Headedness'...naa, probably not!
Smoothie, Veggie & Egg B'fast :
1.. Smoothie - (a). Whey Protein Isolate with Cross-Flow or Micro Filtration. Avoid "Whey Protein Concentrate & Ion-exchange". (b). 1 Banana &/or a handful of small dark berries. (c). Sweeten with Stevia or Xylitol - as a last resort, a small amount of Tupelo Honey. (d). Ice Water. (e). If you put a raw Egg Yolk in your smoothie (which I HIGHLY recommend) - gently stir in with a fork AFTER the hi-speed blending. (f). Try something truly kinky & healthful in your smoothie, blend in Avocado...it is synergistic with virtually all other fruits.
2.. Organic, Gage-Free or Free-Range Eggs - Separate the white from the yolk & soft scramble the white (with sautéed veggies if you like) on low heat in butter to convert the Biotin-Binding Glycoprotein only found in the whites. Then gentle stir the raw yolk into the smoothie after the Hi-speed blending so you don't destroy the delicate Omega-3's... or you can let the scrambled whites cool somewhat & then stir the raw egg yolk back into the cooked whites. And yes, again smash in Avocado with whites & yolks. Yeah, it takes some effort to raise healthy kids & avoid cancer.
3.. Avocado & Tomato Medley - You have to be a really good mother to go to the trouble to make this for breakfast. OK, I'll stop the Jewish Mother, guilt routine.... unless it's working...
Chop ripe avocados & tomatoes (and any other veggies) then drizzle on some olive oil & balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, or lemon juice & sweeten w. Stevia or a tiny amount of Tupelo honey. The powerful, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, Lycopene (in tomatoes), being fat-soluble, must have that little bit of oil (or any fat) to be absorbed.
All things, being equal - a child that eats these 2 or 3 things for breakfast every day will have a higher IQ than a kid that eats sugar, milk & cereal every morning. Of course there is no proof of this because NO ONE will fund research pitting Cereal, Milk & Sugar Against Whey, Eggs & Avocados...but I know in my heart it is true... and so do YOU!
OK, a few simple things to do:
1).. Eat raw veggies - especially (a). Cruciferous veggies like Broccoli & Cabbage. (b). Green-Leafy veggies but never use nutritionally weak, Iceberg lettuce, (c). Magical Sulphur containing foods like Onions & Garlic. (d). Medicinal mushrooms like Maitake, Shiitake (will work best if cooked to soften the hard to digest cell-wall).
To learn to make the best homemade Salad Dressing in the world, "Olive Oil Vinaigrette with Avocado", scroll down to # 34 at http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html & read the Valentine's Day paper with "Aphrodisiac Recipes". Scroll down to "SALAD DRESSING" if you don't want to read the whole paper & get your partner in the mood with "Baked Stuffed Yam & Banana".
2).. Take a Multi-Vit/Min that is 2 steps above Centrum and does not contain minerals that are chelated to CARBONATE, OXIDE or CHLORIDE. Grocery store Multi's are Crap.
3).. Take EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) - Plant-derived Oil (Flax, Black Currant, Borage, Primrose, Hemp)...Animal-Derived Oil (Krill, Fish, Fish-Liver).
If I were a Vegetarian I would take Black Currant Oil & freshly ground Flaxseed. If a non-Veg. then I would take Black Currant Oil & Krill Oil...or just Krill Oil by itself. Optional for either group is Shelled Hemp Seeds.
4).. Take 800mg of Calcium in 2 divided doses of 400mg from Citrate, Malate, Amino-acid Chelated, Krebs Cycle Chelated, et al -- BUT NEVER Carbonate.
However MOST IMPORTANTLY - take 1000mg of Magnesium Citrate, Malate, etc.-- BUT NEVER Oxide.
Optional Supplements for Cancer & overall good health :
1).. Colostrum in capsule form only - take 2 or 3 times the label dosages without food for at least 1 hour either side. Really pumps up the immune system. I'm not kidding about the big doses...it's only food - so if you can afford it take 6 to 10 caps twice daily w/o food...then over the months you can slowly reduce that down to 2 or 3 caps twice daily. Only use Capsule form...don't use powder, liquid or tablets.
2).. IP-6 ...anti-cancer Killer Cells & more. MUST BE taken with no food & no other supplements on an empty stomach. This creates a problem for me so I take IP-6 in the middle of the night when I invariable wake up to tinkle.
3).. Selenium - it's DIRT CHEAP - take 300mcg to 500mcg daily total. take selenomethionine or Amino-Acid chelated form. The #1 anti-cancer trace mineral. Most Multi's have about 120mcg.
4).. MSM - cancer fighter & much, much more. You can't OD & it's cheap so take big doses like 6 to 10 grams daily. This will also relieve your joint pain.
5).. Shark Cartilage - If you actually have cancer, take as big a dose as you can stomach 2 or 3 times daily in capsule form (it comes in powder form but it is just too fishy to take that way). This has been shown to reduce tumors. 15 or 20 grams a day is not too much.
Shark Cartilage inhibits the formation of new tiny blood vessels...which is how Psoriasis, Eye Disease & Cancer spread.
*WARNING*, do not take SC if you are recovering from a blood clot in your leg because it will inhibit the little blood vessels from seeking & creating new paths around the clot.
6).. Maitake, Shiitake & Reishi mushroom - Take in capsule form ...again (if you actually have cancer) take 3 or 4 times the dosage on label. It's ok.
7)..Anti oxidants - take as broad a spectrum as possible like... Grapeseed extract, R-Fraction ALA, Resveratrol, NAC... (Take with 1000mg of Vitamin C), & SOD (must be Enteric-Coated tablet or Enteric-coated capsule & taken w/o food so opens in your gut, not your stomach). ...Important stuff in the preceding parenthesis, reader.
You know, I could almost forgive our so-called Doctors & Dieticians their easy duplicity promoting the "Cancer-Agenda," but one thing remains to stick in my craw!
Yeah, you porcine icons of medical mendaciousness! Push your Pharmz all you want... but stop prosecuting every lie in the book wrongly convincing people that Supplements, Diet & toxin-avoidance have virtually nothing to do with cancer PREVENTION. Yes yes yes... I understand you can't do the former if you do the latter. That's your problem exclusively.
This, too. If you can detect "it" you didn't prevent "it," 'Kay? 'Kay. Don't pretend to call "detection,"... Prevention. It's a dangerous lying insult only where it's not an insulting dangerous lie.
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough, eh? Well be. |
LivingTree Root #047 Protein for Vegetarians & the "Beans & Rice" Myth By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
Before I make some "Veggie-Protein" recommendations let me illustrate a common Protein misconception.
If you have ever traveled through rural Mexico or Central & South America and observed the poorer indigenous Indians/Latinos —or just watched these folks going in & out of your local Walmart— constructively do a little "racial-profiling." Look for leathery skinned (works in the sun), Hispanic-looking, and Spanish speaking people. These are persons you would identify as migrant workers from Mexico, if forced to guess. We have many of these hard-working folks here in lower Alabama who shop where I shop "...where America shops," reader... at Wally-World.
Everybody comfortable? See, all these persons have one obvious defining characteristic... virtually none of the males are over about 5 feet, 5 inches tall, and the women are even tinier! This is notably, if among other factors I'm sure, a result of a protein poor diet consumed: a diet composed chiefly of "Beans & Rice" (B&R). If just Beans, mind, then the value of the protein drops off even more dramatically!
This is because —and yeah, I'm gonna get mail— if you wanted to get technical, most beans do not contain protein... they contain a "protein-like" group of Amino-Acids (AA's) that everyone euphemistically calls an "incomplete-protein" because it is missing or extremely low in at least one of the Essential Amino-Acids making it a viable complete protein. That's the long and short! Most beans don't quite measure up.
This is where we must then contrive a necessary "food-combining" dietary measure where the beans (missing one AA) are mixed with rice (which is missing a different AA), resulting in a "complete-protein" because of the overlap of the 2 incomplete protein profiles.
But wait! Though "complete", they remain, even together, a "weak" form of protein, still, because even though the 2 missing AA's are now "covered," they are both very low compared to other Amino-Acid profiles! Unfortunately, the low AAs dictate the effectiveness of the rest of the AAs. This is analogous to a chain's weakest link or "creating a bottle-neck" for protein synthesis... follow?
Now this same phenomenon appears with other veggie proteins, even if they are "complete"...like Soy protein Isolate. Soy protein Isolate has all the necessary AA's but is low in a couple of them, especially Methionine — so the protein is just barely "complete." This is also why many Soy Powder formulas are "Fortified" with supplemental Methionine... but I don't think that even helps much because of other Soy shortfalls listed below. Soy Isolate, understand, is a bad form of Protein... in my considered opinion.
See, this "Fractionated" Soy Protein Isolate, found in protein powders & cleverly hidden in a thousand other products, is a highly denatured, highly processed "fake" food that is unhealthful due to the following:
1)..Fractionated - Essentially broken into "pieces-parts"...not found in nature in this form, unlike Soy Tofu which is a "Whole Food" - So, a little bit of Tofu (Soy Bean-curd) is OK because it is not fractionated.
Everyone incorrectly thinks Tofu is fermented... well, actually there are several forms of fermented Tofu but it is used for other things like condiments, etc., and is NOT the white bean curd you get at the typical grocery store. That white rubbery stuff is "precipitated"... not fermented. The precipitation is done with different minerals like calcium & magnesium... so there's NO fermentation going on.
2)..Phytates & Oxalates - These bind to minerals like Calcium & Zinc. Many veggies & grains contain varying degrees of P & O but Soy is likely the highest... followed closely by grains. And yes, even spinach... Sorry Popeye, but 95% of the Calcium in spinach is bound to Oxalates, thus unusable.
3)..Trypsin inhibitors - they block the absorption of protein by inhibiting the enzyme Trypsin. These inhibiters are very high in raw Soy so this is why virtually all these soy products are highly cooked & denatured and why Soy Oil must be refined. Unfortunately cooking doesn't destroy all the Inhibitor which can lead to an enlarged pancreas & cancer!
4)..Phyto-estrogen - Folks, 90% (I'm guessing) of the population doesn't need more estrogen, estrogen-mimics, or Xeno-Estrogens in their lives. This is, of course, unless you like Eric Cartman man-boobs (moobs) on your big-boned, "Hey... not fat," male off-spring... then double down on the stuff, eh?
Fermented Soy foods, like miso are very healthful (...boy, is that an acquired taste)... virtually all fermented foods are great because they are alive with probiotics (beneficial bacteria) & fermentation breaks-down harmful things like phytates & lactose — meaning they are no longer, remotely, the same crappy food that they started out as!
FYI : Sour Kraut is a great fermented food BUT not the "canned in vinegar" kind at the grocery store...all the probiotics are dead - if they were not, the can would explode at room temp. It is possible to have jars of fermented foods like sour kraut if they are refrigerated to keep the bacteria pretty much in a dormant state to avoid an exploding jar...only found in some health food stores.
The best way to get real sour kraut! Buy the packets of Enzymes & make it at home. I make 6 or 8 quarts at a time... it keeps well in the fridge because it is already "sour"...so it just slowly gets more sour & better, actually, if you ask me.
Gluten from wheat, barley & rye — Gluten is the most difficult form of protein to digest & can lead to an autoimmune response like joint pain if you don't have enough stomach-acid to properly "soften" it up... & most old people have too little stomach-acid — not too much.
FYI : Oats in its natural form has gluten but it can best be described as an "in-between" form of gluten that many people don't have a problem with unless they have Celiac Disease & must avoid ALL forms of gluten. Many people have varying degrees of Celiac Disease & don't know it. They think their bowel-distress is just the way life shakes out & that everyone has gas, bloating & occasional diarrhea... uh, NOT ME.
Protein for Vegetarians:
I recommend Whey Protein Isolate (a milk by-product) & soft cooked eggs for Vegetarians who want a very high "Amino-Acid Profile Score" (AAPS) like found in animal by-products — without actually having to kill any animals. Animal Protein by-products are in excess of 130 or 140 on the AAPS.
Ref. Amino-Acid Profile Score — anything over 100 is a "Complete Protein"; however, there are many examples where a lower scored protein will be superior due to digestibility & other factors. Consider, Soy has a fairly high AAPS but is bad for other reasons, as per the above.
For those Vegetarians wanting to avoid all animal protein, I recommend the following forms of protein...pretty much in descending order :
1..Hemp Powdered Protein - High AAPS, and unlike Soy, it is very digestible. It has no gluten & has a perfect Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio. Also, part of that Omega-6 is the highly sought after fatty acid, GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid). GLA fights inflammation & Platelet-stickiness... also, women take it for PMS. Hemp cures the blues.
2..Split Pea or Yellow Pea - Has a score of 102...so it is complete but low in methionine. Yellow Pea powdered protein (might be fortified w. Methionine) is very digestible & No major shortfalls...unlike Soy & grains.
3..If you are going to rely on "Beans & Rice" for protein please use Black Beans with an AAPS of 103, instead of Pinto Beans & Kidney Beans with a lower score, down around 90. Green beans contain some great nutrients <BUT> they are off the chart low on protein.
4..Seeds -
(a)..Pumpkin & Squash seeds have an extraordinarily high score of 136 (the same as chicken).
(b)..Chia Seeds are also very high at 115... flaxseed has a lower score of 92 but it has the highest % of Plant-Derived Omega-3 ALA.
5..Nuts -
(a)..Pistachios at 110 is one of the only commercially viable nuts that is complete...Cashews are right on the line at 100 but you cannot find Cashews in the grocery store that are not "OIL-roasted"...never, never buy any oil-roasted nuts - only raw or dry-roasted nuts are acceptable.
(b)..Almonds & Walnuts are protein poor at 55 but walnuts have a tremendous amount of Omega-3... however it is likely rancid if you buy grocery store Walnuts. The only way I feel you might get non-rancid Omega-3 is to order Vacuum-sealed, walnuts right from the California farmer & then freeze them.
So, sliding into the barn sideways, where are we? Human beings require quality protein. Moreover, they require a complete quality protein which vegetarians, in particular, must take pains to locate in different foods for optimum health. Soy Isolate, a fractionated and denatured faux-food, is of course a poor protein source.
All this said, protein nutrition could be approached a little more knowledgably by the consumer given the producer seems so willing to make the consumer pay —and so egregiously remembering the Soy Lie— for her well facilitated lack of that knowledge! It's buyer beware, eh?
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough. Well be.
LivingTree Root #048
Not Current and Deleted
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough. Well be.
LivingTree Root #049 Peanut Butter & Jelly "Death" Sandwich By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
You hear all the time from dieticians how a peanut butter & jelly sandwich on whole wheat is a healthful —high protein— lunch for your kids.
Yeah... well... I think that is complete crap. In fact, I think a PB & J sandwich —even with whole wheat bread— unless done correctly, is one of the most unhealthful dishes you can foist onto your kids! It's right up there alongside kids B'fast Cereal "Sugar-Coated Sugar-POPS" with milk & more sugar... or snacky-cakes and cheezy poofs... ...and insult on top of injury? Forgetting it can turn your children into churlish losers and ready Columbine candidates, convenience for Mom is likely the main motivation for its ubiquitous consumption!
This "high protein ruse" perpetrated by your understandably biased PB & J celebrants regards the fairly large 21% GLUTEN protein in bread and the respectable 13% veggie protein in P'nut Butter. Consequently, these are readily touted as healthful foodstuffs.
Well, let's look at the abundant shortfalls associated with these food articles —including jelly— before we finish up this piece with my own completely healthful Jam and Nut Butter alternatives.
FYI — Protein has an optimum Amino-Acid Profile. Any missing or low amino-acids (AA's) either make it an "Incomplete" protein or a "weak" protein limiting the proteins ability to manufacture tissue, etc.
An "Amino-Acid Score" (AAS) of 100 or more means it is a "Complete" protein, containing all 11 "Essential" Amino-Acids. Scores up in the 130's or 140's are usually reserved for animal-derived proteins, although a couple of seeds, like pumpkinseed, make it up to those high numbers...however the vast majority of veggie proteins are below 100 or "incomplete" proteins.
1).. Bread — I say again: Homo Erectus was never meant or otherwise designed to eat hi-gluten hard grains like wheat, barley & rye. For a million years the "hunter-gatherers" on the Serengetti never baked a loaf of bread.
Gluten Protein is the most troublesome and difficult to digest form of protein. Consequently, if undigested gluten (facilitated by a lack of stomach-acid) makes its way deep down into the gut, your body might mistake it for a "foreign-Invader" and release antibodies that attack you while trying to attack it. This leads to joint pain or an even worse autoimmune response.
There is even a very common bowel disease, Celiac Disease, featuring a total intolerance to gluten. Though, even if you don't have Celiac Disease, gluten grains just don't sit well with many people. Seriously, suffering gas & mild bowel distress while consuming bread and cereal all their lives, millions are thinking that's just the way things are because that's the way things have always been. They also thought their underwear was supposed to look like the mud-flaps on a swamp buggy, eh?
Ironic how "The Staff of Life" can kill you.
FYI - Hi-Gluten rice contains NO GLUTEN... in this context it just means "Sticky" or glutinous.
Additionally, all gluten breads contain an "Incomplete" protein where the amino-acid Lysine is either low, or very low, resulting in AAS's which are, mostly, down around a weak 50 or 60!
For example, rye is 54 — white bread is 52 — oat bran jumps up to 71... ...but guess which bread is a breathtaking LOW score of 22, and not only low in Lysine but in 6 other essential Amino-Acids... that's right! Commercial Whole-Wheat Bread! There's some irony to rip your lips off!
Wheat, barley & rye are also very high in 2 harmful substances called Phytates & Oxalates. These bind to minerals like Calcium & Zinc and sequester them from the body's use. Many if not most veggies have some P & O's but the 3 that are very high are Soy, Spinach & Grains (wheat, barley & rye).
TransFat Evils -
Most Bread contains the surreally evil TranFat, which is the man-made, solid Fat pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil)... the decried crap found in "fake" butter, (Margarine) or "fake" lard, (Vegetable Shortening) like Crisco. Oh yeah, and in virtually every commercial baked or snack food on the market, remember!
This man-made and twisted (both figuratively & literally) TransFat molecule is readily incorporated into the cell-wall of every cell in your body as I've reported before. Consequently, the potential to cause or exacerbate every disease... and I mean EVERY disease, is the dire payoff! Go find some obscure disease and I will show you how Crisco will make it worse... I'm willing to make a small wager, reader.
All these negative things above apply to either Whole-Wheat bread or the refined white Crap. The real advantage to the Whole-Wheat is that it won't cause —as bad— a rise in inflammation and fat causing insulin as the refined, white flour.
Our increased dependence on processed, refined carbohydrates (carbs) has shown a corresponding rise in virtually all chronic diseases to include a handful of "New" 20th Century diseases like Fibromyalgia or the Metabolic Syndrome.
FYI —Yams, Potatoes, Rice, Bananas & Butternut Squash may be fairly high carb foods BUT they are "Real" food...Bread, Cereal & Pasta are "Fake" processed-refined, Carbohydrate foods.
2).. Peanut Butter - a major portion of PB is fat at 71%. This would be OK if 32% of the total fat was not more crap that we want to get out of our lives, "NO, I DON'T MEAN SATURATED FAT"...I mean the kind of "Golden Liquid Oil" you likely have in your pantry, lurking right now, in the form of Vegetable & Seed Oils like Corn, Soy, Grapeseed, Safflower & several other TOXIC food oils, to include Canola oil to a slightly lesser degree...
These are called Omega-6, PolyUnsat Food oils, LA (linoleic Acid). Yes, I know LA is a necessary EFA (Essential Fatty Acid), which is how Sociopaths trick people into thinking you want a lot of it... NO, NO, NO, you only need a moderate amount, reader, but it is found naturally in every food! Over doing Omega-6, LA is very easy to do and is a major cause of heart disease, cancer, and thyroid disease.
Don't confuse Omega-6, PolyUnsat Food Oil with healthful Omega-9, MonoUnsat Food Oils, like Olive Oil & Macadamia Nut oil.
Also, unlike many, I refuse to refer to P'nut Oil & Canola Oil as Mono Oils even though they have more Mono (at 48 & 56% Mono) than Poly (at 32 & 30 Poly). That is because it has too much Poly & it is the Poly portion that will kill you eventually... compared to the negligible Poly & High Mono of Olive Oil at 76% Mono & only 8% Poly...Macadamia Nut is even better with Mono Oil as high as 85% and Poly as low as 5%.
Furthermore, it is worth repeating, don't confuse unhealthful PolyUnsat Oil in P'Nut Oil with HEALTHFUL solid Saturated Fat (SatFat), also found in P'nut Oil. As long as the SatFat is not Oxidized or otherwise damaged, it is GOOD for you...
Let me be clear! I'm talking about Mother-Nature's SatFat found naturally in all food oils, like P'Nut Oil at around 15% SatFat, NOT the "Fake" SatFat (pHVO) that "The Man" adds to P'nut Butter to keep the P'nut Oil from floating to the top.
Regarding Omega-6, too much Omega-6 (LA) along with too little Omega-3 (ALA) results in an "Out of Whack" EFA Ratio of a heart-stopping proportion of 20 or even 30 to 1 we've talked about before. The EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) Ratio should be 4 to 1... or less. For every increase above 4 to 1 the death rate goes up.
BTW, that's 4 (Omega-6) to 1 (Omega-3)! Keep in mind, though, it is even better to have a 1 to 1 Ratio, like that found in a culture eating lots of cold water fish, especially if they have never seen a jar of polyunsat Vegetable/Seed oil like Soy or Canola.
Our lives, being inundated with all this ubiquitous Omega-6 (LA) in Poly Vegetable food oils & processed foods, will also "over-power" & block the utilization of the other much needed EFA, Omega-3, ALA (Alpha linolenic Acid) found in Flaxseed, Chia-seed, Hempseed & green leafy veggies.
FYI - The prestigious British medical journal, "Lancet", in 1992 published data showing that 75% of the stuff clogging your arteries was not cholesterol... but was OXIDIZED PolyUnsat Vegetable/Seed Food Oil!
Of course, all those "Wacky" Holistic "doctors" had been saying that years... and they still do, BUT you NEVER hear a "Medical Doctor" say it. No, in fact the MD will tell you beautiful golden Soy or Corn Oil is good for your heart & that cholesterol & SatFat is the real problem.
Folks, there are plenty of Eskimos eating whale Blubber with a total cholesterol over 300 who have under no circumstances even seen a bottle of Corn Oil, and they will never have a heart attack or stroke while outliving all of us.
P'nut Butter also has a very "incomplete" protein at a low Amino-Acid Score of 52. This falls well below the desired "complete" protein score of 100. It is low in 3 essential AA's but very low in Lysine...which is "piling-on" considering the Whole Wheat bread is also extremely low in Lysine!
This is important because if you can mix two "incomplete" protein foods together that are extremely low in 2 different AA's, by mixing the 2, you get an overlap, so now you have a "complete" protein. The classic example is the protein overlap of "Beans & Rice" to make a "complete" protein.
Now "Beans & Rice" may be "complete" but unfortunately it is still a "weak" protein because if you "stack" the 2 profiles together there will be 2 deep "dips" in the AA profile where the previously 2 missing AA's are filled in only a little bit due to the overlap. Though "complete," the effectiveness of the protein is still deficient.
However if both sources are low in the SAME Amino-Acid (like Bread & P'nuts are both missing Lysine) then that creates a serious "bottle-neck" for producing useful, "complete" proteins.
TransFat or pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) -
Virtually all PB —where the oil does NOT separate & float to the top of the jar— has the #1 man-made food abomination of the 20th century, TransFat from pHVO, providing the "fake" solid fat keeping the P'nut oil from separating & floating to the top.
So, with both Bread AND P'Nut Butter containing pHVO you get a double dose of poison. "Choosy Mothers, Choose JIF!" You bet!
FYI - the natural P'nut Butter where the oil separates & floats to the top is MUCH healthier (No TransFat), and is easily made even more healthful by pouring off the P'nut oil on top, and stirring in either unrefined Coconut Oil or Olive Oil.
Now if you, like many people, (even after you've been warned about TransFat) hate this oil floating to the top so much & it is such a pain to stir the oil back in that you would continue to buy P'nut Butter with toxic pHVO... then please stop reading right now — go back to watching "reality TV" because you are an idiot... Hasta la vista, Bonehead! No, really! Step off!
OK, moving on — All the cheap PB has copious amounts of pHVO, but don't be fooled by the bigger name brand labels that shout "Zero TranFat." Your blessed Government (FDA in this instance) allows any foods having less than 1/2 gram of TransFat per serving as having "Zero TransFat" ...so if the serving size is very small —like PB or margarine— then that nearly half gram of toxic TransFat looms large. There is NO "safe amount" of pHVO.
BTW - That nearly half gram is just enough solid "fake fat" to keep the oil from separating. Gee, that's wonderful, eh?
3).. Jelly — Every individual has to come to terms with the reality that Sugar, Fructose & toxic artificial sweeteners are health hazards & need to be severely reduced or eliminated. Replace them with Stevia, Xylitol or Honey.
a).. Most jelly & jam has way too much SUGAR increasing INSULIN resulting in:
-- Type II Diabetes (a completely avoidable disease). -- Obesity (too much insulin & "weak" insulin makes you fat) -- Inflammation (insulin activates the D5D Enzyme that can lead to an increase in inflammation, platelet-stickiness & High Blood Pressure)
b).. The "sugar-free" Jellies & Jams have harmful artificial sweeteners SPLENDA & EQUAL resulting in :
-- Free-Radical damage. A conservative estimate is 15% of the man-made Chlorocarbons that is Splenda are metabolized to release the dangerously toxic Chlorine molecule causing disease & premature aging. -- Excitotoxins in Equal literally destroy brain cells while creating jumpy, "squirrelly" kids with an affinity for assault weapons and black trench coats.
c).. The "Natural all Fruit" kind has too much sugar & FRUCTOSE from sugary, cheap, concentrated grape juice that is as bad if not worse than just adding table sugar... resulting in :
-- Fructose Induced Insulin Resistance leading to Type II Diabetes. -- Triglycerides & LDL (bad) cholesterol increase leading to heart disease. -- VLDL (very low density lipoproteins) increase leading to heart disease. -- Blood Pressure increases.
Healthful and better tasting Alternatives to the above:
1.. Bread — try a Sprouted Hemp bread or a "Gluten-Free" bread, pizza crust, rolls, etc. French Meadow makes a good Gluten-Free Multi grain bread. Also there are numerous gluten-free bread mixes on the web.
2.. Jam — If you are a good mother you will make homemade Jam for your kids... just kidding about the "good Mom" thing, I know you're busy... but believe me when I tell you making homemade jam is easy, fast, and unbelievably tasty, forgetting healthful!
To start, just blend some strawberries or other berries - add some sweetener (Stevia, Xylitol or honey in any combination... I use stevia with a little Xylitol). I also throw in a splash of fresh lemon juice, then boil down to a thickness just short of how thick you think it should be then it will finish getting thicker in the frig.
If you use dried fruit like apricots, you must add water to blend & then turn around and slowly boil off the water added.
Also, you can use Apple-pectin to thicken cooked fruit. It gives a great, but subtle, apple flavor... but pectin is not really necessary. I know all the "purists" are sputtering that you HAVE to use pectin...ahh, OK have it your way.
Don't be confused, reader! This is for small batches of jam that you will eat within a few days. We're NOT "canning" jelly/jam. That activity requires all that bottle sterilization, etc.
Try this & you will throw out that insipidly-sweet grocery store crap... which is not to say you can't make your Jam really sweet if you want — but even if you do it will still taste fresh & very "fruity." Additionally, you will feel good knowing you are using a sweetener, like Stevia, which doesn't kill you with copious insulin inflammation & avoidable obesity.
3.. Peanut Butter Substitute — much like with the homemade jam...be prepared to turn up your nose at store bought peanut butter once you have tried my homemade Pistachio Nut Butter. You need a food processor.
Put a cup or two of dry-roasted Pistachios (I guess you could shell them but I buy the already shelled kind at Wally-World)
FYI - never buy any nuts roasted with oil to make the salt stick & to give the nut a richer taste! These contain the abomination Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil or some other pHVO Poly Oil. Pistachios are usually Oil-Free but, by way of example, Cashews come both Oiled & Truely "Dry-Roasted" with NO oil or pHVO.
-- put in some Stevia to taste & then process for a couple of minutes.
-- AFTER you process the nuts, as an OPTION, grind a couple of tablespoons of Flaxseed in a coffee grinder & throw that in. The food processor won't grind the flaxseed properly, so you must use a coffee-grinder, first.
The Flaxseed not only provides the BEST soluble/insoluble Fiber found in nature and a huge dose of plant-derived Omega-3 (ALA) but it actually tones down and mellows out the taste of the Pistachios.
-- Lastly, start your processor & slowly drizzle in Olive Oil and/or, my favorite, Coconut Oil. You need to be careful to not use too much oil if you want it firm enough for a sandwich, however, I don't eat bread so generally I use more oil to make it slightly runny to easily eat with a spoon.
Oh yeah, look at the Amino-Acid Score's for the protein in Pistachio's & Flaxseed compared to Peanut's anemic Amino-Acid Score of 52 . Where Pistachio's are 110 (excellent "complete" protein Score) & Flaxseed is 92 (very close to "complete" AAS of 100).
"WARNING"...if you try this Nut Butter, be prepared to become so addicted that relationships could be ruined! Moreover, the guilt is palpable when you eat the whole bowl, especially after promising yourself that you are going to save half for later. OK, you've been warned.
Hey, maybe you won't change all 3 of the items above but it would be a huge step if you just buy Natural P'nut Butter & throw out the oil floating on top & replace it with Extra-Virgin Olive Oil.
And instead of going full-tilt to a gluten-free bread, (some don't like the slightly earthier taste) try French Meadow hemp bread that has SOME wheat & gluten... but a whole lot less gluten because of the many other ingredients like dates, seeds, spouts & a dozen other cool things.
Then lastly you might go to the trouble of making Pistachio Nut Butter... but remember the warning. Remember too: doing it the old, store bought way, you have : --TransFat & PolyUnsat. oil stopping your heart.. --Phytates & Oxalates robbing you of minerals.. --Gluten Protein causing bowel distress.. --Sugar & Fructose induced Insulin inflammation & Obesity.. --2 very weak "incomplete" protein sources... ummm-ummm!
Come on folks, knock it up a notch or three... "For the sake of the children" ...Geez, you hear that so much it becomes meaningless, but it's them we were talking about, right? You can feed them something healthful, reader, or you can slow poison them, undercut their potential for achievement, and give them habits to shorten their lives while it ruins the quality of same. Your choice, eh?
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough. Well be.
LivingTree Root #050 Doc Wallach & Splenda From Molasses By Alan Graham - alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg - www.alienview.net
There is a veritable explosion in the use of the controversial sweetener Sucralose —or Splenda— IT'S EVERYWHERE! IT'S EVERYWHERE, just like Chickenman! This is because it looks so "perfect" on paper, I suspect... no calories, tastes like sugar, and it's cheap.
Wow, what could be the down side? Cue the tense music.
Below I will honestly try to give you both sides of the argument, balanced and fair, so you can decide for yourself, but first I want to point out how one heavy-hitter in the supplement industry, Doc Wallach of Youngevity INC, has made a silly, albeit outrageous, claim with regard to Sucralose. Wallach? He's the famous "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" guy on the radio. Unfortunately? He doesn't practice what he preaches regarding, well... ...lies!
Case in point, a caller to his radio show inquired, straight out, if Sucralose —the sweetener in Splenda, sweetening the Doc's top selling product "Nature's Whey" Protein Powder— was safe. Doc said it was a no-calorie sweetener made from Molasses, so he "loved" Sucralose!
...Molasses!?! Great suffering ZOT, reader! There is but one tenuous connection I can make between Sucralose and Molasses. This is that Molasses is a by-product of Sugar production. See, after they extract all the sugar out of the cane juice, the waste that is left over is the Molasses. That's a connection?
No, it's the sucrose (table-sugar), actually, that is then made into Sucralose — it is not made from Molasses. The ugly truth is that Sucralose is made from SUGAR by using a long, convoluted, and controversial series of CHEMICAL processes centered on the removal of 3 hydroxyl groups out of the normal sugar molecule, and then replacing those hydroxyl groups with 3 chlorine atoms! This new "Chlorinated" and potentially very toxic Sucralose molecule is the problematic result!
Consequently, I'm compelled to agree with the #1 web holistic Doctor, Dr. Mercola, and many others I might add, like my buddy The Leaf Lady — she's only been a Naturopatic Doctor for 50 years! These folks report that Sucralose is not safe, specifically, because it is a manmade "Chlorinated-Molecule" of the most dubious provenance!
Howsoever, this paper is not just to convince you Sucralose is unsafe, even though I hope I do — see, this paper also addresses how a named scientist like Dr. Wallach could celebrate the safety of this controversial product by lying about where it comes from, and certainly never mentioning that pesky little injection of 3 toxic atoms into a sugar molecule, fundamentally creating Sucralose... yes, reader, Sucralose is "created," remember... a Franken-food!
Doubtlessly, it must be obvious to you, reader, that Doc Wallach prefers you to think it is just some natural, harmless "part" of the "Molasses" you get after Granny stirs up a big pot of "cane-squeezins" on the wood fire! Small hyperbole, perhaps, but Doc Wallach certainly never mentions the Chlorination process that has so many top holistic investigators crying foul!
Do a web search for anything resembling "How Sucralose is made" or "Sucralose processing," without mentioning Chlorine or Molasses in your query... AND then every time we see the word "Molasses" pop up in the 100,000 hits or so, I will give you $1000... but all you have to do is give me ONE Dollar every time you see the words "Chlorine" or "Chlorination"... I will win about $100,000... that's 100,000 hits to your ZERO hits for that silly molasses query.
It seems plain there is NO "molasses connection"—that I can see—but please, show me where I'm wrong care of alan068@centurytel.net .
The 2 mainstream views on Sucralose are:
(1).. "Sucralose is a chlorinated sugar molecule that is not biocompatible with humans, rendering this New "sugar" unrecognizable to us, so it is not metabolized, meaning it passes harmlessly out of your body! Additionally, the FDA has found it to be "safe."
(2).. The opposing view is that, regardless of human compatibility, it is loaded with "organic compounds" so some of the Sucralose is metabolized anyway! Just how much seems to be the big question... lastly, who cares what the professionally bankrupt "spawns of Satan" at the FDA say, anyway!
You also hear..."Sucralose is safe, much like table-salt, which contains a Chlorine atom, but the toxic Chlorine atom stays locked up in the salt & is not metabolized." Hoo boy!
OK, let me take issue with the preceding seriously silly argument — while describing how this all works. Forgive a little high school chemistry:
"Sugar" is a hydrocarbon comprised of 12 carbon atoms with a hydroxyl group (hydrogen & oxygen) stuck to each one. To create Sucralose, 3 of these hydroxyl groups are chemically replaced with chlorine atoms as I said above. This changes the sugar from a hydro-carbon to a ...chloro-carbon.
See, chlorocarbons are not biocompatible with human physiology, so it would appear that much —if not most— of the stuff goes through w/o being metabolized. The problem is, then, just how much, if any, is actually metabolized or broken apart... to release the VERY aggressive and toxic chlorine atom! The chlorine atom is the "Pit-Bull" of dangerous free-radicals, savaging every cell in your body! No hyperbole there!
Consider, even the Splenda website itself is careful to say that the sucralose molecule passes harmlessly through you... and "ALMOST NONE" is metabolized —hey wait a minute!— doesn't that word "almost" imply that "some" is metabolized? Just "how much", eh? Well, THAT'S the question, neatly!
Because I have no way of knowing for sure, I am going to go with the conservative figure that Dr. Mercola finds to be closest to reality — which is 15% of the sucralose will be converted... billions of rabid little pit-bulls released to wander... yow! This seems reasonable considering the US FDA's test in 1998 (http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/fr980403.html.) found that 11 to 27 % of the chlorine atoms are released! Yow again!
I say "conservative" because others claim 25% is metabolized — forgetting that there is a Japanese study having that figure up to 40%! Yow to the MAX!
The preceding, though bad enough, it remains, by the way: you cannot use the duplicitously bogus sodium-chloride (table-salt) comparison! Here's why:
Salt —or sodium-chloride— is completely INorganic and held together by the powerful "Ionic Bond"! So, for those 2 reasons, the body does not even try to metabolize it!
Chlorocarbons, on the other hand, contain organic compounds like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, which —being held together with the weaker "Covalent Bond" — encourages your liver to go after those self-same ORGANIC compounds! See, your liver WILL try to metabolize the Chlorocarbon molecule! So from "maybe almost none" up to perhaps 40% is metabolized...
See the problem?
...And it would certainly be wrong if Doctor Wallach used the FDA as a credible verification of Sucralose safety. You know, given he is forever pointing out how the FDA is "in the tank" for "whomever" and "whatever"... a demonstrable fact I regularly point out myself. It remains he still has opportunity to ride in on FDA coat-tails and doesn't have to say a word in fact. The Doc won't sneer at that FDA approval.
Lastly? "Sucralose is safe because chlorine is found naturally in food"...Oh Lord !
OK, Listen-Up. "Chlorine" found naturally in food is GOOD FOR YOU! Natural ORGANIC Chlorine like that found in food is there to fulfill several necessary functions. It will not harm you. It is; however, nothing like the man-manipulated "Psyco-Killer-Pit-Bull" Chlorine Free-Radical popped loose from Sucralose, reader, so forget that scrofulously bogus argument!
Do a modicum of research and I think you will agree with me! Besides, why take a chance with Sucralose, at all, when there is Stevia & Xylitol available... of course they are both more expensive. So? It remains reader; these are healthful! Besides, if everyone bought Stevia and rejected Splenda the price would go way down in a hurry.
FYI "WARNING" — More Chlorine horrors. Please stop using Chlorine Bleach for cleaning... the fumes are VERY toxic & will eventually damage your lungs & more! Instead, use 35% Food-Grade H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) that must then be DILUTED. It will kill harmful microbes about as ferociously as bleach but it is NOT toxic...however, it is very dangerous (at full strength)! Because the recommended storage place is in the refrigerator, your kid or drunk husband could swallow some and at 35% potency? It would likely kill them within a few minutes. But hey, chlorine bleach ain't that good for ya', either, by the by! Cold slows the degradation of the H2O2, explaining its appearance in the fridge; however, most come with a fairly good drunk-proof safety cap..
FYI on H2O2 (carefully diluted, reader, and taken internally): it's so "smart" that it will kill harmful microbes, of course, but it will not kill beneficial ones naturally found in your gut. This carefully diluted H2O2 is Probiotic (for life)...so it will benefit your good bugs... but is death on harmful living things... like the harmful anaerobic bacteria in your gut that can't tolerate an explosion of oxygen from some few drops of H2O2 in the appropriate amount of water. You CANNOT use regular Hydrogen Peroxide folks — it must be "Food-Grade." Regardless, for all the healthful benefits of this therapy, H2O2 —the reader is sternly cautioned— is a caustic chemical not to be trifled with or regarded lightly! Be warned! Know what you're doing!
Speaking of caustic chemicals, the most DANGEROUS TOXIC chemical apparatus in your home is your dishwasher, believe it or not, if you use typical dishwasher detergent. The steam that pours out after you open the door sends toxic chlorine vapor all through the house. There are several Chlorine-free products on the web... like "Seventh Generation" - (I don't own stock...)
Also if you could learn to appreciate just how toxic chlorine is, you might even go "full-tilt-boogie" and convert your swimming pool to an H2O2 system! You do absorb Chlorine right through your skin so shower filters for Chlorine are becoming a hot item.
If you feel you must use bleach... please buy a mask like a spray-painter uses BUT it has to have a filter much more restrictive than an auto spray-painter... it must specifically say that it blocks chlorine. I'm serious!
Heading into the barn, for all you Youngevity (tm) associates upset with me right now... if you have a rational rebuttal, write... please! I would be improved! It remains, though, Doc seems a little dirty.
I have to make mention, if you would like to read about a couple of other lies reference Doc Wallach products... lies much more egregious than this "little Molasses fib," then read the following paper: http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#whey
Today? I only deconstructed his Sucralose fib because of space and the subject of Splenda has a critical relevancy... but his 2 other lies (link above) are the real insults to credulity... In fact, one is so fulsomely blatant that it ranks right up there with the guy urinating on your leg while remarking on the steady rain. I digress...
If I'm wrong, please demonstrate it to me; again, I would be better informed, remember. It remains, too, that I want to be a Wallach-phile... really. His philosophy regarding supplements & nutrition seems not only correct but, in fact, ahead of the pack, in the aggregate, but his daunting infidelities make it difficult to love him. Ahh...you know, who can love... ...a liar... of any stripe?
Consider too at last: "What would Jesus do?" See, Doc Wallach is always interjecting God into his program... so if I'm right about the subterfuge above —which I am— then doesn't that, sort of, well... diminish all Christians... just a little bit?
Are you "distributors" —who consider yourselves Christian— going to confront your boss and insist he clean up his act, or, are you gonna cave and bow to Mammon, that god of greed?
C'mon! Insist on truth. Gratify some and astonish the rest!
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough. Well be.
LivingTree Root #051 Man-Boobs & Celebrity Death By Alan Graham - alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg - www.alienview.net
Pop culture gives me plenty of ammo to say "I told you so." This is illustrated by recent events in LA-LA Land:
1.. Actor Jeremy Piven (Entourage) claims Soy Milk caused him to grow "Man-Boobs." I suspect it did.
2.. Again with Piven... he claims he got mercury poisoning from eating Sushi. Yeah, it's very likely.
3.. Finally, the tragic death of Brittany Murphy. Her unfortunate passing was due to sudden heart failure, likely a result of trying to be too skinny... in my opinion.
Now just one example —utilizing Piven or Murphy— of each of the 3 subjects that I have written about in the past is not much of a sampling to "prove" my position on Phyto-Estrogen, Mercury, and sudden death due to mineral deficiency; however, because these are "celebrities," the sample might be extended like "dog years," eh?
One celebrity is worth at least 7 regular people, so being "celebrities," Piven and Murphy must count more and so increase the sample. Besides, even God looks at celebrities more favorably... by a factor of at least 7 to 1. It's a fact... look it up... umm, I'm thinking Deuteronomy?
Anyway, before we discuss Piven's boobs —oh, and I can't wait— lets review what I wrote several years ago regarding a women's proper poundage and sudden heart failure —experienced by many— in a Newsletter article I produced on the subject of Osteoporosis:
--from http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#phossy--
.. Weight loss over 40 — In 1969 and on my way to Viet Nam, I recall being lectured by my brand new Minny-Pearl-look-alike Mother in Law from Lizella, Georgia with a 3rd grade education...remember Deliverance?
Anyway, she said, "Ta be healthy, da Lord 'spects us to gain 10 or 15 pounds... after the Change" (menopause)...
Well, I thought that was the stupidest thing I had ever heard! What a phony and self-serving rational not to keep fit, I thought! Though, guess what Folks? She was right, I suspect... well, maybe not that the Lord "'spects" it, but in an efficacious physiological sense.
The point? The constant dieting typified by yo-yoing 10 or 15 pounds up and down means you periodically deprive yourself of life-critical minerals.
Yes Virginia, there are 70 to 80 life-critical minerals & Trace minerals, and they are used by the dozens, like a convoluted series of falling dominoes, to accomplish the most "insignificant" task! Blinking your eye, for example! You couldn't do it, otherwise.
Understandably, many of these trace minerals have been leached from the soil we grow our food in and are not replaced. Consequently, we don't see many of them in a "normal" diet, where they are absolutely critical, still.
Additionally, as you age, the extra 10 pounds of fat cells around your middle produces more natural estrogen stimulating a healthful "OsteoBlast activity." OsteoBlasts are Bone-Building Cells, remember. Lastly, crazy as it may sound, you, hauling that extra 10 pounds around, makes your bones stronger rather like lifting weights.
Sure! I'm all for being thin... but not if you have to starve & practically kill yourself to be TOO thin! Not if you have to starve —read "injure yourself"— to keep that last 10 or 15 lbs off ... especially if you're eating the right natural raw food in moderate amounts and combining it with moderate weight-bearing and low-impact exercise!
Then, my friend, if you level off 10 pounds heavier than you were in High School? Well, that's right were you should be, eh? Consider yourself lucky & tell your husband to shut his self-serving pie hole because your dainty, nicely distributed 10 pounds is in line with a woman's good health... and quite unlike his 30 pound "beer-gut"!
Regarding dieting to remain too thin... trust me, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, or the name-escapes-me-main-babe on "Grey's Anatomy,"... plus any other self-destructive women using starvation diets and/or "nose-candy" (when they are) to stay ungodly thin... These women will all develop Osteoporosis at a young age and likely have heart failure before 50. What price "celebrity," eh?
ITEM — Don't confuse "starvation diets" (Bad) with "fasting" (Good)! A one to three day fast every month or so, if done in accordance with proper protocol (www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#fast), is one of the most positive things you can do for your toxically compromised body.
--end of excerpt--
Additionally, there's this snippet from another old paper of mine about mineral deficiency caused by sweating out a soup of trace minerals, plus the effects of dangerous Phytates and Oxalates consumed via Soy & grains. These bind to, remember, and ultimately remove minerals and trace minerals which are not replaced. Apply the preceding to a condition of being unnaturally thin through extreme measures, like Brittany, and you have a recipe for sudden death!
---------------from http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#champ------------------------
Visualize this scenario. Take a 50 year old marathon runner & vegetarian who, like many vegetarians, eat a lot of grains containing Phytates & Oxalates binding to and eliminating many critical minerals & trace minerals. Finally, he is jogging through his neighborhood and otherwise being as devout a disciple of the famous marathoner Jim Fixx as he can.
Like Fixx, this middle-aged obsessive thinks supplementation is a foolish waste of money only producing "expensive urine." In his uninformed mind, longevity is all about physical fitness and caloric intake, only.
Well, like Jim Fixx at 52, he has a heart attack and drops dead in his cul-de-sac, WHILE RUNNING.
Yes, reader, our intrepid marathoner drops dead while his overweight, 65 year old neighbor, lounging on his porch smoking cheap cigarettes and chain-pounding Ding-Dongs casually remarks to his wife... "See Honey, I told you that running crap would kill you."
Ironically, in this situation the surviving neighbor is right. Here's how.
Like Jim Fixx... ...who set the stage by not supplementing with the Essential Big Minerals or the 70 or so, equally critical, trace minerals... ...who likely ate a high wheat & cereal diet with the grain protein, "Lectin" that is PRO-inflammatory & adversely effects digestion. ...who likely ate a Hi-Gluten diet of Bread & Cereal that reduce Calcium & Iron absorption. ...who likely ate a high oxalate and phytate diet of bread & cereal, binding critical minerals and trace minerals... ...who drank distilled or reverse osmosis (RO) water with all the trace minerals removed, resulting in even more minerals and trace minerals being leached from your bones & organs... ...who consumed lots of unfermented soy binding with even more essential minerals...
Who... for years, reader, sweated out a "soup" of difficult to be replaced electrolytes and essential minerals during his self-abusive long-distance running activities! In particular, consider, he excreted potassium, one of the most critical heart nutrients extant, readily, when he copiously perspired!
FYI—A decrease of potassium (Hypokalemia) can profoundly effect the nervous system and increases the chance of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), which, when extreme, can be decidedly fatal.
...Folks! ...Just like our De-mineralized Jim Fixx! An obsessive jogger is dead in his cul-de-sac after only a few years of chronic mineral deficiency blithely provoked in just the manner described! It's easy, even expected given the preceding, to drop dead from a heart attack!
Consider: true to form, after Jim Fixx died, his number one disciple Brian Maxwell increased his effort through physical fitness without supplemental minerals... and he fell dead in his early 50's, too! ...Seems uninformed celebrities can drop like flies.
In parallel, high-toned athletes, so many it does not require citation, have dropped dead mysteriously in a similar fashion! But Gee... lets go find an innocent and beneficial herb, like Ephedra, to blame.
Ephedra killed a few hundred people who abused it! Corporate vetted and FDA sanctioned Vioxx, on the other hand, killed at least 28,000 when taken as directed. There's irony so thick it can suck off your panty-hose!
--end of excerpt--
So, to stay skinny, I suspect Brittany, a latter day Fixx, would starve herself of trace minerals for long periods while sweating out potassium & more trace minerals exercising. This is what resulted in her sudden death... I'm guessing... and I am just guessing... ...but I think it's a relatively informed guess.
Maybe its just me but I think Brittany looked fine in 1995 at her more natural weight, back when she was in Clueless... in fact many of these "forced-skinny" girls only look kind of creepy, singularly un-alluring, and certainly not very healthy. I don't get it...
Now don't misunderstand! I don't recommend it, but for any of you misguided young ladies who feel the need to stay on a perpetual diet to maintain a weight 10 pounds below the minimum weight for your height... PLEASE do the following or risk death, little pilgrims!
1.. Take a "Plant-Derived Colloidal Trace Mineral Complex" with a minimum of 70 trace minerals.
2.. Take a Multi with "Organic-Chelated" minerals like Citrate or AAC (Amino-Acid Chelated)...NOT INorganic salts like carbonate & oxide. It must include, or you must add, a MINIMUM of 400mg of Calcium Citrate or AAC & 400mg of Magnesium Citrate or AAC.
3.. Take some highly digestible protein daily like a Whey Protein Isolate Smoothie and 3 or 4 lightly poached or very soft-cooked eggs. When you starve to lose weight & don't get enough protein, you lose muscle, SO, you lose heart muscle too.
4.. For some absolutely critical fiber & even more critical "Simple-Plant" Omega-3, (ALA) take 2 or 3 tbls of fresh ground Chia Seed if money is not a problem... or a couple of tbls of fresh ground Flaxseed if money is a big deal.
FYI : I think every man, women & child should also take some form of the MUCH more powerful "Complex-Animal" Omega-3's, (EPA & DHA) from medicinal oils like fish oil, krill oil or cod-liver oil <<HOWEVER>> after taking Chia Seed for Omega-3, adding more FAT from Fish Oil to get even more Omega-3 would be a hard sell to your average Paris Hilton wannabe.
Anyway, Chia seed is about 3 times the price of Flax Seed with essentially the same % of Omega-3 & it is also excellent fiber! The advantage of Chia Seed is you can eat it without grinding it first (although I grind it) but the "biggie" is there is no Phyto-Estrogen in Chia as opposed to the extremely high amount of same in Flaxseed.
Phyto-Estrogen in Soy, by the way, is supposedly the reason Jeremy Piven has grown Man-Boobs.
Anyway, grind both Chia or flax in a coffee-grinder yourself...the Omega-3 (ALA) in commercial PRE-ground flax seed will have too much oxidation... again, in my opinion.
Pre-ground Flaxseed is OK if it is "De-Oiled" (so, no Omega-3 fatty acids to go rancid)... you only find this in the top quality, expensive Fiber Formulas & "Super-Food Complexes" where you want the ground flaxseed for its excellent fiber contribution — not for its Omega-3.
5.. Take additional potassium if you are extreme-dieting, sweating & exercising or losing a lot of body fluid other ways... that means everything to include bleeding, spitting, tears & vomit (Hey! Somebody hold my hair...)!
"WARNING" — because of an antiquated, semi-silly law most supplements can't have over 99mg of potassium (symbol K) in each dose. This is because potassium (K) can be toxic if you take too much. Also it was felt that supplemental K was not necessary because it is one of the 3 numbers on the label of all artificial fertilizers... along with nitrogen & phosphorous. See? Every form of food gets potassium directly or indirectly from fertilizer.
The problem is a person currently needs about 4700mg (recently up from 2000) of potassium daily, so 99mg of K in your Multi is silly & pointless; HOWEVER, you shouldn't just go out and take 4700mg of K in supplement form without running the risk of taking too much if you already eat a high K diet of raw fruits & veggies (one med. Banana has 450mg of K).
So, if you are on a diet (especially some crazy starvation diet) & sweating a lot, then a good compromise is to take about 900mg to 1500mg in 3 divided doses of 300mg to 500mg at meals.
Remember this "K" dosing is not an exact science because you readily lose potassium when you sweat, bleed, or spit, and you need more K if you consume a lot of sodium (salt) — so there are variables that need to be considered.
Bottom line, a bulimic long distance runner in south Florida who eats salty pop corn while crying at sad movies and then throws-up... should take more potassium.
Supplemental Potassium is likely not needed if you lead a relatively normal life, with moderate exercise and a diet with lots of veggies, nuts & a small amount of WHOLE fruit (never juice).
Now, on to Piven's eagerly anticipated "Man-Boobs."
I don't think anyone has the definitive "dead-lock-nut" when it comes to explaining the effects of large amounts of Phyto-estrogen (plant-derived estrogen) in one's diet, especially a Male's.
The problem is we are already CONSTANTLY bombarded by Xeno-estrogens in plastics, car exhausts, cleaning products... it is even "out-gassing" from your computer... oh heck, fill in 2 or 3 hundred blanks and you just scratch the surface!
Now the Phyto-estrogen (PE) proponents will tell you that there is a substance in PE that, in fact, helps scavenge up harmful forms of estrogen, but that doesn't mean just go consume all the plant-form of estrogen you want without the possibility of some negative side effects... like being a guy with fun-bags, eh?
Additionally, high PE intake has been associated with an increase in cancer while the PE in moderate tofu consumption has been shown to reduce prostate cancer...gee, what to do?
Granted PE in Black Cohosh & tofu can be helpful for women going through menopause, but I think the data is there suggesting that everyone, especially babies, and children should avoid a crazy soy diet, morning, noon & night, comprised of the dangerous, "Fractionated" Soy Protein ISOLATE.
FYI : Fractionated - "Pieces-Parts" not found in nature...not a "Whole-Food".
These Soy "Franken-Foods" are found in Soy-milk, Soy baby formula, Soy powdered Protein, Soy (burgers, hot-dogs, bacon, turkey) & virtually ALL processed foods. Piven was drinking 3 quarts of Soy milk daily.
As I've been writing for years... the PE in 2 or 3 tablespoons of fresh ground flaxseed or a small amount of tofu (which is a Whole-food, not fractionated) likely won't hurt you. Though, on the other hand, if you go crazy with phony-baloney Soy ISOLATE I think you can have another "Eric Cartman" on your hands or sport Man-Boobs like Jeremy Piven. "I'm too sexy for my shirt..."
On Piven's Mercury Poisoning from fish:
Dr. House's name-escapes-me-main-babe —not "13," the other one— says there is no way to be poisoned from the trace amounts of mercury in sushi... OK, but all the top holistic Doc's, to include the #1 holistic practitioner on the web, Dr. Mercola, says that virtually all fish has mercury and that many of the bigger fish can easily poison you.
Mercola, to show how wide spread and serious the problem is, has also published the latest verification data on his website ... but hey, if the "House babe's union script-writer" said it, then it must be true, eh? They wouldn't lie on TV!
Anyway, there are brands of wild salmon, etc., specifically tested and found to be mercury free... but you have to investigate carefully.
BTW, don't let these mercury worries extend to Krill or Fish oils...the mercury is repelled by the oil so it is generally found only in the flesh of the fish. No, you only have to worry about toxins like PCB's, etc. in fish oils. So, your brand of medicinal oil must be Toxin-Free, and say so on the label!
So anyway, that's it for now... but yes, "small samples" notwithstanding, we can learn from the "Stars."
Uh... by the way, you know I was just kidding about that Deuteronomy thing, right? You'd only think God must look on celebrities more favorably.
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough. Well be.
LivingTree Root #052 My 6 Favorite FAT Lies
By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net 334 774-0395 With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
Rank individuals such as myself, apart from being negatively individualistic, are as a mote among many similarly effected motes. Individually though, still, we are at the whim and sway of powerful forces—governments, institutions, and agencies—who would serve interests seemingly not in the best interest of the individuals aforementioned. These governments, institutions, and agencies, and betraying the trust extended to them, lie with sincerity in a campaign to support the few against the many. Six of the lies told —by what is expected to be an official authority presumed to be the competent steward of a trusting public—concerns the affects and effects, good and bad, of dietary fat on the human body.
To wit: the following 6 distortions concerning fats & oils are indorsed and perpetuated by the highest echelon of nutritional science and government "watchdogs" — like the FDA.
Here are the 6 incredulously bold misstatements, prevarications, and outright lies addressed in turn:
1.. Saturated fat is bad. 2.. Unsaturated vegetable oil is good. 3.. Trans-fatty acids are now considered as bad as saturated fat. 4.. Margarine is more healthful than butter. 5.. Coconut oil is bad. 6.. MonoUnsat. Canola oil is better than MonoUnsat. olive oil.
1.. Saturated fat (SatFat) is "bad"? How can that be, reader, when SatFat is your body's material of choice for the majority of fat's very synergistic and necessary physiological "jobs." Indeed, the only SatFat remotely bad for you is oxidized fat damaged as a result of high heat, lengthy air exposure, or food processing.
Consider. If undamaged SatFat was heart unhealthy there would be a lot of dead Blubber-Eating Eskimos riddled with heart and vascular disease... when in fact they have lowest incidence of heart disease on the planet! SatFat's not bad for them!
What does "saturated" mean? "Saturated" means every available space on the long carbon chain of the garden variety fat molecule is filled with 2 hydrogen atoms. This results in no empty spaces meaning, magnetically, the chains stay straight allowing them to pack closely together. This, of course, results in fat which is solid at room temp. The "no-empty spaces" also means SatFat has no unpaired electrons so it is a very stable fat molecule, thus resisting oxidation. This resistance to oxidation is one of the big reasons nature prefers it and your body likes it.
Every food-oil, by the way, has a small percentage of SatFat (from about 6 to 18%); however, never let a low satfat percentage be a selling point for you — as is touted regarding Canola & other oils! This is generally because these SatFats found in food oil are pure & undamaged. "Pure and undamaged" is what's good for you.
2.. Unsaturated vegetable oil is good? Look, reader, "Unsaturated" means one or more pairs of electrons are missing! This creates a hyper-sensitive Double-Bond (DB) at each missing site and comes in 2 types, MONOunsaturated (one DB) & POLYunsaturated oils (2 or more DB's). Dieticians continually tell us both MonoUnsat. & PolyUnsat. oils are good for us, sort of implying that any fat that is a beautiful liquid oil at room temp will flow through your veins easily, preventing any heart disease..."unlike that evil solid SatFat which clogs your veins..." Not !
What a crock! MonoUnsat oils, like Olive oil, are heart healthful because with just one (mono) pair of missing hydrogen atoms (one DB), there are no unpaired electrons... resulting in a stable oil that resists oxidation. This kind of oil requires no refrigeration or additional processing to remove the rancid smell after the heat of pressing, as is required with PolyUnsat Oils! These oxidize —go bad— readily.
You see, with a Poly oil—more than one double bond—there IS an unpaired electron, so, unstable, it goes rancid due to the heat of pressing... thus requiring the oil be RBDed (refined, bleached & deodorized). This hi-heat process destroys the oil leaving it "fresh-smelling" but teaming with cancer-causing, heart-stopping lipid-peroxide. The prestigious medical journal, Lancet, in 1994 reported that 75% of the stuff clogging your arteries was oxidized UnSat. food oils...not the the healthful, beneficial, and unjustly maligned Cholesterol. That rattles your box-seats, eh? How is it that our official authorities don't know this?
...And the unsettling answer, reader, is that they MUST!
MonoUnsat. oil (Omega-9), with one DB, will cause the chain to bend a little bit due to electrical attraction, resulting in a liquid at room temp; however, if you put it in the fridge you can see it get milky looking because the satfat is solidifying. That is why all Mono food oils come from a band around the Earth with milder climates — like Olive oil from the Mediterranean & Macadamia Nut oil from Hawaii.
PolyUnsat. FOOD-oil (Omega-6) with two DB's will cause the chain to bend even more, so the satfat, unable to pack tightly, will not solidify in the fridge but will turn solid in the freezer. It also means there is an unpaired electron, so Omega-6 Poly-oils go rancid easily. Poly-oil comes from colder places like with Soy & Canola from Canada & Russia.
However, there is one kind of Poly-oil (Omega-3) that is very heart-healthy because it is processed under expensive refrigeration to avoid oxidation. I'm talking about the very unstable but magical Medicinal Oils like fish oil & krill oil. These oils are missing anywhere from 3 to 6 pairs of electrons so they are really bent somewhat like a pretzel and will not solidify, even in the freezer! These sensitive fatty-acids (FA's) are used to keep the blood flowing in arctic cold-water fish... so, conversely, fish from the tropics have very little Omega-3.
So MonoUnsat FOOD oil & PolyUnsat MEDICINAL oils are good for you <<BUT>> PolyUnsat. FOOD oil is decidedly NOT. These include food-oils like Corn, Soy, Grapeseed, Safflower, Sunflower, Cottonseed, and others. I put Canola in this Poly category even though it has 54% Mono-oil. This is because the significant feature of the oil is that it is 35% poly-oil and the poly-oil requires RBDing! This is the thing killing you... so let's just go ahead and call it a Poly-oil. They can sue me!
3.. Transfatty acids are now considered as bad as saturated fat? What foul and psychopathic hubris is this? Within the last few years TransFat from pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) has finally been exposed as a disease-causing, manmade, solid fake-fat that it is. Consequently you now hear brain-dead dieticians say that TransFat is as bad as SatFat. This is a stupid, backward, nonsensical thing to say because undamaged SatFat is not bad —far from it— they just tried to make you think it's bad. Howsoever, TransFat has always been an abomination even though the public, until just recently, was manipulated to believe it wasn't.
Electrically and chemically wrong, TransFat is a fat mimic easily incorporated into the cell-wall of every cell in your body with the potential to cause or exacerbate virtually every disease because it is the wrong building material. The best way to correct this mechanism of slow and suffering death is by replacing TransFat with undamaged SatFat & Omega-3 fats like in Fish oil.
4.. Margarine is more healthful than butter? C'mon! Butter is the classic undamaged and healthful SatFat! It contains arcane medium & short-chained fatty-acids which are powerful anti-oxidants which reduce inflammation. Margarine, on the other hand, is naught but disease-causing TransFat! The authorities mislead you by saying that butter has more SatFat than margarine — but what they don't tell you is that butter has healthful SatFat but margarine has Unhealthful, manmade "SatFat" in the form of TransFat... so comparing SatFat & TransFat on equal footing is like the ever compared classics of "apples & oranges," where the oranges poison you! They don't compute.
5.. Coconut Oil is bad because it is a solid SatFat? Where this unctuous unawareness is not a turgid, senseless, and ignorant misstatement it is suspicious to the point of buggered credulity! OK, Coconut oil will solidify below 76 degrees, however in your body & in the tropics it flows just fine... in fact BETTER than just fine! Dip your thumb & index finger in CCnut oil that is above 76 degrees & then rub them together...it will feel velvety thin and slicker than the most highly refined machine oil.
This is because CCnut oil is not a long-chain fatty-acid like most food oil (18 atoms long) — it is a magical MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) only 12 to 14 atoms long! This means it can be metabolized with just saliva & stomach-acid, not requiring scarce resources in the form of digestive enzymes as are required with long-chain fatty acids.
CCnut oil or MCT's are found in mother's milk & in every baby formula made. This is because babies have very underdeveloped "Desaturase Enzyme Systems" making it difficult to metabolize long-chain FA's... but with MCT's it zips right through to the energy producing mitochondria to give the baby the front row heat & energy required to grow and mature. With adults it provides instant energy through "Thermogenesis" which actually "burns-up" long chain FA's to help you lose weight. It's great for Low-thyroid folks with cold feet & hands.
Because CCnut oil is from the tropics it contains numerous very special anti-oxidants to protect it from the heat, consequently it will stay good at room temp for 4 or 5 years. When consumed that same anti-oxidant protection goes on in your body.
Bottom line, CCnut oil is one of Mother-Natures most perfectly magical foods! The doctors and dieticians who know the truth BUT tell you it is unhealthy because it is a saturated fat will likely wind up "Butt-surfing" on the "Lake of Fire" in that hell imagined for them.
Why lie? Why, to protect the evil "partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil" industry & the North American (Canada & the US) polyunsat oil industry... corn, soy & Canola. You see, CCnut Oil comes from the Philippines & Olive oil comes from the Mediterranean... gotta keep out them damn foreign products, eh?
6.. MonoUnsat. Canola oil is better than MonoUnsat. olive oil? Pause for giggles so extreme this writer is in danger of soiling himself. Let's expand this lie into 3 subset lies! See, all the good things folks say about Canola oil (CO)... wait for it... are actually BAD things:
(a). CO is MonoUnsat just like Olive oil? Well, no it's not... Olive oil has a very high percentage of Mono at 76%, so with 16% SatFat there is only room left for a negligible amount of unhealthful Poly — at only 8%. Also, coming from a soft, easily pressed fruit there is NO RBDing required. Conversely, CO only has 56% Mono coupled with only 8% SatFat! This leaves a fairly large percentage of Poly at 30 to 35%! With the higher heat of pressing a hard seed, the oil requires RBDing to remove the rancid smell of what now amounts to dead, non nutritious, and unhealthful oil.
(b). CO has 8% healthful Omega-3 where Olive oil has NO Omega-3? Well yes, but think about how silly this is. See, if the heat of pressing will cause the "regular" Poly portion (with 2 DB's) to go rancid due to high heat, the Omega-3 with 3 DB's will be the very first fatty-acid to go BAD. Remember from above, with the increase of each DB the sensitivity to damage goes up not by a factor of one but exponentially by a factor of 7 or 8.
(c). CO only has 8% SatFat so it is better than Olive oil at 16%? No! Canola Oil would be a better oil if it also had 16% SatFat because the satfat in non-RBDed oil is good for you, so if there were more of it, it would replace the stuff that is bad... some of that 35% Polyunsat crap.
Again, bottom line, Canola oil is a sham to replace olive oil & keep money in the US & Canada. Yes, keeps the money but puts their charge at risk! That's the long and tall of one duplicitous corpocracy, eh?
So where are we? Government, Institution, and Agency stridently betray a public trust to degrade our drinking water, foul our food larder, poison our food production, and then presume upon our educational systems to promulgate egregious lies with regard to healthful information regarding these things.
This writer only offers that more useful information is still available, even in this day and age. Drop me a note and, no strings attached? I'll tell you where you might look.
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
LivingTree Root #053 (Updated 1 /30 / 2012) Salt, Sea-Salt & Blood Pressure By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net [(334) 774-0395] With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
In the beginning there was salt. Salt! Isn't it amazing how something as innocuous as it is ubiquitous could be so critical to life. How does that work?
As the story is told, some single digit multiple of a billion years ago, life quickened in the tormented bosom of aggravated and electrified seas. The seas in question are of course water, but within that water are the dissolved salts of many different types as they are found in the soils containing them. These various salts, and sodium chloride too, are washed down to our aforementioned seas via falls, streams, and rivers fed by the period's unending and torrential rains.
Primitive mono-cellular Life only finds its initial originating spark in the salts of those seas, and building on each successful generation uses the briny water as conduit for both waste elimination and nutritional system needs. One cell evolves to a collection of cells, then a corporation of cells, then a symphony of cells able to move out of the salty water and onto dry land.
The nurturing salty sea had to be brought along with them, of course. It is no wonder, reader, why blood must so closely resemble the sea in which it evolved.
Back to present day, a recent NY Times article found that a reduction in salt consumption would save numerous lives due to a reduction in Blood Pressure (BP). This is a classic example of the true statement based on a false premise used to promote an unhealthy agenda. The agenda referred to is that a "No Salt" diet is the best course for BP reduction.
Salt increases BP. Well... not really. You see, when your BP goes up after excessive salt consumption the increase is loosely analogous to the way salt increases your weight...
Salt puts water weight on the scale but it doesn't really put the weight on YOU! If you reduce your salt intake and jog around the block a few times, your weight and likely your BP will return to their original lower level.
"Yeah Alan, but so what?" This still doesn't mean you should eat large amounts of table salt, does it? Shouldn't you just, pretty much, get salt completely out of your life?
Well, No, actually — you should still consume a small but adequate amount of salt... just not "Toxic, Aluminum/Iodine-laced, Table-salt," like that spilling off the line-art umbrellas of Little Girls affixed to the outsides of salt containers. "When it rains, it pours... thank you, Aluminum"?
Here are just a few considerations regarding Table-salt, Sea-salt and Salt in general... also at the end of the piece are my favorite BP lowering supplements. Let's begin.
1.. Frankly, this whole "Low salt - No salt" craziness likely causes more death and illness than it prevents. See, as you get older, the tendency is to produce LESS "HCl with pepsin" (stomach-acid). Eliminating the salt is removing the nutrient required to provide the chloride necessary for the formation of HCl in the first place! At best, salt elimination just exacerbates this undesirable low stomach-acid situation found in many folks even in the springs of their winters.
This leads to not having the copious stomach acid essential for proper digestion and especially, then, the absorption of mineral salts & trace mineral salts — an astonishing array of different salt nutrients! Missing these different salts can result in heart disease & YES, ironically —astonishingly— high blood pressure... This is forgetting the exacerbation of virtually any other disease out there you can name.
Most older persons have too little stomach acid, actually — they only think they have too much acid because they have "heart burn" and "indigestion." That's what they are told by the medical community... though, guess what folks? Too little or too much acid both have the SAME symptoms!
In reality most heart burn in old folks is caused by "not enough" acid which means the improper alkaline stomach causes the LES, that containing sphincter at the top of the stomach, to relax and open slightly! This allows the weak stomach acid to splash up on to the esophagus. See, you don't have enough acid for good digestion or keeping the LES closed, but you do have enough to cause pain when it splashes up and hits the unprotected and sensitive esophagus!
Additionally, remember, a cascade of biological inefficiencies caused by a lack of HCl in the diets of the elderly can lead to joint pain or some other auto-immune response when the highly UN-digestible Gluten Protein is not properly "softened-up" by appropriately strong stomach acid... which is a damn good reason, by the way, to avoid wheat, barley & rye. Gluten-Protein is CRAP. Homo-Erectus never baked a loaf of bread. I digress.
2.. Generally, the problem isn't too much salt ...it is TOO LITTLE Potassium. Remember, the daily amount of Potassium needed has recently increased from about 2000mg, up to 4700mg! A person who runs & sweats copiously, thus losing potassium, should consume adequate salt & take extra potassium however due to an antiquated law, supplemental potassium can only come in 99mg increments. So if you need 4700mg... the 99mg in your typical slack-jaw Multi is silly and pointless.
WARNING - You can't just take 4700mg of Potassium because when added to the Potassium in your food it could be too much, thus toxic. A good safe compromise is about 900mg divided into 3 doses of 300mg with food...this is the equivalent to 3 small bananas.
3.. Salt that ain't "salty" because it is in various forms of sodium, etc. and when used as preservatives in processed foods, are not a good natural source of same. The obvious answer is to avoid all processed food... from where most of the harmful and BP-raising sodium actually comes!
4.. Sun-Dried Sea-Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt with all 84 different trace mineral salts —found in sea water remember— means there is a synergistic effect so you can safely consume sea-salt without the adverse effects like you might have with the same amount of regular table salt... with no trace minerals.
I caution the reader that most grocery store "sea-salt" is processed so the trace minerals have been removed. Good sea salt isn't white, reader! White ain't right! Sea Salt is grey, off-white or pink... ...there's even a black sea salt, Yo.
Well actually, table-salt does contain one trace mineral, iodine, but certainly not in trace amounts. These are imposed big doses of man-manipulated iodine, and without the synergistic effect of all the other trace mineral salts present at the ratios found in nature, can actually cause the very thyroid distress that it was supposed to fix!
Table salt also has additives like Aluminum as an anti-caking agent. Can you spell geriatric dementia? Seriously, use this stuff to help insure you won't be able to tell if it's "raining" or "pouring."
5... My favorite BP lowering stuff:
(b).. Fatty Acids - Take 2 to 8 grams of Krill oil or Fish oil (Hi-Potency)... ...Optional — 2 to 4 grams of Black Currant Seed Oil and/or 2 to 4 Tbls of Chia seed. These Fatty Acids activate the Prostaglandins which reduce BP, inflammation, platelet stickiness and allergic reactions.
FYI - "Hi-Potency" does not apply to Krill oil. It only applies to fish oil - meaning each gram (1000mg) has 500mg of Omega-3 ...Regular-Potency means each gram only contains 300mg of Omega-3. Hi-Potency comes from smaller fish, from colder water.
(c).. L-Arginine - Is a cheap, popular "Vasodilator" that weight-lifters use to increase blood flow & lower BP by causing the blood vessels to dilate. Take a couple of divided 5 gram doses of the powdered form on an empty stomach.
(d).. Beet root capsules - This is a great, cheap, natural Vasodilator...or you can EAT BEETS, but who the heck is gonna do THAT - seeing as how nobody ever actually says "Humm, lets run out and get a big bowl of Beets".
(e).. Ginkgo Biloba - Vasodilator that homo Erectus likely consumed on the Serengeti... it is the oldest tree on the planet.
(e).. L-Glutamine - Another popular weight-lifter supplement. This is one of my all-time favorite supp's because it directly effects EVERYTHING you consume by dramatically increasing the length & plumpness of the intestinal villi lining the gut — which directly effects absorption of nutrients and protects you from toxins. Also take a couple of 5 gram doses w/o food. To avoid moisture contamination with L-Glutamine don't have wet hands or leave the lid off.
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
Closing, I admonish the reader that Salt, of the correct type and traces, is required in appropriate amounts actually. Blood doesn't lie.
That's enough, well be. |
By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net 334 774-0395 With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
I rarely just come right out & recommend a product by name brand, but I discovered something completely noninvasive that will help prevent blood clots in your legs while it makes you feel so "Light on your feet," you might be compelled to go for a jog or a long walk! Also, I suspect it improves your mood & helps you to think clearer.
OK, don't laugh...T.E.D., Anti-Embolism Stockings. Now before you say "Fa'getta 'bout it", please listen to the simple physics & biology behind my apparently "outrageous" claims. Also at the end of this paper I recommend some good Clot preventing supplements,
Anyway, these very tight stockings —tight but not really uncomfortable... in fact, I think just the opposite— will push the blood away from the surface preventing ugly, painful varicose veins while it also pushes the blood up & out of your lower extremities. They won't let the blood pool in your feet & lower legs that can result in blood-clots there or anywhere up the leg!
This deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - Like the classic "airline-seat for 10 hours, behind the knee blood-clot" can also happen from sitting at a computer for 8 or 10 hours AND it can EASILY kill you if a piece breaks off and goes to your heart, lungs or brain...besides, nobody wants Faux-Cankles, Fat looking ankles from being swollen — not fat. T.E.D.'s helps that too.
This increased blood flow in your legs & every place else prevents clots while it squeezes the blood from the lower body upward into your upper body & BRAIN. This is the exact same principle (to keep blood from "pooling") as the jet fighter-pilot's "g" suit so as to keep blood pushed up into his/her brain precluding passing out in a high "g" turn.
Now preventing blood clots in your legs can save your life or prevent a stroke but the real thing that motivates me to wear them everyday is something that is palpable — you can't "feel" blood clots NOT forming... but you can & do feel "light on your feet", with a spring in your step instead of that feeling like you're dragging your tired ol' legs around.
This "bouncy" feeling is because you actually are lighter in the legs since these stockings are tight at the bottom & get looser as they go up which pushes the blood out of your legs, making them feel noticeably lighter. This whole process increases overall blood flow which increases oxygenation, prevents clots & likely makes you think clearer, I suspect.
I'm 62 and even though I work out daily I spend about half my life sitting at a computer. I noticed the last few years that most days I felt a heaviness in my legs when I walked but I just attributed it to old age... until I tried T.E.D. stockings. They really make a difference.
If you are over 40, maybe a little overweight, don't exercise much & eat vascular-inflammation causing sugar & flour... I would recommend you take preemptive measures & help protect yourself from clots & the pain of varicose veins.
And believe me Folks, the "feeling light on you feet" will translate to you actually getting up & exercising more — which makes your heart stronger, improves circulation & prevents the very clots that you wore the T.E.D.'s for in the first place.
If you have other risk factors like smoking then it is absolutely imperative that you be proactive... especially when this is completely NON-invasive — well, except your wallet, maybe. They are about $20 to $30 a pair for the Thigh High length... but that is pretty cheap insurance.
They make a shorter Knee-length also...in fact you might even try the knee-length first. They work on the same principle & even though they don't cover the back of the knee they still help prevent clots in that location. They would stay up & in place much better, where the Thigh-length might need tugging back in place occasionally depending on your job or activity.
If you have never had a clot in your leg & you are sorta-kinda physically fit...then there is likely no reason to hassle with the "Thigh-length" style BUT it is just good insurance to use the "Knee-length" style because they are comfortable & don't ride down as you walk around.
OK I guess I'm supposed to be very conscientious & tell you to go to a "professional" to get measured for T.E.D.'s so you get the correct pressure... and that might a good idea but there are instructions on the pack or the various websites, so with a couple of easy measurements you can find the one for you without any help.
BTW, there are several different brands that I'm sure are also very good but T.E.D.'s & TruForm are the only brands I've tried & I liked them both.
"WARNING"... the stockings are CONTRAINDICATED for people with severe vascular disease, massive swelling of the leg or fluid in the lungs from congestive heart failure...or a leg deformity.
Natural Blood-Thinners or Circulatory aides that I like :
To avoid the hazards associated with the unnatural Blood-Thinner, Aspirin, which inhibits the Cox-1 (gut & brain bleeding & possible death) & the Cox-2 (possible death from the very stroke you are trying to prevent)...anyway, (if you are not already on Coumadin or Plavix) as a PRE-Clot regimen you might try :
(1).. Krill Oil Or Fish Oil -- Take 2 to 8 grams daily in divided doses right after a meal. Mother-Nature's most powerful way to reduce Inflammation, PLATELET-STICKINESS, Blood Press. & Allergic reactions.
(2).. Vitamin E -- Take 400iu to 800iu of "Mixed Tocopherol" or "d" alpha Tocopherol... NEVER take "dl" alpha.
(3).. Nattokinase or Nattozime -- Enzyme that Improves circulation...comes from the famous fermented health food, Natto, used forever in Japan.
(4).. Lecithin -- A natural Clot preventer & might even help dissolve clots that are formed. Take 800 to 1200mg of Soy or Egg Lecithin before each fat-containing meal.
(5).. Turmeric or Curcumin (yellow stuff in curry) -- Take double dose 2 or 3 times daily without food or with food if it bothers you taking it on an empty stomach...you can also buy it in the powdered form for cooking. Big doses for a long time can cause indigestion & mild stomach distress in some.
(6).. Ginkgo Biloba - Increases bloodflow so it helps prevent clots & is good for memory...this stuff is so cheap that you should get the most concentrated, purest form - liquid extract in the tiny 1fl.oz bottles. A "dropper" full goes great in the next blood-thinner on the list - green tea.
Don't pay any attention to the bogus (embarrassingly silly) study that came out a few years ago that said Ginkgo Biloba did not help with memory...I don't want to waste time explaining why it was silly, but if you are really interested, let me know and I'll tell you about it.
(7).. Green Tea - Not only thins your blood but is a powerful antioxidant. If you don't like to drink green tea you can also get it in the concentrated liquid extract form. Many Liquid Extract brands have alcohol in them but most herbs also come "Alcohol-Free".
Folks, please don't blow this off if you are even close to being in that group that might develop a clot or varicose veins... come on, you know who you are. Don't let Cognitive Dissonance kill you.
Alan Graham E-mail — alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive — http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
Well be.
![]() LivingTree Root #055 Lipitor, CoQ10 & Bubba Clinton By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net 334 774-0395 With Alfred Lehmberg — www.AlienView.net
I have often wondered if Bill Clinton's doctors had him take the powerful heart nutrient, Coenzyme Q10, in addition to Lipitor after his quadruple-bypass heart episode. This is serious.
See, Statin drugs, like Lipitor (to artificially lower cholesterol) will not only block the production of cholesterol, it will also block the body's production of the CRITICAL nutrient Ubiquinone, more commonly called CoQ10. Both cholesterol and Ubiquinone are found down the same chemical constructional Pathway: "the Ubiquinone Pathway." And it follows that when you reduce one... well, reader – you, at the greatest peril, reduce the other! Submarine "DIVE" klaxons should be going off about now!
See, Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) and/or the other, much better absorbed, "Reduced" active form of Ubiquinone, called Ubiquinol, are found —and used— in every cell! I don't exaggerate when I advise that CoQ10 just may be the most important nutrient we consume or produce in our body! This becomes essential knowledge when you remember that both the production of CoQ10 and its conversion to Ubiquinol decreases with age.
FYI: Ubiquinone comes from the word ubiquitous - which means "It's everywhere—It's everywhere"...because it is everywhere in your body. This point, as we find out later, is not oversold.
To continue, this extremely potent anti-oxidant (CoQ10) is the #3 selling supplement behind Multi's & Fish Oil! This is saying something because it is also an expensive supplement... especially the more digestible "Reduced Ubiquinol" form. However, you should only buy the Ubiquinol form because as you get older you stop producing the enzyme necessary to metabolize the cheaper "Oxidized Ubiquinone." More on this in a moment. The consensus in regard of this critical enzyme is that it dramatically starts to disappear as young as age 20!
FYI : If an advertisement just calls their product "CoQ10," it is the cheaper oxidized Ubiquinone form. Conversely, if it is the more expensive Ubiquinol, they will call it "Ubiquinol" CoQ10 to let you know it's the "good stuff." They want their "credit" for value added, right? So remember, if it just says "CoQ10" it's the cheaper stuff that you DON'T want... well, unless you're a teen-ager.
There is also an even better —if more expensive— form called "Hydrosoluble," a process which can be applied to Ubiquinone or to Ubiquinol. This process makes the normally fat-soluble Ubiquinone or the Ubiquinol, also Water-Soluble! This increases absorption considerably.
Hydrosoluble Ubiquinol, though, is as much as twice the price of regular Ubiquinol... so, if money's no object (...right...) then get the Hydrosoluble Ubiquinol. If money is tight? Then get the regular Ubiquinol; however, I would not buy the Hydrosoluble CoQ10 (Ubiquinone), again, unless you're a teenager... but I must add, teenagers shouldn't need supplemental CoQ10.
What's the big deal about CoQ10? Quite simply, the nutrient is critical for "energy production," so naturally it is concentrated around the energy producing organelle in each and every cell, the Mitochondria, plus several other cell organelles. Oh, and this is forgetting — all around the heart of Bubba Clinton (remember him?). In fact, back to the heart, there is considerably more CoQ10 found in that never relaxing organ as there is found in all other organs! Unfortunately, as we age, remember, and produce less CoQ10, the greatest and fastest decrease of same... is in the heart! In fact from age 20 to 40 you will likely lose twice as much CoQ10 from the heart as opposed to the liver or lungs!
This deficiency in CoQ10 must almost surely lead to heart disease... because you see, people who live to age 90 near invariably have unusually high levels of CoQ10 measured. That this is not more common knowledge provokes me to further suspect the duplicity of governments, agencies, and institutions enthralled with corporate dollars and betraying or abandoning their charge to do no harm.
Don't misinterpret my tone... I love big corporations; they can provide quality jobs and solid careers. I just insist they be ethical — mammalian preferred to reptilian.
Consider. Isn't it strange that a thing you take to "avoid heart disease" can dramatically contribute to having that same heart disease? This is especially disconcerting when you consider that high cholesterol is not even a disease to start, though it can be a reaction to a disease! See, cholesterol is actually trying to help you and protect you when it responds to a real disease like arterial inflammation (caused by crap consumed!) or, it may be some other very natural condition which will never lead to heart disease!
Yes! Isn't it strange how a saturated fat, blubber-eating Traditional Inuit (Eskimo), even one with a very high total cholesterol of 300, or so, will likely never have heart disease; however, a thin Marathon runner with normal cholesterol can have a clogged-artery-heart-attack if he does some or all of the wrong dietary things. 40 to 50% of the folks who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol, fuh-God's sake! CNN's Doctor Gupta doesn't tell you that, eh?
This incongruity can easily be explained with the 1994 finding by the prestigious British Medical Journal, 'Lancet', proclaiming —as I have written before because it bears repeating— that 75% of the crap blocking your arteries is oxidized Unsaturated Food oils, like Soy & Corn oil, which are commonly labeled "Vegetable Oil." This does not include the unjustly maligned, healthful, and biologically important Cholesterol... ...Additionally, you know what? I'd be willing to bet a sizable sum that the remaining 25% of blockage material would not even be there, but for the preceding 75%!
What?! YeahYeahYeah... you're right, Lancet didn't call the blockage material "Crap."
Anyway, this Marathon guy with normal cholesterol, alluded to earlier, eats the following...
... Insulin producing, inflammatory-causing sugar & refined carbs
... Artery-clogging Polyunsaturated food oil like Soy, Corn, Cottonseed, etc. —and don't confuse with healthful MonoUnsat oil like Olive oil or the magical Coconut oil— ...gee Al, you mean all of the thousands of "Registered" Dieticians are lying when they say that Coconut Oil is bad for your heart because it is 90% solid Saturated fat. Yes, actually I think "Registered" means they have a 666 tattoo "Registered," somewhere, under their hairline.
... Mineral-binding Phytates & Oxalates in Soy, bread, cereal, pasta
... Mineral-binding, highly Indigestible Gluten in wheat, barley, rye
... Heart-stopping TransFat found in Margarine & Crisco and in virtually all commercially baked goods like Eric Cartman's "Cheezy Poofs" & "Snacky Cakes"
... Oh yeah, and lots & lots of sweet fruit juice to produce the insulin leading directly to Fructose Induced Insulin Resistance and the associated Type II Diabetes and your garden variety arterial inflammation... resulting in heart disease & strokes!
... And... let us not forget the sweet juice by-product of fructose metabolism, uric acid, providing for that crippling Gout we love so much. Ummm, hurts so good!
Back to bad-diet "Marathon Guy? Well, like Jim Fixx —and a host of other high performance athletic types who don't eat right and eschew any form of supplementation— he keels over into a scurvy skin-sack of over-exercised meat! That's the long and tall!
Moreover, if Bubba Clinton's MD's did not tell him about CoQ10, then SHAME ON THEM because, Jeez, he was the president of the United —freakin'— States! They should pull out all the stops and recommend Ubiquinol even if the Pharmaceutical industry —I'm guessing— discourages doctors from mentioning this Ubiquinone issue at all!
I mean, would doctors really keep this info from the President just because they themselves have dropped to their knees for the "Satanistas" of the Pharmaceutical Industry by keeping the CoQ10 connection under the radar?
On the other hand, if they did the right thing and put Bubba on 2 or 3 hundred mg of CoQ10 daily, it might get noticed and then folks might ask, "Hey, why did you tell Bubba and not tell us?" Perhaps they told him but refrained from telling us... Perhaps they both refrained from telling us! Conspiracy is FUN, eh?
The Lipitor web site, by the way, only goes so far as to tell you that a possible side effect might be muscle weakness (also called "muscle-wasting")... but never mentions the cause is a CoQ10 deficiency, brought on by the Lipitor! Though, more importantly, it is that they don't mention that you yourself can do something about it... like take Ubiquinol. More "diving Klaxons" are appropriate? You bet!
On reflection, I would really like to know why Statin-makers don't just go ahead and put a couple of hundred mg of Ubiquinol in every tablet. I can think of several wholly evil and nefarious reasons, but it would just be speculation so I'll keep it to myself. Uh-huh...
Regarding Lipitor-induced Muscle Weakness, here's an illustration: My co-writing buddy Lehmberg's now deceased mother, Twyla, who had COPD, could not raise her arms above her head after being on Lipitor for a couple of years. Her MD assured her it wasn't the Lipitor.
I recommended she become more adamant with her doctor because I felt that for sure it was the Lipitor causing the problem. Predictably, her MD was intractable. She decided to stop the drug on her own.
Well, guess what? That's right!
Within 2 weeks she could easily raise her arms above her head. Her cholesterol went from 150 (WAY TOO LOW) to 220, which is perfect for 76 year old women, in the aggregate, even though it was 20 points above the silly max total of "200" set, I'm betting, artificially low... why? To sell more Lipitor!
Yeah, that's right, reader. This is the dangerous chicanery passing for "best practice" in an obviously psychopathic and reptilian motivated "corpocracy"!
Think about it, Reader! If the Statin induced muscle-wasting is so bad you can't raise your arms — what's it doing to that other, single-most important, muscle? Your Heart!
As an aside, I was encouraged when months later Twyla went to a different heart specialist and volunteered that she had stopped taking Lipitor against her doctor's orders after experiencing muscle-wasting and he'd said "Good, you didn't need it anyway"...so hey, there may be some honest MD out there.
See, it is natural for old folk's cholesterol to increase as they age; it protects them and, in fact, actually makes them feel better. Low cholesterol has the potential to cause or exacerbate a host of diseases and mood problems as I have shared with you many times.
Constructively, then, here are my top 3 heart disease prevention supplements:
1).. Ubiquinol --- take 50 to 400mg of Ubiquinol or the Hydrosoluble form.
2).. Complex B-50 --- take one B-50 daily...you're taking the whole B-50 (they're cheap) to primarily get the "Big 3 Heart B's" (B-6, B-12 & Folic acid). These 3 will dramatically reduce the #1 heart "bad-guy"...the artery-corrosive amino-acid, Homocysteine.
3).. TMG --- take about a gram or so daily (it's cheap). TMG works in synergy with the 3 B's above to reduce inflammation causing Homocysteine...plus it does great things for your liver.
FYI : Please read about the great & brave Harvard MD, Dr. K. McCully who did the research that showed this connection between reduced heart disease (caused by caustic Homocysteine) and taking adequate B-6, B-12, Folic acid & TMG...it cost him his career and was the subject of my very first NewsLetter & the name of his book "The Cholesterol Myth" found at: http://www.alienview.net/ALLT1.html#CholesterolMyth
OK, remember, all the supplements in the world won't do as much good as cutting out the crazy crap that you eat, like Sugar, sweet juice, refined carbs, Poly-Unsaturated Food Oil, Soy Isolate and Trans-Fats like Margarine & Crisco.
Closing, you must think, reader, that I hate America because I expose how we are advised by registered Dieticians from the Government's "New Food Pyramid" that several of those things we just identified as harmful... are touted as "Health-Foods," according to them. These include things like fruit juice, Soy & PolyUnsat Food oils...
Yes that's right; and what is our ever-expanding "Nanny-State" government but entirely trustworthy... Somebody better reset that popped Sarcasm Circuit Breaker, eh?
...So, let me leave you on this cheery note. As you assume the "position" before "The Man", thank Him profusely for His loving protection, eh? Thank him when he imposes his imperialistic CODEX on us: we, the out-classed, wholly disrespected, but unvarnished and overpopulated masses...
CODEX, remember, is a handy little mechanism —in our best interest of course— which will require a doctor's prescription to buy substandard vitamins or minerals at unnecessarily inflated prices... but, oh yeah, don't forget to smile subserviently as he... "shows you the instruments of your torture," eh?
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough, well be.
LivingTree Root #056 Kashi Cereal is Garbage By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net [334 774-0395] With Alfred Lehmberg — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/
Have you seen the new Kashi commercials claiming Kashi cereal has as much protein as an egg? Some of you might already know my feelings with regard to sociopaths who use "half-truths" to sell their product or further their egregious agenda... consequently this latest insult has me pretty much in freakin' lunar trajectory!
If you look at the long list of yummy sounding, "natural" ingredients in Kashi GO LEAN, you might get that old hippy-dippy, "seeds & nuts", lets-hold-hands-and-sing-a-"Kum Ba Yah"... feeling. This is, mind you, only if you don't know or understand that once you "Process" all this crap into a "cereal" you have just another high glycemic, hi-gluten, hi-carb, insulin-spiking, sugary abomination that tastes great, you know, so people feel really good about buying into the lie that this is actually a health food. Nothing could be further than the truth.
No folks, Kashi is just more over-processed and refined carbs masquerading as a real-meal. If you're in a "21st Century" hurry and double down feeding it to your small children, you might be able to induce Type-2 Adult-onset Diabetes before they are actually adults! That's right; trust me, it happens all the time—when 50 years ago it was unheard of!
It remains... the thing I really want to take issue with is the ridiculous assertion that—gram for gram—highly denatured Soy Protein Concentrate is somehow just as nutritious as Egg protein! Stuff and nonsense! Apart from being wrong on so many levels it buggers imagination, this dietary mendaciousness is so silly and misleading that I am sputtering... compelled, even, to launch into dropped F-bombs and one well provoked name-calling tirade!
OK—deep breath—I'm alright. If I start swearing the bad guys win... so lets look at just a few of Soy Protein's many shortfalls:
1)..Phytates & Oxalates - These bind to minerals like Calcium & especially Zinc. Many veggies & grains contain varying degrees of P&O, but Soy is likely the highest... followed closely by grains. And yes, even spinach... Sorry Popeye, but 95% of the Calcium in spinach is bound to Oxalates, thus unusable. Where spinach is at 95%, Soy has the dubious distinction of binding with 100% of its Calcium, and then going out looking for more!
2)..Trypsin inhibitors – These block the absorption of protein by inhibiting the enzyme Trypsin. These inhibitors are very high in raw Soy so this is why virtually all these soy products are highly cooked & denatured, and why Soy Oil must be refined. Unfortunately cooking doesn't destroy all the Inhibitor, which can lead—supposedly—to an enlarged pancreas and cancer!
3)..Phytoestrogen - Folks, 90% (that's a guess) of the population doesn't need more estrogen, estrogen-mimics, or Xeno-Estrogens that already clutter their lives. This is, of course, unless you like Eric Cartman man-boobs (moobs) on your big-boned, "Hey... not fat," male off-spring... then double down on the stuff, eh?
4)..Amino-Acid Profile - Soy is a "Complete" protein with all 11 essential amino-acids but like many veggie proteins it is weak due to low methionine.
Actually, we could continue this list but hey... why pile on? Face it... Soy protein is unadulterated garbage! Now let's look at the Egg.
The Egg is likely Mother-Nature's most extraordinarily perfect food, which kinda figures, eh? Life would likely begin in a packet of perfect food...
1)..It is the "Gold-Standard" for highly digestible complete proteins with very, very high levels of all 11 essential amino-acids. Egg protein is even superior and more highly digestible than fish protein.
2)..If you can refrain from cooking the egg-yolk to death it contains the 2 very powerful Omega-3's (EPA & DHA), like that which is found in cold-water fish. The 2 best ways to avoid destroying the delicate Omega fats is to soft poach the eggs or even better is to separate the white & yolk...soft scramble the whites in butter or olive oil to destroy the nasty glycoprotein that binds to the B vitamin, Biotin - then mix the raw yolk back into the cooked whites after they cool down some (again, so as not to hurt the Omega-3's).
3).. Cholesterol - I swear, if you try to tell me undamaged cholesterol in FRESH egg yolks is bad for you, I'm afraid I will have to scream. Anyway, undamaged cholesterol is one of the most healthful, multifaceted, necessary nutrients that we consume. Contrarily, on the other hand, if you consume lots of arterial inflammation causing sugar & refined carbs (like Kashi by the way) and lots of highly processed, DAMAGED, OXIDIZED cholesterol like that found in bacon or hundreds of other processed foods secretly containing highly oxidized powdered milk & powdered eggs... then have a "Happy Heart Attack," eh?
Many MD's, like NPR's hugely uninformed Dr. Zorba Pasture, continue to rail against Saturated Fat & Cholesterol when all the latest creditable research shows that decades of this crazy "Low-Fat, No-Fat" crap has resulted in old folks suffering the unintended consequences of MORE heart disease from TransFat in margarine and over-amped insulin from Hi-carb cereals, instead of the butter and eggs our Grandparents ate. Also effecting mostly the elderly: not enough good fats, the dearth of which causes cataracts and eye disease while contributing to joint problems, dementia, and thyroid disease!
Years ago when I was a self taught "Grand-Master" of cooking with Soy & Tofu, my cholesterol was 260 (which may or may not be considered high) & my "good" cholesterol (HDL) was a sickly 30.
After I saw the light and stopped eating Soy & refined carbs and started eating 4 to 6 poached eggs every day, my cholesterol dropped to 190 & my HDL climbed to 50! Undamaged dietary cholesterol has almost no effect on your total serum cholesterol but refined hi-carb foods have a tremendous negative effect on your cholesterol. If you try to convince MD's of this, it will cause their Tweety-bird heads to implode. Recall that, Eskimos eating high satfat & cholesterol diets have the lowest percentage of heart disease on the planet, but a thin Marathon runner who eats textured Soy burgers, Soy Vegetable Oil, Sugar & refined carbs (even with normal cholesterol) can easily die of a blocked artery. How's that for a little of the old irony?
Of course 75% of the stuff clogging his artery is Oxidized Polyunsat Omega-6, Linoleic Acid (LA) from the Soy Vegetable Oil... NOT from Cholesterol. See how that works?
Anyway Folks, even after reading this some of you will continue to give this crap to your kids while trying to convince yourself it's a health food just because cereal is convenient... yeah, throwing some crappy cereal on the table is certainly easier than poaching eggs.
For Vegetarians who don't eat eggs, instead of an insulin causing, hi-carb cereal can I recommend a powdered Hemp &/or Pea Protein Smoothie with banana &/or small dark berries. Write me for the recipe. Also, crazy as this sounds, blend one of Mother-Natures most perfect foods into your Smoothie...a ripe Avocado. Bananas & berries blended with Avocado create real synergy.
FYI - Hemp & Pea Protein are very digestible & have NONE of the negative characteristics associated with Soy protein.
Closing, if you insist on eating cereal, at least get one that is Gluten-Free, TransFat-Free & Sugar-Free; however, if you let your kids eat "Fruit Loops" & "Frosted Mini Wheats"—Cartman's "Snacky Cakes and Cheesy Poofs"—then you run the risk of creating an Insulin-Resistant, fat, and slow-witted little monster who will live in your basement forever in front of a video game and never kiss a girl. Really, good luck with that!
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
LivingTree Root #057 Omega EFA (Essential Fatty Acid): When It Sucks! By Alan Graham — alan068@centurytel.net With Alfred Lehmberg — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/
I'm provoked to say more regarding the oils of food and medicine, folks.
See, I am increasingly revolted to see how many "Food-Oil" & "Medicinal-Oil" producers brag about the copious amounts of Linoleic Acid (LA) in their product, like it's a good thing. Even my favorite supplement maker feels compelled to "purposely" put that unnecessary "stuff" in one of their heart formulas.
Note: I say "purposely" because Linoleic Acid is found naturally in widely varying percentages, everywhere! It is in EVERY Medicinal-Oil... oils like Flaxseed, Borage, Fish, etc. The reader discovers in this paper; however, that to purposely put a high percentage Linoleic Acid Food-Oil, like Safflower or Grapeseed, into a Heart-Supplement or Omega-3-6-9 Formula... well, it's at least deceptive and may even be more than a little evil, eh? Verily, you come to find, why use it at all?
See, it's understood that the Omega-6, LA (Linoleic Acid) regarded is one of two EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) that is, along with its sister oil Omega-3 ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid), "Essential." Essential, remember, means you MUST have it. Your body can't make it out of component chemicals like it does with many other substances so you must then consume this "essential" in food or supplements.
Though, be forewarned! This does not mean that you need lots of the Omega-6 EFA, (LA)... especially when two of the biggest sources of that LA are in a toxic form! These toxic forms are: (1) Widely used Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oil, and (2) Virtually ALL processed foods.
Fortunately, both bad sources of this oxidized LA are "sorta-kinda" easy to avoid... unless you are a "Cheezy Poofs" junkie, eh?
Note: This is in contrast to the Omega-"3" Fatty-Acids like ALA (from plants) and EPA & DHA (from Krill & Fish oil), where large doses are generally a good thing...especially the 2 powerful Omega-3's from Fish Oil, EPA & DHA.
For the reader's convenience: here's a Glossary of terms relating how they apply to Linoleic Acid and why we frankly want Linoleic Acid out of our lives, except, of course, for the undamaged small amounts found in all fresh foods... even fruit!
1).. Food Oil — PolyUnsaturated Vegetable & Seed Oil like Soy, Corn, Cottonseed are all very high in LA. These are called "Poly" because the various percentages of LA in these oils have more than one Double-Bond (DB). Remember, with multiple DB's you create a highly reactive "Unpaired Electron" leading to quick oil rancidity – requiring, even, that the oil be "Deodorized" to remove its stench. This hi-heat process "burns" off the rancid smell, which leaves a fresh smelling, if toxic, oil-mimicking substance behind.
FYI — Remember most, but not all, of these high LA oils can be more expensively "cold-processed" to avoid turning rancid initially! These "Unrefined" oils must say—on the bottle—refrigerate after opening! When have you ever run across a food oil bottle saying that? That's right, reader... NEVER! Those kinds of Oil requiring refrigeration after being opened have to be special ordered on the web or found in some health food stores.
OK, you open a bottle of supermarket Poly "Food-Oil" like Corn Oil and then sit it on the shelf at room temperature. After a couple of months, if it still smells fresh, then that means it has been refined at high heat creating lots of yummy Lipid-Peroxide "chemical destroyers" to attack every cell in your body.
MonoUnsat Oils like Olive Oil & Macadamia Nut Oil, conversely, will stay fresh for months without any "Refining."
A note: Avocado Oil COULD BE one of the greatest Mono Oils on the planet except you never see it UNrefined... it is pretty much always refined, so forget about it.
Now Folks, this "Refined" PolyUnsaturated Oil's contribution to Cancer & Heart Disease far outweighs any healthful benefits that might have been derived from the antioxidants they brag about being in them! Solution? Switch to non-toxic Olive Oil and then take a cheap Grapeseed Extract Capsule for the same antioxidants. Voilà', problem solved!
Note: ALL OILS naturally have (must have) 3 types of fatty-acids, PolyUnsat., MonoUnsat. & Saturated Fat. The drastically different percentages of these 3 fats in the oil is what makes one Oil "magical" and makes the other Oil "Suck"....Hi-MonoUnsat. is magical, Hi-PolyUnsat. is crap.
Important! The "Crap" only applies to PolyUnsat. food oil, not to PolyUnsat. medicinal oil. Don't confuse them!
PolyUnsat. Food Oils (Soy, Corn, etc.), with 2 very volatile Double-Bonds, remember, will turn rancid due to the heat of pressing! These must be RBDed (Refined, Bleached, Deodorized... read "killed"!) to remove the rancid smell... but it can't remove the toxic Lipid-Peroxide left as a result of processing the LA, (Linoleic Acid) with high heat!
MonoUnsat. Food Oils (Olive & Macadamia Nut) only have one Double-Bond which means they don't have an "Unpaired Electron" leading to rancid oil. Consequently, they don't require RBDing, and they are heart healthy. Also, these "Monos" will stay fresh for a long time even at room temp! The only way PolyUnsat. Oil will remain fresh for months at room temperature is by refining it into toxic submission.
2).. Medicinal Oil — Unlike PolyUnsat. "Food-Oils", PolyUnsat. "Medicinal-Oils" have to be processed much more carefully & expensively to insure the oil is not damaged. These are oils like Flaxseed (for ALA), Evening Primrose (for GLA) & Fish Oil (for EPA & DHA)...
...OR...my favorites, Black Currant Seed Oil (for GLA), Krill Oil (for EPA & DHA) & Chia Seed (for ALA). Chia Seed only comes in seed form & hopefully no one will ever try to turn it into an Oil or succeed in reviving the "Chia-Pet" technology because someone grew "Chia-Hair" on a little Obama statue... I digress.
3).. Omega-6 — One of 2 families of Fatty-Acid where the "Simplest" Form, LA (Linoleic-Acid), is one of the 2 EFA's... the other being the Omega-3 family, where the "Simplest" form is the "Essential Fatty Acid", ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid).
FYI -- "Simple" means the least amount of energy containing "Double-Bonds" (DB's) in the long Fatty-Acid Chain. "Complex" means that through enzymatic action the number of DB's and the length of the "chain" are increased where each addition of a DB will exponentially increase the power and usefulness of the Fatty-Acid. ...Real chemical magic.
For example the 2 extremely "Complex" Fish oil Omega-3's have 5 & 6 "Double-Bonds", making EPA & DHA the 2 most powerful nutrients on the planet! Additionally, it facilitates the ability to help prevent virtually every malady or disease. High speed, low drag.
Moving down a notch, you have the "Simple" Plant-Derived, Omega-3 (ALA) with only 3 DB's... meaning it does some good things but is generally pretty weak compared to EPA & DHA, the "Omega-3's From the Sea."
Then, at the bottom of the barrel, you have the "Simple" Omega-6 (LA), with only 2 DB's, which makes it the very weak "red-headed stepchild" of Fatty-Acids... even if it is "Essential."
(a). You see, generally, the reader wants to keep Omega-6 LA to a minimum because it is already found in EVERY form of food! Even though it is "essential," most people consume way too much! Moreover, excessive Omega-6 actually over-powers its "cell neighbor", the Omega-3 Pathway, preventing the "Simple" Omega-3 (ALA) from being transformed into the same "Complex" Omega-3's as found in Fish/Krill Oil.
See?! This is really a very big deal! I mean, how many people would think that consuming a lot of an "Essential" nutrient would destroy another "Essential" nutrient's ability to complete its most important task... changing Simple ALA to Complex EPA & DHA.
This is especially bad for Vegetarians who need that Omega-3 "conversion" to get EPA & DHA at all...because most Vegans won't use Krill or Fish oil. There is a "Vegan approved" form of DHA (from Algae). Unfortunately it does not have the same ability to slow the decline of cognition like Animal-Derived DHA from fish, krill & eggs.
Check the latest research results at:
(b). GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) — this is one Omega-6 that we do want! Why? When you take the "Simple" (2 DB) Linoleic Acid and convert it to GLA (or you take GLA Medicinal-Oil) you get a "Complex" powerful 3DB Fatty-Acid that has been used to fight inflammation (like PMS!) for decades.
Black Currant Seed Oil (BCSO) is my favorite GLA rich Oil. You see it has 17% GLA and only 30% of the stuff we would just as soon avoid, LA (Linoleic Acid).
Now compare that to the "Old Favorite" of many folks, EPO (Evening Primrose Oil). It only has 9% GLA BUT a Whopping, and less than desirable, 74% LA!
So, in my opinion, "Putting up with 30% to get 17%...is OK....BUT....Putting up with 74% to ONLY get 9%... seems a little counter-productive.
4).. EFA Death Ratio (4 to 1) — Lastly, too much Omega-6, (LA) is the key contributor to most people having an out of whack EFA Ratio of 20 to 1 or greater. This is the ratio of the 2 EFA's, where you want an Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio to be 4 to 1... or less.
FYI — By "convention" one should always list the ratio with the Omega-6 first, followed by the Omega-3.
OK, so even though with a 4 to 1 ratio, you can have 4 times the amount of Omega-6... believe me, it is the Omega-6 that you have to try to avoid while trying to increase the Omega-3 in order to get down to 4to1! See, if you eat lots of Soy & Corn Vegetable Oil (damaged LA) & lots of processed food (more damaged LA), then you might have a ratio of 30 to1.
Every extra point in the EFA Ratio above 4 to 1, and the death rate goes up! Likewise, if you are an Inuit (Eskimo) who consumes massive amounts of Omega-3, then you will have an EFA Ratio much less than 4to1 and you will likely never have a heart-attack... and you appear to actually be immune to MS!
Too, and I hesitate to mention... "Need a little Hope in the old Rope" or are you lacking a "Magneto-Libido"? Due to the Complex Omega-3's Multi-purposefulness, your average Octogenarian Eskimo "Dude" is well known for effectively "gittin' jiggy" with it... I can only presume this also applies to your garden variety 80 year old Inuit, "Dude-ette."
Note: Read my Erectile Dysfunction (ED) paper at Rense.com titled My Woody's Outside Covered with Snow ...which was a TOP-40 hit for the Trade Winds in 1965......Oh, ...wait! ...Different "Woody" altogether, but the import of the song's lyrics can be avoided still, eh?
"My Woody's outside Covered with snow,
...No place to go, now. Only surfer-boy around."
Anyway, if you eat mostly raw and/or fresh, non-processed food, then you are getting exactly the right amount of undamaged, healthful Linoleic Acid... but if you consume Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oil and lots of processed food, then that Sucking sound you hear from deep inside your head is your turgid blood trying to be pushed (you can't call it "pumped"!) through the constantly narrowing arteries in your brain.
See, as evidenced by the prestigious British medical journal "Lancet" in 1994: it reported that 75% of the stuff clogging your arteries was not an unfairly maligned cholesterol, at all, but actually oxidized Unsaturated Vegetable/Seed Oil.
Closing, remember the preceding the next time you hear your—beautifully young and intelligent—Registered Dietician at the local hospital tell you how Soy and Corn Vegetable oils are "Heart Healthy."
This is because "Registered" means that if you shave her head you might find a 666 birth-mark! Kidding of course, but perpetuating this PolyUnsat. "LA Lie," even out of ignorance, is just that grievous.
Alan Graham E-mail - alan068@centurytel.net Paper Archive - http://www.alienview.net/ALLTCON.html
That's enough. Well be.
LivingTree Root #058 Low Thyroid, Corn-fed Beef & Your "Junk in the Trunk" Additionally, being a trusting soul, she believes the
"Spawns of Satan" (Registered Dieticians) proclaiming that PolyUnsat Oil,
like Corn, Soy and (eek!) Cottonseed (!) are healthful food and cooking
oils. Any of the 3, reader, can duplicitously be called "Vegetable Oil." |
LivingTree Root #059 The American Heart Association Lies about TransFat
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